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5:01 PM
Thanks, my bad, just had to substitute the IP
5:23 PM
Whenever I play a game where muting doesn't work for all things I can't help but think there has to be some messy code behind it.
I'm playing A Wizard's Lizard. The game is muted, but some, not all, coins still play their sound effect.
You would think coins of different values would just be the same object with different values. But apparently they have different code :P
That's hilarious. The corollary in my current web-dev is pages that, for a given function, should behave the same way...but inexplicably (to the user) don't.
Somehow, it's less hilarious when it's the project I'm working on.
5:39 PM
"function, should behave the same way...but inexplicably ... don't." - php in a nutshell
whos writing unit tests in visual studio?
sounds like an accusation
im trying to learn visual studio... and this process seems insane, I must be doing something wrong
I've never written unit tests for anything but a Unity project
uhh I don't remember how I wrote unit tests, but I did it once and it was pretty easy
5:45 PM
@Almo what was your setup there?
Joe, did you find this page? visualstudio.com/en-us/get-started/…
Writing tests in VS (for managed code) is pretty straightforward...
I think each test was a scene, with an expected behavior from a nav agent on a nav mesh.
so the scenes were loaded and run, and if the agent didn't get from A to B in a test, we knew we had broken something
@IcyDefiance ahh! ty
the Reference is called one thing... and the name space something entirely different?
is this a common thing?
5:50 PM
A "reference" refers to an assembly.
An assembly may contain many modules (but in practice on Windows can only contain one), which itself has many namespaces.
cool thanks! I was following the path of setting up NUnit and installing third party tools and having to compile in VS then open the .dll in another application just to run tests
which was ridiculous
"normally" one assembly contains one namespace (maybe with many sub-namespaces), but that's just convention
You can set NUnit / xUnit up to run as post-build steps from VS.
like OpenTK has the OpenTK namespace, along with OpenTK.Graphics, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4, and whatever else
5:56 PM
so the Microsoft Assembly is Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework... but the namespace I had to use was using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
works fine, just didnt realize that these things could ever != one another
I am very inexperienced in the magic happening behind the code in visual studio, my web brain is betraying me
6:10 PM
Q: Why my program is not entering in If condition

Kabir Khanvar cleanestCities = ["mumbai", "delhi", "Lucknow"]; var matchFound = false; var uservalue = prompt("Enter your city"); for (i = 0; i<cleanestCities.lenth; i++){ if(uservalue == cleanestCities[i]){ matchFound = true; alert("cleanestCities"); } } if (matchFound === false){ ...

for (i = 0; i<cleanestCities.lenth; i++)
if you can't be bothered to check something that silly before coming to SO, there's a problem
6:29 PM
@Almo you're saying that it never happened to you?
I have never posted a Stack Overflow question because I spelled Length wrong
I usually find my super silly mistakes like that A) from the debugger or B) here in the chat room before posting a formal question.
And those questions are off topic anyway and should be closed.
and the guy who asked it should delete it to get his rep back.
it does the site no good having those sort of questions on it.
I must admit that a lot of questions that are on here illustrate the fact that their authors are clueless about debugging.
debugging is an important skill, and not an obvious one when you first start out
No; i've been programming for years now and the tool I still use the most is the std::cout.
That's suitable for a very large amount of debugging
6:34 PM
Using a scripting language often makes it harder to detect variables that have typos in them...
That's more a feature of dynamic languages than scripting languages.
(or dynamic features in otherwise static languages, like in C#'s "dynamic")
It's a struggle getting my brother (who is currently attending college for programming) to think through his logic and to use the debugger
Ha, yeah; I don't script a lot so the subtlety is less obvious.
6:40 PM
I think there is a tendency to think too much about the technical implementation of code and not the logical implementation
Subsequently you worry about technical solutions rather than logical solutions
that plane crash was intentional
co-pilot locked the pilot out and crashed it
A lot of the younger guys I meet are concerned with how to do stuff, not many are thinking about why yet
@Almo did they say if theres a connection? or just a crazy?
@Joe but the most important question is "what"
i must not have gotten to the whats yet :D
6:48 PM
@Almo Yup :(
First story about the contents of the recorder broke last night, I think, saying they were able to hear "pounding on the outside of the door."
well cnn is being very tactful...
Then it was confirmed, and additional details about hearing "steady breathing" from the cockpit :|
(it doesn't rule out an accident but it's pretty damning evidence)
so far no evidence of a motive
so it's not Al Quaeda, as they'd be hooting and hollering about it already.
6:56 PM
There was a report I saw -- single-sourced though -- that the pilot who was ultimately in control at crash time, that his demenor changed over the course of the flight.
He became more brief and curt in the time leading up to the crash.
But on the other hand, it wasn't a very long flight so it seems odd that it was premeditated -- unless he had an alternate plan that didn't just rely on the other pilot getting up to use the bathroom
i saw a briefing. the pilot stepped out for some reason, they believe it was to go to the toilet
copilot manually took over the controls , and requested a decent
7:01 PM
Yea they were pretty clear that the input to the avionics request could only have been manual.
And that you could hear it happen since it was in part a mechanical action of some sort.
guy was suicidal?
That's one of the two main theories.
That he was trying to kill himself or just trying to kill the whole plane. Same result in both cases, really, but more a question of motivation.
he wanted to leave his stamp on the world.
shouldn't of gone to take that piss
what needs to happen, is we need to fully automate flight
no cockpit
THEN, we need to make people fly completely naked
the seats are all toilets, so you don't have to get up
and if you do get up , you get gunned down by automated turrets.
Freedom boys, tahts what I am talking about.
7:07 PM
I'm not sure if I'd trust automated flights more than manned ones.
I suspect a large majority of the rest of the world might.
But not anybody who has ever been a software engineer.
4 passenger flight pods
What we need is individual teleportation
cellular destruction / reconstruction
everytime you teleport, you die and are reborn
7:09 PM
And every time I'm reconstructed I'll shout "I LIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!" just like Robin Williams did as the genie when he was first summoned in Aladdin.
that would be a good way to test to see if you are wired in right
Seems I'm wrong
Not sure what movie I'm thinking of
fucking ie words
I got nothing
I swear it's his voice in my head. My next guess was Fern Gully (Batty said some random shit sometimes) but seems that's not it either.
Must be someone else or I fabricated this quote in my imagination
Oh shit
I think I know it
oh yeah
never give up. good for your memory to practice retrieving lost bits like that
fucking ie words
7:25 PM
In my defense both scenarios is mystical creatures appearing for the first time in a puff of magical smoke
both disney as well
and voiced by famous comedians
I think I just found a bug in VS :O
the C++ implementation
You I might believe
I get skeptical everytime a teenager here tells me they think they've found a bug in .NET
7:27 PM
.NET is a bug.
A bug I want to hug!
    using complex_t = std::complex<double>;
    const complex_t plusI = complex_t(0, 1);
    const complex_t minusI = -complex_t(0, -1);

    const std::array<int, 16> baseWaves =
        0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

    template<typename signal_t>
    std::map<int, complex_t> transform(const signal_t& signal)
        std::map<int, complex_t> results;
        const int signalLength = signal.size();

        for(size_t linearFrequencyIndex = 0; linearFrequencyIndex < baseWaves.size(); ++linearFrequencyIndex)
templates. uh oh. runs to hide
specifically, std::cout << "frequency " << baseWaves[linearFrequencyIndex] << " done" << std::endl;
7:28 PM
@Almo your opinion - LoL match is 0-5 ten minutes in 3 of which are on the ADC. How huge is that?
Can you reproduce in a (online) runnable snippet? coliru.stacked-crooked.com
I don't understand the sentence
@MLM I'm going to step through with a debugger first
actually no I won't
"in 3 of which are on the adc"
because it only happens in release
7:29 PM
0 kills to 5 kills at 10 minutes into the game. The adc has 3 of the kills
oh right
I don't know if the online compilers will allow such long execution time
that's pretty damned good
Haha but turn it around
other team FOCUS THE ADC YOU GUYS is what gets said a lot later in a game like that.
7:30 PM
The currently losing team still has a strong chance to come back
Game is far from decided IMO
Silver League :P
you playing?
unintentionally feeding xD
7:31 PM
@MLM same issue occurs there ... hmm ... maybe I should look at it a bit more
Worst Leona game I had played in a while
The last death of the 5 was the ADC lagging out and then being gone for the next 5 levels
I say if the ADC hadn't lagged out we'd have stood a chance
Others disagree xD
It's been a long day
Anyone know why I'm getting those extra 0 frequencies at the end?
const std::array<int, 16> baseWaves =
        0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
7:33 PM
Crap yeah
I just twigged as you said it >.<
There is no bug in VS
stupid brain
thanks :D
I was just going to ask something about it lol
whats the <int, 16> ? is 16 the size?
That was my best hunch but I really didn't know
But there aren't 8 more zeroes?
exactly, it was 0 initialising the remaining 8
fair point, but I don't care :D
It only prints 13 times lol
@SpartanDonut heh
7:35 PM
changing the size to the proper value gives me 8 results as I wanted
looming bug... future you will have fun
I'll retest on VS to see if it's just some online compiler time limit or something
prints 8 extra 0's on VS like it should
I'll ask the dev, he hangs around on C++ lounge
@Almo Yeah I dunno. Maybe I'm too much of an optimist.
I don't think 5 kills is that big of a deal in solo queue
It gives them a lead and you need to play smart but its far from over
7:38 PM
@OMGtechy You should just tell him the bug even if he isn't the creator. "Just ask. Don't ask to ask" mentality
True enough
I have anyway :D
the fact that the adc has 3 is dangerous
indicated a potential snowball
but having been in a 4-23 that we came back to win, 0-5 is definitely winnable
never give up
apparently this is a shader in unity
7:44 PM
looks good
The Kuwahara filter is a non-linear smoothing filter used in image processing for adaptive noise reduction. Most filters that are used for image smoothing are linear low-pass filters that effectively reduce noise but also blur out the edges. However the Kuwahara filter is able to apply smoothing on the image while preserving the edges. == The Kuwahara Operator == Suppose that is a grey scale image and that we take a square window of size centered around a point in the image. This square can be divided in to four smaller square regions each of which will be where is the cartesian product...
like vangoh
might be odd in motion yeah?
he said he will post a video tomorrow
which is today
he posted 18 hours ago
looks pretty cool
lego game have dissolved into crap
lego star wars, on original xbox.. man that was epic
lego indiana jones.. still not obad
now there is lego everything, on every system
7:48 PM
@JoshPetrie I guess I have to update my answer?
I played Lego Indiana Jones on Xbox 360 because it came with the Xbox
Batman, Marvel, Hobbit, Jurrassic Park, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Carribean
Lego Rock Band...
I forgot about that one
I played Lego Rock Band when I was rolling through all the guitar hero campaigns on my Blockbuster rent gamerscore boost session
there is freddy mercury
that looks cool
7:51 PM
it was cool when rock band was cool
@AlexandreVaillancourt It's still reasonable.
when rock band was at its peak, bars here would hold rock band/guitar hero contests
put up a projector, and let people battle it out
seemed like everyone was playing it
Now... not so much
I hated playing RB at places like that
never calibrated properly >:(
i was the drummer
expert every song, lol
very hard to bang out top notch expert drum tracks without proper calibration
Won't Get Fooled Again
7:53 PM
i have a re-inforced pedal
man that took so fucking long to play well
i put 3 metal bars across, then attached a metal plate
Then put a bunch of glue
it ain't going anywhere now
@JoshPetrie There is no more references to vertices; the answer no longer completely matches the question. I'll remove the parts about the graphics.
7:53 PM
it had snapped in half with my aggressive play style
i'll post a pic later, of it haha
gotta go do groceries bbl
8:05 PM
this samsung phone has a dorky thing on it... the return button and... other one are invisble touch spots on the front of it. they light up after you press them
kind of need to know they're there to even try pressing them
I had a monitor like that at 343.
All the "buttons" were touch-sensitive things that would light up after you tapped them
So you basically had to grope the monitor suggestively until you hit the magic spot to turn it on.
Dumbest idea ever.
what's a reasonable monthly rate for game dev programming contract work?
monthly rate? that's tricky
if you're working one hour a day it's a lot different than if you're working 40 hours a week on whatever it is
or hourly.
thinking about contracting some additional devs soon, and calculating a burn rate.
depends on area as much as experience and what work they're actually doing
and that's about all I know. I haven't had that many jobs yet. XD
8:18 PM
I figured that would be the answer. I have some people saying that they'll work for $20 and hour up to $160 an hour
In a general sense contract work is often times higher rate than regular work due to the job stability risks that come with being a contractor
as well as not getting benefits, etc.
yeah, makes sense
If you work full time a very rough estimate you can consider is that if you double your hourly rate that's what the equivalent annual income would be (in thousands)
e.g. $20/hour is roughly the same as a $40k / year job if you work 40 hours a week
So you can kind of plan accordingly to that if you have any idea what your annual expenditure is
That doesn't take into account the months you might be out of work though, of course.
8:28 PM
You're likely to get people in a huge range (I'd charge more than $120) and that range iwll be higher if they are actually contracts who need to pay their taxes/health/insurance/etc out of that
8:48 PM
Daily rate here is about £250 from what I've seen
I was talking to someone about £250 a day for 20 days
Didn't go for it as I'd rather have a perm job at the moment, but those are the sort of rates I see all the time
Seems low for contract work
it wasn't for game dev, software engineer in general
makes it seem even lower
game devs aren't paid as well in general
The stats I see make game dev seem quite comparable actually
£5k for 20 days work is nice thank you very much aha
8:50 PM
Depending on your software dev niche
@OMGtechy minus taxes, insurance, etc.
still a nice amount
I guess it depends on the exact kind of work
You'd only need to work half the year
have the other half off aha
and still have a good amount of money
8:52 PM
ugly time got the droid plugin made, and now unity can't seem to call functions in it
Maybe you would lol
I attended ITT tech on the other hand :P
A for profit private school
8:53 PM
On the plus side I'm 6 years into my career and only 4 out of school
I make good money
I'm also in a niche market. Granted no one is interested in the market I'm in and that's what makes it niche but it's niche none the less
Which means I make really good money
Considering I'm competent
It's surprising the amount of incompetence that is out there
Or is it... I guess.
what's your market exactly?
Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Dynamics CRM
yeah, pretty specific!
Microsoft actually does a really good job with making the systems developer friendly. They are just a bear to learn because there is so much to learn.
I know far from everything
Big test on SharePoint tomorrow xD
9:08 PM
ok so the thirdparty iOS keyboards can be as big as they want
so I'll have to find some way to query the keyboard's size and do the content move according to thtat
they can also ignore settings from the textbox
I told it to turn off its predictive text helper part since it's just entering a random string of characters
and it kept it on
> Welcome to Staff India
Where you can hire qualified & degree educated Virtual Employees from India for only £2.99 per hour.
Virtual Employees?
remote workers
from India
sounds like you give some tasks and it gets split up among a bunch of people
9:22 PM
Not according to the website; you get one person who only works for you
so it might be 8 people each taking one our of the 8 hours of work you assign
the cost of living in india is tiny thought to be fair
company I work for actually feeds them it's so cheap
(we have offices in India)
9:39 PM
That's a weird star xD
10:14 PM
agreed :)
10:46 PM
due to how weird it is
11:14 PM
Anyone knows of a free particle effect pack? can't find any good on opengameart :(
you'll probably have more luck searching for a specific sprite, not a pack
also remember that about 80% of a particle emitter's look comes from the emitter settings, not the sprite
you can make pretty convincing fire with just radial gradient sprites, for example
Hmm yeah.. I got a sprite, but I'm not really satisfied with the looks.. Probably just need to play around with it :D
Looking better already :D
92% of my execution time is in exp, anyone know of any faster implementations?
store a table
Hmm, I would compute it at compile time yes
I'd need quite a lot though
11:27 PM
Find a faster implemention :D
This is me looking for one :P
store a table with linear interpolation
would that work for complex numbers?
oh, no.
11:29 PM
That's quite the problem then :P
How long time does it take for it to run?
I bet the static_cast is taking more time than exp
try splitting them into separate lines and test that
exp is pretty simple. can't imagine too many ways to optimize it.
Isn't static_cast supposed to be fast?
@IcyDefiance I doubt it, but I'll try anything :D
@Hjorthenify just under 10 seconds
11:33 PM
depends on input though; that's just for the input I have generate at the moment for testing
The cast needs to be made, but I have an idea on how to avoid it a little
guess I should start coding too
C-style cast? xD No idea if that would be faster...
@Hjorthenify quite the opposite
you should (almost) never use a c style cast in C++
Yeah probably. Been a while since I've used C++
I know
at best, the c style cast will invoke static_cast aha
11:35 PM
if you can't eliminate either the cast or exp, next strategy would be calling them fewer times (which doesn't look possible, but what do I know), then I'd try literally anything else I can think of even if it's crazy, then I would try multithreading
@IcyDefiance cast is taking next to nothing as suspected, thanks though :)
Also, it's already threaded :P
I can't call it fewer times
@OMGtechy Set up a cache maybe if you expect to get the same values of Frequency and index again.. I don't really know since I have no clue what you're doing :P
exp is probably just "for 0 to x: result *= e", so I doubt you could optimize that by implementing it yourself
@IcyDefiance I dunno, the standard pow is pretty slow so I might...
11:39 PM
oh, right, x isn't an int, can't use a for loop
@Hjorthenify signal analysis
@IcyDefiance ?
nvm I was just thinking in the wrong direction
As it stands, it's called with each parameter combination once. I save anything common between them into a const as soon as I know its value
11:40 PM
I see
I wonder if I can rework it to remove the imaginary component...
if anyone is interested, I'm looking to contract a programmer to help develop my C#/XNA game this spring/summer.
The game is nearly feature complete, but needs a lot of polishing and additional content before release. Work would mostly involve helping port the game, fix bugs, and optimize engine performance. PM me for more details.
@dorfy I did that too (hired someone from here), turned out quite well
good luck to you and whoever you hire!
sounds interesting
how does one PM on this site...
you don't AFAIK
you can make your own room though
or just give out your email / website contact form address
11:44 PM
oh yeah, sorry, weird
email at mklingen ** at ** andrew ** dot ** cmu ** dot ** edu
I am looking for a job, starting the end of april/early may, so maybe I'll do that
guess I'll star that too, in case anyone else wants to compete with me, as hopeless as that would be for them
excellent, thank you
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