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3:05 AM
How to make headers appear on a page with \includepdf? --- Edit: OK, should be somewhere here tex.stackexchange.com/questions/117960/…
Ok, no worries; will probably find it here tex.stackexchange.com/questions/117960/…
6:48 AM
@yo' You need a space (or \relax) after pt to avoid the errors ` \ifdim\hfuzz=200pt \vrwbgwg\fi` to avoid that the command is expanded while looking for the unit.
2 hours later…
8:33 AM
@PauloCereda I tried Nicola Talbot's texosquery; of course it doesn't work, because it requires Java 1.7.0_52. :( Which isn't available for Mac OS X, as far as I can see from the Java control panel.
9:00 AM
@yo' ?
you are loading three packages all of which redefine the label handling here. Since showkeys is just for draft usage I am, for once, inclined to agree with @egreg here. — David Carlisle 3 mins ago
9:15 AM
@ChristianHupfer Astounding
@egreg I hoped you'd be pleased
@DavidCarlisle I even tried the competitor, but it shows the extra braces as well.
@egreg commath instead of amsmath ?
@DavidCarlisle The vastly superior showlabels package
@egreg can you compile /source/support/texosquery/TeXOSQuery.java with your local jdk? I can't believe it really uses many new features?
9:25 AM
@DavidCarlisle I'm not sure I want to install JDK. I think it's just wrong to provide an executable that can't run on a widely spread environment.
@egreg agreed (I thought you meant you had a java but just older, but I guess you only have the runtime by default) Nicola should have written it in lua, probably.
@egreg well especially as the main reason given for the package is to allow cross platform interface to making the queries.....
@DavidCarlisle Well, it seems to compile, but returns nothing.
@egreg @PauloCereda can debug it, once he's finished his thesis.
9:43 AM
@DavidCarlisle This is in the MANIFEST.MF file of the jar: Created-By: 1.8.0_92 (Oracle Corporation)
9:54 AM
@DavidCarlisle Do you see anything wrong in how I compile it?
javac TeXOSQuery.java && jar cvmf Manifest.txt texosquery.jar TeXOSQuery\$1.class TeXOSQuery.class
java.io.IOException: line too long
	at java.util.jar.Attributes.read(Attributes.java:379)
	at java.util.jar.Manifest.read(Manifest.java:199)
	at java.util.jar.Manifest.<init>(Manifest.java:69)
	at sun.tools.jar.Main.run(Main.java:172)
	at sun.tools.jar.Main.main(Main.java:1177)
I just copied Manifest.txt from the sources
@DavidCarlisle Ignore! ^^^^
@DavidCarlisle On the other hand, if I do javac TeXOSQuery.java && jar cvf texosquery.jar TeXOSQuery\$1.class TeXOSQuery.class, I get no main manifest attribute, in texosquery.jar
10:10 AM
@egreg java isn't really my thing but I think you need to recreate the package structure, the original has:
$ jar -tvf /cygwin64/usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-dist/scripts/texosquery/texosquery.jar
     0 Fri Jul 08 13:39:24 BST 2016 META-INF/
   136 Fri Jul 08 13:39:24 BST 2016 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
   697 Fri Jul 08 13:39:24 BST 2016 com/dickimawbooks/texosquery/TeXOSQuery$1.class
 10520 Fri Jul 08 13:39:24 BST 2016 com/dickimawbooks/texosquery/TeXOSQuery.class
@DavidCarlisle Seems to work now, thanks
@egreg Ouch. I saw the code and it looks Java 5 compatible. I will suggest an improvement.
@PauloCereda :)
@egreg You know arara is Java 5 because of you, right? :)
@DavidCarlisle you are being nice to egreg? What's going on? :)
10:28 AM
@PauloCereda Astonishing effects of Brexit
@egreg and the new minister. :)
@PauloCereda Java ... :-(
@DavidCarlisle Since you're employed by NAG you should provide a version with FORTRAN (54) or (66) or (77) ;-)
@PauloCereda Some years ago the satyrical paper “Il vernacoliere” titled “Astonishing effects of the Chernobyl fallout: a smart Pisan was born”. The monthly paper is based in Leghorn, the rivalry with Pisa is well known and very strong.
@PauloCereda Or a Lua implementation
@egreg Lua has an inconvenient feature of using C internals for localization, that is, there's no localization. :)
@PauloCereda There's no user interface for texosquery, as far as I can see
10:35 AM
@egreg Any suggestions? I can poke Nicola or submit a pull request.
@PauloCereda Just make it compatible at least with Java 1.6
@Johannes_B @PauloCereda: Today I have a lot of fun with flags ;-)
@PauloCereda Even better: create something that could be added to the restricted shell. After all, just querying OS parameters should not be that risky.
@PauloCereda There's still no bug tracker for texosquery on Nicola's site
@PauloCereda Good!
@DavidCarlisle tex.stackexchange.com/questions/227142/… It seems that the correct test is \ifdim\hfuzz=#1 not \ifdim\hfuzz=\maxdimen, see the examples above...
@egreg I will investigate about a lightweight solution. :)
@PauloCereda Finished with your thesis?
@egreg er...
ooh a duck!
11:08 AM
@PauloCereda was it an attempt to divert the topic? :-)
@yo' success. :)
I want Pokémon Go... :(
@PauloCereda Brazil can engage it
@egreg :)
@PauloCereda It's surely faster than Hulk
11:26 AM
\input tikz
  \draw[help lines,very thick] (0,0) -- (1,0);
^^ Why does this only produce a bunch of Non-PDF special ignored! with luatex?
I guess it's due to changes in LuaTeX 0.95
Aha! \input luatex85.sty rectifies the issue.
@HenriMenke Blame @DavidCarlisle. :)
@PauloCereda You have a SourceForge account. Could you please report this on sourceforge.net/p/pgf/bugs on my behalf?
11:42 AM
@yo' hmm actually it's \ifx\hfuzz\@tempdima looking at the code
@HenriMenke Surely! But I need to disconnect right now, there will be maintenance in my Internet signal. :( I will be back soon and report. :)
@PauloCereda Thank you very much!
2 hours later…
2:08 PM
@Johannes_B: From Template Hell, with love ;-)
Q: Adding an appendix to table of content for thesis

Jonathon GardnerI am using latex for my thesis and I am trying to get the formatting to meet the graduate school standards. Everything is good except my table of content. The last line 'Chapter A...' I need to be 'Appendix A...'. In the thesis class file I add the following lines (My thesis class is in the repo...

2:43 PM
@yo' try now
2:56 PM
@DavidCarlisle Is there a way to do a disjunctive \@ifnextchar? equivalent to \@ifnextchar{\foo or \bar}{true}{false}`
Old friends and mentors, good afternoon
@AlanMunn \@ifnextchar{\bar}{true}{\@ifnextchar{\foo}{true}{false}}
@AlanMunn (there are more efficient versions:-)
@egreg, @ChristianHupfer, @DavidCarlisle etc. good to know you are still lovely people here ..
@DavidCarlisle I thought I tried that, but I must have done something wrong.
@DavidCarlisle Such as? And will I understand them? :)
@AlanMunn well if true is a lot of code you could do \@ifnextchar{\bar}{\@firstoftwo}{\@ifnextchar{\foo}{\@firstoftwo}{\@secondoftwo‌​}}{true}{false} to avoid giving it twice, but actually I was thinking of the ifnextchar which does some white space skipping and a \futurelet which necessarily in the inner test will return the same as the outer test, so if you cared you could just do the primitive \futurelet once and re-use the test token in the inner test
3:08 PM
@GideonEbelebe Are you serious? Saying to @DavidCarlisle he's lovely? :P
@GideonEbelebe Welcome back!
@DavidCarlisle No it's not a lot of code. I was going to post the following as an answer to tex.stackexchange.com/q/319009/2693 Does it seem like a bad solution?
% !TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk

delim_0 "\\idxdelim"
delim_1 "\\idxdelim"
delim_2 "\\idxdelim"
\def\idxdelim{\@ifnextchar{\see}{\space}{\@ifnextchar{\seealso}{\space}{, \space}}}


Some words. A test.


3:23 PM
@GideonEbelebe I am not nice ... ;-)
@AlanMunn looks OK I guess
Hello, quick question(I hope). I want to `\input` parts of a large Latex file, so as to keep label numbers and such across each file(i.e. not use `\include`).

Is the best way to edit each of these 'subfiles' to add the preamble and `\begin{document}` and `\end{document}` to each of them while editing the subfile itself, and then delete when done each time?
@ChristianHupfer I was going to say that he's only got 1 out of three right
@DavidCarlisle One third ;-) Less than the Monty Hall Problem ;-)
@DavidCarlisle He's gone already ...
@AlexClark probably better to ask a question on site with an example it depends what you mean by "parts of" and "keep label numbers"
3:27 PM
Oh well I just meant counters don't restart, and are maintained across subfiles. I have everything working completely, other than that whenever I want to edit blah.tex, which is used in \input blah.tex I have to open it up individually, add the preamble and begin/end doc and delete after I am done
@AlexClark well that's the default with input or include
I suppose I don't 'have to', but it would be more convenient if each file could just have the preamble and \begin .. \end left on, but ignored when I use \input on the main file
@AlexClark Are you looking for something like combine package?
Let me see.
@AlexClark the idea is that you don't have preambles on the sub files. Then you can just \include them
@AlexClark really combine/import/etc are more complicated than needed, and just using \input or \include is simpler and more robust.
3:30 PM
@AlexClark I think your issue is that you want to edit each of the input files without having to compile the whole document. For that the \include and \includeonly is a simpler solution, I think.
@AlexClark \include does not restart counters, which is what you appear to imply above.
The word counters reminds to continue with the \BackupCounterGroup and \RestoreCounterGroup code in xassoccnt
@DavidCarlisle Oh indeed it doesn't.
@AlanMunn True. This is a decent solution. Thanks everyone!
\include works better here than \input certainly.
3:41 PM
@AlexClark although for quick drafts where you don't care if numbering is "right" when you do a single section what I'd do is have a test document with its own preamble that (just) \input the section you are currently interested in, then you can either latex that or the main document depending. (auctex in emacs can do that on the fly for any region you just mark a region and to preview it, behind the scenes the editor constructs a document from the preamble and the region and runs tex on that
Actually I think I just found exactly what I want, it seems to work fine: using \subfile
subfiles package
It gives the child files the preamble of the main file, and you can edit either main or child freely without adding and/or removing the preambles
(Hopefully nothing bad happens with this... Seems this is exactly what I wanted though - hopefully I described my problem correctly in the first place)

Thanks again!
4:21 PM
@PauloCereda The duck arrived safely and was introduced to a few of his new friends. And I would post a picture but I do not know how to load a picture into chat.
@R.Schumacher upload button to the right of this text box
@R.Schumacher: Take a look ;-)
@DavidCarlisle Faster and more impressive :-P
@ChristianHupfer naturally
user image
@DavidCarlisle Thank you, and here is duck with new friends (hedgehog and cat).
4:26 PM
@R.Schumacher: I like hedgehogs and cats ;-)
@ChristianHupfer baked?
@DavidCarlisle Don't conclude from your British Cuisine Style to other ones ;-) Of course not ;-)
Frozen squirrel, Icecream with Albatross Flavour, ...
Is there an authoritative guide on how to scale parenthesis. I am sick of correcting IEEE. This is how my version looked:
This is the IEEE proof version
@ChristianHupfer On @DavidCarlisle's fence there's a sign “We like baked hedgehogs”, so they keep clear of his garden.
I could have used \big but IEEE is using \left( .. \right) which is clearly wrong here.
4:38 PM
@Aditya Of course: no taste. But they're engineers…
@egreg: I know. I am also an engineer. But I don't want my paper to look ugly :-)
@Aditya The exception to the rule!
Maybe i should "do a Knuth" and write my own format that does not include \left and \right macros
I realized that I copied the wrong equations. IEEE did not change \le to =. But they did mess up the parenthesis in all equations
@Aditya A tastefully applied \big<?> or even \left and \right can improve the quality in certain cases; but your original version is the good one.
4:54 PM
@egreg No surprise, in a country where baked beans are served as breakfast :-(
@ChristianHupfer What about Leberwurst?
5:38 PM
@egreg Well, yes, that's definitely not Germany's best contribution to Breakfast (or any other meal)
@egreg Harry (the hedgehog) wants to remind @DavidCarlisle that he and his friends live happily in the hedgerows which in UK are very entwined with poison ivy. Harry asked me to tell David that even when baked there will be enough of the oils to give him and he guests a 'swell' time!
@R.Schumacher :)
6:07 PM
Can someone confirm that my answer does not work in TeX Live 2016.
@StrongBad Runs and compiles, providing reverse numbering, with TL 2016
Output written on teststrongbad.pdf (1 page, 52057 bytes).
Transcript written on teststrongbad.log.
INFO - This is Biber 2.5
INFO - Logfile is 'teststrongbad.blg'
INFO - Reading 'teststrongbad.bcf'
INFO - Found 7 citekeys in bib section 0
INFO - Processing section 0
INFO - Looking for bibtex format file 'biblatex-examples.bib' for section 0
INFO - Decoding LaTeX character macros into UTF-8
INFO - Found BibTeX data source '/usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-dist/bibtex/bib/biblatex/biblatex/biblatex-examples.bib'
@StrongBad: Three warnings, however
@ChristianHupfer thanks. Someone left a comment saying it didn't work anymore. Looks like I don't have to install TL 2016 yet.
@StrongBad: Biblatex 3.4, as of May (14?) 2016
@StrongBad Oh come on. Come to the dark side ;-) There are exciting new features ... broken luasomething.... Give in to TL 2016 ;-)
@ChristianHupfer thanks for the upvote
@StrongBad How can you be sure it was me? ;-)
Sorry, phone
6:52 PM
@ChristianHupfer I called you.
(Serious talk about Leberwurst)
7:24 PM
@StefanKottwitz I do like Leberwurst
@egreg And baked beans?
@AlanMunn Another question?
@egreg It was?
@AlanMunn I prefer not to express my opinion about baked beans for breakfast, this is a public place.
@egreg :)
7:29 PM
@egreg There are famous poems about Leberwurst.
@StefanKottwitz Leberwurst on Roggenbrot. :) Or do you call it Schwarzbrot?
@StefanKottwitz There's one really famous one about beans too...
@egreg There are a lot of different kinds of Brot, so what... but I like Schwarzbrot or Vollkornbrot, Roggenbrot is a bit lighter, but Weißbrot is a no go for me.
Here's the famous poetry, I got to know as a child:
In Jesewitz, da hat's geblitzt,
Da sind die Bauern ausgeflitzt,
Da hatten sie sich ein Haus gebaut
Von Leberwurst und Sauerkraut,
Da ist es wieder eingekracht,
Da haben sie sich halbtot gelacht.
References: http://www.kathewitz.de/ http://digi-alt.ub.hu-berlin.de/viewer/fulltext/DE-11-001674223/213/ (local versions)
8:04 PM
@ChristianHupfer Not an answer?
@Johannes_B Huh?
@StefanKottwitz Huh?
@ChristianHupfer I like it.
@ChristianHupfer You had fun with flags. I flagged several answers today as not an answer.
@Johannes_B Ah, yes, me too. Four or five of them
@StefanKottwitz -- ah, a devotee of what i call "real bread". my grandfather was a baker, and the family of one of his friends (a mr. uebersax) remained in business after grosspop retired. one of my saturday afternoon chores was a bicycle ride to fenwick bakery (in baltimore), to acquire the week's bakery goods. in addition to edible bread, there was all sorts of "sweet stuff" -- cinnamon cake, crumb cake, sticky buns, and in late summer, peach cake! the bakery is still there for us when we visit.
@Johannes_B flagged or reviewed? did not see many mod flags
8:19 PM
In the movie I'm watching there's a blind hermit who's visited by a big guy. :)
@StefanKottwitz Flagged right under the answer, also a comment left. I think this is reviewed by other 10k users.
@barbarabeeton Ever made bread yourself?
@egreg If you happen to answer tex.stackexchange.com/questions/318939/…, can you ping me? The question was crossposted to LC and i would like to add an answer (with SA of course). But right now, i am a bit tired.
@Johannes_B -- sometimes, but better at cookies and simple cakes. i've actually got my grandfather's recipe for christstollen, but have never had the audacity to try to make it (the recipe is for commercial quantities, and some of the ingredients are hard to get, or actually illegal/unobtainable -- bitter almonds), but i've made my aunt's "cut down" recipe; not as good as the original, but better than what one can usually find to purchase.
@barbarabeeton In germany, we have little small glass thingies with the amount of bitter almond flavour for one (?) cake. There are other flavours available. Personally, i don't like stollen.
@barbarabeeton I think the hard thing with bread is to properly knead it an bring into shape. Not to mention to properly let the dough rest.
8:35 PM
@Johannes_B -- my mother wasn't a bread baker, so i missed the proper training. (she was particularly noted for hot milk cake and scratch biscuits.) i guess stollen may be something one associates with pleasant moments of childhood; i had the advantage of knowing what the really good stuff was like.
@barbarabeeton The boyfriend of my grandmother was a baker. I helped him bake many many cakes as a child, but i never learned how to make bread.
@barbarabeeton I know one thing: I will never bake a Stollen. ;-)
@barbarabeeton Only a german version available :-( de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backaroma
8:52 PM
@Johannes_B No manual, no answer
@Johannes_B -- yes, i'm somewhat familiar with those products. although they're based on natural flavors, some of them are only pale imitations. grosspop used to produce his own vanilla extract, by steeping vanilla beans in alcohol. the real stuff is so much more subtle than most of what comes out of bottles now. but i think that the "substitute" for bitter almonds is probably safer -- less cyanide.
@barbarabeeton Exactly, much safer :-)
9:19 PM
@Johannes_B I answered, though I don't think the OP will buy it.
9:32 PM
@egreg I will not buy this answer, it's scratched @PauloCereda ;-)

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