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@AlexA. me
I'm a Canadian
and we use a mix of British and American English in our spelling
although our terms in speech are mostly American if not our own entirely
in any case, your American -> British decoder would have to take into account a lot of edge cases
is "advertise" or "compromise" different in American English?
yeah, they aren't
also, merchandise
and if you want to go the opposite direction, how about any word meaning an agent of some sort, like "bettor" or "guarantor"?
they're not "bettour" and "guarantour" in British or Canadian English :P
(bettor = somebody who bets)
basically, linguistics is hard
you can't always use the same rules for everything
you'd probably have to take them on a case-by-case basis
and that's not even counting sliding-scale words like "center"/"centre" or "meter"/"metre"
especially the latter one
we never use "metre" in the sense of "the measuring device", only the "unit of length"
and neither do the Brits, AFAIK
and in Canada, we use "center" half the time and "centre" the other, while Americans always use "center" and Brits always use "centre"
and don't get me started on punctuation conventions
@randomra Frame by frame in Flash D:
ooh, how about "oesophagus" or "encyclopaedia"?
Americans use centre and theatre (in place names) if they're trying to give a certain impression, but it usually comes off looking contrived.
I see
btw this (http://pastebin.com/GHQyWmzu) is even shorter GCD
Sorry to keep bragging about badges, I just had to show off this screenshot that proves it is possible to beat the PPCG overlord Martin Büttner in a rep/badge count. Even if it never happens again, it has been done this day. (Love you Martin, no hard feelings ;) )
@MartinBüttner Go get 10k on Rat Race now so we're tied as usual :P
@Calvin'sHobbies That's an awfully low amount of rep for your badge count. Will we see you solve problems? :D
@Calvin'sHobbies: I'm so proud.
@Sp3000: What is your icon?
@Sp3000 I indeed may solve some for once. I'm no longer bent on getting socratic.
@AlexA. This
have you guys seen the dots and boxes video on numberphile?
have any of you played dots and boxes?
2 hours later…
Everybody asleepy?
I've been hacking away at adding the first adverbs to inca3, rank and curry/compose. It compiles, but I need to read it carefully with a fresh brain.
Which I do not, at present, have.
The second week of the show is going well. Turnout was a little light last night, but better tonight.
The show has numerous permutations depending upon audience voting, but most of the audiences have made the same choices. :)
Somehow tonight, we massaged the results to get something different. Which of course, meant playing a piece of music that we've rehearsed less than everything else. So that was exciting, (almost) sight-reading, live.
Most of the audiences have voted Bazzard (the Manservant) as the Undercover Detective, and Rosa (the young fiancée) as the Murderer. Can't really blame them, though. The guy playing Bazzard is very charismatic and fun to watch, and girl murderers are sexy.
Plus, she has the prettiest song; so it's fun to see her do the "evil" song, too.
Tonight, we got Rosa as the detective, and the Vicar as the murderer. That was fun. His whole motive falls apart and he's left just looking like a homicidal idiot. The actor plays that well. :)
aha. I knew something was missing. I still need to add the adverb handler in the parse table. I think that's keep till tomorrow. Now for some tv.
Signs you should commit: vi tells you you have too many +n commands.
Yep. Definitely should've done several smaller commits. 4-line commit message. eight commas.
2 hours later…
@Calvin'sHobbies I noticed yesterday that I'm actually closer to my 3rd populist
(but as you usual, it's not me who needs more upvotes but the accepted answer :D)
populist is a weird badge
@Geobits working on it... :P
@Calvin'sHobbies Oh, also Copy Editor
ah no, that one will still take a while
I should get Prelude for Languages through the Years ready
stop eating all the gold by yourself Mr. Diamond
it's not like I'm preventing anyone from getting gold :P (as CH has just proven once again)
so you say, but each gold badge you take, it is preventing others to take one .
say for example, populist.
If I were TRA I, I would have blocked you from using stack exchange as you give unfair competition to other users (just as they are trying to do with WhatsApp here)
well I think Doorknob and Chris have become less active as users after they became mods, so there is some hope for you :P
I doubt it :P
its not like Doorknob got super busy due to mod work itself.
coding in Prelude is a very slow and steady process...
Just in time, it's 2006
well... I've still got the hard tasks to do :D
For some reason the indenting is weird on Task 3
... ah :P
@VisualMelon dollar signs
I hope the F# guy writes a proper gcd, instead of that (not recursive) solution
A: Stack Snippets messing with JS?

DoorknobThis is a MathJax-related issue. Here are some very short snippets that reproduce the bug, which appears to occur whenever multiple dollar signs are placed in a single code block: $foo $bar $baz and $ foo bar baz $ Note that the original source of this answer does not in...

let rec gcd a b = if b = 0 then a else gcd b (a % b)
ah, thanks Martin
@MartinBüttner This is like those IE6 memes :D
@Sp3000 I'm already at 5 voices for task 2 :/
I'm not surprised :P
That one's hard for esolangs
CJam/Pyth is an esolang too :P
okay, now GCD
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Uri Zarfaty2^0+1*5 code-golf kolmogorov-complexity number-theory Background This puzzle is a variation on the four fours puzzle (itself the topic of a past question). Like that puzzle, the aim is to find mathematical expressions for different whole numbers, using only four digits and certain mathemati...

it is done
A: Programming Languages Through The Years

Martin Büttner2005 - Prelude Prelude is a very fun language, whose source code consists of several "voices" which are executed in parallel and which I really enjoy solving problems in. It is meant to be the ASCII representation of its sister language Fugue, which actually takes .midi files as its source code ...

sooo... I think I should get sandbox posts for prelude metagolf ready... I'm thinking it'll be two parts... first, the simple one: given a number of voices and an integer, find the shortest way to get that integer onto any stack. second, the harder one: given a string, generate a program printing it, a short as possible. I think this will be plain metagolf.
I might add a maximum number of voices to the second one as well.
the tricky thing is defining optimality for the first task: columns? non-space characters? all characters minus trailing spaces?
so CH is ahead of Martin in golds ? :O
"(as CH has just proven once again)"
that was the entire point of the discussion earlier.
he's an exception-ally good asker
1 byte saved by base encoding -_-
@Optimizer is that a pun?
Q: `R(r+'(?=[>,]|$)','g')` is converted to `R('^'+r+'+01943df1-b949-454b-b253-e39f9f31ca1e)','g')`

Ismael MiguelToday I found something weird with stack snippets... I found it in this question:Interpreting Fish (no, not that Fish) It was in my answer: http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/48686/14732 Basically, R(r+'(?=[>,]|$)','g') is being converted to R('^'+r+'+01943df1-b949-454b-b253-e39f9f31ca1e)','g...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

randomraBijective N -> Z x Z function or Generate a pair of integers from a non-negative one code-golf math numbers function? You should write a program or function which takes a non-negative integer N as input and outputs or returns two integers (negative, zero or positive) X and Y. Integers are me...

any notes before posting?
mainly regarding the title / function tag / bolded question
Q: Do we really want LaTeX/MathJax?

Martin BüttnerWe've had MathJax support for 3 days now. While it makes our maths challenges look neat, it has also created two problems: Some search results are messed up. Indentation of code blocks and Stack Snippets are messed up. Especially the latter is a fairly big deal around here. So far, only a few...

@randomra meh, re function tag
@MartinBüttner is this a yes or no?
that's a "I'm not a huge fan of the tag in general, and I probably wouldn't use it for this challenge"
@NewMetaPosts :(
If I had known MathJax would break things like that I wouldn't have been so excited and pushing for it :(
Note: We might also be able to get away with changing the delimiter instead (ex. using \$foo\$ instead of $foo$, and similarly \$$ instead of $$), which would give us MathJax and unbroken code blocks for the most part (how often are you going to have \$ happen twice in one code block?). The only reason I'm not posting this as an answer is that I still haven't Done the Science™ on a site with \$ as their delimiter to make sure that this would actually fix the problem. — Doorknob ♦ 14 secs ago
A: Do we really want LaTeX/MathJax (right now)?

DoorknobKeep MathJax, but change the delimiters From my comment: Note: We might also be able to get away with changing the delimiter instead (ex. using \$foo\$ instead of $foo$, and similarly \$$ instead of $$), which would give us MathJax and unbroken code blocks for the most part (how often are yo...

From my apartment complex today:

Dear Rainbolt:

Good Afternoon,
The south gate has been struck by lightening and is not opening. We are working to correct this issue. Please use the North Gate while we work on this.
If you have any questions please contact us 555-555-5555.
lightening? sounds frightening!
but really, how hard is it to spell lightning
You know, I didn't even notice that it was mispelled. Either when I copied and pasted, or when you responded.
I like that North Gate gets proper noun status, too. Poor south gate...
And Afternoon
And the comma after questions
I can almost accept that. I mean, yea, you probably shouldn't use title case for openings, but....
The comma thing I've long since learned to overlook. I'd put one there, but people abuse those so often it's a pedant's nightmare :)
Geobits do you have a sarcastic response to gaming.stackexchange.com/q/213437/106943
It seems like exactly the kind of question you would have a sarcastic response to
Rule I learned was to use a comma if the clause has more than five syllables. Seems to work fine.
That's a terrible rule :O
No response to the Arqadian, though.
Q: What are “thruthy” and “falsy ”

FUZxxlVarious challenges require the programmer to return “either a truthy or falsy value.” While it is clear that “truthy” and “falsy” refer to values that can be interpreted as boolean “true” and “false,” it would be great if someone could specify what values exactly qualify as “truthy” and what do q...

Wasn't there a meta already?
Dammit @Martin, your close-hammer is too fast :D
Fortunately it is also oh so accurate. I've only seen it used on absolutely perfect dupes.
@Geobits I still had meta open in a tab ;)
How the heck did someone answer in that amount of time?
It was a self answer
Tip 1: CJam links suck
Aww he deleted his question too
@Geobits no, its the parsing by chat that sucks. Links work fine in posts
@Optimizer Sometimes... I've edited a few links to the interpreter that got chewed up by the post parser. I won't argue that chat has issues, though :P
I think it mainly depends on if you do them chat-style []() or post style, with numbered links.
mind blown: The Two Towers are not Orthanc and Barad-dur o.O
wut ?
oh. I have not seen/read the series
hm, although he did mean to leave it open to interpretation (despite specifically saying it's Orthance + Cirith Ungol at the end of the fellowship)
A: Which are the Two Towers in Lord of the Rings

DVKTolkien Gateway says: Tolkien came up with the title under deadline pressure and later expressed dissatisfaction with it. In letters and one sketch he considered several possible sets of towers, including Minas Tirith and the Barad-dûr, and even the possibility of leaving the matter ambiguous...

that guy has insane amount of rep and badges
Nvm. Answer pretty much covers that and more
I like his style. Write a book with five towers; name it The Two Towers.
@Optimizer looks like he's the Jon Skeet of SF.SE ^^
@Optimizer Yea, he's active on quite a few sites. I see him around on Politics or Skeptics often enough, too.
Do any of the main characters actually enter Barad-dur in the trilogy?
How does jon skeet manage to maintain an over 200 rep every single day ?
I've never read the return of the king, but I doubt it.
@Optimizer he gets his rep cap within a few hours every morning from old answers
3+ accepts, plus a large answer base for passive rep?
I have, and I've seen the movies too. I'm pretty sure Frodo doesn't go sight-seeing in Mordor.
I think Gollum enters Barad-dur if you consider him a main character
I'm not sure exactly where he was questioned/tortured, but there seems likely.
@MartinBüttner I see. He basically only gets 10% of what he would actually get without rep cap
yes something like that
I think there's a data.SE query for how much rep you'd have without the rep cap
haha .
Unfortunately, it's only a 32-bit data type, so Jon would break it ;)
lol, it looks like DVK was the user who created that query (for Jon)
Not even 3 million? He's slacking.
ah, someone edited it. that edit might have been the user ID.
it also doesn't account for bounties
haha, Jon has offered a single bounty in his SO career
with bounties, he'd have 8125 more
I'd have 9930 here without cap, about 1750 more.
martin would have 18K more
It doesn't work well, I believe
Oh wait, it doesn't count the -1 for DVing.
It says I would have 535 and I have 636
For me that's a few hundred.
oh right, it doesn't account the +101 for cross site
@rcrmn Data.SE only updates on Sundays
oh and that
So it has to be adjusted for bounties, downvote costs, and association bonus.
also, question upvotes
this query is a mess :D
both are mess ?
Oh, and the +2 for accepting and editing (if suggested).
I get 238 for that. Seems more realistic than 1700+. I've only capped a couple times I think.
so the 18K went to 10K ?
makes sense, considering that I've got quite a lot of question upvotes
interestingly the other query was fairly accurate for Jon Skeet
@Optimizer every X Y pair should be covered
ah ..
wow, somebody upvoted too :D
should I explain it more or did you just misread?
I didn't realize
is it proven that digits of PI contain all sorts of permutations ?
In mathematics, a normal number is a real number whose infinite sequence of digits in every base b is distributed uniformly in the sense that each of the b digit values has the same natural density 1/b, also all possible b2 pairs of digits are equally likely with density b−2, all b3 triplets of digits equally likely with density b−3, etc. Intuitively this means that no digit, or combination of digits, occurs more frequently than any other, and this is true whether the number is written in base 10, binary, or any other base. A normal number can be thought of as an infinite sequence of coin flips...
This has to be one to one mapping, right ?
for any pair X, Y there exists only one N
and vice versa
I am assuming you guys have a solution already :D
well I can come up with several, but I can't be bothered to implement any of them :D
too complex ?
just lazy
oh , I think I have one
I don't know how well golf-able can be found.
what year are we on ?
in The 2nd Monitor, 32 secs ago, by Mat's Mug
in VBA, 18 secs ago, by Chrismas007
A programmers wife is having a baby. When the baby is born, the doctor hands the baby to the programmer to announce the gender. The wife says, "Is it a boy or a girl?" The programmer responds, "True."
Q: 0 is false and 1 is true, right?
A: 1
Not in java.
That's because Java is stupid.
also, no programmer really responds to questions with true/false
the punchline remark is supposed to be "Yes"
we're not that crazy
@Runer112 false
@Geobits Our favorite language.
@Runer112 0
okay, I'm not that crazy. not so sure about you guys, though...
true means correct in those contexts, not yes :p
What is this "context" you speak of? Does it have any place here?
good point
everything is fair game to be taken out of context here
I have an idea - how about an 'esoteric' tag for esoteric languages?
I don't understand the point. Give an example of a challenge/question that would use it?
Anything using only esoteric languages (such as Whitespace, CJam, etc.)
When he said give an example, I think he was serious.
Generate a Piet program to print an arbitrary string.
"Anything using [...]" is the opposite of an example
If it's language specific, just use a tag for that language. For example, there's a [brainfuck] tag, a [java] tag, etc. If the question says "you can use only esoteric languages", I'm not sure it's well thought out.
"Accomplish Foo. You are only allowed to use esoteric languages." is an example. And a pretty awful one.
"Esoteric" is subjective.
^ My definition has certainly changed since joining here :)
OK. I was thinking to combine all the categories, but in hindsight, it's not a very good idea...
Peer pressure :P
I don't like the action taken here. Instead of suing, a more impressive move would be to implement a detection system that actually beats it.
Err... on a second thought, a lawsuit gets more publicity.
I'm sure they've tried the detection route, and are probably pursuing it in parallel.
From comments:
> I am simultaneously disgusted that this business exists, unsurprised that it does, and envious that I didn't think of it first.
I win.
Try without the https?
Nah, just remove the s.
Well, that's what I meant really... but yea.
Q: HTTPS urls don't onebox in chat

CodesInChaosWhen posting an HTTPS url like https://stackoverflow.com/..., it does not onebox in chat. For example: http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/12317079#12317079

Edit five times fast more effective than search meta.
hi all
bloody hell
finally a valid submission to the bijective challenge
that's the one I had in mind
I have an idea, but programming the maths in CJam is proving to be difficult
dammit, almost similar to what I am working on..
@Optimizer 2003
time for Whitespace
still far ahead ...
or Scala in real languages
There are not that many ways to make a bijective function from N to N_2
I'm pretty sure there is an (uncountably?) infinite number :P
also it's from N to Z^2
Infinite number yes
but the basic idea is the same
and I doubt it's uncountably infinite
since we are dealing with countable infinities
I can think of 2 fairly different (simple) idea
Expose them, please
just imagine your playing snake on an infinite grid
and you can teleport any time
@rcrmn I think the number of functions from N to N is already uncountably infinite, but I may be mixing this up. you can definitely build uncountable infinities from countable things though... like the set of all (finite) integer sequences
The number of functions is uncountable, but the number of bijective functions I think it's countable
hm, possibly
I'm not sure, since I was taught this loooooong ago, but I kind of remember something about that line
Q: Cardinality of the set of bijective functions on $\mathbb{N}$?

GobiI learned that the set of all one-to-one mappings of $\mathbb{N}$ onto $\mathbb{N}$ has cardinality $|\mathbb{R}|$. What about surjective functions and bijective functions?

take the N -> Z bijective functions where each function is encoded as a real number R: always take the next number with smallest absolute value on the left or right based on r's binary digits
Q: An easy proof of the uncountability of bijections on natural numbers?

Abhishek ParabThe proof that I have in mind is as follows - $\text{Gal }(\overline{\mathbb Q}/\mathbb Q)$ is a proper uncountable subgroup of the group of permutations on countably many symbols, hence the latter is uncountable. . But it needs a lot of jargon from topology and algebra. Is there a neat proof ...

you were right
@Rainbolt fixed
@MartinBüttner Deleted comment. Thanks
I hate the "It is easy to see that..."
@MartinBüttner If the top voted answer to Do we really want LaTeX/MathJax (right now)? turns out to not be possible (see Chris's comment about what can and cannot be done), then suddenly the voting on that question does not make sense. Some may have skipped voting for their second favorite choice under the false impression that the top voted choice was actually a choice.
I am very aware of that because I can't revoke my vote now :(
That's especially funny because of your status.
I think I'll edit the answer
Only on PPCG is circumventing the system (mostly) acceptable.
i hope no one uses my approach before i can finish it
not being allowed to change votes on meta is the worst... on any site...
@Optimizer that would be horrible... then you couldn't post it!
@MartinBüttner exactly!
@Rainbolt edited
btw, this is a pretty big deal:
Q: Don't lock votes on Meta sites

Camil StapsWhen I talk about Meta here, I mean any meta but this one. I understand the Idea behind "Your vote is now locked in unless this answer is edited". However, I don't think this reason applies to meta sites and have some reasons why I think votes on meta sites shouldn't get locked: Opinions change...

I can't seem to find the meta post explaining why votes are frozen.
Except for that one, which only applies to meta and is more of a complaint than a "why we did this in the first place"
Oh look
It has a link
Q: Idea behind "Your vote is now locked in unless this answer is edited"

Nikita RybakI've found many questions here regarding this 'feature' and many answers explaining how it works, but none showing any 'philosophical' concept behind it. i.e., why is it here? Is it helping to make site better? For example, just now I made a downvote, retracted it to think a bit more, left a com...

there's also
Q: What is the justification for locking votes?

TshepangWhy am I not allowed to change my vote after some period of time? There are times when I go back to things I voted on, and decide they didn't deserve that specific vote. (I get wiser as I grow older)

Anyone know of any good KOTH challenges? I've tried some and can't find any (and Pixel Battlebots ends soon, by the time I write a bot, it'll be gone)
KotHs are usually only active for a while, because the author has to actively test the submissions which they are usually not willing to do forever. so answering old KotHs usually is often a bit pointless. I'd just look at the most recent ones by sorting the tag page for by newest and see if any of them are still active.
I've seen some that don't say they've ended (and actually look rather new), but no one has been responding to my posts. Anything I can do about it?
@ASCIIThenANSI If you want to compete with yourself, you can download the source from either of my KotH's and play with them. Granted, your submission won't get much visibility.
@ASCIIThenANSI leave a comment on the question and ask the OP if the challenge is still open or not (and if not ask them to state this in the question)
@MartinBüttner @Rainbolt OK, thanks for the help.
Mentlegen. Dalies.
About the same, I guess.
What if there was a random question button, like Wikipedia's random article button?
@Geobits I've heard of "theatre" (we always use theatre in Canada) but not "centre"
@JoeZ. It's used for mainly the same reasons, to appear "better" or something. Art houses and "fancy" neighborhoods like it especially: google.com/maps/search/centre+atlanta/…
basically, to look fancy, look British
And Atlanta is just about as anti-British as you get around here :)
it's the same thing with accents, really
Yea, basically.
any "fancy" or "stuffy/airy" accent will usually have at least a hint of British in it
Quite right, my boy!
Though I'll admit I use both gray and grey interchangeably with no thought given to why I'm using one over the other.
The superfluous u thing is obscene, though :)
I tend to use "grey" myself, it's jarring when somebody expects me to use "gray" in code
hey man, "colour" is the way it was meant to be spelled
As long as you don't mix the two and use colourize or colorise.
actually, funny thing about that one
even British people will say "colorise"
they only say "colour" when standalone
or "coloured"

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