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6:06 AM
@psimeson I don't understand your sentence, do you what?
2 hours later…
7:57 AM
What's with all those WSS2016 posts on community? No links, no code, should people just appreciate screenshots?
8:34 AM
@Kuba WSS = Wolfram Summer School. Really mindless showoff posts.
@Karsten7. Yep, I know that acronym, was just curious what is the idea behind the formula of those posts. I was tempted to post "I cured baldness; here are before and after pictures".
9:27 AM
I'd tell the guy in community.wolfram.com/groups/-/m/t/882519 about SpecialFunctions`InverseGammaApprox[], but I won't... but maybe somebody more patient than me might.
@Searke Sorry, wasn't able to narrow that problem down. Today it happend again but I wasn't using any image processing functions or deploying heavy stuff, bitmaps etc. I was just playing with DynamicModule, LoctorPane and friends and eventually something little CloudDeploy@Manipulate[x, {x, 0, 1}] like that produced messages about missing FrontEnd.
Moreover, I've restarted a browser (chrome) and this time it happened again but only once and every next object was ok. Don't know how helpful it is.
10:12 AM
@Searke Thank you! I didn't see your message before. I did report it myself. I was told that the cause is that DistanceFromSun is a computed property while DistanceFromEarth is a directly stored one. The computation simply times out. I was told that DistanceFromSun may be made a directly computed one as well.
@Karsten7. @Kuba Some of those posts seem to use as of yet unreleased functionality, so it's unlikely that we will see code.
@Szabolcs Just like my baldness cure, can't share the formula now.
@Karsten7. "Code or you didn't do it" is very much applicable. ;)
10:35 AM
Where can I find Licensing/Limitations details of Wolfram Data Drop? Can it be used by whoever have WolframID? What are the size limitations etc etc.
2 hours later…
12:49 PM
@chuy Thanks ;)
no problemo, that info isn't the most helpful but its something
3 hours later…
4:16 PM
@Pickett I meant do you use mathematica toolbox plugin? I was using wordpress.com free version. I didn't know difference between wordpress and wordpress.com and now I know. So, I am gonna configure wordpress and then try to use your mathematica package for wordpress.
4:48 PM
@psimeson It's not necessary to use Mathematica Toolbox to upload notebooks like that. However with Mathematica Toolbox code gets highlighted. WordPress.com runs WordPress and it's the same WordPress that can be used on your own server, however you can't install plugins there I think so you can't get the highlighting.
2 hours later…
7:10 PM
Can you help me reopen this post?
Q: How to know the meaning of a `EntityProperty`

yodeI don't know how to get the meaning of a certain EntityProperty, such as the "Ceiling" of "Aircraft". Maybe you can press F1 to arrive at the documentation of AircraftData, where that particular property is described in the Details section. But I want to get it programmatically, using a code m...

I have the answer now,And I want to post an answer.
I think this is a very meaningful post still.
Maybe you can?
8:02 PM
@Pickett I am lost here. First of all I am very new to wordpress. I just setup wordpress and I have mathematica toolbox (even though it is not necessary). I downloaded all the files from the github.com/cekdahl/wl-wordpress-xmlrpc-client and now I am reading through the readme and the *.m files but I am still lost and have no idea what to do
8:31 PM
@Young Chinese friends? :)
8:50 PM
@psimeson First you have to load wpNotebookUpload.m by typing into a notebook << "path/to/wpNotebookUpload.m"Then you have to authenticate yourself using SetWordPressCredentials["username", "password", endpoint]. You have a user for WordPress, that you use to log in with. Use that username and password. As for endpoint it should be something like example.com/xmlrpc.php, where example.com is the address to your WordPress website. You can now run the code at the end of the readme:
 "InputOpen" -> "[wlcode]",
 "InputClose" -> "[/wlcode]"
The options tell the package to use the shortcode that Mathematica Toolbox uses for highlighted code.
9:02 PM
@Pickett do I have to upload any files to my web server or not? I opened a new notebook and saved it to the same directory when I have all the files downloaded from the github and << "path/to/wpNotebookUpload.m" I got Get::noopen: Cannot open xmlrpc. >>` and Needs::nocont: Context xmlrpc was not created when Needs was evaluated. >>` messages
@psimeson all three of the packages - xmlrpc.m, wp.m and wpNotebookUpload.m - have to be in the same folder.
they all are in the same location
@psimeson ok, then try this: evaluate FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications"}] in a notebook and put the files in that directory.
Now you should be able to load it by just typing << "wpNotebookUpload`"
You don't have to upload any files to your server, by the way
@Pickett Would you care to assist me in closing a duplicate question, assuming of course that you agree with the closure?
@Mr.Wizard Sure
9:11 PM
Okay. mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/97918/121 is a duplicate of both mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/13414/121 and mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/51541/121; if you cast a close vote pointing toward either I shall cast a (binding) vote for the remaining one, providing a direct link to both in the Duplicate header.
@Mr.Wizard Great, done
@Pickett Thank you.
9:35 PM
@Pickett this `uploadNotebook["~/Desktop/blog/mma/testpost_1.nb", 360,
"InputOpen" -> "[wlcode]", "InputClose" -> "[/wlcode]"]` gives ` String expected at position 2 in <img src="<>wp`Private`$False[url ]<>" />. >>`
Do you have a post with ID 360?
Start by trying to upload a new post instead; uploadNotebook["~/Desktop/blog/mma/testpost_1.nb"]
No but whatever number I try i get the same error...again got the same error
is this the correct way to set up: `SetWordPressCredentials["test", "********",
" example.com/xmlrpc.php"]`
The number is not arbitrary, it has to be an existing post. Try this to make sure that your credentials are ok: newPost[<|"post_content" -> "test"|>]
It should create a new post.
If it goes well it should return the ID of that post.
Also, if you installed WordPress in a subdirectory on your server then you have to take that into account, e.g. example.com/wordpress/xmlrpc.php
this is what I got wpPrivate$False
Something's wrong with the username or password or endpoint then, or WordPress.
9:48 PM
example.com/xmlrpc.php gives this XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only
so it's not installed under a directory
@psimeson This is the most basic test I can come up with:
 {1, "username", "password", "http://example.com/xmlrpc.php"}
This should return "Hello!"
Sorry, the credentials are still what you set them to. Just: SendRequest["demo.sayHello", {}]
You need to get this to work before it's worth trying anything else.
this is what I got :XMLObject[
"Document"][{XMLObject["Declaration"]["Version" -> "1.0",
"Encoding" -> "UTF-8"]},
"methodResponse", {}, {XMLElement[
"fault", {}, {XMLElement[
"value", {}, {XMLElement[
"struct", {}, {XMLElement[
"member", {}, {XMLElement["name", {}, {"faultCode"}],
"value", {}, {XMLElement["int", {}, {"-32700"}]}]}],
"member", {}, {XMLElement["name", {}, {"faultString"}],
"value", {}, {XMLElement[
"string", {}, {"parse error. not well \
SendRequest["demo.sayHello", {}] doesn't care what the username is or what the password is. If the endpoint is right and XML-RPC is enabled in WordPress (should be by default) then this should return "Hello!", I have no more help to give I think.
Is there a way to check if xml-rpc is enabled or not?
That's sort of the purpose of demo.sayHello, the idea is that you send that to the endpoint and if it works then it's enabled and if not then it's not enabled.
But since it is enabled by default, I very much think that something else is going on.
You can even try sending something like SendRequest["fdfsdfsd", {}], if the endpoint works it shouldn't return malformed XML like above. There should be a neat error message saying that the requested method fdfsdfsd does not exist, and it should return $Failed.
10:07 PM
I still get the same error
do you this it's because of this: godaddy.com/garage/webpro/development/…
I am using godaddy as my webhost
@psimeson It's hard to tell because the post says that they made it so that XML-RPC can be used, but the comments say that it doesn't work.
10:24 PM
@Pickett moreover that post is from 2014
@Pickett according to this site: xmlrpc.eritreo.it xml-rpc is working fine on my site
@psimeson How about
 "Body" -> "
  	<params />
 "Method" -> "POST"
Does this return XML with <string>Hello!</string> in it?
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
ok then it works I guess, this is all very weird. What does
ExportString[xmlrpcencode["demo.sayHello", {}], "XML"]
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!DOCTYPE Expression SYSTEM \
<Expression xmlns:mathematica='http://www.wolfram.com/XML/'
10:40 PM
ok, there's a problem. Does ?xmlrpcencode return a description of what that function does?
I mean this looks like the xmlrpc` package still isn't loaded properly.
nope it returns: Global`xmlrpcencode
I guess you have to load all the packages individually then, I have no idea why. But restart the kernel and just do << "path/to/xmlrpc.m" << "path/to/wp.m" << "path/to/wpNotebookUpload.m"
yep it's working now ...thanks :)
@psimeson no problem, thank you for your patience.
@Pickett for newbie like us you should write a blog post... may be after this experience I can write a blog post about it too, so that people can benefit... thanks for answering all my foolish questions :)
11:06 PM
@psimeson Hopefully I will come back to this package later and write proper documentation for it, as well as better error messages, support for more types of notebook content and so on. I'll put it on my to do list.
@Pickett count me in if want someone to test it ... I am always ready to help
Good to know, thanks :)

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