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4:47 PM
Is it ok to be benching the same weight for 2+weeks?
I've been on 35kg (5x5) for the past week (3 workouts) but if I go up to 40kg I can' just manage 1x3
Is it ok if I stay on 35kg for a while longer?
5:01 PM
@Stacey, you could try upping the number of repetitions but with a rep range of 5 that sounds like you're going for serious power?
@colmcq I'm technically on stronglifts but I'm not able to increment as often as they prescribe (supposedly every workout)
goal is to get stronger
right, OK, just to give you some context, I am a NASM level 3 personal trainer with about 10 yrs experience, just so you know
strength is multifaceted and comes from endurance, power and speed
so you can get stronger by increasing your endurance for a time.
so that would be more reps?
who prescribed the workout and in what context?
it is something I would prescribe at the end of a substantial phase of endurance and stabilisation training
1 week you wont see too much improvement fyi
This is the page to it:
My personal context: I was tired of cardio and bored of circuit training so I tried weight lifting and enjoyed it.
I've been following Stronglifts for 2 months with weekly increments instead of daily
5:14 PM
fine, but this model isnt borne from any research that I know
youre doing 5 reps, with good form, then adding more weight when you can complete 5*5 with perfect form, thats what im reading\
pretty much
my form for 5x5 35 kg is fine, but I fail epically when I try 40 kg
too much of a step up (11.5%)
well not really
this 5*5 sounds very faddy and not evidence based
you're welcome to make a recommendation. I'm not dead set on it
when we use the term repetition range we're indicating what physiological system its strssing.
a range of 3-7 is pure power, short twitch, will build no endurance
ranges of 8-12 will build size, power and some endurance
12+ begins to stress endurance
short answer is you need to cycle between these systems.
I can't give you a short answer!
5:20 PM
At the very least, increase repetition range on the weight you are currently on
what is your goal? get stronger is a bit nebulous
I want to have more muscle mass so that my metabolism increases and I get to eat more
oh i see!
hypertrophy is maximal around the 8-12 rep range FYI (I would dig out peer reviewed data to back that up but a)I cant be bothered b)you trust me)
5:24 PM
But I dont want you getting injured so here's a fix: spend 3 weeks on a 3*20 rep scenario, 1 min rest between sets. this will give you an awesome base.
next 3 weeks would be 3-5 sets on 8-12 reps
I would need to go down in weight to do that
you would
how long have you been training for>?
two months
OK, not long. And have you always followed the 5*5 thing
well for two months
5:26 PM
Highly unorthodox!
haha I tend to do things unstereotypical
5 reps is a huge weight for a novice!
I like rule breakers too
but this model aint gonna get you far
and is dangerous
I'm a bit confused because there are a couple of training programs out there that are 3x5 and 5x5 and they are claimed to be for beginners
thing is, if you do the 5 reps it should be with a massive weight, failure, to be efficatious (which i spelled wrong)
otherwise your body is all like 'meh that was easy'
and wont adapt after a point
so you're saying that because the 5x5 I'm doing isn't to failure it's not working as well
so i 7-12 reps is building muscle mass, what is 2-7 reps doing?
5:32 PM
I suspect youre doing it with wonderful form but not near failure
building some mass but more power
this is where it gets tricky
so that's increasing the efficiency of my existing muscle?
with regard to form you mean? I'm not clear on your last point
when you say 2 - 7 reps increases power, what does that mean? my existing muscle is getting more efficient?
you're increasing strength though not neccesarily size. You're also improving the neurological functioning of the muscle (how quickly it recruits muscle fibres)
so you are making certain physiological gains, which is great, but you're not making enough different types of physiological gains.
do you mean size as in mass or size as in like measured size
5:37 PM
strength is: partly neuromuscular (speed of recruitment); strength (power); size (hypertrophy); endurance (stamina)
like huge biceps
thats hypertrophy and occurs in certain rep ranges
its complicated, huh?
wait so you said hypertrphy is 7 - 12
I don't want huge biceps!
5:39 PM
right, then maybe steer clear of that rep range. but being a girl you lack the hormones to put on lots of muscle size anyway ;)
I have to go in 5 for a spinning class FYI
okay. Thanks for your help and patience!
I'm used to it. its always nice to help.
I think I'm understanding though: <7 reps makes my existing muscle stronger, 7-12 makes my muscles bigger and stronger, 12+ improves endurance.

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