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4:00 PM
For permanent residence VISA, they do not check for all this stuff until decmber 2014, we need 67 points
Highest voted question that's actually about eclipse: programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/197257/…
@MichaelT: not everyone has that as a benefits package.
Remember that there's not a one-to-one correspondence with tags and off-topic questions. That's one of the biggest misconceptions of newcomers... that you can ask a question and it will be on-topic just because a tag exists.
It seems that questions tagged fall into two categories: crap (off-topic) or questions where the user happens to be using eclipse, but it's not really relevant.
@RobertHarvey I actually had to break the cycle of fixing bugs every day and write code for new applications. this is why am doing cs61A and other design tuto.
4:02 PM
the question I linked 4 messages ago is about the only question I've found that is both on topic - though it's arguably opinion based - and about eclipse.
@overexchange Just make sure you're spending time actually writing code. Learning UML and OO won't matter until you write code.
^^^ So much truth to this
@RobertHarvey This. In my google interview, there were a few points where I would say something like "i'd make a class for this" or "i'd refactor this" and, without fail, they said "we don't care, please write code now"
It's like being a painter... That is sitting around contemplating the color of the sky. When asked about the canvas replies: I'll get around to that when I understand the color of the sky and clouds.
4:08 PM
Sure... That's nice and all, but the canvas is the product that the painter is commissioned to do. Not study the sky.
@durron597 How'd that interview turn out for ya BTW?
And it doesn't help one bit when there is a fence to be painted... If that is the job you'll get to pay the bills.
@JimmyHoffa Pretty good I think. My recruiter just told me that my interviewers haven't all submitted their feedback yet, so I won't find out until next week.
@durron597 Very cool! Good luck to ya! Gotta ask, did they ask you any mega-crazy algorithmic/mathy questions? Or was it all basically coding stuff?
Rumors tell that they've changed their interview approach in recent times to be more grounded and less "How big is your PhD?"
I think you know the feedback process of google. interviewers actually dont decide to pick or drop, the documentation of interview will be sent to a special panel sitting remote, they will decide.
4:11 PM
@JimmyHoffa How about mega-crazy algorithmic questions where I had to write code to answer them?
@durron597 like what? Did you have to implement quicksort on a whiteboard? :/
@JimmyHoffa Well there's an NDA associated with the interview process
@durron597 no shit? heh makes sense but interesting
2 days ago, by durron597
The figgly question was similar but not the same as this project euler q: https://projecteuler.net/problem=15
ah, yeah rough. How long did they give you to write solutions generally? Did it feel rushed or did you have like 20 minutes to write out solutions? Was it whiteboard or keyboard? (if any of these would be against the NDA from your understanding, don't answer)
4:17 PM
@JimmyHoffa 45 minute interviews. I'll answer with stuff that is either in this video or stuff that's a very, very obvious conclusion from the video.
It was all whiteboard
Most of the interviews were easy question into hard question. In other words, I implemented the solution to an easy question within 20 minutes
And then in the second half I attempted to adjust the solution to work for a more difficult problem
@durron597 I find this just dumb. When I was at philips we would have a laptop hooked up to a projector and ask people to code solutions to problems, but they would do it on a keyboard showing that if paid to do the job they could do it as such. Even if it's just notepad you give them, it saves time and takes unnecessary pressure off
In the same way that you might say "easy: implement 3-5 fizz buzz". "Hard: Now implement fizz buzz where the numbers aren't relatively prime"
except, in my opinion, the questions were a lot cleverer than fizz buzz
@durron597 alright, at least they're patient. I hate impatient interviewers. It's so stupid to ask people to show you they're valuable and then be too impatient to wait for them to present their skills comprehensively.
and lots of people are totally impatient about interviewing; if you don't solve something in 5 minutes they just say pfleh
well, a few times i wrote a little bit of code and then i made a small mistake or a typo and they corrected it before i even reread what i wrote. that was frustrating.
basically, project Euler would be great practice for a google interview
4:21 PM
@JimmyHoffa even the easy questions couldn't be solved in 5 minutes. well, one of them could be. but the follow up was much more difficult
in that interview, i told the interviewer that his question was really really easy, but i expected the follow-up to be a lot more interesting (and it was)
@JimmyHoffa agreed.
most (all?) of the times i made a small mistake (like using a slightly wrong name for a helper method I had created) I was able to say that an IDE would have caught it for me, and they agreed
@durron597 That's why we don't offer an IDE or computer - we don't really care about the niggling mistakes like that
> Wanna work with a bunch of assholes?
Neither do we.
> Help us save the web.
Yeah, I don't get that phrase either.
That's one herculean task
Aside that "If ain't broke, don't fix it"
4:30 PM
@RobertHarvey marketing shop. They want you to execute Digital Transformation on shit into money
two big differences between this interview and the one three years ago - i knew the java api much better, and i've trained myself to make more helper methods. i was writing these enormous, impossible to follow functions three years ago.
I think its more a consulting firm
@whatsisname nah they say outright they're a marketing agency
so they want to transform bugs into more bugs at increased hourly rates
"Engagency is an enterprise digital systems integrator, managed services, and consulting company. In other words, we do web development for large companies"
are we looking at the same thing?
@GlenH7 when you interview people do you look for that? splitting big algorithm methods into smaller methods?
4:31 PM
@durron597 Yes, something I look for.
> to create digital marketing and commerce experiences that are so responsive, helpful, and relevant [that we will literally take lots of money from people by saying nonsense! Marketing FTW!]
For in person whiteboard exercises, I have a set of progressively harder questions that build upon the previous question

Wanted: .NET / C# Developer with a heart of gold


Wanna work with a bunch of assholes?Neither do we. Good Character = Good Culture @ENGAGENCY culture is not something we…

Posted on Stack Overflow Careers on March 12, 2015

> This is not a playground, and you will not be coddled. We’re creating a work environment designed to nourish us, and to continually challenge us to humble ourselves and work towards greater levels of emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and self-actualization.
So it gives a good opportunity to see how the candidate is thinking
4:32 PM
@JimmyHoffa: I don't see that on what I'm looking at, we must be looking at different pages
@RobertHarvey https keeps from one boxing.
@whatsisname last bullet
also 2 weeks off + holidays is not a "great" benefit
Started with 3 weeks. And 9 holidays per year.
I see the coddling one, but not the marketing FTW one
4:34 PM
I think it's nine. Might be more.
@whatsisname that's because they're all business people making money by working folks to death "not be coddled" = Work work work work! Work! "servants heart" = Servant. "greater levels of emotional intelligence bla bla self-actualization" = We love bullshitting people! We do it all the time! We'll even try to bullshit you! Woohoo bullshit makes us money!
@whatsisname the parts in the [] were my addenda :P
they create marketing websites to sell big companies products
@JimmyHoffa s/servant/slave/g
@GlenH7 ...they're not synonyms?
@GlenH7 civil servant here.
@MichaelT you're a cop??
4:36 PM
@MichaelT You're a civil servant, yes. They're looking for slaves.
And that's the difference between the two
One can be a humble but fulfilling profession
The other, well, they make it clear you're merely meat to be thrown into the grinder.
@GlenH7 but did you see all the money that comes out the other end???
Regrettably, I will no longer have any fingers with which to grasp said money.
4:38 PM
Woo, one interview down. (this week is interviews and other fascinating bits.)
On Monday I got my "employee appreciation" gift pack. It included a keychain and a giftcard. The gift card is good for £25 at the company store.

I went to the company store and, not surprisingly, most things cost way more than £25. Eventually I found a few mugs I barely wanted and went to the checkout... where it asked me to pay £6 shipping.

So, this "gift" is effectively charging me £6 to buy three mugs I barely want from the company store. The same company that gave me this "gift."

That evening I put the giftcard up for sale on the company intranet. £20 for a £25 gift card. I fig
> In a mature society, “civil servant” is semantically equal to “civil master.”
Lazarus Long (R. Heinlin)
I felt appreciated.
@MetaFight That's disgusting.
4:40 PM
@MetaFight Them's the breaks. If there wasn't anything I really wanted from the store, I would have tossed the card in my desk and ignored it until something sparked my eye.
@durron597 yup :)
What if you buy two mugs? Can you use the gift card to pay for the shipping?
I can see where they are coming from
But I can fully empathize with what @MetaFight is saying too
Looking for work is an interesting proposition.  You have to balance the time you spend with each potential employer against their relative interest level.  At the beginning of the process, the interest level is zero from both the employer's and employee's perspectives.

To raise that interest level, employers typically lead with a bit about the company and their philosophy and culture, a description of the work and skills required, and sometimes some facts about their compensation and benefits.  Employees typically lead with a resume and cover letter.  Both processes are already problemati
4:41 PM
The giftcard can't be used to cover the shipping costs.
If they had said "receive 25 off the purchase of whatever you'd like" you would have simply ignored the coupon.
@durron597 it's common :/
@durron597 again, businesses make baffling decisions, it just doesn't occur to them that bullshit looks like bullshit
@RobertHarvey You bothered to write them?!
@JimmyHoffa Oh, here's how we can get a small amount of extra money and drive traffic to our site!
I bet their margins are high enough that the gift card really only amounts to buying things at cost for most things.
Employer^^ gave store credit away often. Employer^ gave $25 prepaid visa as gifts.
4:43 PM
@GlenH7 I poked them about the "don't be a dick" thing. They responded "Why do you ask?" I haven't sent this --^^ yet.
Their whole advert screams of "We're idea men!"
To me, that's a thank-you-very-much for the warning, I'll move along now.
Yeah, and the level of hubris in "help us save the Internet..."
@RobertHarvey idea-men don't know what the word hubris means. If they did, they might not be idea-men
Every good perl programmer knows what hubris means.
4:46 PM
> Excessive pride, the sort of thing Zeus zaps you for. Also the quality that makes you write (and maintain) programs that other people won't want to say bad things about. Hence, the third great virtue of a programmer. See also laziness and impatience. (p.607)
From Programming Perl.
But you don't have a problem with my verbiage? I'm still practicing "dialing it down" a bit.
@RobertHarvey chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/21742724#21742724 looks like you are analysing lot of stuff in your leisure
@RobertHarvey I didn't review it from that perspective.
4:49 PM
@RobertHarvey I think it's just fine. Out of curiosity, where did you find this job posting?
Any interaction with that organization is simply wasted time, so worrying about tone is unnecessary.
@RobertHarvey you said "heart of gold" which was wrong, they claimed "servant's heart"
which is a disturbing request to be sure
It matches their advertisement. It either shows you are a match for their philosophy or not. That depends on their recruiter.
"Heart of gold" is in the title of the posting.
@RobertHarvey Also, you can think of this as a kind of selection/filtering process. If they read your letter and offer you a meaningful, insightful, and interesting reply, then you've determined more about them and you may find you might actually want to work there. If, on the other hand, they answer like dicks (as their original posting might suggest) you've confirmed conclusively that you can avoid them like you would (presumably) avoid any bag of dicks.
4:55 PM
Btw, two more 20k speedy deletes on that what language question at -9 and falling.
@RobertHarvey - did the follow-up note to the re-posted P/A role get a response?
@GlenH7 Which one?
The college / university one. You had applied before, didn't hit their magic filter, the person they hired failed, and they re-posted the job
@GlenH7 No. I'll have to reapply.
They reposted the job.
At least they didn't write back with "No, don't bother."
4:58 PM
@overexchange The job search was never a skill that I had to cultivate in depth. I was always able to find work without taking coding tests, doing Skype interviews, answering behavioral interview questions, buying lottery tickets...
@RobertHarvey generational thing; welcome to the new frontier: Everyone must bend a knee to prove their fealty.
Ooh, a new cv reviewer today. Nice to see reviews by people not in this chatroom
@MetaFight I don't know how I found that one. Probably in one of the SO sidebars, or a search.
Heck for this call center job, i had a hour and a half of behavior questions, a half hour skills test, and if I pass this, there is still another interview before they hire me.
Employers seem really cautious nowadays.
5:10 PM
Design questions should go to Programmers SE in general. — user1803551 just now
@RobertHarvey There's less slack all around. So mistakes in hiring are harder to recover from.
For StackOverflow, this question is broad. This is because the question is conceptual. It does not seem to elicit specific programming answers. You did not even specify a programming language. I agree that it would probably be better on Programmers or perhaps CS. — SunSparc 19 secs ago
I've heard "Take forever to hire, fire fast"
Seems this is getting traction
Weeee solved this using pen and paper: projecteuler.net/problem=9
Nice @durron597
5:15 PM
agh, there's a better way to do it using pen and paper than mine
Is googling for those triplets considered cheating?
@durron597, think linear algebra
@GlenH7, in real work? Nope, as study, yeah
@GlenH7 yes
googling != pen and paper
@durron597 Did you brute force it, or is there some equation that solves it?
@RobertHarvey Well, there are two ways that I've found. Only one uses an equation.
I would not consider either way "brute force".
@André How is linear algebra relevant here?
5:29 PM
I think you can treat as linear equation system and solve it. Trying on paper for the fun, will see if is any relevant
@André There are three variables and two equations
> pass on this guy. I don't like his communication style. if he had a
question about the posting, he could have asked it in a very different way.


Carla Romaine
VP, Client Services
Also, they aren't linear, they are quadratic. Thus a^2
@RobertHarvey hahahaha
> You use "asshole" in a job posting, but you don't like *my* communication style?

I think you can extrapolate a third equation like a² = 1000 - b²
5:32 PM
@RobertHarvey Wait, what? They forwarded you internal email in the response?!
Ah, you may have a point, been.. 8 years since I tried anything with linear algebra
@RobertHarvey And to be fair, you ought to purge the contact info
@André I think you mean Diophantine equations
In mathematics, a Diophantine equation is a polynomial equation, usually in two or more unknowns, such that only the integer solutions are sought or studied (an integer solution is a solution such that all the unknowns take integer values). A linear Diophantine equation is an equation between two sums of monomials of degree zero or one. An exponential Diophantine equation is one in which exponents on terms can be unknowns. Diophantine problems have fewer equations than unknown variables and involve finding integers that work correctly for all equations. In more technical language, they define an...
@GlenH7 Apparently so.
These guys would be a bear to work for. Unrealistic expectations, massively inflated egos. Can't take genuine feedback when it's provided to them.
@RobertHarvey Agreed.
5:37 PM
I thought I did.
Sorry. I blame caching
I think the rule there is "they're allowed to be funny. You're not."
@GlenH7 Eh. He wasn't funny there, he was just "right".
@durron597, something like that, but I'm not reaching into any solution, scratch that idea away
@André the two ways to do it are: 1) use the 2mn, n^2 - m^2, n^2 + m^2 generating function, 2) notice that 8 + 15 + 17 = 40, and that 1000/40 is an integer
5:40 PM
@André If my maths were right, it boils down to: 500 = a + b - (ab/1000)
@GlenH7 Well, at least I know for sure. Funny how people make snap judgments, even those in presumably a high-level corporate position who should really know better.
the first way, it reduces to m(m+n) = 500, then just try stuff and sub for the values, the second, 1000/40 = 25, so the triple is 8*25, 15*25, 17*25
My maths weren't right - I made a mistake when swapping sides. But I just fixed it.
@RobertHarvey I actually think that they are correct. It is obvious that you are a poor fit for them; you don't like them, they don't like you. That isn't a value judgement
@RobertHarvey Quite true. Sometimes it's good to validate the presumptions we make
5:44 PM
@durron597 Yes, that's what I meant.
@RobertHarvey Well, you said they should know better. I think they "know" just fine
And now we have a new meme:
@RobertHarvey - I don't like your communication style.
@durron597 Ah, I see what you did there.
But they are filtering out "competent, no tolerance for bullshit candidates". if it works for them, hey. I'm sure the remaining applicant pool is full of great candidates *snort*
5:45 PM
@GlenH7 [Has it engraved, hangs it on my wall]
Gotta work on those silver linings
@RobertHarvey did you actually get this response back?
that is hilarious if they really sent that to you
Yes, I actually got this response back. I don't think it was an accident either.
Seriously, who does that, unless they're so close-minded that they can't take in any outside ideas?
One of their minions secretly sending you a message of "escape! escape while you can!"
I'm curious what they said in the part you were supposed to read.
6:00 PM
The part I was supposed to read?
@RobertHarvey Presumably they didn't send that bit to you directly, I'm guessing it was a forward with a note "we're sorry but we are not interested in your application at this time?"
Maybe that explains why the first sentence is not capitalized.
@RobertHarvey That was the entire email? there was nothing before that you didn't paste?
VP of client services making a mistake like that seems... RED FLAG RED FLAG
@enderland I think it was the VP's servant lackey that made the mistake
@RobertHarvey you could follow up with a yes please on the mse post about voting on careers adverts.
Anyone mind if I make @Ixrec a room owner?
Seems ... early.
@GlenH7 The room owner or the filibuster? ;)
Where's the anticipation? The hazing? The formally documented process? :-)
6:05 PM
Q: Rating companies on Stack Overflow Careers

CheGueVerraIs there a way to rate companies that have posting for positions? I had a situation where a company scheduled a phone interview, but no call. Sent an email, they called back 2 days later to conduct the phone interview. I was told that I passed that stage and I was going to get another call more...

room owner
19 hours ago, by Ixrec
you guys keep doing that when I'm looking at other windows =(
@durron597 Pfffft.
And how long were you tortured? :-)
Or enderland?
6:06 PM
Email the Careers team with the full details and they will hopefully deal with that company. — Shadow Wizard May 11 at 21:40
@RobertHarvey ^^^ I see a follow-up option for you.
@Undo I am under the impression that the interview was during a playoff game while beer was being imbibed rather than the morning after with the disappointment of your team's performance (admit it, they're going to get beat by teams that have no snow on the ground at the rink in December) and the hangover casting a shadow over the cognitive facilities. — MichaelT May 12 at 1:47
Canada is not taking the cup home again.
@MichaelT Pretty sure they haven't won it since 1993. And they're not going to this year.
6:11 PM
@GlenH7 I'm not that bothered by it. Seriously, I think they did me a favor.
It just seems wrong if it ends up California vs Florida.
@durron597 Nope. I pasted the whole thing.
Btw, did you see the SFW California link from last night?
@MichaelT It's okay, my Rangers are going to take it home in approximately 7 more games.
My tennis game is cancelled I might actually have time to watch it tonight!
6:16 PM
Haha, poking fun at California. [ding]
@MichaelT Do you have a news article?
@RobertHarvey I lived there for 15 years.
@durron597 it's a joke.
@MichaelT That one is still a joke even if it's true :)
Though you will get heavy fines for watering the lawn in places.
6:18 PM
@MichaelT ohhhh
Might be better on programmers, since it's not a single question. Or better still on programmers and split into discreet questions. ;^) — ruffin 28 secs ago
@MichaelT Is that a bill or law?
Bill. The thing is, some cities fine for water waste and having a brown lawn.
@MichaelT Astroturf!
6:21 PM
@durron597 Zeroscape.
@MichaelT [sigh]
@MichaelT How much water is in paint?
Dunno. Though here is the AstroTurf article: mobile.nytimes.com/2015/04/25/us/… (sorry mobile link)
@ruffin this question is a poor fit for Programmers - it would be quickly voted down and closed over there, see Why do interview questions make poor Programmers.SE questions? Recommended reading: What goes on Programmers.SE? A guide for Stack Overflowgnat 13 secs ago
6:29 PM
@MichaelT People vacuuming their lawns in pajamas is a really funny sight.
@RobertHarvey remember to run major appliances at night.
So that explains the pajamas.
@JimmyHoffa - Your analysis of Angular leaves out the economic factors though. If you write a light, loosely coupled app with some focused libraries you only get a couple of low value keywords for your resume. Since Angular is popular and monolithic those projects will be loathe to hire anyone without specific Angular experience, while light easy to maintain projects will be able to hire anyone. Ergo, there is more money from working with Angular.
@psr aka, the COBOL argument
@psr Popular, monolithic, and apparently having a significant barrier to entry.
6:44 PM
Which is why being familiar with it and able to do things can apply a significant filter on resumes.
6:56 PM
If my last interview was any indication, they want more than just the keyword. Though that one wasn't for Angular, specifically; it was for WPF.
'Course getting to the interview is the first tricky part.
@RobertHarvey Good point. But working with angular lets you answer interview questions on it. Working on well architected purpose built loosely coupled app doesn't.
Ah, I see.
Looks like a nice day at Venice Beach.
7:12 PM
@psr wouldn't the commit logs also say "fixed bugs introduced by commit foo"
@durron597 Yes it does. But if you divide developer work into "features" and "imaginary developer things collectively known as 'not features'", that doesn't matter.
@psr I was with you until this... doesn't everyone know what bugs are and what fixing them means?
features, bugs, and imaginary developer things sounds about right though
Do you actually have code? If not this is likely a programmers question. — EBrown 42 secs ago
Sure. In my experience, though, the more likely thing is that one particular person is just better at smiling, using buzzwords, and buying alcohol
7:22 PM
interesting, the mouseover highlighting reveals what your removed message was a reply to even after it's been removed
@EBrown It might be more on-topic at Programmers.SE, but it's also too broad to be well-received there. — Ixrec 45 secs ago
@Ixrec Someone is snooping on my metadata!!?
oh wow, refreshing the room doesn't get rid of it
7:35 PM
How disgusting is that? The house says with a veto proof majority "we don't want to allow NSA snooping", and then it just gets taken out in conference after having passed.
that's america
that's everywhere imho.
The higher ups in the party don't necessarily agree with the people not in the committee.
@MichaelT I know how it happens, it just makes me sick
Sure the populist part of the party has the majority. The power still remains, for the most part, in the establishment.
7:40 PM
The populist part... Well, they have yet to show they can govern or compromise. Until they do, this is likely the norm.
@MichaelT Among the noes: Kevin McCarthy, Eric Cantor, Debbie Wasserman Schultz. John Boehner is not on the roll for some reason.
I support any bill that both Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Kevin McCarthy vote against.
> 5+ years of experience with ASP.NET, Visual Studio 2010/2012 & TFS
So, I guess since the moment VS2010 came out.
No, you helped build the VS2010, that is what it means.
Ah, I knew there was a trick there.
8:00 PM
@RobertHarvey I read that as 5 with asp.net
so no time expectations on VS or TFS, but yes with asp.net
It's a trick! They are building a new ide and want to hire the dev team for vs2010.
I think I spent more time on this answer than it probably deserved
Know the feeling
At least I didn't have to worry about FGITW on that one...
8:15 PM
Was actually more worried about it getting closed off instead
I spent 3 hours writing a answer and troubleshooting some guy problem, apparently he gave up when I told him he needed to debug the application
and people wonder why we don't like helping people debug code dumps
The question started as "how I use X API"
then he had some spring configuration problem
cool @enderland
8:23 PM
@GlenH7 if you get the closed question, open the Dom and re enable the submit button.
@MichaelT really?!
thanks @GlenH7
@enderland np
@enderland Wait a minute, are you trying to say there's basically no one on twitter in Montana? Say it ain't so!
Q: How was this answer posted after this question was closed?

tombull89Question: lot of .exe folders are created on my windows7 Answer: try that... The question was closed at 11:57:57 (according to the hover-over-"x-mins-ago" bar) and the answer was posted at 12:16:35. It's a fairly lengthy answer, so it's possible that it was started to be written before it was c...

8:25 PM
@MichaelT Cool. That's an interesting bit of trivia I didn't know about
cool, I hated when that happen
Three most recent posts... Sigh.
@enderland I see a lot of green and red there. Not a whole lot of purple...
8:32 PM
Hallo! :)
How is everyone? :)
8:33 PM
3 hours ago, by GlenH7
@RobertHarvey - I don't like your communication style.
@Ixrec 日本語がわかりますか?
pretty good, just the usual complaints about how business/hiring/politics works
@MichaelT 0 votes remaining
ha @RobertHarvey
@RobertHarvey Rather I used graphs instead? Heat maps? Brainf*ck? ;p
8:34 PM
You'll be here all week, I presume?
@André I translate in my spare time, so yeah a fair bit
@RobertHarvey Me? Psh, they'll want me for longer ;)
Cool, I just study here and there :)
I'm actually (very slowly) translating next to this chat right now
@RobertHarvey How about by poem?
8:36 PM
@RobertHarvey by the way, what was your "communication style"? I think it happened too far up the backlog for me to see it
(I did see the email with that line in it)
4 hours ago, by Robert Harvey
Looking for work is an interesting proposition.  You have to balance the time you spend with each potential employer against their relative interest level.  At the beginning of the process, the interest level is zero from both the employer's and employee's perspectives.

To raise that interest level, employers typically lead with a bit about the company and their philosophy and culture, a description of the work and skills required, and sometimes some facts about their compensation and benefits.  Employees typically lead with a resume and cover letter.  Both processes are already problemati
To be fair, my original inquiry was a bit provocative:
> It has a cute headline and an interesting premise, but your job description doesn't say much about the skills you're looking for, or the work you need. Do you just want someone who's not a dick?
that would explain the response
@RobertHarvey Well, while that note certainly earned you an immediate response, if you actually wanted the job you probably should have said "could you give me more information please?" instead of that last sentence.
But the question of you wanting the job is well treaded ground
@Ixrec Well, c'mon. Company that lacks any sense of humor whatsoever tries humor in their job posting?
Their first response was "Why do you ask?"
8:42 PM
I'm still amazed at how many job postings I saw with broken English, dozens of typos and no description whatsoever of the actual job...so failed humor is pretty minor
And I thought my second response was pretty well-reasoned. Their VP's response, on the other hand, was knee-jerk (with an emphasis on jerk).
Q: Are flags for "immediate" problems or just problems?

durron597A moderator of a graduated site (but not Stack Overflow) told me in chat today (I am making a cursory attempt at anonymity, but it shouldn't be hard to figure out who it was for the determined): But don't forget what flags are for. They are for things that must be handled immediately. ......

Obviously JasonC isn't staff or even a diamond anywhere, but it's something to consider.
@Yannis, regarding that "spam" flag, I think now that you mentioned that there was no decline I have another idea of how it went. I saw that UI doesn't let me use spam flag and I assumed it means prior flag was declined. But actually, I probably cast VLQ or NAA which was shaken off by post edit. System automatically dismissed my flag (as helpful), which also blocked spam flags
Q: Edits shouldn't dismiss "not an answer" flags

Michael MrozekIt seems like this shouldn't be able to happen: Three people flagged a post as "not an answer", but then another user cleaned up the post's formatting, and all the flags got dismissed without anybody actually looking at them. It took weeks for somebody else to flag the post for the fourth time...

8:59 PM
@gnat Hm, the thing is that your flag doesn't show Community as the deletion user, it's just empty. However, the flag is old, so it might just be that they started showing Community as the deletion user at a later point.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​What did I... oh... yay, it wasn't me this time! ;P — Yannis 5 mins ago
Ugh this user interface really needs to handle starred autoboxes better
you should make this question in Programmersdlavila 57 secs ago
Users who can't compose sentences shouldn't be making site recommendations.
Duga is a lifesaver
9:12 PM
@dlavila if it was made on Programmers, it would be closed as a duplicate of this questiondurron597 53 secs ago
Two more c# answers and I'll get a tag badge in a language I've never touched.
@Yannis those were vegetarian times. No roomba turbocharge, no LQ queue. Auto-deletions happened too rarely to bother. As far as I understand, they started attributing things to Community user only since Dec 2012...
A: Making auto delete process more user friendly

Shog9This was fixed by Kevin Montrose on December 3rd, 2012. Since that time, post history records, visible in each auto-deleted post's revision history, have been created to document the time of deletion and correctly attribute it to the Community user. Nick Craver added reasons to these history ent...

@gnat which roomba upgrade is the "turbocharge"?
Q: Turbocharging the Roomba: solutions for premature deletion

Shog9A couple weeks ago, I asked for help: How can we stop premature deletion? And I got some fantastic responses. A big thanks to everyone who participated in that discussion - you're the reason I don't completely hate Meta Stack Overflow. The big takeaways from that discussion were: Show users t...

^^^ April 2013 "Automatically delete closed and abandoned questions after a short period of time..."
cross-posted, deservedly voted down to -10 and closed at SO: stackoverflow.com/questions/30334250/…gnat 44 secs ago
^^^ shame on us, it's only -3 over here
I wasn't watching the front page; -4 now
speaking of downvoting, iirc -4 is the cutoff for disappearing from the front page, which is why I usually only downvote if it's not at -4 yet and (like that one) I think it needs to go away before the close votes can be gathered; are there any other important downvote threshholds?
9:29 PM
-3 for closed question. Speedy delete votes for 20k
@Ixrec nope, no thresholds. Except that it impacts question warnings / blocks
but that's more... gradual
one can't be blocked with a single question, no matter how low a score. Two very low score questions probably can do this - and definitely should at least trigger warning
Anecdotal is three closed and down voted questions. I haven't seen poor askers on a tear stop at 2.
@durron597 lol, I was working through Project Euler a couple of summers ago. I just looked up what my answer was to that question:
// note:  I worked this one out in my head and then used google as a calculator.
// essentially, you want the number of combinations when choosing 20 from 40
this.Result = 137846528820;
@MetaFight which question?
9:36 PM
That's a fun one I did in dc.
I don't remember how long it took me. It doesn't seem like the kind of thing I would have gotten right away.
@RobertHarvey to be fair that strikes me as a very non-native English mistake
Aug 4 '13 at 0:56, by MichaelT
Solving Project Euer #15 for a 4x4 grid (rather than 20x20 grid) with dc: [d1-d1<F*]dsF8lFx4lFxd*/p
Further down in the transcript there I explain it.
what's dc?
9:40 PM
@MetaFight That actually isn't the question I was being asked.
@enderland indeed, he/she is Chilean.
dc is a cross-platform reverse-polish desk calculator which supports arbitrary-precision arithmetic. It is one of the oldest Unix utilities, predating even the invention of the C programming language; like other utilities of that vintage, it has a powerful set of features but an extremely terse syntax. Traditionally, the more user-friendly (with its infix notation) bc calculator program was implemented on top of dc, although more modern implementations are related in the opposite fashion: dc uses bc's library for arithmetic. This article provides some examples in an attempt to give a general flavour...
@durron597 No, of course it isn't wink wink
@MichaelT I've got a colleague who would LOVE this.
When you dig into dc a little, it is quite beautiful.
Imagine you have a bag of balls labeled 1 to 40. You pull out 20 of them; you turn right at the balls you have, and go down at the ones you do not
How many ways are there to take the balls out of the bag?
In other words, because it will always be 40 steps to the bottom right corner

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