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12:00 AM
looks nice! Any code preview? =)
(The line width is quite thick here (1mm) to see the lines better, but they now overlap with the text because of this)
@PauloCereda Not yet, I have to finalize the package name and then I will upload it to bitbucket.
The hardest part was to decide where to check for odd/even page.
I now do this at the begin of every tikzpicture which uses remember picture, which is required for this nodes.
12:20 AM
Mmm, this doe not to work correctly in DVI mode with letter page size, but it doesn't even with the normal current page node, so it seems to be a bug in TikZ! The upper border of the current page node is to low! And all vertical coordinates of my node rely on it, so they are placed also to low!
@egreg Yes, I'm constantly amazed at the things that gain reputation and the things that don't. I have one question that I answered a while ago solving an incompatibility between the lineno and syntax packages which garnered only three votes, and took quite a while to figure out. On the other hand, I almost instantly got 15 votes for how to code ß in bibtex. Go figure.
@egreg Really, I hadn't heard that story. Brain was an amazing horn player, for sure. Speaking of horn things, do you know of the 1960s comedy duo Flanders and Swann? They have a wonderful sung version of a movement of one of the Mozart horn concertos.
12:36 AM
@AlanMunn Yeah, I made similar experiences :-(
@lockstep The perils of replying to questions from memory. I don't think I've ever had need for the starred versions of the chngctr commands.
@PauloCereda I've seen Hemeto Pascoal play the teapot, in fact.
Guys, could you compile this file using DVI and also PDF mode and compare the results. It needs always two compiler runs.



\tikz[remember picture,overlay] {%
    \draw [blue,line width=1cm]
        (current page.south west) rectangle
        (current page.north east)
    \draw [red] (current page.south west) circle (10pt);
    \draw [red] (current page.north east) circle (10pt);
    \node [fill=white,draw=black] at (current page.center) {\the\paperheight};

It works well for A4 (a4paper), but not for Letter
@PauloCereda The 'hautbois' turned into 'oboe' in English. (Former oboe player myself.)
I use pdflatex for PDF mode, and latex file; latex file; dvips -t letter file; ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE=legal file.ps
With DVI mode the blue border is about 2cm or so to low!
I think it is a bug in PGF/TikZ.
1 hour later…
1:55 AM
@AndrewStacey : Thanks for the clarification.
@AndrewStacey : I'd say it is doing pretty well so far.
2:07 AM
@stefankottwitz check this out and go ahead with finishing up your blog post draft that I see in the blog and publish away! (:
5 hours later…
6:55 AM
@MartinScharrer I get the same problem in DVI mode as you describe
7:18 AM
@RebeccaChernoff cool
7:46 AM
@AlanMunn If I ever see a french horn in a second hand shop, I'll be sure to let you know.
@AlanMunn Oboe is the Italian name. I was uncertain whether the French or the Italian name was used in English. Did you also play the English horn?
8:13 AM
@MartinScharrer If I open directly the dvi file with "xdvi -paper us file", I get also errors from Ghostscript. The border is misplaced.
8:34 AM
@NN What TeX distribution are you using? TeXLive or MikTeX?
@MartinScharrer TeX Live (the ol packages.ubuntu.com/natty/texlive-full)
@MartinScharrer I use TeX Live 2011; I can try with an older TeX Live.
@egreg Mmm, I see. This rules out some A4/letter issue in dvips and ps2pdf, doesn't it?
@MartinScharrer oh, wait. I got a PGF version I grabbed yesterday from CTAN in my local texmf.
@NN Could you disable the local texmf (e.g. rename it) and try it with the old PGF version?
8:39 AM
@MartinScharrer sure, hang on
The offset I encounter is exactly the difference in height between A4 and US letter!
However, the (0,0) page origin seems to be correct. It looks like that the TikZ coordinate which seems to be positioned there gets placed to low.
@MartinScharrer I think so. That PostScript error makes me think: it doesn't appear during dvips+ps2pdf conversion, though. Of course it should be -sPAPERSIZE=letter
@MartinScharrer I get the same output with PGF in Ubuntu's TeX Live 2009 i.stack.imgur.com/EZpza.png
@egreg Yes, I used -sPAPERSIZE=letter
@NN Thanks, the funny thing is that the width is X offset is correct
I tried with TeX Live 2010 and 2009: the result is the same. Maybe later I can check with older ones (I've them on another computer).
8:47 AM
@egreg Testing it with MikTeX would also be a good thing. I think I have it installed on my (hardly used) Windows installation.
@MartinScharrer Sorry, never had a Windoze machine. :)
@egreg Lucky bastard!
@egreg, @NN: It is the same for A5 format. I get an vertical offset which equals the height difference to A4.
Somewhere there is something hardcoded to A4 I guess, or the paper size isn't passed along and A4 is used as default.
9:08 AM
@MartinScharrer On lines 752-757 of pgfmoduleshapes.code.tex there is code for current page; I added a \showthe to the definition of \pgf@sh@np@current page and it seems that the dimensions are passed correctly. So the problem seems to be in the positioning of the picture.
@egreg I agree.
@egreg: I now added a \draw [fill=green] (0,0) circle (10pt); to the test file and get the correct position of that for both modes. So the explicit tikzpicture is positioned correctly. It seems that the page origin is places incorrectly instead.
9:26 AM
@egreg, @NN: I think I go ahead and open a bug ticket on the PGF sourceforge page for this.
9:53 AM
@egreg: Re: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/28295/… Your answer reminds me of a cartoon of a scientist holding a ball of enriched uranium and saying to a small child, "Baby want to play with nice ball?".
@egreg, @NN: Workaround:
I'm starting to think it is a bug in \pdfsavepos itself. I get the same offset for zref-savepos which also use \pdfsavepos. I have to check that again.
@AlanMunn I have no idea how he gets all those sounds. :-P At least, the regionalism is well represented (e.g., viola caipira is a typical rural instrument).
I now found ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-pdftex/2006-July/002279.html which talks about \pdfsavepos in DVI mode and the issue with the paper size.
10:09 AM
@AlanMunn Really? Cool! Oboe is a nice instrument, I'd like to learn it (or clarinet).
10:24 AM
Oboe is nice :-)
I wish I could have picked it as a child, they only had the clarinet where I was
@egreg: Pff, it seems it is really a bug in pdftex: In the preamble (with letterpaper in DVI mode) the \pdfpageheight is still 297mm (A4) while \paperheight is already US letter. If I put \pdfpageheight=\paperheight in the preamble it works.
Couple of migrations of old SO questions on typesetting tildes just came in. I've voted to close as duplicates of tex.stackexchange.com/q/10858/86.
Harping back to the comments on "reputation earn =/= work involved", my major rep hike for the day has come from a suggestion to use \verb instead of \texttt and I've gotten a pittance for some of my more intricate stuff! (This isn't a call for anyone to go and vote for those answers - I'm near the rep cap! - but one or two could do with an eye from those more experienced than I in the mysteries of TeX.)
@Raphink Is there an specific technique for playing each one? Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I really don't know. ;-)
@PauloCereda yes, definitely. The clarinet has a single reed while the oboe has two, so the technique is very different.
the clarinet is much more similar to playing the saxophone, while the oboe is similar to the bassoon
@PauloCereda: this is an oboe reed, which you put entirely in your mouth to play:
and here is a clarinet reed, which you put on a beak to play
you put the reed on it, so you only have one lip on the reed and the top teeth on the mouthpiece, while on the oboe you have your lips on both sides of the reed.
10:42 AM
wow, very interesting!
so the oboe (and bassoon) have a double reed and the reeds vibrate on one another, while for the clarinet (and saxophone), a single reed vibrates on a mouthpiece.
nice! :-) Someday I'll try to learn one of them (but they are so expensive sob ).
yes indeed
what's nice with the clarinet is that once you can play it, the saxophone is very easy
whereas if you learn the saxophone, the clarinet is still hard to play
I was gonna ask that!
that's why most clarinet teachers are also saxophone teachers
10:50 AM
Yay! Three revival badges today. Total of 12. Anyone with enough data-explorer-fu able to tell me who has the most on TeX-SX?
Hm I'll see what I can do.
@AndrewStacey: how much do you have?
Ouch, sorry, wrong query!
11:08 AM
@AndrewStacey: I think I got a working query, but I suspect there's a DB cache, so it's not the most updated data (no real time). At the time of the caching, you had 5. Top five are: lockstep (12), Martin Scharrer (8), Alan Munn (7), Stefan Kottwitz (6) and Andrew Stacey (5).
11:24 AM
@egreg No, I never played the English horn, although it's a beautiful instrument. But unfortunately oboe is not for amateurs. Not only do you have to learn to play the instrument, you also have to learn how to make reeds, which is itself a very hard thing. Now I stick to playing recorder.
@PauloCereda Looks like it as according to my user page, I have 12 of these badges. What was the query, by the way? I've wondered about playing with the DB explorer, but haven't the foggiest how to start.
@AlanMunn the recorder is a nice instrument, too. I have a nice maple recorder at home :-)
Really?! So I failed miserably! Here's my attempt:
-- Revival Badge Counter
-- I liek badgez
select u.DisplayName, count(b.UserId) as total from Users u, Badges b where u.Id = b.UserId and b.Name = 'Revival' group by u.DisplayName order by count(b.UserId) desc
@Raphink It is a nice instrument. I just wish the repertoire was more varied. There's virtually no Classical music written for it, and just a handful of 20th C. pieces.
11:32 AM
@AlanMunn there's very nice pieces by Vivaldi, like the Concerto La Notte
I should get the sheet one day actually, I'm always getting wrong on the notes
@AlanMunn How nice! I had no idea that a recorder was a "flauta doce"! I was supposed to learn it (a conservatoire requirement), but I had no luck. I like the sound, it's very pleasant!
@AlanMunn usually though, it's an instrument I like to take around to play any kind of theme, kind of like the harmonica.
@AlanMunn I love the version of La Notte by Il Giardino Armonico if you get to hear it
@PauloCereda Next question ... where do I go to play with that! (It may be a cache thing, I think I got most of those revival badges quite recently. The DB might actually update on a weekly or monthly basis.)
@AndrewStacey Oh forgot that! Here: data.stackexchange.com/tex/query/new
@AndrewStacey: There's a list in the right of the text area. You can find the tables names (e.g., Users) and the fields (aka columns) of each table, represented by the bullet items (e.g., Reputation). Let's say you want to display the username and the reputation, sorted by reputation:

select DisplayName, Reputation from Users order by Reputation desc
(ouch, the chat trims the leading spaces!)
11:52 AM
@Raphink Yes, for sure the Baroque repertoire is great, (and that's mostly what I play) but my musical listening taste extends beyond that era, but my playing can't. The instrument was effectively forgotten after 18th c. at least by any of the major composers.
@AlanMunn right
12:21 PM
@PauloCereda Thanks! Looks like the information is cached, but at least the list of names told me who to check. Lockstep now has 15 revival badges so I'm still 3 short. Have to wait until tomorrow, now, as I've hit the cap (I think).
Q: How do I get fontspec to work with text color white in XeLaTeX

kongo09In a previous question ( How do I globally set the text color in XeLaTeX ), I've asked how to globally set a text colour in XeLaTeX and got some excellent answers. However, while the proposed mechanisms seem to work in most cases, they also seem to fail consistently for the colour white. I'm not...

An interesting bug? It works with LuaLaTeX, but not with XeLaTeX.
12:37 PM
@egreg, @NN: I now posted this issue to comp.text.tex: groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.text.tex/WhxdoqGc_7w. I think Heiko Oberdiek will be able to help. AFAIK he wrote the related pdftex code.
1:23 PM
I like to get feedback on packages right after they are published :-)
1:34 PM
Does anybody know a handwritten font with math support?
is it not possible to have to conditions in one another in tex?
\ifluatex \if@somevar some code \fi \fi ?
@Raphink Yes, it's possible, provided \if@somevar is defined via \newif.
I have something like
\if@impnattypo@nosingleletter somecode \ifluatex somecode \else somecode \fi \fi
and it doesn't work
and \if@impnattypo@nosingleletter is defined with \newif
but it says
! Extra \fi.
l.81 \fi
@Raphink It should be \DeclareOption{nosingleletter}{\@impnattypo@nosinglelettertrue}
ah, thanks!
1:53 PM
@Raphink \newif\ifxyz defines \ifxyz to be equivalent to \iffalse; but it defines also \xyztrue and \xyzfalse that switch the meaning of \ifxyz to be \iftrue or \iffalse respectively.
doesn't work, still though
@Raphink Difficult to say why.
ok, the reason is that \ifluatex is not found
I had the usepackage in the wrong place ;-)
2:24 PM
@Raphink And the \if@imp... was false, so the undefined token \ifluatex was skipped during the search for \else or \fi; the \else was mistakenly paired with \if@imp... and an extra \fi was sensed. If \if@imp... had been true, you'd have discovered that \ifluatex wasn't defined.
1 hour later…
3:31 PM
I attempted to write a "consolidated reference" about numbering floats:
Q: Continuous v. per-chapter/section numbering of figures, tables, and other document elements

lockstep(This is intended as a consolidated reference for one of the "frequently asked questions" at tex.sx.) Some document elements (e.g., figures in the book class) are numbered per chapter (figure 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, ...). How can I achieve continuous numbering (figure 1, 2, 3, ...)? And vice versa: Some...

1 hour later…
4:49 PM
@AndrewStacey From the last Futurama episode, we can come up with something similar:
5:03 PM
What do you have to search for with texdoc to get the TikZ/PGF manual? I tried tikz, pgf and pgfmanual with no luck.
@AndreyVihrov All these three work fine for me (TeXLive 2011)
@MartinScharrer I see, then I have something broken.
In MiKTeX 2.9, none of those manuals work.
@AndreyVihrov Same for me (Ubuntu's TeX Live 2009)
My pgfmanual is at /usr/share/doc/pgf-2.10/pgfmanual.pdf, which is not in the texmf tree. Could be the problem.
5:47 PM
@MartinScharrer: Have you considered using pgfpages to do your foreground and background stuff?
@AndrewStacey: I got the sample text for internet.cls testing. It's just a short text, but if it passes the test, all the rest will easily follow. How should I send ya?
@PauloCereda Email. I'm pretty easy to find on the internet. (Just in case not - my university is called NTNU so throw that in the search mix.)
@AndrewStacey Found it!
@PauloCereda Very nice. :)
6:10 PM
@AndrewStacey: I'm so sorry! My webmail just sent the email without a subject.
I hate Horde. I hate Horde. I hate Horde.
@egreg hehe the doomsday device seems to suit the occasion. :-)
@PauloCereda Nice!
@AndrewStacey No, I didn't. Thinking about it I guess it would be more work than my other idea. I would need to insert some extra virtual pages before and after each real page and then overlay them using pgfpages.
6:52 PM
@MartinScharrer Sort of, but not really. You define two more virtual pages and set things up at the start so that these go one on top and one underneath, but then you set each to be just an empty box. Then each virtual page is allowed a border, which is just a bit of PGF code. So you can then hook in to that to carry the tikzpicture stuff. Take a look at: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/27869/…
We could come up with a LaTeX Periodic Table, but with packages instead of elements. =P (geek alert)
for an example of this (it was while doing that that I got the idea that this might be a way for you to do what you were trying to do).
7:07 PM
I suggest to close this as "not a real question":
Q: Latexmk exited with status 127

hwong557How do I fix the above error? I got this error by running :Latexmk with a tex file open in Vim. Running latexmk file.tex works just fine. The tex file has no errors in it and compiles without any errors. Latexmk version is 4.26. Thanks.

@lockstep Done
@PauloCereda Got the email anyway. My spam filter's been a bit holey recently.
@JosephWright: Will the new version of beamer include a fix for the renewenvironment problem?
@AndrewStacey Bug number?
Or more detail?
One vote is missing for "exact duplicate":
Q: APA 6th edition Master's Thesis Template

adriàI have been reading some of the posts but I have not really found any solution. I am looking for a master's thesis template formatted for APA 6th edition (tables and references are a must). I already found a template that fits most of my needs (http://www.mun.ca/sgs/etheses/templates.php) with th...

Hm I can only flag. It's not the same, it is?
7:19 PM
Q: How to redefine the \emph command in Beamer?

Ulrik NielsenI am using the Beamer class and would like to redefine \emph to use \bfseries instead of \itshape. I have tried the following command: \renewcommand<>{\emph}[1]{{\only#2{\bfseries}#1}} but I get the following error ! LaTeX Error: Command \beamerx@\emph already defined. Or name...

@JosephWright See above link.
@lockstep Done.
Down to 200 unanswered questions. :-)
@AndrewStacey Oh, that one. That was fixed in the source ages ago, and has been waiting for a release (see bitbucket.org/rivanvx/beamer/issue/119/…). Originally Vedran was going to handle it, hence the delay.
@lockstep Great! I've been chasing a few in the list I get for "unanswered" (which filters according to tag, it seems). Sadly, all my work today will go unrewarded due to one incredibly simple answer where I was just first-to-post!
@JosephWright I'm waiting on that one! I have it hacked in at the start of my lecture since I wanted to change the quotation environment.
@AndrewStacey I think it should be in TeX Live when the next update cycle runs (tomorrow, European time)
OK, here's one question with multiple possible reasons to close:
Q: Conventional style (margins, font...) for a research report in computer science

SoftTimurI am wring a research report in (theoretical) computer science. It does not target at any conference or journal at this stage. The only requirement is "LaTeX, article, 11pt, a4.". I am wondering if there is any conventional style, especially for margins and font for this kind of paper, to make it...

7:27 PM
@lockstep Would it not be best to ask @godbyk to convert the comment to an answer?
Or do you feel that the question is simply too vague?
I just went for Not a Real Question, based on the actual wording of the reasons.
@JosephWright I would say that this shouldn't be answered in its current form. It's not a good fit for the site, being too vague, and converting godbyk's comment to an answer gives it a sort of legitimacy that I don't think it deserves.
@JosephWright A comment with 6 upvotes is probably worthy to be converted into an answer with at least one upvote ... but I don't like this sort of question, to be honest.
@AndrewStacey Okay, I've closed it
@lockstep I guess @AndrewStacey is correct, in that the comment is reasonable but does not really make the question any good
@JosephWright Let's just say godbyk is on his/her way to the "Pundit" badge. :-)
I've just noticed that the system has finally got me down as 365 days consecutive presence!
7:41 PM
Request for MWE has been unanswered for 3 weeks:
Q: Splitting Frames into Multiple Columns

MassimoI am working on a document, which uses multicolumns. I am also using several boxes (Minipage, Simple frame) as well. The problem is: everytime a box -which is near to the end of a column- doesn't fit in that column where it has to be, Lyx automatically transfers it to the next column and leaves t...

@lockstep Agree; I left a comment to soften the blow.
8:11 PM
I wonder now if luatex could tackle river problem, as well as the homeoarchy one
Could be closed as "too localized" or "nor a real question":
Q: How can I have multiple sorted lists in a single document?

thedoctor818Without setting up an index, is it possible to have multiple sorted (alphabetized) lists in the same document? Here is what I have thus far using the datatool package: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{report} \usepackage{datatool} \usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=1cm, right=1cm]{geometry} \use...

8:28 PM
@lockstep too localised. I think that questions where there's a wrong version or old version of a package are "too localised" (unless there's some more complicated stuff going on). They are honest questions, and answerable, so "not a real question" doesn't feel quite right, so the flavour of "no-one else is likely to have this problem" of "too localised" seems a better fit.
@PauloCereda What format do you want the maths in? MathML? Or some sort of HTML hack, or what?
@AndrewStacey I think MathML is OK. A HTML hack would require additional symbols, I guess.
8:56 PM
@AndrewStacey Things. It's an interesting idea, but not really easier than my current code. Also then users couldn't use pgfpages themselves, could they?
1 hour later…
10:03 PM
linguistics private beta is starting
10:28 PM
So how's the blog post about TUG going? (cc @stefankottwitz)
11:07 PM
I wrote a new package: ifoddpage (bitbucket.org/martin_scharrer/ifoddpage). It is a substitute of the similar functionality from the 'changepage' package or the 'memoir' class, and has some benefits over them.

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