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12:14 AM
There is a potential for me to sell a plug in but I am not really interested in doing that
psst this is ur chance mick, you can do it
Well what are friends for even?? To push you towards stuff you're not interested in!
Or ? wait so stealing the idea is the moral thing to do?
It's not stealing, you're just applying the idea
That just sounds like stealing with extra steps
lol I'm saying TV influenced nonsense now, sorry
Dont worry here's a baby sloth
12:22 AM
It wouldn't be the same if I did it because I don't have a refined 2D workflow like Jon does
Ouch I hate how school took so much of my time that I started to forget my Typescript skills
@MickLH Hey Mick
I just noticed that Diep.io was made with emscripten
@TheMuffinCoder The real skills you learn are cognitive structures and not tied to a specific language, the language will change over time anyways
It's knowing how to code that you build up skill in forever, the languages vary in difficulty but are finite
@MickLH well more like I started to forget the api
couldn't agree more
But anyhow I just noticed that diep.io which has great performance was made with emscripten (meaning C++)
Do you think it's worth me trying to code my game using typescript
12:30 AM
Well I think the asm.js guys worked pretty hard to make it so you can basically write assembly in JS and the JIT compilers can mostly convert it back safely
I'd use whatever you're comfortable with
I'm scared of performance
You shouldn't worry about performance for a web game
okay I'll go with my plan of using typescript
But I seen how slither.io lags
The difference is at the most one order of magnitude between the languages, and it would take real research to see which one is actually faster
The algorithms you use and how you approach the goal is what will truly determine the performance
Okay! :D
I'll do my best to write clean code so that I can port later to C++
1:31 AM
Oh boy. Mom and Uncle Sam are debating Isis. This should be a fun night.
there's a plus?
What you thought the virgins weren't real?
They aren't. btw if anyone believes in magical virgins as a reward for killing people who don't agree with you, don't believe in that lol.
I guess to some, running off and joining Isis would be like leaving home and joining a gang or something in an act of retaliation against the world
unless you're completely naive
1:54 AM
I still wonder why people bother joining isis, seems like so much work
Just use the trip money on soda and pizza instead and stay home
video games are life
if I was feeling that uncaring for the world, I would start playing hardcore minecraft
some folk like to lash out :/
>:) lash out at the endless hordes of zombies in minecraft
1:57 AM
as much as I like nonsensical violence in games
I can't stand realistic-looking stuff, like those sniper games
:30551344 LOL
@ChrisMcFarland how realistic?
On a level of tf2 to call of duty to battlefield to arma to csgo
Sniper Elite I think it's called?
oh that game
I found it kinda boring, you dont get to move much :P
even the latest Mortal Kombat close-ups with the fatalities is kinda gruesome lol
I guess too it's the act of carrying out the violent action
lol I love that new mortal kombat
2:00 AM
lol mick
Its even at my library
Gotta go check out sometime
I don't know. I'm to the point where I'm kind of jaded by video game gore.
I think doom 4 is the gore-est thing there is right now
I like bloodsplats and corpse explosions
Doom's not too bad, even Left 4 Dead, it's a lot but it doesn't make me squirm
maybe just cuz it's zombies
and demons
See that's a place where nazi zombies shines
2:02 AM
I find more story based games hit home for me nowadays. Like The Beginners Guide? I loved that game but partially because it made me face some hard truths.
You don't feel even the slightest bit of guilt for murdering crowds of them, they are nazi zombies!
yeah, you know they're "bad" so it makes it okay?
I find I'm just interested in gameplay as I grow older
stories are boring, I largely just don't care about fiction
I cant remember the last time I played a single player game
Campaign co-op tho.
nostalgia grips me for the games I played growing up
2:03 AM
not worth it anymore :(
I feel like in some respects single player games are becoming a dying art. They aren't the money printers their multiplayer counter parts are.
yeah, online functionality = $$$
co-op seems half-@$$ now a days for consoles
Extremely tiny resolutions and horrible fps
Campaign co-op done right is kindof amazing
it was in the past :P
2:04 AM
I plan on adding co-op and a built-in level editor so hopefully that will help as far as replayability goes.
Don't let consoles cloud the view!
I remember playing battlefront 2 co op nonstop with my bro
co-op on pc? LOL
The genre hasn't changed, just the level of greed and laziness surrounding it
The big problem with single player games is that unless it's a huge RPG there is largely no point in replaying them.
Exactly :(
2:05 AM
Honestly. Who do you know has played any COD single player campaign more than once and isn't a psychopath?
Or randomly generated maps.
@Sie Hey cod wasn't so ba... oh
@Sie I swear my brother replayed the ghost campaign
But that only works for certain types of games.
he liked it (tho it did look pretty cool)
2:06 AM
lol, I couldn't be arsed finishing the MW2 campaign
"why am I doing this again"
or "shouldn't I be getting prestige online instead"
gotta flex my epeen against other people sitting behind their computers like me
lol they made the multiplayer so compelling that people dont want to playing single player
2:07 AM
trying to beat the original halo on legendary is fun at least 5 times
I havent even finished the campaign for halo 5 yet
I think I stopped after 2 hrs
it's human nature to wanna kick someone else's ass, even if you aren't allowed to in real life
so competitive games/sports/competitions are the next best thing
I felt like halo 2 didn't even have that level of re-playability in the campaign
I never bothered finishing halo 3
Single player for most FPS is just to give a slight bit of entertainment if you can't get online for some reason.
I kind of like how Dark Souls blends multiplayer/singleplayer.
2:08 AM
Single-player with points or difficulty settings = bragging rights, which can help drive you to do them
It's an afterthought.
The notes and other things kind of make it feel alive.
What about titanfall
@PearsonArtPhoto lol it's equivalent to druggies scraping the bottom of their stash jar when they run out
wasn't it combined too?
2:09 AM
need sum headshots tho
I wanna buy Doom cuz sometimes I just wanna lash out at some AI without losing 50% of the time
Seems like Dragonframe has a monopoly on the stop motion software market lol. $150 if you're a student and around $300-$400 commercially.
@ChrisMcFarland play against CS bots
The freeware for stop motion is buggy and fairly dated. :(
@MickLH see not really, I'd rather just play a singleplayer game at that point
2:10 AM
they are easy to kill!
(unless I wanna practice at the game)
I play Dota 2 with bots on occasion
You'll definitely win more than 50% of the time
:) yeah
But its not the same with bots
yeah :(
2:11 AM
Since you know its bots :(
But it's CS so it's ok
lol there was this rip off of diep.io on android called tank.io
I'm really surprised we don't have an animation stack exchange yet.
I thought the whole time I was online fighting people until my wifi died and I kept playing
It there that i realized they were all bots and uninstalled :(
2:12 AM
it was so fun too, I thought i was just pro
I used to play Perfect Dark with sim bots all the time
There is a Biblical Hermeneutics SE and we can't get an animation one?! Seriously lol.
@Sie start one up then
@Sie wouldn't animation fall into graphic design?
2:13 AM
@TheMuffinCoder Nah. That is more for static imagery.
I spy with my little eye @AidanMueller ! :D
Static 2D imagery.
There is this but it looks to be dead in the water.
Comics, Cartoons & Animation

Proposed Q&A site for everyone interested in the art of comics, either as consumer or producer, from graphic novels to newspaper and Internet cartoons, from Simpsons to Disney classics.

Currently in definition.

LOL for graphicdesign "dont ask about application troubleshooting" and a bunch of the questions are just figuring out how to use photoshop/illustrator xD
2:15 AM
sounds like gdse's "how do i get started?" type of questions
It had a poor moderator for most of the time...
I could make my own Stop Motion animation software... ugh. I don't know.
The freeware out there for Stop Motion is fairly shite at the moment.
But it helped tho
Well more like for the past almost 7 years.
Those how to use photoshop/illustrator questions get a lot of views
Coding during the summer is bothersome
You can feel the heat everywhere o.O
From the screens, pc, the chair retaining all the warmth
2:19 AM
That is basically Florida except for 2 days a year.
But isn't Florida temperature more consistent and not as extreme?
New Jersey goes from Freezing cold to crazy hot
The temp is always around 85 to 95 typically which isn't that bad. It's the humidity that is what makes it terrible.
It feels like the air is soup. I shit you not.
humidity sucks
Right now it's about ~70% humidity.
o I'm lucky it's not humid yet
Once the rain hits it'll get really humid
2:29 AM
got this interact system down just about
gotta position the info box correctly next, and then feed it info
@ChrisMcFarland wait is this tw2?
Do you draw all the sprites?
oh snap I gotta amp up my 2D skills
2:31 AM
2:51 AM
looks good chris
What do you guys think about Adobe Creative Cloud? I was thinking about getting it mainly for Photoshop and Flash.
I think I'll go for text-only on the info box for most things where possible, since you can see what the item is. plus centered text is kinda nice for this
@Sie I use it for Photoshop
Flash... argh. but photoshop and illustrator alone make it worth
@Sie my friend Dave has.
he's not a psychopath
I'm not going to try GameDev in flash :P. I mainly want it for animation. Plus really that is the best you can get in terms of animation unless you use Toon Boom.
@Almo Are you sure?
3:44 AM
@TheMuffinCoder Must be an illusion.
I wonder if I could create guilds
and you could create your own dungeons
and place your own mobs and traps
and get rewarded for clearing other guild's dungeons
feck, so much I wanna add to my game lol
4:42 AM
@ChrisMcFarland I gotta say that this sounds pretty awesome, all though you could make a separate game (or DLC) wit that!
6:12 AM
good morning folks
@Tyyppi_77 DLC would be for a big bunch of stuff later on. I'd rather try to jam as much as possible into the initial developement instead
Good morning
Hi guys
Usually the chat room is dead around 2:30AM for me.
I know a few of you aren't in the states though.
I'm not usually up this early, it's 9:20 AM
But I had a driving lesson (drove a little bit in traffic today, it was really exiting) at 8
6:29 AM
Really need to start working on a/v feedback sooner or later.
Anyway I'm off to bed.
6:40 AM
@Tyyppi_77 did you hit anything
@Sie looks interesting!
@Tyyppi_77 yay
and the car only shut down (? is that the term) at the very end while I was reversing to the parking spot
I was driving quite slowly, but luckily there wasn't really a lot of other cars around
6:41 AM
all about that clutch
oh yeah
I still had a few trouble situations with it but the teacher very calmly reminded me
I tend to try to break without it
next time onwards is going to be only traffic stuff
handling practice on a parking lot is over :)
6:43 AM
So I'm not really what I should be working on the game right now
I wanted to launch a Greenlight campaign really soon
But I keep banging my head to a wall with finding a video editor
what operating system are you using?
6:47 AM
apparently Blender has a video editing thing?
aight I'll take a look but that can't be anything other than a huge mess
Doesn't look too bad
I was actually yesterday thinking "Where's the Blender of video editors?" :DDD
Apparently in Blender
hope it works for you
I am struggling to find any good recommendations for free video editors for Windows
6:52 AM
Yeah that was kinda my issue
The following is a list of video editing software. The criterion for inclusion in this list is the ability to perform non-linear video editing. Most modern transcoding software supports transcoding a portion of a video clip, which would count as cropping and trimming. However, items in this article have one of the following conditions: Can perform other non-linear video editing functions such as montage or compositing Can do the trimming or cropping without transcoding == Free and open-sourceEdit == == ProprietaryEdit == Freeware or Freemium products == CommercialEdit == == See also...
Joe suggested Camtasia on Discord, said it has a trial period with no limitations
That was after I complained that Sony Vegas' trial adds a watermark
Then it turns out that Camtasia adds one too
@tyyppi_77 take a look
6:57 AM
That looks kinda nice too, I'll take a look at that later, thanks a lot!
Apparently I can't google anything anymore, thanks <3
@tyyppi_77 I think I can advice you with something more, wait..
gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/124358/… middleschoolers making games. WTF
@Leggy7 that looks a little basic
7:02 AM
yes, I guess it has a raw ui with basic features but it says that you can add also some effects. what are you looking for?
Well mainly I need a clear timeline, with transitions and video clipping, along with some text effects and picture placement
@UriPopov What age is middle school?
(Plus that question is off-topic)
Kid seems pretty confident though, and capable too
7:04 AM
@Leggy7 Seems like I already tried this actually, but I think it always hung on my video files (that weren't even big)
Confidence is statistically one of the worst indicators of skill level.
See also: Dunning Kruger effect
last thing I can see is this, if you didn't already take a look
sorry I gave you italian link
no problem
7:05 AM
(usually confidence comes from people being so bad at the topic, that they can't even tell how bad they are, hence they are confident)
Movie Maker sucks though
@Tyyppi_77 depends on the country but it usually is 5th - 8th grade
so like age<14
I think I was 14 (maybe?) when I started with PyGame
And some of here have started even earlier I'm sure
I think I was 11 when I started with OpenGL in C
7:08 AM
why would you do that at 11
I'd already fallen in love with programming in elementary school
I knew games were made of programming, even the games I liked
at 11-12 i was coding programs to solve my geometry homework not doing graphics in god damn C. My tiny little child brain would not have had handled that.
and going to math competitions
Lol I had no idea what I was doing, I think it took me weeks to derive rotation matrices, maybe months before I figured out how all the different matrices fit together
My elementary school basically stopped teaching math after trigonometry
what county are from that teaches trigonometry in elementary school ? China ?
lol from the usa! it was the furthest they let me go
7:12 AM
at what age do you leave elementary school ?
I think around 12?
rofl uri, kinda a mozart of coding
@MickLH ah ok makes sence then to have started with some basic trig
I felt a bit ripped off because they basically had me sit out the last year without any math class at all
and then the next 2 years went backwards, the next school I was at just plainly wasn't as intelligent
and then by the time I got to high school I was already sick of it, I didn't bother with classes at all, I just threw away my homework as soon as I got it and studied actually useful information instead
well by the end of high-school we were doing Calc 1. Then my first 2 semesters of uni I had to repeat that
7:22 AM
I ended up getting a few certificates and actually even using one of them on a job, once lol
Definitely not worth the time spent! I could probably be a lot further along in my projects if I had those years of time jailed in a desk cell to just work without frivolous stupid interruptions
i wonder if I can hit 1k rep today. I only need 50
8:05 AM
No one asks any qustions I can answer so my rep is shite lol
And the questions I can answer, the OP decides to go on holiday after they post it so they never actually see my beautiful answer
Or even worse, the question has 7 answers before I even see it lol
Reputation shouldn't be your motivation for answering
It's not, of course.
It's still motivation however.
My main motivation is the feeling of helping someone.
help !
lol ... I've lost the will to do my game coding :(
Got fed up of hitting bugs in the underlying engine, tried a few others, now my only alternatives are to solve this complex problem in a language i currently don't know :(
That just put a downer on my whole willpower
Maybe we could try to help you with the problem? Or with the language?
@Tyyppi_77 you ever hit a lack of will power ?
8:17 AM
Yeah I do
It's unity mostly
I know my problem (voxels) is inherently a 3d issue that needs threading to perform well
Remind yourself how productive you actually are, that usually helps me
I get all the logic sorted, but rendering it in unity is always a bitch
I really want to (at some point) migrate my code on to HLSL ... either way ... I think I am going to have to learn that
I have put in a feature request to the roslyn team to GPU executable C# functions to the compiler in some way
maybe by using an attribute
I think i'm too attached to C# as a language to be a productive game dev lol
Would migrating your code to HLSL mean something like OpenCL?
Executing the code on the GPU?
8:22 AM
Yeh the idea is to compute and manage the entire dynamic volume on the gpu
the gpu is dam good at 3D parralell
I have some basic testing stuff up and running and managed to get about 10 mins of cpu work down to just a few seconds
my thinking being that I might be able to manage the whole dataset on the gpu
I would probably lose a lot of unity integration though
@Darth_Wardy Derp
Still figuring out the basics but this looks pretty badass
@ShaunWild lol i know i always spell that wrong
@Tyyppi_77 what engine is that ?
Blender, I'm using it for video editing
8:29 AM
ah I thought I recognised it
you use raw C++ and SDL right?
Didn't know blender could be used as a video editor that's cool
How good is it?
Not sure yet, but seems pretty powerful
It has it's quircks, as it's built to be really dynamic
And I haven't investigated how zooming and panning and transitions work
8:32 AM
is SDL any better than raw GL or DX?
Depends on the perspective (pun semi-intended)
I'm guessing it's a thin abstraction to standardise the API's a bit
You can't 3D with raw SDL
And you can't use shaders
that's a shame
8:33 AM
It's very high level 2D rendering
But it works pretty well for me, making a cross-platform 2D game
Sure, shaders would be cool but I can do without
So probably if I were to start now, I would implement an OpenGL renderer
But that might take a while, with text rendering and all
But everything else is really awesome, like controllers
8:38 AM
Ooh, the possibility to preview play a video frame by frame is really helpful
how the tutorial is shaping
I cant upload the gif here directly
looks cool
are you making this game on your own? or is someone paying you to do it?
animations are smooth its the gif that makes it choppy. Well I'm a co-creator at a startup company and so far the only programmer. I have 1 2d artist working with me on this one. So I'm paying myself...partly :D
9:15 AM
That arrow moves strange and slow
thats from the gif
its smooth as a baby bottom on my end.
Looks like you are doing a position = lerp(position, movepos, 0.1f)
It is also going behind the main sprites
guys I got popcorn, keep this going it was like one of those chef shows
it's like cut to commercials and someone's changing the channel back to gdse :'(
If this is a chef show
Then I'm Gordon Ramsey
"Use Java you ****!"
9:34 AM
Q: How to make Level Editor in C# for a DirectX engine in C++

Arjan SinghI have been trying for months to make a Level Editor for my C++ DirectX Engine. I have tried using a C++/CLI wrapper or P/Invoke to do this. Neither seems to work. Can someone let me see a sample of their level editor or wrapper? Basically what I'm trying to do is set the HWND as the Windows Form...

can I tell him I had good results decompiling an existing VB.NET level editor for a C++ engine, and recompiling it to C# ?
I mean, I think I changed like 2 pieces of code and everything worked
Was able to go in and fix abandoned bugs that were fucking me up
I feel like they wouldn't appreciate that answer though
If younare expecting appreciation for helping you are gonna be disappointed
I expect worship.
Endless luxury
I expect to be treated like a piece of shit for attempting to help
Oh, you know I could do that just as a personal favor if you need
I mean all I'd even ask for in exchange up front is that you organize intricate synchronous displays of affection on unimaginable astronomical scales.
Seriously. please :)
Then I would get to glide between your ass cheeks? Count me in.
9:45 AM
I don't think that option's really on the table :/
first thing came up to my mind after reading the conversation : gay bdsm porn I think you two will make a lovely couple.
well... if you will excuse me.. i need to pack everything up, my computer, my lunch, a sweater, then I gotta drive and park 6 blocks away from this building, that I am going to walk to, in order to unpack all my things in a cubicle in this office, so that I can accomplish the same thing I could, just sitting here.
While working for people 1200 kilometers away
Why? Fuck if I know, the only reason I got was "do you want to get paid" -- no logic in this at all.
Stupid people are so stupid, they can't even tell how stupid they are.
I think being able to explain one's own intellectual absent is a definition of smart; I know I do not know about something_I_do_not_know
stupid people think/act as if they know about something_they_dont_know_here
@BlueBug you seem to have a strange_accent, people mostly speak PascalCase around here with some camelCase twang
I used to speak PascalCase with camelCase. But I now I just speak me_accent. I think me_accent makes it easier to read than meAccent or MeAccent.
9:59 AM
It could be worse. You could Write_Like_Ada.

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