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3:55 AM
Reply to me!
@JeffreyLin Test one with single line
Test two with
two lines
@JeffreyLin Test three with one line markdown
Test four with broken
two **line** *markdown*
Tiger Tiger burning bright,
In the forests of the night.
What immortal hand or eye
Could shape thy fearful symmetry?
4:03 AM
Tiger tiger burning bright
In the forests of the night
What immortal hand or eye
Could shape thy fearful symmetry?
**Tiger tiger burning bright
In the forests of the night
What immortal hand or eye
Could shape thy fearful symmetry?**
**Tiger tiger burning bright **
In the forests of the night
What immortal hand or eye
Could shape thy fearful symmetry?
10:43 AM
in The h Bar, 2 days ago, by Kyle Kanos
We need 3k+ rep users who understand what the site's goal is and what is on/off-topic
> I estimate that there's about 10 of us who are rather active in the queues
> And beyond the queues, it also requires participation in the bi-weekly chat sessions
> Active on our Meta
> It also requires us to not have people who are actively trying to harm the site
> Or do what we can to mitigate that subset of people
in The h Bar, 2 days ago, by alarge
@KyleKanos How can you actively harm the site, anyway? (I get that there's been a couple of trolls, but they do little except add some noise; And it doesn't seem that common, anyway)
in The h Bar, 2 days ago, by Kyle Kanos
By (a) voting to leave open every question, (b) upvoting bad questions, (c) flagging everything, (d) leaving comments that their question can be answered elsewhere on the internets, and so on

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