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10:14 AM
salaamu alaikkum medi1saif
@suhail Wa aleikum salam suhail
Turkish people came here right after the WW2. proof???
historical facts
will you provide me any links?
Gastarbeiter (plural, "Gastarbeiter") (German pronunciation: [ˈɡastˌʔaɐ̯baɪtɐ]) is German for "guest worker" (literal translation). It refers to foreign or migrant workers, particularly those who had moved to West Germany (BRD) mainly in the 1960s and 1970s, seeking work as part of a formal guest worker programme (Gastarbeiterprogramm). Similarly, the Netherlands and Belgium had a parallel scheme called the gastarbeider programme. Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland had similar programmes called arbetskraftsinvandring (workforce-immigration). East Germany (DDR) had a similar programme and referred...
And the fact that earliest Turkish people (Turkish father and mother) who were born in Germany are of my age or a few years older
Of course I don't mean that Turkish people came in the late 40's
@suhail or what exactly is your question?

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