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4:03 AM
I also thought of correlative as well as anticipatory, and of course I also thought of polarity items, which is a related notion.
Another related concept is harmony or concord, as in modal harmony (when modality is expressed multiple times).
Or just concord more generally.
I haven't seen much discussion about 呼応の副詞 in English yet, but I have seen concord adverbs used.
Or correlative adverbs.
But not much turns up if I search for those.
4:12 AM
I've also seen the Japanese term used in English without translation.
But again, not very much.
But I like my term, anticipatory adverb :-)
4:59 AM
Today I talked japanese to a native through the phone, gosh it was too hard, my vocabulary is too poor to express myself. And when talking you need to know the word right away
The problem of self studying is that I don't know if my japanese is good enough for the 10 months i'm studying or if it should be better by now
I don't have anyone to compare D:
2 hours later…
6:57 AM
Hi. Could anyone translate the Japanese in English please? It was written on my friend's profile.
I think there maybe a slang in this sentence. And my friend is a people from Osaka.
7 hours later…
2:07 PM
たまに sometimes,
人見知り shy in front of strangers, afraid of strangers, shy around people I don't know,
気まぐれ capricious, whimsical?
で  and
人懐っこく friendly, affable? I like people?
たまに~~なります -> Sometimes I become~~
懐けば、 when/if I like (someone), when/if I become attached (to someone)
とことん completely, thoroughly
懐きます。 I (will) become attached (to that person).
@code_new slang とかは、特にないと思います
It's written in standard Japanese. No Osaka dialect.
2:29 PM
@Chocolate Thank you very much! 助かりました!
2:43 PM
@goldbrick ありがとうございます。"correlative"って接続詞でしかあまり聞かないイメージですね(誤解かも)
@snailplane modal harmonyっていう言い方はなかなか言い得て妙ですねw
6 hours later…
9:15 PM
I asked a question about what the prefectural symbols are called, and I am having a difficult time obtaining this answer.
i know that hata are the flags, but I am searching for the names of the symbols themselves. TY.
旗の制定 isnt matching up for me using jisho.
@道理百遍義理一遍 My research isnt adding up, please see the previous post
10:09 PM
@FelipeOliveira, take a look at my previous post.
@FelipeOliveira: I think the most useful practice for me, moving into something I would still call "intermediate Japanese", was learning to tell stories. Practice relating things like movie plots, your day at school/work, "a funny thing that happened" in Japanese.
10:33 PM
@jkerian, any feedback on my previous post?

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