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@DoubleAA Wow. That's so cool!!
>As may be expected from our knowledge of the development of the
Hebrew text, the En-Gedi Hebrew text is not vocalized, there are no
indications of verses, and the script resembles other documents from
the late Dead Sea Scrolls. The text deciphered thus far is completely
identical with the consonantal framework of the medieval text of the
Hebrew Bible, traditionally named the Masoretic Text, and which is
the text presented in most printed editions of the Hebrew Bible. On
the other hand, one to two centuries earlier, the so-called proto-Masoretic
12 hours later…
1:10 PM
@DoubleAA The authors are doing an AMA on reddit this morning. In a few hours, they'll visit that post and answer questions that were posted there.
2:03 PM
@DoubleAA, I just saw this on that Vayikra scroll in the Times: nytimes.com/2016/09/22/science/…
4 hours later…
6:16 PM
I couldn't figure out from the articles. Was it just a scroll of Vayikra, or was it a complete torah scroll that only Vayikra remained? The it was in the inner part of the rolled scroll, but I wasn't sure what that meant. (If it was just a scroll of Vayikra, why would the beginning be in the inner part. Wouldn't it be like a megilla, where the outer part is the beginning?)
@Menachem It's charcoal. Probably no one knows what the full original was. We have part of Vayikra left.
@Menachem I believe it's machloket rishonim how to understand the gemara (bb 13b-14a) about which direction to roll books in
6:36 PM
From the paper: As we will see, the
two outer segments contain the text of Lev 1–2, with Lev 1 wrapped inside
Lev 2, while the innermost segment that has been analyzed is a large blank
area. We can therefore conclude that the scroll was rolled from its beginning,
and the outer layers contained subsequent passages.
Furthermore, figure 1 shows that there are not many additional layers
rolled inside the scroll. This implies that the exposed sections are close to the
beginning of the scroll (since the scroll was rolled from its beginning). -- http://www.hum.huji.ac.il/upload/_FILE_1474480873.pdf

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