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1:00 PM
@badp ur mom closed as too localized
@badp ITG is the future of Arqade.
@fredley Arquade*, according to the rest of SE
A bright, gleaming future. Like that of Detroit.
@kalina The entire rest of SE is wrong about most things.
Arqade : Arcade :: Arquade : Arcwade
Especially Math. They're always wrong.
1:02 PM
@BenBrocka silent u
@BenBrocka Awkward...
Whoses da kwootest widdle arquade
@BenBrocka did you just eat soap or something?
bang your head?
@kalina He's coddling the Bridge. This is an interesting development.
is it still mod abuse when a mod acts all uncharacteristically cutesy?
1:05 PM
Hmm, but this site isn't his baby. That distinction would have to go to @badp
@kalina Rule #1: It's always Mod Abuse.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone whichever way you look at it, @badp doesn't love this site enough to be a top 5 user
this is obviously RavenDreamer's baby
Wrong, it's @GraceNote's baby, obviously
Huh, he doesn't have the precog badge
-1 respect
1:08 PM
@kalina Being generally sarcastic and derisive doesn't seem uncharacteristic for me at all

Launched Q&A site for passionate gamers from all platforms (computers and consoles)

Looks like it is indeed Juan's

Proposed Q&A site for bee keeping enthusiasts

Currently in definition.

@YiJiang'sEvilClone Stupid badge is stupid
I like how Arda appears as a broken link
somebody didn't erase him enough
@badp I agree. A badge I can't get is stupid
1:11 PM
somebody save me before I set fire to him
Q: In a co-op game, which factors determine if flowing clothes are bulletproof?

galacticninja ...PhysX on: flowing cloth (flags, tarps) that use PhysX to flow realistically are solid with PhysX off, and block bullets completely. With PhysX on, the cloth can be shot apart and thus shot through. - from an answer to the question, "What do the levels of Nvidia PhysX do?" What if the ho...

@fredley Already saw it, made that joke to myself.
@RonanForman Fine
All right people, place your bets, how quickly am I going to just pass out in class after having not slept all night?
@Unionhawk 15 minutes
@badp Yeah, it really should be an A51 badge. I suppose you could think of it as a bronze level Beta badge
1:13 PM
@Unionhawk Spoiler alert: You're already sleeping.
@Unionhawk Record the lesson
Sound is enough
then sleep soundly silently.
@badp It's the end of the semester. Aside from turning things in, really, I don't give a crap about the lesson at hand
@Unionhawk So why are you in class?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It would be a pretty ineffective A51 advertisement if it was just an A51 badge. :p
@badp shrugs
1:15 PM
@badp Attendance policy maybe.
@OrigamiRobot Stupid policy is stupid.
@kalina there you have it
@badp I recorded all sorts of class notes and almost never went back to review them
reviewing audio information takes sooooo loooong I hate it
@badp -.-
1:16 PM
@BenBrocka I did actually
Holy shit, all the images in What If? have mouseover text, I am such an idiot. Now I have to go back and read them all again.
Sometimes slides are confusing and contradictory
One thing I try to do when I'm awake is to timestamp my notes
TBH, I think his question is either a duplicate of the original question which contains all of the details from the game developer about how they've implemented PhysX, or off topic and needs migrating to GameDev so somebody can explain to him how client side rendering works
@badp Yes, they are basically saying "This class is terrible and I don't know how to fix it so I'll just force you to be here."
@TimStone I don't know about you, but I found the big sidebar advertisements for A51 to be much better uh... advertisements for A51
1:17 PM
@fredley this is your fault, all images on xkcd have had mouseovers since FOREVER
I think perhaps the Precognitive badge was created prior to the sidebar showing advertisements for A51 proposals, but I'm not positive.
@kalina I know. It just never occurred to my to mouse over What If?
@fredley I learned yesterday that Daisy Owl had mouseover text so i get to reread the whole series.
@fredley What if you had mouseovered all of the What Ifs?
1:20 PM
@kalina Oh God
@badp mentions GW2 in title, cba
that's why I linked it to you, silly person
It really shouldn't be this way, but any time I hear "eSports" I'm just like "oh. So it sucks."
@badp I don't play GW2
1:22 PM
Is 'crap on it' a particularly Scottish expression?
It's not a Scottish expression if it doesn't end in a hearty "Ahhch"
@BenBrocka My knowledge of Scottish expressions is based solely on Samurai Jack
@OrigamiRobot Mine is based mostly on Groundskeeper Willy
Morning, Bridge
1:34 PM
@BenBrocka I never watched the Simpsons religiously.
@badp requesting permission to nuke game engine tags
I would do @everybody, but they didn't implement that feature for a reason
@galacticninja Serious Question: How relevant are the answers about a Borderlands PhysX question going to be to a Batman PhysX question? This tag is flawed for the same reason platform tags are generally flawed - which is to say, expertise in the subject generally doesn't translate. — LessPop_MoreFizz 1 min ago
Am I off base here?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Makes sense
@LessPop_MoreFizz how relevant are ANY QUESTION ABOUT PHYSX going to be to the core fundamental gameplay?
oh right... not at all
Okay, so is 'crap on it' a Britishism?
1:41 PM
@YiJiang'sEvilClone not one that I would use tbh
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Where are you seeing it?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Seems right to me; PhysX can be used for extremely different things in different games
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Are you asking if the phrase is british or actually crapping on things?
Conversation by a fictional Scottish police officer
and any questions about the technology are gamedev and off topic here
1:42 PM
@kalina I would think PhysX could be used in a real gameplay mechanic, it's just a really bad idea since not everyone has an Nvidia card
@BenBrocka I see what you're saying, but you still kinda agreed with what I said
I will accept "kinda agreed" as "completely agreed"
I don't think we need any of these game engine tags
@RonanForman The phrase, of course. Though I am rather curious if the Brits have a long proud tradition of pooping in inappropriate locations
@kalina Yeah, I don't think it's useful as a tag. The fact that PhysX has blinding particle effects in Borderlands isn't really related to whatever the hell they do in whatever other game
@kalina Source Engine seems to be an outlier in that it may be useful
@LessPop_MoreFizz context?
1:49 PM
as there are a few questions about movement mechanics that are consistent across various source games.
movement mechanics are customisable across various source games using cvars
eugh, don't link the tag to me
that doesn't help
and going "counterstrike movement" and then putting every cs tag + source engine as the tag doesn't make source engine a useful tag
@kalina There are also some questions that are specific to source client/server stuff that apply to multiple games
Source Engine seems like it would be an extremely broad tag
like sv_maxrate questions could apply to all of CS:S or TF2 or...
or whatever that cvar is
@SaintWacko Not if we apply the same rule to it that we apply to console tags.
1:51 PM
@badp All games based on id-tech-1 have a sv_maxrate
Which is to say, if the question is one that somebody who hasn't played any particular game is able to answer, it's probably a good use of the tag.
and while source isn't based off id-tech-1, it's heavily influenced by it due to gold-src
so should we tag all first person shooters from 2004 and earlier with id-tech-1?
If the question is about optimizing videogame networking...
what works for TF2 likely works for CS:S or CS:GO is what I mean
It'd be nice to mark those few posts as such
or if you're asking how to change the viewmodel fov
or if you're asking how to disable view models
or if you're asking how to disable weather effect (does CS:GO even have them?)
anything that involves the console, anyway
If you want to generalise all of the games with on them and keep the tag
they should be generalised
I don't mind editing ~40 questions
I have lots of free time now I've gotten bored with SU
@badp Yeah, this is what I mean by Source is kind of an outlier in this respect.
1:55 PM
@LessPop_MoreFizz well, see also Doom 3/Quake 4/Prey/etc.
It's unusually consistent in it's implementation across Valve's games at the very least.
Quake 3/Return to Castle Wolfenstein/etc.
but like, then we have this question:
Q: Is there a way to set the Doom3 screen resolution when starting the game?

sauparnaI am running Doom3 on Linux. Everything worked out fine, as described in this documentation but I ran into a fix when I changed my screen resolution. Now the games starts in a bigger window, the bottom part of which is inaccessible as it extends beyond my laptop screen size. The mouse pointer m...

@badp Well sure, and if we had questions about those of a similar nature to the Source questions we do have, that'd be fine.
and if we're going to go down the route of not even bothering to put the game name on as a tag and just tag it by engine
1:56 PM
@kalina Which is clearly a poor use of an engine tag.
then I best get busy researching the name of every game engine in existence
@kalina I'd add the [doom-3] tag to that one.
lol, I removed it
and I'll be the one that adds it bac
because arguing that point, means that mass effect uses
along with a bunch of star wars games
We can have 5 tags for any one question
Nobody dies if we use 2
and any settings relating question would need to be tagged like that
1:57 PM
That's my point
@badp So we should go back to putting console tags on everything?
and then I should put on any hair related questions for tomb raider
@LessPop_MoreFizz meh
(that was a joke)
and then it's time to bring ITG back
I'm just saying that if somebody comes up with path-of-exile-barbarian we shouldn't launch a committee to decide if we're ever going to get enough questions about that class
1:58 PM
might as well go the whole way
It also doesn't mean that we have to go back and retag all other path-of-exile questions
consistency is important
Sure, if somebody feels really bored then it's their problem
@kalina Tags aren't built for consistency, if they were they'd have categorization and hierarchy and whatnot
are you going to bitch and whine at me when I destroy the front page?
we had to rally for years to get non-vanishing tags
1:59 PM
@badp No, we shouldn't launch a committee to decide that. But if someone edits that tag off of the question, we also shouldn't go out of our way to lynch the editor for the deletion.
Our tags don't get autocleaned. Part of the price of that is vigilance against bad tags, whether they be typo game titles, or tags too narrow to be useful cluttering up the autocomplete.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Agreed, but I'm still arguing for a more relaxed approach towards tagging
both sides
We nuked the tag last year during the cleanup
@LessPop_MoreFizz Until it spirals into a rollback war between the editor and the OP?
this guy wants a tag
@kalina Those tags are a completely different beast from id-tech-3 or poe-barbarian
I hope you realize that
2:01 PM
which will never even effect core gameplay, until @BenBrocka rightly puts it, nvidia own the entire graphics card market and/or license their tech and/or games get made for bleeding edge hardware only
@badp In general, I agree. My point is not that Physx is a bad tag that we shouldn't have. My point is that Physx is an inappropriate tag for the question in, erm, well, question.
All games have game-mechanics, "all" games have boss fights, "all" games have technical issues
@LessPop_MoreFizz It probably is.
@badp you are talking to two different people at the moment, I hope you realise that
the class tags discussion is the conversation you're having with @LessPop_MoreFizz, who has the multi coloured red/blue avatar
I have a pink avatar, and I'm talking about how is useless because we're not gamedev
No, I'm having this discussion with both of you at the same time. This isn't IP, we can multicast
sets fire to @badp
@badp, you're on fire
I just thought you should know
2:03 PM
I am going to get coffee. And maybe breakfast. But mostly coffee.
@kalina I have a spycicle. Deal with it
Later @LessPop_MoreFizz
@LessPop_MoreFizz crunchy nut cornflakes!
@badp my fire overpowers your so called defenses
@kalina citation-needed
@kalina Just wait 2 seconds and set fire again.
@badp "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"
2:04 PM
@kalina [1] @Kalina's fire overwhlems @badp's defenses
You call this "scorn" and you claim you've got thick skin
bah says I!
I'm actually laughing at you, everybody in the office thinks I've lost it
Well that didn't take long
giggling like some crazy woman
2:06 PM
Perhaps someone should ask @galacticninja to come to chat so he can participate in this discussion instead of bogging that question down with comments.
Yeah, like
Do chat pings ping people who aren't in chat (and have never been so?)
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Aw
would a superping?
2:08 PM
@Sconibulus Yes, but you need a mod for that
@kalina Wait, they're just now thinking that?
@badp care to issue a summons?
@SaintWacko it's been a while since I sat "giggling at my pc"
@OrigamiRobot that'd only trigger an inbox notification in 15 minutes
@badp Can I turn off chat notifications in my inbox?
2:09 PM
@fredley No.
@fredley You can by leaving the room and waiting a while
@badp I was actually referring to inviting him in the comments.
He seems to be keeping up with them.
@OrigamiRobot Anybody can do that
@badp Yes, that's why I said someone and not some mod.
I'm not the one who mentioned superpings.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Fixed that last comment for you
(And, as a side note, you can link tags using the syntax [tag:name] with proper bracketing.) — LessPop_MoreFizz 16 mins ago
if you write that like [tag:name\] it doesn't apply the formatting
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I don't even have SimCity installed now
Oh, that was fast.
A city filled with taxi, ha!
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Nice try
@YiJiang'sEvilClone meh, I hammered beta for ages
2:13 PM
at any rate galactic hasn't replied in the last 15 minutes
just saying
I don't know, I got bored of that too
I uninstalled galactic
@kalina But Galactic Civ is a great game!
I uninstalled Civ 5 too
@kalina Blasphemy!
BioShock is still installed but I set fire to it
cc @badp - my fire is so overpowered it burns in rapture
2:15 PM
@kalina Which BioShock?
waits for inevitable
Without playing them?
I started playing the first one
@kalina "We don't talk about Bioshock 2 here"?
@badp well I said both, because I've been told that the Bioshock series should be treated exactly like the Deus Ex series
in that the middle game doesn't exist
2:16 PM
that would be exactly what I said
29,995 reps
well I was expecting somebody to be pedantic, because... well, this is the Bridge
I'm sure you can get me closer to 29,999 than that
@badp not bad, just think how much rep I'd have if I had been here 2 years, 9 months
@badp I am going to upvote you and downvote you, brb
2:18 PM
Why in the world does Steam do this?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Your profile so private, you don't have access to it.
@badp I'm so private, even I can't see what I write about myself
@badp 29998!
@badp downvote somebody's answer, get 29999
that'd be 29,997
I'll just undo some downvote instead
@badp I undid my downvote, keep up
you have 30000 atm
2:19 PM
bah, you broke it, now I'm at 30,001
don't blame me, it's your fault
@badp Yeah, well, cotton you too
@@@ @@@  @@@@@@  @@@  @@@    @@@@@@@  @@@  @@@  @@@  @@@@@@  @@@  @@@ @@@@@@@@
@@! !@@ @@!  @@@ @@!  @@@    @@!  @@@ @@!  @@!  @@! @@!  @@@ @@!  !@@ @@!
 !@!@!  @!@  !@! @!@  !@!    @!@!@!@  @!!  !!@  @!@ @!@  !@! @!@@!@!  @!!!:!
  !!:   !!:  !!! !!:  !!!    !!:  !!!  !:  !!:  !!  !!:  !!! !!: :!!  !!:
  .:     : :. :   :.:: :     :: : ::    ::.:  :::    : :. :   :   ::: : :: ::
@@@@@@@ @@@  @@@ @@@@@@@@    @@@  @@@  @@@  @@@@@@   @@@@@@  @@@
  @!!   @@!  @@@ @@!         @@!  @@!  @@! @@!  @@@ @@!  @@@ @@!
  @!!   @!@!@!@! @!!!:!      @!!  !!@  @!@ @!@  !@! @!@  !@! @!!
  !!:   !!:  !!! !!:          !:  !!:  !!  !!:  !!! !!:  !!! !!:
   :     :   : : : :: ::       ::.:  :::    : :. :   : :. :  : ::.: :
I would have got banned for doing that
2:22 PM
nothing, I am being bored
@kalina Hypochondriacs
I suppose that since there are only two hours until hometime, I should do the installation for this customer that I was given two days to do
hey @Raven
Hiss. Boo. New Site footer.
yeah it looks ugly
I like it better
The previous one was a trainwreck
2:24 PM
yes but you have something wrong with you
I don't see a difference
Clearly I don't spend enough time staring at feet
@SaintWacko used to be lots of little coloured squares with names next to them before
It still was a trainwreck
Also, Arqade is no longer prominent on it.
now it's lists of text
2:24 PM
@RavenDreamer We've got parens
Ah, okay
@badp the new one looked alright in SO's theme
it looks disastrous and ugly in ours
I'm still mildly amused by the fact that SF&F got categorized into "Life/Art" while we are in "Culture/Recreation"
@badp Yes, but we're not 5th on the list!
@RavenDreamer We're still 5th on the list!
It's a smaller list though. :/
2:25 PM
Shouldn't Judaism be under Life and SF&F be under Culture?
It's not obvious that they are other sites.
It looks like a block of legalese
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I still can't believe that Skeptics want to be under 'science'
Let them, we'll get a little higher
@kalina Eh? It's called scientific skepticism, why shouldn't it be under science?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone They're not btw
2:27 PM
Are we even not on this page?
@RavenDreamer We're under Recreation
Some people like to to use the term to distance themselves away from the conspiracy nuts like the global warming skeptics
Now I want Workplace to graduate to see how they deal with yet another category in the footer
@RavenDreamer the footer "more" links don't properly combine categories. So you got Culture not Culture and Rec
@BenBrocka surely workplace would go under 'life'
but yeah, I don't like the new footer
2:28 PM
@kalina Life? In the workplace? Surely you kid...
btw does anybody else not mind it that we don't get hundreds of questions per day?
@kalina The actual category is Professional or some crap. No graduated sites are in the category so it'd need a new section/need to be shuffled along with one of the others
@YiJiang'sEvilClone many people spend a large double figure percentage of their life in the workplace
Obviously we should be in a category on our own called "best" with everything else being under "other"
We're 18th by questions/day
I'm kind of okay with that
2:29 PM
@badp is our position determined by questions/day?
Clearly we should be in the Gamerec/ITG category
@badp We get relatively few questions/day for the amount of traffic we bring
@kalina Don't think so
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I'm really really okay with that!
oh, I was about to raise 30k questions
but nvm then
@YiJiang'sEvilClone grumpycatGOOD.jpg
2:30 PM
@kalina if we got 30k questions from you they'd probably be questions that don't make you set fire on yourself
Yeah, we have at least half a dozen 3k users watch every incoming question.
user image
Aww, did my "inb4 context" pin expire?
@badp I am struggling to comprehend your meaning behind this statement
@OrigamiRobot Aww
2:32 PM
@kalina The problem is not if we get 3,000 questions/day from established users
@kalina's naked pin also expired
The problem is if we get 3,000 questions/day from new users
and 1,500 of those need editing
and 2,000 of those need retagging
and this happened every single day
all days
especially weekends
I get game over is my game broken
2:33 PM
@YiJiang'sEvilClone skeptics is less science and more politics lately. :/
@badp I have no problem doing this, it reduces my boredom
Stack Overflow gets seven thousand questions per day
How the fuck do they run that site
I could handle 7k questions by myself if they were raised while I was awake
Wow, Math gets 400 questions a day
well probably not
2:34 PM
Lots of people don't know math, it turns out
@fredley you only have to look at their chat flags to see lots of people don't know math
@BenBrocka Cheesevotes? Sounds tasty.
@kalina No, math people don't know flags
math people don't know ANYTHING
Ewww, KFC Singapore won't take more than 20 char passwords. And just when I thought I would be getting a nice, modern website (they list IE8+ as one of their recommended browser, which I took to be a good sign)
2:37 PM
at least they allow symbols
"Passwords must only contain a-z, 0-9 and be between 6 and 8 characters long"
best password EVER
Some fields are marked by asterisk, some are not. This does not correspond to which fields are required.
The significance of the asterisk is not explained
@kalina "BESTEVER"
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Also horrible stylesheet, why not?
@badp Fail, must be a-z, not A-Z
2:39 PM
@kalina 8 char is far too short, ewww
@fredley those passwords are likely case insensitive too
whenever I see something like "password too long"
@kalina so, like, every bank ever? every ATM ever?
I read it as "developer is incompetent"
@badp I am going to say that my internet banking doesn't actually use passwords
2:41 PM
@kalina Your password must be "password"
All passwords that are not "password" will be rejected for security reasons
Somehow the website thinks I have X-ray vision that can penetrate this giant modal dialog box that's blocking the view to confirm the details contained in the form
@BenBrocka To confirm your identity, please write your password on the back of a postcard and send it to the following address. Please allow 6-8 weeks for account processing.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone You mean you don't?
2:42 PM
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I can't believe you actually signed up for the mailing list
@kalina I redirect all those emails to a special ad folder. They sometimes contain coupons, and I'm a bloody cheapskate
how much chocolate does a human have to consume before it's poisonous?
novelmethodsofsuicide.stackexchange.com would fit until "life / arts", surely?
@kalina Alot of chocolate
@kalina A51 it. If you're wrong, someone will retag it
2:45 PM
I searched for "ld50 cocoa" and got that
wow, that's a lot of chocolate
I have never tried, but I am confident I would puke before even making a real dent in those numbers
@YiJiang'sEvilClone web exception AND the full error message!
Well, I guess they don't want my money
@YiJiang'sEvilClone BEST SITE EVER
2:49 PM
@kalina MS stuff just does that. SE does it too for some errors
@BenBrocka mmh, it's a web config setting
@BenBrocka It shouldn't do it if the server is correctly configured
That's debug output, shouldn't see that in production
@YiJiang'sEvilClone what site is that?
@Blem KFC Singapore

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