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7:02 PM
building anything large in QBasic will be hard since it's not object-oriented
Actually a Portal remake (a proper one) might work on the Xbox.
@Sie Why did you ask?
@AlexandreVaillancourt Curiosity and because you mentioned you were no longer a student.
Ah :) kk!
I enjoy(ed) school, but being a student doesn't pay much :P
And there are too much dumb and lazy ppl in there...
too many*
7:36 PM
Can someone help me with opengl shader stuff?
Don't ask if you can ask, just ask :)
If someone can help you, they will!
I mean if is there someone online, who knows opengl shader things
Just ask the question please.
Can I paste code here in the chat with a tag like [code] code [/code]
well, I should upload it in pastebin for an example
Pastebin is fine.
7:43 PM
http://pastebin.com/fySLi4AT - shader.cpp
http://pastebin.com/WHXjM3q1 - main.cpp

The shaders:
#version 330 core

layout (location = 0) in vec3 position;

void main() {
gl_Position = vec4(position.x, position.y, position.z, 1.0);

#version 330 core

out vec4 color;

void main() {
color = vec4(0.78f, 0.33f, 0.12f, 1.0f);

So, I am working now 3 hours on making these shaders to work and they DONT!
The result should be a colored triangle..
The thing that now I think is do my graphic card supports opengl shader version 330 core
You don't do much error checking.
It supports
Well any suggestions how to do more?
Do you know the shader is built correctly? Do you know all your GL calls aren't setting GL error states?
Well, isn't that function:
glGetShaderInfoLog(shaderID, 512, NULL, infoLog);
handles every error, which shader cna have?
Almost any function in OpenGL can fail.
7:47 PM
You're not checking any of those.
What do you see?
Do you see the screen cleared to your clear color?
7:47 PM
I see a screen colored in green
Change the clear color.
You might be surprised.
(also, it won't affect anything but the first frame, but you should do glClearColor() and then glClear)
Do you know why I suggested you change the clear color?
7:49 PM
glClearColor(0.78f, 0.33f, 0.12f, 1.0f); // this is your original clear color.
color = vec4(0.78f, 0.33f, 0.12f, 1.0f); // this is your shader output
So even if you are drawing successfully, you'll never see it.
Because it will have exactly the same color as the background
You were right for that, but I changed the clear color in the shader, but there isn't triangle on the screen still..
also I changed these two:
glClearColor(0.78f, 0.33f, 0.12f, 1.0f);
like you said :)
the clear color of the .frag shader is:
color = vec4(0.33f, 0.72f, 0.25f, 1.0f);
Which one does it show?
7:52 PM
Make the shader write vec4(1, 1, 1, 1) for now
the screen is cleared in orange
Set glClearColor to (0,0,0)
and alpha 1, right?
Alpha is irrelevant.
7:54 PM
^ use easy colors, (1, 0, 1) for maximum eyeburn
Unless you have blending on, which you shouldn't
you can use 1 for alpha though
just to be safe
In the vertex shader, set gl_Position = vec4(0,0,0,1)
Change glDraw* to use GL_POINTS
7:54 PM
Look for a white dot in the center of the screen
:D lol
well in glClear I should give alpha a value
because the function (the opengl's ) takes 4 arguments (r, g, b, a )
I'm trying to figure out what this is an inverse matrix algorithm : )
Where is that glDraw?
@sn0k3 glDrawArrays in your case I think
7:56 PM
yea yea
Basically, draw points.
Yes, okay
At a fixed location (0,0; the center of the screen)
Again..This time black screen
7:57 PM
So your failure is likely not in the shader (yet)
It's earlier
@DominicHughes doesnt look very useful
If you are curious window.render() just does glfwSwapBuffers(m_Window);
You may to find a gl debugger and attach that
or look into dumping glGetError calls after all your API calls to check things
7:59 PM
@Tyyppi_77 Well it's the best option I have, math is fun seems too understand how to teach people which is too provide them answers in a simple and efficient way rather then overcomplicating it and abstracting . : )
Gl debugger is a program right?
good maths is not complicated unless unavoidable.
gremedy.com that one?
@DominicHughes ever actually used 2D matrices?
(Hint: inverse matrices arent this easy in higher dimensions)
8:02 PM
Inverse matrixes are basically
when :
0 1
2 3
become :
-0 1
2 -3

I think.
That's kinda a weird way to learn them. Are you aware of the property?
0 1
2 3
-1.5 0.5
1 0
Also doesnt look right
@Tyyppi_77 you are right it is weird but I have to simplify it incredibly then build it up too a coding algorithm otherwise I'll get irritated immensly umm...

modelviewmatrix for mouse to ray picking?
@JoshPetrie any ideas?
8:05 PM
tkausl: I don't know how that works but okay.
These "helpful" tricks on 2D matrices are useles, except for giving you the concept of what inverses do
I know that lol .. gosh
So why bother?
gosh lol xd rofl jkjk
8:07 PM
@DominicHughes I'd guess by using the trick
8:19 PM
Okay screw it you guys win , I'll use a dam math library I hate everything that math has provided and designed it's the most stupidest way to understand the world I've ever seen ... it can be horrendously simplified also ..
@DominicHughes the inverse of a matrix is one that, when multiplied with the original, will produce an identity matrix.
@DominicHughes it's exactly the opposite. If you think it can be easier, contribute to humanity and publish a scientific paper explaining how
according to wolfram alpha...that doesn't produce an identity matrix bit.ly/1OUEmtA
stupid link parser
real inverse here: bit.ly/1WMTsUg
and proof of correctness: bit.ly/1TKrPcj
@NaCI I'll do one better develop an entire machine built on an extremely simplified design where possible.

But not yet I must first get my number one pet peeve -> money.
You don't need to understand how this math works
You only need to understand how to implement it
8:31 PM
I don't want to ever as well .
and what does what
yes I get that allright. thanks
thanks for the help people I'm gunna use GLM or Eigen I suppose done with this crap lol.
@IcyDefiance good with opengl? I mean enough to try to help to a beginner in opengl?
Don't know about eigen but glm is awesome
probably. I've played around with it for a few years.
8:33 PM
tkausl: So far from what I've seen it's the heart of most tutorials.
Because there is one thing with shaders..Hm they dont work! :D I tryed to fix it, but..Asked here and Josh tryed too, but..
debugging shaders is hard. do you have an amd or nvidia gpu?
Hold the door omfg
8:36 PM
what? :D
You watch the latest got?
no got in here please
some of has have not caught up yet
What happened?
8:36 PM
Fun fact: 2.9GB of windows icons, equals 4.222 icons.
I stopped watching it..
@sn0k3 I'm not really familiar with AMD's tools, but I think this is what you want for debugging: gpuopen.com/compute-product/codexl
I almost pissed myself at the big reveal
I just didn't liked the new season
8:37 PM
@IcyDefiance thank you! :)
This season is reallllllly slow
But wow that last part of the last episode hahahahh
@sn0k3 your shader seems to be correct, are you sure the problem isn't somewhere else?
I'm curious if it was like that in the books
I stopped watching got in the first season, too much pron
It's better to be in the real world when working with anything then to be in overcomplicated and abstract maths need I say more.
8:40 PM
@tkausl I'm not sure..But where should be? Wanna all of the code in a .rar file?
tit's 4 files
yeah I don't think the shader is the problem either, but that debugger should help you find other problems, like if an opengl function throws an error
well.. you could've uploaded it to github but a rar works too i guess.
that is if you figure out how to use it, lol. I can't help there.
@tkausl any suggestions?
8:46 PM
@DominicHughes My name is still NaCL as in lemonade not NaCI as in idiot
@NaCl Sorry lol you have the weirdest name : >
I'll get it right now .
@sn0k3 one sec, need to set up a dev env
@tkausl okay
It's not that I mind much, but if you try to ref me using @NaCI I won't get any annotation about it
Just press tabulator key as soon as you wrote @NaC and it should be fine
unless some super internet-troll comes online with the name NaCI, that would be actually quite hilarious
8:49 PM
The NaCi troll lol , hitler's back for another punch.
I'll be more logical : >
@tkausl here/
@DH. I share my HBO account with my Mom. I could see that she had seen about 10 minutes of first season recently. :P I'm guessing she had the same reaction, and stopped. :P
works now
did a few things
Not sure which one of these fixed it
Ah got it
So your first problem is
you bind your VAO to late
glVertexAttribPointer actually binds its data not to the global gl-state but to the VAO, so you need it to be bound before you call this
Just call glBindVertexArray right after creating it
@sn0k3 try this and tell me what you see
shouldn't be the expected result but one step at a time
9:07 PM
tryed to change
like these:
GLuint vao;
glGenVertexArrays(1, &vao);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vao);
glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 3 * sizeof(GLfloat), (GLvoid*)0);

glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(vertices), vertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
//glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 3 * sizeof(GLfloat), (GLvoid*)0);
but still the same result
nothing on screen
not that
call glBindVertexArray right after glGenVertexArray
oh wait, you tried to bind it as a buffer
what are you doing lol
I didn't bind vertex attrib array
vao is not a buffer
i mean vertex array object
9:11 PM
i did that after glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vao);
and it worked!
well drop that line
you can't bind the vao as a buffer
you mean that:
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vao);
you can't bind the vao as a buffer
The VAO is not a buffer!
its an vertex array object
not a buffer
9:12 PM
Dude, thank you!
You see a white triangle, right?
No :D
green :D
A green one?
Well i saw a white triangle
had to fix another bug
because you deleted the shader-programs after compilation. you should keep them at least till you linked them
Yes, but actually I've sent you other file or I've change it :D
but thank you!
wow, it was hard to debug that, wasn't it?
Not really
hardest thing was to set up visual studio with the correct link/includepaths and libs
9:19 PM
What do you work on?
well, essentially the same
only a few more triangles and a few matrices here and there
are you learning opengl too? :D
I started learning ~2 years ago
So I know a big chunk of the basics
But there's always more stuff to learn
Especially in the new opengl
Got a quetion, should I clear GL_DEPTH buffer if my game is 2D
If you use depth-test then yes
but it shouldn't draw much performance anyway
so just clear it
9:25 PM
I dont come for 2 days and the chat looks different
the background is white
still the same color
isnt it usually yellowish?
are you sure the graphics are loaded?
9:27 PM
other question you said that I was doing glBindVertexArray(vao) too late, should I do glBindVertexArray(vao) only once - when I create VAO?
its yellowish for me
@sn0k3 if your scene is that simple it should be enough, yes
or it should be every time, when I want to draw
thank you
but for bigger scenes with more buffers you might want to use more vao's rather than using the same vao for all of them
lol i would take a screenshot to show ya rn but my printscreen button glitched out
Give example for more complex scene?
9:28 PM
I essentially use one vao per model
because then I set the vao up with the correct vertexAttribPointers and I don't need to worry about the buffers anymore
anything needed to draw is in the vao
Well, I should do that 2 times
When I create vertex array object and the second time when I want to draw (in the main game loop)
if only once it doesnt wrok
If its bound it stays bound
until you unbind it or bind another one
It is quite rare that state you set in GL will become unset or otherwise altered by any action other than your own direct subsequent action against that state.
@tkausl LOL
when you said until you unbind it..
before the game loop there is:
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
whcih does that - unbound
Thank you guys! :)
the buffer doesn't matter
you can unbind it
as i said, everything you need from there on is in the vao-state
but the vao has to be bound of course
9:35 PM
y :D
The thing was that part of that code was from a tutorial
and I just wrote it
but window and shader class were by me
what would delay a sound from playing?
Nobody being around to hear it.
I'm thinking I should setup a separate environment on my desktop for working. Reduce distractions and keep relevant things ready.
9:43 PM
you are really smart.
That explains why I feel smart.
does windows 10 do multi desktop?
yeah, try ctrl+win+right/left arrow keys
or win+tab and look at the bottom
the arrow keys might not work if you don't do win+tab first and click "add desktop"
cool thanks
didn't know that
now I can have a desktop for work, and one for play
9:52 PM
"1k lh on am" makes zero sense to me :D
1000 last hit on antimage... well it's not going to make more sense i guess?
10:11 PM
antimage is a hero?
yeah he's like a melee veigar, except the ult scales with the enemy's mana instead of AP and does aoe damage
I saw a video once where he killed 4 people with just the ult
pun intended?
@Almo it is
ok so you were antimage, and last hit someone for 1k damage?
@Almo i was not antimage (he was an enemy) and he killed 1k creeps
10:23 PM
... 1k creeps is a shitload, right?
i played as mirana in that game and got 400... my highest record ever is about 700
a high count in lol is like 300 or 350
So if this chat room were a picture what would it be of?
run it through .png algo and see
probably invalid data
do any of you guys by any chance have a program which takes a picture and prints out the vga signal responsible for generating it?
10:24 PM
not me
@Sie It could be a family one. With a guy in the background putting fire on the yard, because that would be mick
I'd still say XKCD sums us up pretty well...
Oh. I didn't know that worked lol.
How long do you reckon you could keep a pump like this going
Apparently posting an XKCD link will auto link to the comic. Neat.
Yeah, XKCD oneboxes*.
10:26 PM
That's convenient and it also supports the hover over text too.
It'd be awesome if their GIST oneboxing would get fixed.
As far as I recall, it's a problem with the API not with SO/SE, but I'm not sure.
But... gist are for source files, I don't think I would want that
Unless it was a cropped preview
Pretty sure it works just like any other pastebin'ish sites. :P
And it is cropped, with a scrollbar and everything. Much much cleaner than pasting code directly here.
10:31 PM
11:19 PM
@Sie Why do you obsess over doing this anyways?
You're wrong @MickLH. My opinion is much better!
It's obvious really. The color green is objectively the best color.
11:45 PM
@MickLH I try not to but admittedly I am guilty of it at times.
Still it's not like I'm the only one who is guilty of it. I've see guys in here get into arguments about OpenGL and best practices nearly every other day.
Anyway @Mick regarding that beam effect I was talking about earlier. Is there a reason why I'd want to use a billboard over a particle effect or something along those lines?

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