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3:02 AM
@DoubleAA @IsaacMoses @MonicaCellio Thanks for your kind words re tagging. I tagged that one without having seen the chat, incidentally.
In other news, it's the last of three occasions (this year) of which the first two were pointed out in Bam. In a manner of speaking.
10 hours later…
1:28 PM
@rolfl I just figured out what SEDE stands for after all this time (-_-;)
@msh210 I didn't follow that
1:54 PM
I am thinking of creating a social web app that will enable users to post armaic/hebrew words and get translations from other users. Sort of a collaborative dictionary. There could be votes, word sources, etc. Is there a need for such an app?
Basically there is no current platform where you can type a gemarah word and get a translation quickly
they have a jastrow index but it's clunky
The only issue I see if enough people would be willing to post tranlsations
and the people posting the words have to be willing to wait for a translation
@TheOne I think my ex-chevrusa had a similar app, but I'm not sure
I can ask him
ios has a talmud dictionary
but it's not collaborative and they don't have for android
and it uses jastrow
@TheOne got it.
would you use this app if it were available?
@TheOne Yes. I have an Android phone and I would love to have a dictionary app. Although I'm not sure that I would ever get around to posting translations. I would probably usually be using it while learning and I am not going to want to interrupt my learning to type in the translation. But afterwards, I'd be going on to other things
That could be the biggest issue
I imagine that others could be similar
1:59 PM
The dictionary could be downloaded for offline use...
How does mi yodea work?
People post questions and come back later
it doesn't have to be bitul torah
Is there anything that could make it addictive?
@TheOne I just mean that after I'm done learning, I am probably not going to want to come back and post a translation
@TheOne There are plenty of gamification strategies out there. I'm no expert
Daniel, you mentioned you worked in IT previously
What sort of company exactly?
@TheOne I very recently switched jobs
2:05 PM
I now work for a company that works with digital video
But I still don't know much about digital video
i see
@TheOne Why do you ask?
im job hunting
2:20 PM
@TheOne There's a pretty finite set of words that would be asked about. After a short amount of time things would be overwhelmingly duplicates of earlier posts
flow: you search for a word; if no translation is found, post it; otherwise show translation
there will only be one post per word
each "post" can have multiple translations, sources, comments, etc
@TheOne What about variable spellings?
Also how do you verify the translations?
via a voting system
just like answers on my yodeya
heck, I have some time to kill, might as well make something of it...
I wanted to learn react.js
this would be a good opportunity for that
3 hours later…
5:27 PM
@TheOne Stack Exchange benefits from: reputation points, badges, increasing privileges, a sense of community and communal responsibility for a site, and spaces (chat) for socializing
6:07 PM
@IsaacMoses, and most importantly: the entire stackoverflow userbase...
6:25 PM
@TheOne I think the various mechanisms for keeping the place a compelling place to come back to and contribute to are more important than any initial audience, to SO as well as to the rest of SE.

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