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12:03 AM
@DavidCarlisle I beat you by 16 seconds on the \protect comment. :)
@egreg yes I noticed that, I'm faster than @percusse (see comment 3 up:-)
12:43 AM
Gah! Some package LaTeX automatically installed has messed up my fonts!
[ sorry, that's not meant to be a criticism -- it's just really odd ]
@Mohan latex never installs anything, the blame must be elsewhere;-)
@DavidCarlisle MikTeX loads packages on-the-fly. My best guess at the moment (which is probably not very accurate one) is that libgreek mess with some of the libertine files.
@DavidCarlisle I haven't been fiddling with any of the font files manually, so I can't see what else it could be...
@Mohan still that's miktex not latex:-)
@DavidCarlisle Sorry, yes. I'm in the middle of a full uninstall/reinstall to see if that fixes things.
Sadly not. I don't suppose anyone could tell me where that this looks as if it should produce libertine?


1234567890 This text should be typeset in Libertine
12:59 AM
not me:-) ! Font EU1/fxl/m/n/10=[fxlr.otf]:Ligatures=TeX:+ccmp;+locl;+mark;+mkmk;+kern;+l
iga;+clig;+trep;+tlig at 10.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file or installed fo
nt not found.
@DavidCarlisle thank you for trying
@Mohan think I saw in chat that libertine package was updated recently....
@Mohan It works seamlessly for me (TeX Live 2012)
@egreg thank you.
@DavidCarlisle You have quite an old Libertine package, judging from the font name.
1:01 AM
@DavidCarlisle If libertine has been updated, what should I do? Try to get hold of the old files and manually overwrite the new ones?
@egreg probably the original tl2012 version so not that old, just doing a tlmgr update libertine npw
@DavidCarlisle Libertine seems to be changing every couple of days.
That was an attempt to paste a snapshot of the kind of output I was expecting, just to check that I'm not doing something stupid
@Mohan you could but that's just swimming upstream and means you will have problems at every update forever. best to make the mew vesrion work, sending bug reports if need be,
@DavidCarlisle I'm more than happy to do that --- but I have no clue where to start. I'm just in the middle of another uninstall/reinstall to try a different example.
1:07 AM
@Mohan you presumably were not expecting that output from the input you just posted? I just updated libertine and now ger
That was what I wanted (and what I was getting before)
Sorry, the actual text was different because it was taken from a screenshot.
But what you have looks right -- it has the small numbers and some of them descend further below the line than others.
@DavidCarlisle Could I ask what repository you are using?
@Mohan dunno, hang on:-)
@DavidCarlisle thank you.
LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `EU1/fxl/m/n' undefined
(Font) using `EU1/lmr/m/n' instead on input line 5.
Presumably that's the problem...
@Mohan presumably, but I know nothing about fontspec naming conventions so can't really help I get no warnings with this version of the package
Package: libertine 2012/12/06 (Bob Tennent) Supports Libertine and Biolinum fon
ts for all LaTeX engines.
Ah, wait:

starting package maintenance...
installation directory: "C:\Documents and Settings\Mohan\Application Data\MiKTeX
package repository: http://mirror.ox.ac.uk/sites/ctan.org/systems/win32/miktex/t
lightweight database digest: b89e38f1c3c83330a4f8cb58a89e2f7f
xelatex.exe: Unknown archive file size.
xelatex.exe: Data: libertine-legacy
@DavidCarlisle Maybe miktex is looking for libertine-legacy where TexLive is looking for libertine?
1:21 AM
@Mohan er pass:-) Seems that until 5 minutes ago I didn't have libertine installed at all, I know nothing:-)
@DavidCarlisle So you installed it just before generating that picture?
yes previously I got the error message I posted
@DavidCarlisle Just running the package manager again. Earlier today, I only saw 'libertine'; right now, I see 'libertine-legacy' instead. When I actually try and grab that, it gives a 404. So it seems like they have updated the package , but the change hasn't fully propagated. I think?
@Mohan I know even less about miktex than I know about libertine (and it's 1.30 in the morning so I don't care:-)
@DavidCarlisle Sorry, please don't let me keep you up!
@DavidCarlisle thank you for all the help so far.
1:27 AM
@Mohan No I'd probably be up anyway but not thinking about miktex package manager:-)
@DavidCarlisle I'd normally be asleep, but having my TeX break was rather scary...
@Mohan what time zone are you?
ah :-)
@DavidCarlisle I think I'll try posting a question about it and then going to sleep -- hopefully some other MikTeX user will know what's going on.
2 hours later…
3:36 AM
I think http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/86329/miktex-2-9-libertine-suddenly-broken is useless to man or beast. (Short v.: I did something stupid.) May I delete it? [NB. I'm about to head off to sleep, so won't see replies until the morning.]

@Mohan : of course you may. I just voted up your post, so when you delete it you'll earned the "disciplined" badge :-)
4:25 AM
@Mohan Not sure what the problem is in leaving it. If you made a mistake someone else may well make the same mistake in the future so this might help them. Why not just post an answer.
1 hour later…
5:35 AM
@egreg Ha
5:54 AM
@StephanLehmke Well to be fair, yours isn't really just a package is it?
@AlanMunn The name is docscape.sty, the rest is just a bit of fluff for initializing XMLTeX, providing a minimal document class etc.
@StephanLehmke Yeah but ... you're not marketing to regular LaTeX users.
Anyway I know you're just having fun with your comment.
6:10 AM
@AlanMunn Correct. I agree it makes no sense to make a plain vanilla package which used to be available on CTAN commercial (though I don't even know what the particular case is). If there would ever be a successful system for paying for packages, it would be some larger, appstore-like approach.
@StephanLehmke And I think that's what the person we were talking about has in mind. There's a large Arabic script market out there that is likely hungry for high quality typesetting. I'm not sure he'll be successful, but I bet someone could.
@Vivi I'm not sure that was a great question as it was written (a lot of work to get to the actual problem) and since the answer was clearly in the docs and it wasn't about a regular class or package people elected to close it. We take a lot longer to close questions than many of the other SE sites. (Just an observation, not a justification.)
@AlanMunn Ok so if this person is the only one with sufficient proficiency to provide for that need, this could even work ;-)
@StephanLehmke Right. Hopefully that's not the case.
6:39 AM
@AlanMunn My problem is exactly with the "it was clearly in the docs". Everyone makes stupid mistakes and overlooks things that are very clear to others, but not clear for them. This how this site can get to be elitist: labelling things as "very clear", "too easy", etc. I am not saying this is a pathological problem in this site. Very often I see people being extremely nice and courteous, as for example lockstep here: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/86096/…
By the way, should the question linked have been closed?
I agree with you on the general point, and I've often given answers that simply quote from the documentation (package docs aren't always the easiest things to read after all) but in this case I think it was the combination of custom class + in the docs. (I wasn't part of the close vote, but that seems to be what Guido commented.)
And I also want to complain about the fact that A LOT of people are not explaining why they are voting to close, and the OP only finds out there is a problem when the question is actually closed.
There is a meta question about this. It is important to leave a comment when you are the first one to vote to close a question.
Another question that maybe shouldn't have been closed: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/86221/…
@Vivi A close call. I wouldn't have voted to close, and I see that egreg tried to prevent it, unsuccessfully.
I think questions are being closed a bit too quickly. There was a question I posted an answer to that was closed, and I voted to reopen and it was reopened: tex.stackexchange.com/q/75116/14
I agree this site is quite good compared to others, but I think there is room for improvement.
@Vivi One thing I can see in common with all of these close votes is they were done by medium rep users. So maybe we're seeing a bit of the piling on mentality in these close votes. I agree it's not a good trend to encourage.
@Vivi And a good thing too, it seems, since there are two good answers there that go beyond the "just use listings (which was I assume the proposed duplicate.)
@Vivi We've actually had some good discussions on meta about this: meta.tex.stackexchange.com/q/2770/2693 and meta.tex.stackexchange.com/q/971/2693 but that requires people to read them. Maybe you should raise a new meta question (which may get noticed).
6:50 AM
Anyway, I think my view on closing questions differs a bit from most people. I remember seeing a post on meta about "different disease, same treatment" or something like that. I think that rather than closing the question, links could be provided to similar questions to encourage different solutions. "Exact duplicate" should be used for EXACT duplicates, not similar questions. But I understand it is my view...
@Vivi Unfortunately 'exact' is an inexact term. :) I'm very sympathetic to your view, though.
@Vivi Well that questions are reopened is a sign the system works after all in my opinion. Closing a question is not always a signal that it's a hopeless case but can be a strong motivation for the OP to improve it. Most of the cases when I found a question was closed unjustly I got it reopened.
@AlanMunn Yeah, it seems like those commenting on the meta questions understand the need to make a comment when voting to close and they are not so keen on closing questions too quickly. It is unfortunate that not everyone reads the meta questions. I will keep the links handy so I can link them when I see people voting to close questions without comments or unfairly (IMO)
@Vivi That's a good idea.
Thanks for chatting about this. I need to go to sleep now. :)
@Vivi and @AlanMunn Since you're talking about hastily closed questions, I think this should not have been closed. tex.stackexchange.com/questions/86227/verbatim-inside-tikz-node/… The answer to the linked question does not work when \Verb!p! was replaced by \begin{Verbatim} p\end{Verbatim}
6:58 AM
@StephanLehmke The problem, as discussed in the meta question Alan linked, is that new users might not take it so well and they should be given a chance to explain why the related question doesn't solve their problem. I am not against closing a question, but I don't think it is a good idea to rush to close a question to then have to reopen it later. Not the worst case scenario, but not the best either.
@AlanMunn thank you :)
@AlanMunn Seconded. One problem I see is that sometimes you know a question is a duplicate but are unable to find the original, so settle for second best.
@StephanLehmke Yes, that's also true.
By the way, how can I use a hyperlink in a comment? I always post the full link because I don't know how to do hyperlinks...
@Vivi Enclose the title in [] and the link in ()
@hpesoj626 So for example Welcome to TeX.sx
Haha! Works here, too! Thanks :)
7:04 AM
Welcome. Found that out just recently too :)
@Vivi Anyway, I just open Text building blocks, copy and paste or modify relevant text building block
@hpesoj626 Now THAT is a useful link!
7:27 AM
@Vivi Another aspect is that there is no easier way to get rep than to answer a duplicate question, while the SX system doesn't reward identifying a duplicate at all. Most often it's much easier to write "use \tabularnewline" or whatever than to search for the duplicate to link to. OTOH there are reasons not to want answers to the same problem spread out over a large number of almost-identical questions.
Sometimes, if the duplicate is not exact, it might be the best solution to edit the original question to be more general and match both cases.
@hpesoj626 Sometime back i have got a link which gives all TeX.SX good high voted highly popular questions. do you have the link for a bunch of questions in TeX.SX in the meta SX
@texenthusiast I just click Questions>Votes. It will arrange the questions in terms of number of votes
@hpesoj626 ya i did it just now. Any list of community wiki questions
I just noticed that we are already above 30,000 questions :)
@hpesoj626 but out of them , i feel 1/10th would be basic and routine faqs
7:40 AM
@texenthusiast No. I do not keep tabs of all of them. I did keep some as favorites. When I can't find something I want, I just Google it and see those pertaining to tex.SX
@texenthusiast Search for wiki:1, and sort by votes. tex.stackexchange.com/search?tab=votes&q=wiki%3a1
@texenthusiast List of search options can be found here: tex.stackexchange.com/search
@TorbjørnT. is it documented somewhere ?
@TorbjørnT. sorry
@TorbjørnT. i missed earlier one
@TorbjørnT. Thanks for the info. Another learned today :)
1,234 ... number of wiki questions to date
@TorbjørnT. how to search my favourites , is it the same procedure
@texenthusiast in your profile click on link favorites
@texenthusiast wow. you have a lot of favorited questions. :)
7:46 AM
@hpesoj626 i have around more than 100 odd questions. I would like to search in them
@hpesoj626 All my knowledge bank is there
@texenthusiast but then I realized I have more favorite questions. :) Unfortunately I don't know how to search from them too.
@texenthusiast Apparently there used to be a way of searching in favorites, but it was dropped due to performance issues, see meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/78946/… and related questions.
@hpesoj626 we are both in same TUGboat
@TorbjørnT. Thanks for the excellent information
I feel like having an afternoon nap. Meantime, see my sleigh fall...
@hpesoj626 carry on your break and thanks for all
7:58 AM
Hello :)
@hpesoj626 this is what i was looking for meta.tex.stackexchange.com/questions/2419/…
its available in the under the tags 'big-list'
@tohecz hello
I just got over 10k rep, no matter one stupid downvoter. Yay!
congrats @tohecz. you are the in 5 digit club
@tohecz As is often pointed out, downvotes don't actually matter in terms of overall rep (certainly not on TeX-sx, where they are pretty rare)
Yeah, I know. It is just annoying...
and actually, since we tend to upvote really negative-score posts to keep them on -1, we boost the author of the post
8:11 AM
Usually the downvoter should give a reason for this gesture right ?
@texenthusiast Should, but often don't
@texenthusiast Yes, but this user is giving more downvotes than upvotes, so I don't think he means them seriously.
@Vivi They (we) quite often do, but there aren't many downvotes on this site. E.g. for me, its 14 of 2100, and that is considered quite a lot (needed to note that some of them are on CW big-lists where I simply didn't like some answers and took the liberty of the CW system).
@tohecz Who is the user?
@Vivi You mean the downvoter?
8:20 AM
I'm not sure if I should say it so loudly in the chat, despite some people knowing who is it. @Joseph opinions?
@tohecz I'd rather you didn't, but ultimately it's your call
I tend to agree with @JosephWright on this, I hope you don't mind, @Vivi
General note on voting: the information available to the moderators is actually pretty limited, and mainly focussed on 'sock-puppet' upvoting. We get just some general trend data
@tohecz It's OK.
I know, there's the bot to deal with this if it gets serious.
8:28 AM
@kan Hi!
I would like to define a new environment that will modify an existing environment, but slightly non-trivially. I'd like the environment to take two parameters... any pointers?
@tohecz Yes, but who knows what the bot counts as serious :-)
@kan for a basic help, try this one:
A: Redefining the quote environment

Stefan Kottwitz Environments are written without backslash, in \renewenvironment Define also \endorigquote \let\origquote\quote \let\endorigquote\endquote \renewenvironment{quote}{% \vspace{-0.5\parskip} \origquote }% {\endorigquote}

@tohecz Found him! Went to Users -> voters -> month and worked the list backwards, one by one. Women are curious :P
8:35 AM
@Vivi I don't think that he's distinguishable in that list
@StephanLehmke I was referring to commercial packages to sell; you're not selling a package, are you?
@tohecz Well, then I just managed to find someone else with more downvotes than upvotes... Anyway, let's pretend I found the correct person otherwise I won't do my work!
@Vivi then you're probably right
Haha, good! See, you learned two things about women today: 1- Women are curious 2- Women are always right
@Vivi Well, I'm a mathematician ... do you know that joke with a goat?
8:41 AM
@tohecz no!
Quickie: How does one know the space between two paragraphs in the current document?
@kan \showthe\parskip
@tohecz Oh, OK.
I was trying \the\parskip, 'doh!
@tohecz You are going to tell me, aren't you?
@Vivi I'm it's a bit lengthy
A biologist, a physicist and a mathematician go for a hiking trip. On the opposite hill they see a black goat. Biologist says: In these mountains, there live black goats. Physicist says: No no! In these mountains, there lives at least one black goat. Mathematician says: No no no! In these mountains, there lives at least one goat whose at least one side is black.
8:44 AM
@egreg DocScape is a macro package we're selling. But as already discussed with @AlanMunn, the case in question is of a different nature.
@tohecz So you are saying that because I am curious it doesn't mean that all women are curious? Mmmmm... I get your point :)
@Vivi Yes, and: There's at least one woman who was at least once correct :P :D
@tohecz I am unable to get it printed...
@kan you want to print the number? Then \texttt{\the\parskip}
Thank you.... :)
8:47 AM
@Vivi but please don't take me too seriously, I meant this as a joke :)
@tohecz I like that! As long as you mean that I was the woman being correct about the downvoter!
@Vivi Yeah, that ;)
Ok folks good night
@texenthusiast bye
I should go do some Xmas shopping, I hope that on a weekday late morning, it won't be so crowded
8:57 AM
@PauloCereda Very early bird indeed, you are
@egreg I woke up late today, it's usually earlier. :)
@PauloCereda Well, I woke up later than usual. :)
@PauloCereda Hello!
Does anyone where are \thmnote, \thmname documented?
@egreg Oh! :) It's very hot in here - yesterday we had 34ºC - so the earlier the better. :)
@kan Hi! :)
Hey! @Vivi is here! Long time no see ya, girl! :)
@kan In the sources of amsthm, which is not too well documented, I should say. :(
9:03 AM
@tohecz And I had the pleasure of the upvote that made you past 10k. Congratulations!
@PauloCereda yeah, I don't usually come here... @AlanMunn asked me to come to discuss a comment I made to a meta answer.
@Vivi Ah I see. :)
@hpesoj626 lol, thanks!
@PauloCereda where are you in Brazil?
@PauloCereda It's 3C here and I'm going to take a bike several times today (I go do my Xmas shopping), so I'm glad I finally got my biking dress
9:05 AM
@Vivi Interior of São Paulo, Analândia. :)
@hpesoj626 Half trusted user! :P Congratulations!
@egreg :( Good grief!
@egreg Thanks, does it mean you trust only one half of me? And which one? :)
@egreg :)
9:07 AM
@tohecz If you had been a trusted user (+20k), you could have used Paulo's credit card number for your Christmas shopping.
@egreg Uh-oh. Prices are high this time of the year. :)
I am half tohecz (just recently)
@egreg just noticed that my chat rep is close to 13k ;)
@egreg and they allow small children to have a card? :)
@tohecz Once there was a bug in the chat that was doubling the reputation. It was a funny day. :)
@tohecz I'm not listening lalalalalalalalala
I'm so gonna downvote you right now, as retaliation. <3
@PauloCereda do re mi fa sol la si do do si la sol fa mi re do
9:10 AM
@tohecz I finally have the winter tires on my bike :-) It was a bit slippery on thursday.
@tohecz Oh no, The Sound of Music! :)
@StephanLehmke the Paris velib bikes have quite good (heavy) tires which is good
A: Snow on tikz-qtrees

Alan MunnHere's a tree with randomly chosen and sized snowflakes on the edges of nodes. If you can find more snowflake characters, they can be added to the list. Each time you compile the document the pattern will change. I've used LuaTeX to compile, since XeTeX doesn't provide good access to any quickly...

This would be an excelent X-mas card for linguists. :)
I hurt my knee, haven't cycled in 6 months :( 3 days of hot and sunny weather in Melbourne and I am stuck with the insides of the gym...
@Vivi Ouch, sorry to hear. :(
9:16 AM
Hmm... \the\parskip shows 6.0pt plus 2.0pt but TeX complains illegal unit of measure...
@Vivi :(
@kan problem is surely elsewhere, probably in the usage
It could be worse... Since I only feel pain when I cycle, I am hoping getting my bike professionally fitted will solve the problem. I just need to book the appointment, but I have been procrastinating for months. In any case, at least it is hot and sunny here! Tomorrow I will procrastinate at the beach :P
{xca}		%name_of_the_environment
{\parskip}		%
{\parskip}		%
{}		%body_font
{}		%
{\bfseries}		%theoremhead_font
{.}		%punctuation_after_theoremhead
@tohecz I use it like that ^^
@Vivi That's sad to hear. Hope you'll be better soon.
@Vivi Uh-oh! Get well soon.
9:19 AM
Yeah, it was so hard at the beginning :(
@Vivi Strange, especially since cycling normally is the cure to most knee problems :-) Are you using fixations (sorry dunno the correct name) on your pedals? If those are skewed is the only reason I get knee problems cycling.
@Vivi Well, I hurt my knee and shoulders around 6 months trying to learn the skate board. Haven't been running since. It hurts just to see some people running. But it's just my procrastination that hasn't get me started again. Get well soon...
Both knee and elbow are very complex structures, and the recovery is indeed very slow and sometimes painful. (I once broke my elbow, it was terrible)
@StephanLehmke What? Cycling is hard on the knees... Especially for mashers like me. I use cleat shoes. I think they were the problem, and that's why I think getting a professional bike fitting will solve my problem.
@PauloCereda Do you get into that Brazilian jiu jitsu stuff?
9:23 AM
@StephanLehmke Usually it is, but depending on the injury, cycling can even worse the status. The best thing is to stick with physiotherapy first. :)
@hpesoj626 I did jiu-jitsu for 2 years when I was 15-17. Got to blue belt. After that I tried a few times to get into it again but it doesn't stick. I end up quitting.
@hpesoj626 Not my cup of tea, I'm afraid. :) I do t'ai chi ch'uan although.
@Vivi If masher means low frequency then this might be the first thing to modify ;-)
That was half my life ago :(
@PauloCereda YES. I did that 20 vears ago, and I still use the breathing techniques regularly (to avoid side ache ;-)
9:26 AM
@StephanLehmke yes, that is exactly what it means. I have very strong legs and I get my pleasure from pushing really hard with high gears. Not sure I agree with you that I should change. I think it is about what you body is suited for. I read a bit about it after I hurt my knee and I found evidence to support this (but it may be because I get extreme pleasure from the mashing!)
@StephanLehmke It's a fantastic martial art. And all the techniques involved are superb for the daily routine. :)
@egreg Can you please confirm something for me?
I would like to know if the \newtheoremstyle works without the last but one parameter...
@Vivi I only know that very often knee problems from cycling go away almost immediately when raising frequency.
(It is marked optional but does not seem like it...)
oh, strike that... @egreg I need to give a space. :)
@StephanLehmke :( I will work on the other theory (adjusting the angle of the shoes, bike fitting) first. I think I would rather not cycle than cycle without mashing, but I might reconsider if my theory is incorrect.
9:32 AM
@Vivi re pleasure: It's all a question of the right mixture maybe. If you get used to cycling at a higher frequency for everyday use, there shouldn't be harm in "mashing" up a tough hill. But you need to ask yourself whether the pleasure is worth damaging your knees for the rest of your life.
@Vivi I used to do karate, taekwondo and judo. Broke my back once, but not seriously. Now that I have kids it is no longer fun breaking bones for the fun of it :) I'll leave that to Jackie Chan.
@StephanLehmke I think there is some truth in that. If you are interested in seeing other arguments, google "mashers vs spinners" (a lot of people agree with you, though)
Oh no, I'm out of votes. :)
@PauloCereda it took you almost 10 hours, did you notice the slowness? You're probably getting older :P
@hpesoj626 I was never good with the standing up part of jiu-jitsu (ie, learning judo would have helped me). Karate and taekwondo are not for me! I am not flexible and not good with throwing punches (even though I broke a girl's nose with a punch once!) and kicks.
9:41 AM
anyways, I go, so bye for now
@Vivi We have a very prominent person here on Germany (Helmut Schmidt) who's almost 100 by now chain smoking every day. Of course he thinks the current discussion about smoking bans is pointless. There will always be exceptions, but statistics is mostly on the side of truth.
@tohecz I'm quite tired these days. Better start to try harder. :)
@kan Just write { } as the argument.
@PauloCereda ε>
@Vivi /whispers t'ai chi ch'uan. (@Stephan)
9:43 AM
@StephanLehmke ouch! Yes, we always try to find people who will substantiate the things we want to be true.
@Vivi Learn Aikido. They have a full form done kneeling.
@tohecz <3²
@Vivi It's fun to see kids go at it. It's a healthy way of directing the lilun's energy. Discipline and stuff like that are good to learn while young. I am enrolling my first daughter next year when she gets four.
@PauloCereda that doesn't look like an interesting symbol: <9
@tohecz Oops sorry. (<3)²
Math guys. :P
9:44 AM
@StephanLehmke I might try Aikido. Seems like most of the guys my age who can no longer kick high enrol in it.
OK, it is late and I need to try and get 30 mins of work done today if I want to go to the beach tomorrow! :) Good night everyone, it was great talking to you. I should come here more often!
@Vivi bye
@Vivi Good night! :)
9:56 AM
@Vivi To the beach? We'll have ice tomorrow. :(
Friends, is it easy to pass number as an argument to a counter every time I invoke an environment?
@kan yes (most likely, depending on what you mean exactly)
@DavidCarlisle Actually, well, I think I am looking for something along the following lines: there is an ever changing LaTeX file which contains Exercises and I am writing some solutions. What I want is, some sort of automation: my solution file counts according to the old one...
Can you please suggest something?
10:20 AM
Well, fine. Looks insanely Complicated.
@kan sorry I don't understand, you probably. need an MWE question on site
@kan If I'm not mistaken, Clemens has a package on exercises, maybe it could help you? ctan.org/pkg/exsheets
@PauloCereda we were talking about F#, some of your other programming languages are also mentioned in this history : james-iry.blogspot.co.uk/2009/05/…
@kan Do you just want them to be numbered . Exercise 1, exercise 2, ... ?
@DavidCarlisle LMAO
1936 - Alonzo Church also invents every language that will ever be but does it better. His lambda calculus is ignored because it is insufficiently C-like. This criticism occurs in spite of the fact that C has not yet been invented.
10:32 AM
@Mohan No there are custom numbers which is the cause for the confusion.
If so that's pretty straightforward. I have some code right here that does something very similar...

@kan what do you mean by custom numbers?
@Mohan 2.13, 2.15, 2.19, 3.2, 3.6, ....
@kan how are you going to make sure your exercises and solutions keep in sync?
@kan if you delete an answer and forget to delete the corresponding solution, it sounds like it would be pretty messy...
10:55 AM
@PauloCereda The entry about C is also really funny :-)
@StephanLehmke Indeed. :P
@StephanLehmke Sadly TeX isn't mentioned. I suspect for some people around here that's the programming language of choice....
Stacking lists: atop vs substack
A: Latex: how break a line when summing over two things

Charles StewartI don't understand the formula you are trying to typeset, but maybe this is what you want? \sum_{i \in S \atop i \in T} i

\substack is "right", but I prefer \atop - thoughts?
@DavidCarlisle TBH, without some concept of O(1) accessible data structure I wouldn't really count it as a programming language. However funny, all the other languages mentioned are indeed real languages...
@DavidCarlisle 1978 - Donald Knuth decides to piss off language purists by introducing a insanely complex programming language based on macro expansion written for the sole purpose of letting him typeset his equally insanely complex mathematical formulae. TeX is praised as a fantastic typesetting system and easy to use as a chainsaw to cut a pineapple.
11:10 AM
@CharlesStewart infix tex primitives are evil (and generate errors if you load amsmath) but the amsmath genfrac gives same setting
@StephanLehmke I don't think Turing could do O(1) access time with his tape:-)
@PauloCereda Well right after inventing MIX, TeX was probably the next logical thing.
@DavidCarlisle O(n) where n is the size of the strip. :)
@StephanLehmke Indeed. :)
@DavidCarlisle With O(1) access to arbitrarily wide finite arrays, this is equivalently efficient with any existing computer system. If I can get that in TeX I'm satisfied.
Of course O(1) is abstracting from the log log n or whatever you get for low-level memory access.
what's a log log n between friends.
There's a disjoint sets algorithm whose running time is always cited as O(n \alpha(n)), where \alpha is the inverse Ackermann function.
@StephanLehmke well if you ignore hash lookup (and finite hash table size) then \@namedef{myarray(1,2)}{5} ... \@nameuse(myarray(1,2)} accesses values in time independent of teh array index
11:22 AM
@DavidCarlisle If that was really a realistic way to build data structures I'd be completely satisfied. But been there, done that :-(
Furthermore I keep hearing that TeX's hash isn't really optimized for that sort of thing (lots of collisions).
@StephanLehmke does it just have a v. large constant factor?
@StephanLehmke Been talking to David Kastrup?:-) (not optimised is one way of describing it:-)
@DavidCarlisle He worked here for some time. But not long enough to give DocScape an efficient data model :-(
@StephanLehmke It's particularly bad if you use csnames as I suggested (constant prefix with index by changing the suffix) as I think you will get almost guaranteed collision and linear time lookup but at least you can think you are using an efficient hashed index, and that's the important thing:-)
@StephanLehmke aha! I didn't know (or I'd forgotten) that. Good that I can still recognise people by second hand reported prejudices:-)
@DavidCarlisle Is this really so? I mean that the prefix is the significant part? That would be a strong argument against the current practise of writing the package name in front of a macro name to disambiguate!
11:28 AM
@StephanLehmke Never looked at the source (much) just half remembering some conversations with david, but I think that's the case.
But what about \@tempdima and consorts? Wouldn't \a@tempdim be more efficient then?
@StephanLehmke It probably doesn't make any practical difference until you try to use an "array" implementation with hundreds or thousands of macros sharing a prefix. But really I'd have to check what the actual hash algorithm is. I know luatex changed it.
12:12 PM
@DavidCarlisle - My question is really about the spacing, not the syntax: I prefer the atop layout, I find the amsmath substack to give subscripts that look too big to my eyes, but substack seems to be considered better. I wonder if folk can give reasons for their preferences.
12:29 PM
@CharlesStewart wel.l... atop gives scriptscript size which is smaller than it would be if it were a simple subscript, whereas substack gives scriptsize so each line of the stack uses the same font as a simple subscript. So it depends which your eye most wants to normalise: the fonts used in subscripts (in which case you should use substack) or the overall size of the subscript in which case using atop shrinks the fonts so the two line construct almost matches the size of a normal subscript.
12:43 PM
@CharlesStewart But please please also consider that constructs like \atop make life hard to TeX-to-xxx processors...
And IIRC if we could thoroughly do away with \atop and consorts, we could also eliminate \mathchoice which is one of the biggest time hogs in math typesetting. @DavidCarlisle or what else is \mathchoice neccessary for?
@DavidCarlisle Thanks, that's a good way to look at it. The example with substack is about 12pt taller.
Which seems absurdly tall to me
So absurd that I think I need to check that measurement...
@StephanLehmke \mathchoice is useful; but without \over and friends, it could be implemented in a more straightforward way as an \ifcase based on a "style level" (0=display, 1=text, 2=script, 3=scriptscript).
@egreg Uh, of course. I was mainly referring to the absurd functionality of actually typesetting all four alternatives...
1:01 PM
@egreg Isn't that what LuaTeX does in some way with an 'extra' primitive?
@JosephWright Yes
@JosephWright yes but it's rather rubbish really the default behaviour is the same but you have to prefix the whole construct with \Ustack
so rather than having prefix versions \luatexfrac{a}{b} that do the right thing you have the strange prefix/infix \Ustack{a\over b}
@DavidCarlisle Presumably though can be used in a modified \frac
@JosephWright well yes but that doesn't really help much as a modified frac could (even though the latex one doesn't) similarly set some flags so you know which style you are in, just at the macro layer. (which is what the ams versions do of course which is why amsmath tries hard to bury \over and \top
1:18 PM
@DavidCarlisle Not all of the LuaTeX stuff necessarily makes sense :-)
See also for example \quitvmode
@JosephWright Shame, because all of TeX2 is s perfectly logical.
@DavidCarlisle \outer, \globaldefs?
@JosephWright yes those, and not hyphenating the first word of a paragraph
@DavidCarlisle Ah yes, I forgot that ;-)
@JosephWright from pdftex, is that so bad? (have never tested it but its description sounded plausible)
1:20 PM
@DavidCarlisle That one is at least fixed in LuaTeX
@DavidCarlisle More that it does not add anything useful
@JosephWright It was intended to fix the position that \everypar gets used in \leavevmode, does it not work for that?
@DavidCarlisle I'd need an example to check: I remember a discussion with Taco where he more-or-less said it seemed like a good idea, but looking back did not add much
it's supposed to work like \ifvmode\indent\fi rather than \unhbox\voidb@x I think
Today's soundtrack:
@DavidCarlisle Yes, that was the point: \protected\def\quitvmode{\ifvmode\expandafter\indent\fi} seemed to be functionally equivalent
1:26 PM
Q: Community Promotion Ads - 2013

Grace NoteIt's that time again! We are now going to reset our Community Promotion Ads for the new year. What are Community Promotion Ads? Community Promotion Ads are community-vetted advertisements that will show up on the main site, in the right sidebar. The purpose of this question is the vetting proce...

@PauloCereda Well spotted: even faster than the notification I get in my inbox!
@JosephWright I was monitoring meta. :P
@JosephWright saves a couple of expansion steps:-)
@DavidCarlisle True
@DavidCarlisle As I said, the feeling when it came up before was that it was a bit pointless (given the fact that most primitives don't have a convenient macro alternative)
@JosephWright If I could have a combined stable xeluatex I'd accept a pointless quitvmode as part of the bargain.
1:33 PM
@DavidCarlisle :-)
@JosephWright I vote for as much renewal as possible.
@tohecz Meaning new ads?
@JosephWright yes. I cannot get to the ad stats now, but I was there once and the new ones were getting unbelievably much more clicks than the old ones.
Possibly, but that does depend on having something to advertise!
AdBlock Plus doesn't load those ads so I've never seen these ads in any place than other the meta question.
1:44 PM
@JosephWright I have some ideas, I'll put them together (maybe with @Paulo since I'm a bad image designer)
Could I ask... if I want to request a specific improvement to answers to a question (where the merit of answers is relatively subjective), should I edit the question or start a new one?
@Mohan Depends on the change required. If the question was in hindsight too broad, you can probably edit. If however you need something different to what you actually asked, then I'd go with a new question.
@JosephWright it's a question on torn pages: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/86150/torn-page-effect . There's a nice suggestion on texample.net/tikz/examples/framed-tikz : "It would be nice, if the continuing frame has exactly the same border as the continued." ... so it's a thing that would improve answers to the original question.
@Mohan Sounds better as a second question to me
@JosephWright thank you.
1:52 PM
@Mohan In case of confusion just ask a fresh one. That would also limit the scope of the edit required. Otherwise some answers grow into almost full packages by a limiting process of asking a change here and another there.
Since our community is super nice they try hard to help and the edits accumulate to something that doesn't even answer the question.
@JosephWright language question:
|ab| = |a| |b|, especially |-b| = |b|
|ab| = |a| |b|, particularly |-b| = |b|
@tohecz in particular (no native speaker either though)
@tohecz I would use via or due to
@percusse Wouldn't that mean right imples left?
@percusse that would mean exhange the two statements? That would not make much sense in the context.
1:56 PM
ah sorry yes
my english has failed again.
@percusse and where are you from?
@tohecz turkish
@tohecz How about |ab| = |a| |b| and hence |-b| = |b| with a=-1 ? Because the ones you have provided a strong emphasis on the special case as if something is really special.

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