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Wow, yeah, that's not even close to making sense.
If that existed, would there be any tournament format with any playable decks other than that one?
Attack with 7x 6/6's turn 1.... sure
And it would be the most consistent deck possible
But you can shut it down with Leyline of Singularity, or a turn 1 Ratchet Bomb, and maybe other things
I think in Vintage, Workshop decks would still be viable. The Poro deck would get shut down by Lodestone Golem, Trinisphere, Chalice of the Void, and Sphere of Resistance
oh wait, it's -1/1, not -1/-1
yeah i'd just play a deck that's 60 of those and win
12:47 AM
@murgatroid99 It'd still win every match where it's on the play in the first game, right?
@Jefromi If the Poro deck was popular enough, every other deck would probably start playing Leyline of Singularity mainboard
@murgatroid99 oh, okay, workshop viable with that, you mean.
@Jefromi Yeah, Workshop decks updated to that new metagame
And I guess basically nothing else would be viable even with Leyline, cause it needs to be able to win on the play if it doesn't draw Leyline.
Though, you can mulligan aggressively for Leyline, and if you hit it you win. It's not great, but it might happen often enough to make other decks viable
12:53 AM
Yeah, I guess given that you win even if you mull to one...
Plus, Legacy Leylines can sometimes win T1 on the play, so that's an option
I think you have an 87% chance of finding at least one copy of a four-of if you're willing to mulligan all the way for it.
Hmm. That sounds good enough to actually give the Poro deck a low win percentage. But then if the Poro deck isn't very popular, people won't play the Leyline mainboard, so Poro will get more free wins, which will increase the win percentage.
Yeah, so it's something that could get hated out well enough and find an equilibrium (ish) but it'd be pretty much the definition of format-warping.
Right. And it would be absolutely stupid in standard
1:00 AM
Thoughtseize + Surgical Extraction would be hilarious against that on the play...
In this grim future, every standard deck plays 60 copies of the same card. Every match is decided by the opening coin flip.
spirit guide manamorphose quicken...
Though that requires you to have a specific 6 cards, I think something like Force of Will with the Surgical Extraction would be better
@diego details
16 hours later…
5:13 PM
We could say for sure though that this OP card would be the kind that polarizes the format around itself like Skullclamp did; you either play with it or against it.
It'd also be Restricted in Vintage, making it useless. :D
5:28 PM
@doppelgreener I think that's what Jefromi meant by "the definition of format-warping"
2 hours later…
7:11 PM
I always forget how funny whymtgcardsmith is
This one is my favorite one of the day: 68.media.tumblr.com/a6914a5023bbcfcdb572df20934517bd/…
7:51 PM
@Rainbolt I definitely approve of "planeswalker or plains"
-1 for not also including Plainswalkers
1 hour later…
9:20 PM
@murgatroid99 For a split second I read that comment as an ability "-1: search for including a Plainswalkers"

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