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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

10:00 PM
ooh complex numbers! I hear they are complex. :)
!!/eightball Is David playing Minecraft?
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: without a doubt.
!!/eightball is Joseph playing PS3?
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: are we there yet?
Stupid bot.
@egreg I am now falling back to bibtex.
But, .aux file not being created... could you tell me what could be the reason...
@PauloCereda bye
@kan \nofiles somewhere?
@egreg No... no such TeXnical foo...
@kan Then I don't know.
10:10 PM
@egreg Actually, aux file is being created but empty...
@kan Empty?
@egreg Has some things but no bibliographical information...
has the keys I put in, but no more...
@kan Every \cite command should produce something in it.
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\tocsection {}{3}{Setup for the Algorithm}}{17}}
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {5}{\ignorespaces Tensor Product of Smith Vectors}}{18}}
Some selection of what it is like...
@egreg Now, pdflatex stuck at:
! Missing \endcsname inserted.
<to be read again>
l.132 ...nteger Multiplication}, Year = {2007}}{4}
@kan Are you trying to input the .bib file?
10:20 PM
@egreg yes... I made all of them \bibitem...
@kan No, it won't work.
@egreg So, how do I get this to work!
@kan You have to place the contents of the bbl file generated by BibTeX in place of the \bibliography command.
@egreg I have \begin{thebibliography} \end{bibliography}...
And, some \bibitems in there...
@kan Procedure: 1. compile the file with the \bibliography command in place; 2. run BibTeX; 3. open the generated .bbl file, 4. copy its entire contents; 5. paste it in place of the \bibliography command. Run again latex twice.
10:28 PM
@egreg Bibtex ends with failure...
I found no \bibstyle command---while reading file new_cyclotomy.aux
(There was 1 error message)
@kan Well, the \bibliographystyle command must be issued somewhere.
@egreg I have said \bibliographystyle{plain} in the preamble....
@tohecz What did they change?
@kan Try putting it just before \bibliography (which must go where you want the \bibliography printed: it's not like biblatex.
@PauloCereda Generally spoken: Yes. But the devil is in the details.
10:34 PM
@Speravir I noticed nothing special.
@egreg Me too. But @tohecz mentioned this.
!!/answer What was changed in SE today?
@egreg That fixed it!
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode:

Wolfram Alpha exception.
Warning--empty journal in Ayoubs1969
Fixing that ^^
10:36 PM
!!/eightball Shall we know what was changed in SE today?
@egreg Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: you need to use emacs.
@Psmith I do!
@Speravir Oh my.
@egreg We might need to wake up Tom. :)
!!/eightball Is SE a normal place?
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: there's a disturbance in the Force.
!!/eightball Is Tom already sleeping?
@egreg Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: I sense conflict.
10:38 PM
He must be rolling in his bed.
@egreg or watching cartoons. :)
@PauloCereda If you ask for instance after TeX variables, it won’t work for all.
@Speravir Good to know.
@Speravir: thank you. :)
@PauloCereda The background is: They are partly simply unknown to MiKTeX.
@Speravir :(
@egreg: interesting fact: there was a soccer game in Argentina that was so violent (8 yellow cards so far) that the referee stopped the game, had a quick chat with the captains, went to the 4th referee and gave him the yellow card, keeping only the red card in his pocket.
10:44 PM
@PauloCereda "Let me not make a mistake". In basketball there aren't cards: to eject somebody you just raise up both fists.
@percusse: sir! <3
@egreg Oh my! :)
Great, it crashed again. :)
hold on.
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: Good night! I'm Psmith, the friendly TeX bot - the p in my name is silent, as in pshrimp. I'm here as a companion to our fellow users in the typographic land. As you probably noticed, I always reply under Paulo's account, but do not despair, I say, my replies are always preceded by my own name. Enjoy your stay at TeX.sx! If you need any help, just ask our chat residents. Cheerio!
@percusse Psmith, the TeX bot: I'm deeply sorry, old chap, but the command sir does not exist.
10:46 PM
@percusse Psmith, the TeX bot: I'm deeply sorry, old chap, but the command sirtaki does not exist.
@percusse Psmith, the TeX bot: I'm deeply sorry, old chap, but the command floccinaucinihilipilification does not exist.
!!/answer foccinaucinihilipilification
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode:

Query was not understood, no results available.
@percusse Psmith, the TeX bot: I'm deeply sorry, old chap, but the command line does not exist.
@percusse Psmith, the TeX bot: Oh no! We have an invalid command /lineisso90'sgetamouseanduseaGUI.Iwillpretendthatcommandline here.
@percusse Psmith, the TeX bot: Oh no! We have an invalid command /lineisso90'sgetamouseanduseaGUIIwillpretendthatcommandline here.
@percusse Psmith, the TeX bot: I'm deeply sorry, old chap, but the command lineisso90sgetamouseanduseaguiiwillpretendthatcommandline does not exist.
10:49 PM
worth it
@percusse LOL
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: I'm deeply sorry, old chap, but the command santa_claus does not exist.
@percusse Psmith, the TeX bot: I'm deeply sorry, old chap, but the command ante_che_guevara does not exist.
@percusse LOL I see what you did.
!!/answer Is Santa Claus real?
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode:

Does Santa Claus exist?
There is not a unique computable answer to that question.  Possible answers include:

a) Santa Claus is as real as you wish him to be; if you believe in Santa, then he is real.

b) Saint Nicholas is the common name for the real person Nicholas of Myra, a saint and historical Bishop of Myra.

c) Santa gives gifts to children, therefore he is.
10:52 PM
!!/answer me positively
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode:

positively  (English word)
1 | adverb | extremely
2 | adverb | so as to be positive; in a positive manner
p'ozuhtivlee  (IPA: p\:02c8\:0252z\:0259t\:026avli)
pos-i-tive-ly  (10 letters  | 4 syllables)
(none among common words)
@percusse: sir, my planetary experience went wrong: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/13463320#13463320
From here:
Q: Saturn rings with TikZ

steven_nevetsThe planet and a ring are easily drawn. The challenge is to layer them in such a way that the far side of the ring is hidden from view behind the planet, and the near side of the ring eclipses the planet in the foreground. My instinct tells me that this can be done using clipping, scopes, or th...

@PauloCereda Gießen lies quite central in Hassia, so:
Die hessische Küche war wie alle traditionellen Küchen jahreszeitabhängig. Die hessische Küche ist sehr vielschichtig, da jede Region ihre eigenen Gerichte besitzt. So ist die nordhessische Küche der Thüringer Küche nicht unähnlich, und in Südhessen findet sich der Einfluss der Rheinhessischen und Fränkischen Küche wieder. In Mittelhessen sind vor allem schwere schmackhafte Gerichte (Hausmannskost) auf dem Speiseplan. Sehr typisch für Hessen sind Gerichte auf Basis von Kartoffeln und Brot. Ähnlich wie die italienische Pizza gibt es belegte Brot- und Hefekuchenvarianten (Ploatz, Speckkuche...
@Speravir ooh! Now I'm hungry. :)
@PauloCereda A lot of them I do not know either.
@PauloCereda Hahahahaha.... Global warming pushes ducks to the outer atmosphere
10:55 PM
@percusse LOL almost a conga line of ducks.
Hi. Can one add a caption to a tabular environment with making it float? Alternatively, I guess I could use longtable, which doesn't seem to require a float for a caption.
@FaheemMitha Why not table environment?
@percusse Isn't table a float thing?
@FaheemMitha I think you meant with out making it float then?
@percusse Yes, no float.
I think longtable lets you add a caption without a float, right?
10:59 PM
@FaheemMitha ctan.org/pkg/capt-of
@percusse I'll give that a try, thanks.
How does longtable handle this?
@FaheemMitha By this you mean how it doesn't become a float?
because it is a float
@percusse longtable is a float?
and yes, I meant how does it use a caption without being a float.
@FaheemMitha Well, since it overflows to the other page, it doesn't need to float
@JosephWright @all_others The poster of this question grumbled, that it was closed. but now after it was reopened (and I pointe him to this) he does not do anything (he was active meanwhile, asked at least another question): Embedding PDF while rewriting fonts in Latex, see especially the second comment, a nice pearl. What do you think: Start again a closing process? Waiting for the clean-up saturday?
11:09 PM
it just sinks in (excuse my french)
@percusse I see.
How do I run metapost? If I do
mpost saturn.mp
I get a prompt. I was trying to execute this example:
A: Saturn rings with TikZ

ThrustonNot sure I like the colour scheme, so here's a more restrained Metapost version, featuring the useful buildcycle macro. beginfig(1); path globe, gap, ring[], limb[]; globe = fullcircle scaled 2cm; gap = fullcircle xscaled 3cm yscaled .8cm; ring1 = fullcircle xscaled 4cm yscaled 1.2cm; ring2 ...

what happened when you get the mpost result?
you need to treat it like bibtex
one tex one mpost then tex ... not sure about the order though i do it with arara
@FaheemMitha The example misses a final end
@egreg Oh, thanks.
This outputs to what appears to be a postscript file saturn.1
. Is it possible to get pdf?
11:26 PM
@FaheemMitha mptopdf saturn.mp
@egreg Thanks,
metapost looks kind of nice, but few seem to use it. it is probably faster than TikZ/PGF too.
I wonder if it is still maintained.
@FaheemMitha Yes, Taco Hoekwater is in charge of it. He recently added several features, for example double precision numbers.
@egreg Good to know, thanks.
11:47 PM
@tohecz Haha, I just found this:
@tohecz “Chilling beer is also some kind of cooking.”
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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