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12:20 AM
Q: Design for Methematica.SE

JinI'm Jin, I work on the designs for the Stack Exchange sites as they graduate from the beta phase. Each site will have its own unique theme that will reflect its topic and culture. However, all sites will share common elements so they feel like they're part of the Stack Exchange family. I have to...

1 hour later…
1:20 AM
@MrWizard I'm around now... ping me if you're back
8 hours later…
9:04 AM
@MrWizard @Sjoerd @JM It got a bit more urgent to update the FAQ now, especially since we're launching next week. The first FAQ entry can be edited by moderators, I'm told.
@Szabolcs Yes, I'll hop to it in the next few days. We already have a meta topic on what should be there, no?
3 hours later…
12:26 PM
When you sign up in a site, with a certain privacy policy, accept their terms, I'm assuming that the acceptance actually means something legally, right?
@Rojo "Supposedly."
(Of course, rare is the person who actually bothers reading the terms of use...)
@JM I'm actually reading a privacy policy now, some habit I don't have
It feels weird not to have myself some kind of proof of exactly what am I agreeing to
or, what they are agreeing to
Anyway, Google already knows all my shameful secrets, so in the long term I'm already screwed, so who cares
12:45 PM
@Rojo Just as long as you't re not searching for PinkUnderwear :)
1:02 PM
@Rojo it may or may not be a binding contract depending on your local jurisdiction and the way in which the privacy policy is presented to you.
1:15 PM
@rojo now also read the itunes ELU... See you again in 2013! ;)
I'm into investigating some weeeird core language behaviour
(why did I write "into" there?)
1:30 PM
@Rojo what behaviour is this?
@OleksandrR it's about using Return/Break 's second argument in a function definition, where the second argument is the same function's symbol
which, should always work if used normally
not so simple if it's inside a condition
my experiments so far are the following:
if it's in a condition and there's another downvalue "to be checked afterwards" with at least one argument, then it works
Otherwise, it doesn't
In any case, the weird thing is this:
Do, for example,
g[_] /; Return[34, Unevaluated@g] := 9
Sorry, I meant g /; Return[34, Unevaluated@g] := 9
Now, anything you run, if it get's to evaluate a "g" somewhere, aborts instantly and returns Hold[Return[34, g]]
unless, what you run is Return/Break[sth, Unevaluated@g], in which case, that's what it returns
It seems useless however
Hmm, I see. I really haven't looked into this dark corner of the language at all.
Looks interesting, though.
I figure, I don't know how I ended up in here
Perhaps the only "normal" implication of this is that Return won't work in somethin glike
f[x_]:=Block[{}, Return[2, f]/;True]
or With, or Module
but if I added that in my Return's second argument answer, I would have to kill myself trying to explain it
1:47 PM
I figure the entire term gets rewritten so f is no longer on the stack by the time you get to the Return.
So now try the same thing
after adding this definition
f[_] /; True := 9
and now the Return works
Hm. Ooookay then. That's odd.
Maybe this is why these second arguments are undocumented. Here be dragons!
@Rojo Did you email wri about the bug (possible bug?) in Composition?
1:52 PM
Yeah, but
@RM I made a mistake, so they couldn't reproduce it, and the mistake I made made me realise what was the issue
I still however expect their confirmation that I was right
The recursion limit is only a problem if you have to evaluate it. That's why normal linked lists built by Fold work perfectly
However, Composition builds it all at once. If you put a symbol at the bottom of the expression as we were doing
Hmm, I see... still, that shouldn't hose my kernel, no?
then the system's stack explodes, as in $RecursionLimit doc says
On most computers, each level of recursion uses a certain amount of stack space. $RecursionLimit allows you to control the amount of stack space that Mathematica can use from within Mathematica. On some computer systems, your whole Mathematica session may crash if you allow it to use more stack space than the computer system allows.
In any case, the fact that $RecursionLmit doesn't hit is alittle bit buggy
But my problem is solved. I just have to adapt the code to build the linked list to something like
@Rojo what code is this referring to?
2:02 PM
It's referring to building a linked list with linkedList=(Composition@@Range[100])[EndOfString]
Q: Building a tree

RojoGiven a list of word characters, such as this one, I'd like to build a tree, similar to this makeTree function, but with the tree in a different format. So, for an input such as test = {{"h", "e", "l", "l", "o"}, {"h", "o", "l", "o"}, {"h", "e", "a"}, {"h", "e", "l", "l", "o", "s"}, {"b", "...

Now, if you change that range to something of the order of 100000, your session will crash
and my answer there
@RM it won't crash, for example, if you end it with a string instead of EndOfstring or a symbol
because MMA won't try to evaluate it
so just changing that, fixes everything I think
Ah, okay, I see.
2:03 PM
Of course, the code I was thinking to use to unwind it won't work at all
@Rojo why does it evaluate f[EOS] and not f[""] (If I understood you right)? I thought it was just an inert marker...
which was a little brute in the first place
@RM I guess it's not smart enough
Not even a symbol with attribute Constant works
Anyway, I like these linked lists better :)
@Rojo Constant just means its derivative is 0. What if you wrap it from the outside with a HoldAllComplete symbol?
2:06 PM
They may be slower to unwind than using a Flatten, but they are faster to build and take a little less space
@OleksandrR let me try
but I doubt MMA can anticipate that
and appending a new value is more elegant
TreeForms make sense
and actually the getWords from Leonid ended up being faster whe I used this
or, the getWords using this tree ended up being faster than Leonid's
Not too much, 30% or something if I recall
(Going back an hour: oh, that Hold@Return is just what it returns when it doesn't find an enclosing Return... It just lacked the message)
@Rojo the message also doesn't appear if you Trace it. I find that rather weird.
(Going forward an hour), there's also the possibility to make the linked list, instead of 1@2@3@4@End, 1[2][3][4][End]... I wonder the speed and space difference
Start[1][2][3][4][End] vs Start@1@2@3@4@End faceoff
2:26 PM
@Rojo seems just as bad. Still has recursion problems.
Well, but the ordinary linked lists also have them. ll[1, ll[2, ll[3, ---]]]
In fact, the have double the depth they need, right?
@Rojo I guess so. If you use an Internal`Bag, I guess you can get away from these problems, as it's pointer-chasing then, rather than recursion.
The problem is that flattening them out is not as easy, though.
@OleksandrR isn't it just calling BagPart[All]?
Yes, but not for bags that themselves contain bags. BagPart just leaves the sub-bags intact.
So you mean it's good for linked lists but not for trees?
In any case, we have another contender... 1@2@3 vs magical bags vs 1[2][3]
But actually, it should be 3@2@1 to be able to append a new one at the top I guess, appending at the bottom must be hard and slow...
Round 1, building them
2:31 PM
@Rojo yeah. Of course you can be sneaky. You can stuff all bags in pre-wrapped with an inert symbol which you later change to Internal`BagPart, so they unpack themselves.
@OleksandrR you sneaky one
@JM link, please
J.M. did you get my ping or did you just happen by?
@MrWizard Both. Anyway, Szabolcs was talking about this. I'm writing up something, but I'm not posting it yet.
Round 1, building... Brute loss for 1[2][3][4]
for a Range[100000] list, took 34 secons, versus 0.085 for linkedList[1, linkedList[2..., and 0.024 for the winner, @RM's child, 3@2@1
2:36 PM
@JM Shall I assume that you're handling the FAQ?
@MrWizard Well, I'll write something up, and you and Sjoerd could edit if needed.
Round 2, space... Not so big a lose for linkedList[..., took 8MB versus 7.2 of the other 2
@Rojo What code are you using? Sounds interesting.
l = Range[100000]; this is my test list
(ll2 = (Composition @@ l)["End"];) // AbsoluteTiming, that's the winner in building time
(ll3 = Fold[linkedList[#2, #1] &, "End", l];) // AbsoluteTiming, second place
Lame third spot for (ll1 = Fold[#[#2] &, First@l, l]["End"];) // AbsoluteTiming
Perhaps there's a better way to build that
Round 3, hummmm... converting them back to lists
  b = Internal`Bag[];
  Internal`StuffBag[b, l, 1]
approximately 0...
2:42 PM
Contender 4, huge winner of round 1
Just for interest, there is also right side LL:
Fold[List, Reverse@Append[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, "End"]]
Can't participate in round 2 because ByteCount isn't helping and I'm lazy to check memory in use
And since I love brevity: Compose[##, "End"] & @@ l
@Rojo I think it will be 16 bytes per element.
If you are right, then Bags are huge round 2 winners too
@MrWizard you missed something in that code I think
2:45 PM
@OleksandrR I think you mean HoldComplete -- HoldAllComplete is an attribute, not a container.
A very close third place to Mr.Wizard's Compose in building speed
That function should probably have been HoldEverything[]...
@Rojo I'm just giving an example, hence {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} -- I know "End" isn't in the right place.
Regarding "left" versus "right" you may want to read this:
@MrWizard I meant any function which has HoldAllComplete. Of course HoldComplete is a good choice for that.
Q: Left vs Right linked list, Replace speed

Mr.WizardThere are two obvious ways to structure a linked list in Mathematica, "left": {1, {2, {3, {4, {5, {6, {7, {}}}}}}}} And "right": {{{{{{{{}, 7}, 6}, 5}, 4}, 3}, 2}, 1} These can be made with: toLeftLL = Fold[{#2, #} &, {}, Reverse@#] & ; toRightLL = Fold[List, {}, Reverse@#] & ...

2:46 PM
...and a great tie in the second place in memory usage
@MrWizard I'll read that sooon
@MrWizard Did you get to see what that thing about CompoundExpression the other day?
Unwinding speed... I think this one is between the flatten ones and Bag
@Rojo I posted the first example that breaks if you remove HoldAll, if that's the one you refer to.
@MrWizard yeah, you discovered the Return failure while I was buying bread, I remember reading it when I got back... I meant that think about the stack and recursion, way later
@Rojo I was wrong. If machine integers are put in, they stay as machine integers. Only 4 bytes per element!
Bags definatly have their place
2:50 PM
Did anyone ever compare them to Sow and Reap?
They probably use bags internally though
@Rojo Ah, that. I looked at it briefly but forgot to return.
@Rojo they do, confirmed by Daniel Lichtblau.
Conclusion, I'll take on bags for linked lists, but perhaps use root[node1[leaf], leaf2] for trees
@Rojo you can stuff whatever you want into a bag. So you could combine them both.
@Rojo there is NIntegrate`Heap too.
Wow, I didn't know about that heap, I'll check it out
HeapDelete, HeapElements, HeapEmptyQ, HeapInsert, HeapLookup, HeapMerge, HeapTopElement... Seems straightforward
3:00 PM
@OleksandrR Ah, so that is how the adaptive quadrature is done internally...
@Rojo there was a presentation on it. I forget where but check the dev conference proceedings.
@OleksandrR Please post a link if you find it!
Got to go now; bye all!
@MrWizard Bye
Bye! I have a copy of the presentation at home so I will definitely be able to post a link tonight.
@MrWizard See you!
3:03 PM
@MrWizard So, migration material? SO might fight us for it, though.
@OleksandrR definitely post a link if you find it.
@rcollyer it is harder to Google than I thought. One of those times where you Google it and the only hit that comes up is something you wrote. That happened to me twice today.
Well, once you post the link, you'll find the link you wrote
@Rojo the problem is the only place I mentioned it was an oblique reference to NIntegrate`Heap on MathGroup. No link to the presentation in that post.
3:19 PM
We believe in you
As for the other time, I am curious if anyone else did a similar experiment to what I'm doing (with laser plasmas). Apparently not, or if they did, they didn't publish anything yet... only thing I could find was my own conference proceedings paper.
An additional problem is that I'm not really sure what this type of experiment is called...
@OleksandrR It's always been hard to find stuff about things without names...
...thus, ten people invent ten different names anyway.
Yes! Exactly. Of the two people I know who did this, neither referenced each other or anyone else and both used different names.
With mathematics, it's even harder. You have two people using different notation, and since notation is not really the easiest thing to search for...
@OleksandrR best of luck finding it. I'm in no hurry.
3:33 PM
@rcollyer in the worst case, I have a copy, so I can just upload it somewhere. Will have to wait until I get home though.
@JM ugh, yes, I can imagine. This is essentially what I'm doing. Why publish in such an obscure journal? Why no other publications on this subject? Hard to say...
@OleksandrR Makes for an interesting CV. "Hmm, this guy's publications are all in journals our library has no copies of!"
@JM an interesting approach is to define some common name to mean something else, then pick fights with people about it.
I once had an argument about someone whether something was "superfluid", and in the end it turned out I meant "has long range off-diagonal order" while he meant "has phase stiffness that persists in the presence of disorder"
his definition is closer to being what people think of superfluid (I really meant "condensate"), but it would have saved us some time if we had told each other what we meant by "superfluid"...
@acl Overloading terms is the craze these days. :D
@acl Who knew your definition wasn't his definition, eh?
@JM ah, maybe you know: is there something wrong with stating that a function $f$ is complex differentiable if $\lim_{\epsilon\rightarrow 0} (f(z+\epsilon)-f(z))/\epsilon$ exists for complex epsilon? (ie, doesn't depend on the argument of epsilon)?
(or anybody else here knows?)
3:49 PM
@acl I had a heated discussion with someone once about free will. As it turned out his definition of free will was completely different from mine.
@acl the more precise way of saying it would be "doesn't depend on the contour taken by $\epsilon$ as it approaches 0".
I mean, I have a cavalier approach to this sort of thing, but I can derive the cauchy-riemann conditions from this, so I don't see anything wrong.
@acl You're pretty much golden if CR is applicable to your function.
@JM yes I was thinking of the special case of a ray out of the point about which I differentiate. but is there something wrong with the statement?
@Heike and free will might be a bit trickier to define than superfluidity
@acl, I think the statement is true, but I'm not so into compelx analysis
3:51 PM
@acl well, I wouldn't use "argument", but I got what you meant. You'll want to be more precise in actual writing, of course.
so I was wondering because I was just told (well, it was said in my presence anyway) that "The language "the derivative depends on the direction the limit is taken from" is misleading; there is nothing about "direction" involved in what "differentiable" means." and found that curious
@acl "the derivative depends on the direction the limit is taken from" - for discontinuous functions it matters...
cauchy riemman however doesn't imply complex differentiability so the fact that you can derive them doesn't prove much
@JM what matters?
@Rojo no, but differentiability implies the CR conditions does it not?
If you have, say, f(z)=z^2 for all z except z=x+i y where y=x^2
in which case it's 0
then probably you'll find a limit in all "directions" (meaning, straight)
3:54 PM
@acl yes. I tried to end the discussion once I realised we were talking about different things but he just wouldn't let go.
but it's not differentiable
@acl You could get different values of the derivative depending on the path taken in the limit definition.
@Heike, you have to admit you were wrong first if you want him to let go. That's what free will means to him
@JM yes of course, and I would call that function not differentiable
So yes, if you have ridges or something on your function, they're not differentiable there.
3:56 PM
@OleksandrR There are a couple of reasons that I can think of to do that: a lower publication threshold, and supporting your local journals.
@JM yes of course, I appreciate that. I just couldn't understand what "there is nothing about "direction" involved in what "differentiable" means", but I guess I should let it go
@Rojo On the other hand he didn't seem to be able to let go which goes against free will (he strongly believed that people have a free will).
But there is nothing
@acl Maybe what your guy was trying to say is that it shouldn't matter how you approach the point if indeed your function's differentiable at that point. Which is true.
@Rojo oh right, i see. ok no that's not what I meant
@JM it was a comment under this
A: Simplifying the derivative of $|x|$

R.M$\mathrm{abs}(z)$ defined on the set of complex numbers $\mathbb{C}$ is not a holomorphic function because it violates the Cauchy-Riemann conditions, and the derivative is not well defined. $\mathrm{abs}(x)$ defined on the set of real numbers $\mathbb{R}$ is differentiable everywhere except at $x...

guess I'll stop wondering about it though
3:59 PM
@acl, then I think what he said is misleading
If you find a couple of directinso from which the derivative is different, then it isn't differentiable
Q: When is a function satisfying the Cauchy-Riemann equations holomorphic?

TonyIt is, of course, one of the first results in basic complex analysis that a holomorphic function satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann equations when considered as a differentiable two-variable real function. I have always seen the converse as: if $f$ is continuously differentiable as a function from $U \...

"homomorphic" === "complex differentiable", of course.
So as Rojo said, satisfying CR doesn't alway imply complex differentiability, but it seems those pathological functions don't show up in practice...
@Rojo yes well I was just wondering if there had been some epic misunderstanding of complex analysis on my part
@JM Can you give an example where it fails?
@acl if you find it, you're not alone in it ;)
@Heike The article linked to by the accepted answer in the math.SE question discusses that example. Sadly I can't access the article at the moment to give you a summary.
4:04 PM
@Rojo actually my thinking is generally so soft and vague that you can hardly find mistakes in it (just like you can't find framing mistakes in a photo that's completely out of focus)
it's worked so far
@acl You're a bit like mr. magoo then.
@Heike something like that, yes :)
I'm more the opposite
I think of whatever specific hypotheses comes to mind that fits, get enthusiastic about it, talk early, make mistakes, regret them
@Rojo oh I do that too, but also in a fuzzy way
Fuzzy acl
I get fuzzy often too, every year more and more... But I think I'm still quite good at impainting what I don't know, and at finding inconsistencies and stuff that doesn't fit
4:20 PM
@Rojo sure, that's the only thing that prevents me from drowining in a sea of misunderstanding: i try to look at the big picture and see how things fit. unfortunately, I usually miss all the details
@acl It takes work to shift between levels of abstraction, but sometimes, you just have to.
Life's too short
Broad strokes miss the details; focusing too much on details can end up with you producing a Rube Goldberg.
@JM sure. I now realise that I started out the opposite way and overcompensated over the last 12 years since I went to university. It's interesting to retroactively introspect, you discover surprising things.
("retroactively introspect"? wow)
@acl I bet you wouldn't have said that 12 years ago
4:27 PM
@acl Congratulations, you are officially an academic. Your membership card should arrive soon. ;)
You need to be focusing on the big picture to see your change throughout 12 years
@JM I thought the nonexistent career path, low salary and insane working hours proved that already?
I am about to post a question on the main site, and I have no clue which tag(s) are appropriate. The question is about detecting functionality differences between versions programmatically. Thoughts?
@rcollyer ?
4:40 PM
@JM awesome. Thanks.
Guys, I need help coming up with names.
More specifically, I want a name for an interface
@jmlopez "Fluffy".
Ok, so we have textfiles and binaryfiles
@jmlopez "George"?
I'm partial to "Bob" and "Frank".
4:42 PM
so I'm somewhat happy with "textFile" and "binaryFile"
no, bob and frank won't do
what I'm looking for is for something that textfiles and binaryfiles have in common
what they have a common is that they can both read and write
@jmlopez they're both literate?
@jmlopez What does your interface do?
the interface should just declare the functions read and write (or load and dump)
@rcollyer I like using Chimp and Zee when I have two of something
it might do other things that are common to all textfiles and binaryfiles
4:43 PM
@jmlopez I prefer save to dump.
@rcollyer, I did too
@Heike very punny.
@rcollyer supporting local journals I agree with. Publication threshold not so much. This isn't a bad paper (I read an absolutely horrific one earlier today in APL), and if you have to shop around for journals, I think there's an argument that the work isn't very significant and/or correct in the first place.
but now lets say that I create something that implements the interface, more explicitly, something to communicate with mathematica via mathlink
what I want to be able is to dump to mathematica
or load from mathematica
@OleksandrR Have to agree with that, but sometimes PRL is just to hard to get into.
4:45 PM
so this time I will not be using a textfile or binaryfile, i will be using... I don't know... mathlinkConnection?
So, you're writing it in some other language?
in a similar way, if I want to interact with Matlab or python, I could create other objects that implement the interface
yes, sorry , I am planning on writing in c++
but this is just so that I can communite with other languages
and mathematica is one of them
I think mathlinkInterface works.
later on when I learn libraryLink
I will like to so something like librarylinkInterface
so that I know that I will be using that
@OleksandrR or that you're a single author, not well known, not at a well-known institution and without connections?
4:47 PM
@OleksandrR There is also an issue with cost sometimes. Apparently it's normal for some american journals to ask thousands of dollars for publishing a paper.
@rcollyer, sweet. mathlinkInterface it is, and so now I can do mexInterface for matlab and pythonInterface for python, basically just add interface
@OleksandrR or am I too cynical :)
but now the base object, that is the interface that declares the functions dump and load
I don't know how to name that one
@rcollyer PRL, yes. One of the Phys. Rev. journals could be a good alternative there. I wouldn't call that shopping around though. Shopping around is when you're a Pakistani group publishing in an obscure Hungarian journal because nobody else will take the crap you scrawled down after an afternoon's work. :)
4:51 PM
@jmlopez depending on the need, this may be worth using the curiously recurring template pattern. And, communicationInterface or communicator works for me.
@acl I hadn't thought of this situation. Not been in that position myself so I don't know how it would play out. It doesn't apply to the paper I linked; it came from a combination of reputable groups and is solid (if brief) work.
@rcollyer, yeah, I tried using that, but it won't work in this case.
so I will have to use virtual functions
@OleksandrR neither have I to be honest, I was just doing the obligatory complaining act :)
simply so that I can store objects
I think I'm good now, I'll be writing to text and binary and then I'll test the interface with mathlink. Thanks guys
@jmlopez ah, yes, the primary difficulty behind generic programming: weird f-ing types.
4:54 PM
@Heike some AIP journals do that. I don't like that practice, but unless you have a 20 page paper and want to publish it open access, it's not thousands of dollars either. I was a bit annoyed when AIP offered me a reprint of my paper though... only $275 to you, sir, and we'll even print it in color if you like! Not likely!
@rcollyer, yup, f-ing types. I'll go with communicator. After all, that's what they all are.
@OleksandrR yeah, the APS journals seem to be among the least expensive that I've encountered.
@OleksandrR a PhD student I know tried to publish a paper. Initially they wanted something like $3000,- After some negotiation he got it down to about $1000,- but that was as low as they wanted to go. Admittedly it had some pictures in colour in it.
@rcollyer for what?
@jmlopez with c++-11, there is the auto keyword. But, it doesn't help per se in your case. Have you looked into boost?
4:58 PM
@Heike wow, that is absurd. Which journal was this and how many pages?
@Heike "some", huh?
@acl for publishing. But, I may be wrong.
@Heike APS journals charge if you want to print figures in colour (you can have them in colour online without paying, but for printing them in colour, there is a cost)
@rcollyer for PRL/A/B/E you don't pay to publish
unless they just like me and waive the fees :)
@acl I thought that was the case, and I believe: members don't pay.
@OleksandrR I can't remember. He was working on modelling weather patterns.
5:01 PM
Hmm, this might be a point against using Penrose tilings... they're kind of hard to cut out, since they're aperiodic by design.
@rcollyer I'm not a member. I think you only pay if you want figures printed in colour (ie not just in colour online)
@acl even better.
@rcollyer actually I wonder if anybody pays to publish in colour. Thinking about this, I realise that I have only looked at an actual, physical copy of PRL once!
@acl no, some people pay. There's usually 5 or 6 color articles per issue.
@rcollyer oh, you read the printed journal?
5:04 PM
@acl Not usually, but my dept gets them, so I would browse now and again.
@rcollyer I suppose we get them too but I've never looked. We certainly had them when I was a PhD student (except that I was in the department of mathematics so I had to take a trip to another library, which I never did).
@acl our dept maintains its own library, so for some journals it works very well. Yet, I would download everything I could as it was just easier even though it was just down the hall, that and I get color that way, too. For journals, though, that weren't in the dept library, I'd have to debate if it was worth it to hike over to the library (not far away) and lug them back to copy.
@jmlopez Here's some good tutorials on the use of auto.
Have to run. Talk to you all later.
@rcollyer See you.
@rcollyer same here. Nice to have a library that has issues of Z. Phys from the 50s even if you don't need them too often. Some things you just can't get online...
...and there's nothing quite like the feel of flipping through old journals.
5:11 PM
@JM or old books
Does anybody have GHC (haskell compiler) installed?
all, quick question:
I can do
Map[Tooltip[#, #] &, RandomReal[{0, 1}, {10, 10}], {-1}] // MatrixForm
and it does what I want. I'd like to do
Map[Tooltip[#, #] &, RandomReal[{0, 1}, {10, 10}], {-1}] // MatrixPlot
but it doesn't work
any ideas how to do this? ("this"=plot the matrix and have a tooltip)
(I don't want a ListContourPlot)
come to think of it, what's the difference between ArrayPlot and MatrixPlot?
I mean, why have both?
@acl I don't think Raster[] supports having Tooltip[]s inside, so it won't be straightforward...
@acl I've wondered too..
5:15 PM
@acl Apart from the coloring and the default MaxPlotPoints setting, apparently none.
OK how do you know `Raster` is involved? I tried `Trace[MatrixPlot[RandomReal[{0, 1}, {5, 5}]],
TraceInternal \[Rule] True]` and can't say I understood anything
@acl Well, I used InputForm[] on the output...
@JM ah :)
...and I've previously tried getting Tooltip[]s to work with Raster[]; needless to say I wasn't successful.
@JM thanks though. I guess I'll go with
  InterpolationOrder \[Rule] 0
  ] &
ListContourPlot[RandomReal[{0, 1}, {10, 10}], InterpolationOrder \[Rule] 1]
ListContourPlot[RandomReal[{0, 1}, {10, 10}], InterpolationOrder \[Rule] 0]
doesn't! brilliant!
displays a tooltip.
6:10 PM
@CHM I do
6:47 PM
@Mr.Wizard, that was an interesting question you made and linked me, about replace repeated and right-left linked lists
6:57 PM
@Mr.Wizard, if I understood correcly I can think of a way in which it would be way faster
In my test now, just as fast as the left one
Ping me up if a year and a half later you're still interested
7:33 PM
Ok, I just realised that a tail recursive version of WReach's works more or less the same as what I was about to suggest
so, nothing so special
8:19 PM
wow: there is some kind of controversy reported in mainstream greek media regarding the number of vowels in the greek language. it even involves the minister of education
you'd have thought this was a non-controversial issue
8:52 PM
@rcollyer I've not been following questions today; which one does it look like a duplicate of? I've yet to have a SO mod "fight" a migration request but I probably won't migrate anyway as that didn't go smoothly last time.
9:25 PM
@MrWizard which is the duplicate of what? There's this question that I flagged over on SO to migrate, then someone else pointed out it was an exact (down to wording) dupe of what it was closed against. Then, there's mine which is virtually identical to the one it was closed against, but the answer to mine should be merged over to the other one.
Q: Left vs Right linked list, Replace speed

Mr.WizardThere are two obvious ways to structure a linked list in Mathematica, "left": {1, {2, {3, {4, {5, {6, {7, {}}}}}}}} And "right": {{{{{{{{}, 7}, 6}, 5}, 4}, 3}, 2}, 1} These can be made with: toLeftLL = Fold[{#2, #} &, {}, Reverse@#] & ; toRightLL = Fold[List, {}, Reverse@#] & ...

Your comment: "So, migration material?"
@rcollyer by the way I'm in the Message room too. Please join me.
9:43 PM
Hello @Rojo
Do you have some time?
I have 10-15
Please join this room.
@Rojo ;-)
damn whoever decided on Trace and Tr
a curse upon their CPU!
10:01 PM
@acl What's the problem?
You keep trying to Trace your matrix?
@acl hahaha I know the feeling. I use both regularly but still get confused. :)
@MrWizard nothing, venting. I spent some time doing Chop@Trace[hamiltoniancont[s, 10^10., stepsperwell, nwells].#] & /@ rf1 and running out of memory until I realized that Trace isn't Tr
@OleksandrR exactly...
1 hour later…
11:06 PM
@MrWizard yes, I think that question may be worthwhile over here. Though, there could be fight over it.
@Heike Have to try that. Maybe Franks and Beans if I need more than one pair.
11:24 PM
@RM Hehe. I was wondering why [1,1..5] spat out a zillion 1's... until I understood how steps work.

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