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3:55 PM
Yes. Muscle memory is real. Most strength loss after a small break is depleted glycogen and simply being out-of-practice.

You only dropped twenty pounds. I'd imagine you could get back to 215 in two to three weeks or so if you're consistent.
"Also 2 days ago I did 3 sets of 8 reps of 135 bench, and yesterday I biked for 20 miles, but my chest hurts more, even though biking 20 miles is certainly much more work. Why is that?"
Long form cardio can be more physical work but it doesn't necessarily mean it's as intense. Your legs probably feel more depleted, but they're able to withstand the biking so they don't hurt.

Resistance training is more targeted and acute. It's a lot of work focused on one area that you admitted you haven't trained much in the last two months.

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