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12:00 AM
@IcyDefiance dood
I'll trust you on that one.
we playin a game?
12:01 AM
dfg won't exist anymore tomorrow :'(
new ashe skin incoming
not in tomorrow's patch
although i finally got into heros of the storm
so im neglecting league
@IcyDefiance dfg?
deathfire grasp
12:07 AM
the one item important for any assassin mage
ahri, veigar, lb, kat, etc
so some champs who needed that item will be getting buffs to compensate
12:43 AM
heroes of the stormmmm
do any of you guys know how RCT 1 and 2 stored the data for its paths ?
In variables
I heard the variables were actually implemented with memory
A common misconception
12:52 AM
̴ı̴̴̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡̡._
I found that cool house on the interwebs :P
I wish I could learn how to makw ASCII art
There are 2 routes, start playing with Alt keys right now furiously, or look into AAlib or libcaca
this is super cool
1:46 AM
Object.DontDestroyOnLoad is creating a duplicate
are you loading in a new scene that already contains the same object?
ah yes I am
thought it would be smarter than that
hmm I'm trying not to destroy it because I have a reference whose value I don't want to lose when I reload the scene
2:04 AM
hm hm hm hm
in the object you don't want to destroy, in an Awake method, check to see if a copy of it already exists, and if so, Destroy itself but not the pre-existing copy
yeah that's the method I've been reading on
like use a public static var for it
public static Foo instance;

void Awake () {
	if (Foo.instance != null) {
	else {
		Foo.instance = GetComponent<Foo>();
2:11 AM
I'm actually fine with my game object getting destroyed. However, I need to modify my initiallyOpen reference to point to the game prefab instead of my title prefab. Basically, when the player dies he clicks replay and I don't want him to go back to the main menu when LoadLevel is called
Thanks for the code Chris :)
no worries, hope you get it sorted!
3 hours later…
4:52 AM
apparently unity isn't multi threading safe. So I'll need another method to improve performance
1 hour later…
5:58 AM
eeee amit replied to my Q
didn't even know he used GDSE
6:27 AM
@Chris i can't wait to play it
4 hours later…
10:08 AM
Just solved the last and hardest question of my math exam... on my way to home :(((((((((
never felt worse after an exam
11:03 AM
my electronics prof in college, gave us a test once with 2 questions. The first question was worth 60% second was 40%
2 hours in -- no one is finished
turns out the first question is impossible
no one had the balls to call him out on it, since it was a fucken test
that's fucked.
The prof was trying to determine if anyone was smart enough to figure that out I guess
well i had deduced that it wasn't possible lol... but i just kept trying since it was a test
11:06 AM
@Wardy looked into multithreading for unity, apparently unity isn't multithreading safe
@Mutch95 that is correct ... any operation on the unity API has to be done on the main thread
but you can still thread your generation code which does not require the unity API
So was it it you expected me to generate chunks?
but would't it be the rendering code which causes the issue
something like ...
for each chunk you want to gen
kick off thread
generate and return raw data

for each generated chunk on the main thread generate mesh / other renderables
the code that uses perlin noise is easily the most cpu time intensive in your case
throwing sprites on screen is fast in comparison
also you may want to combine this with using coroutines to break up the adding of scene objects over many frames
this will hold up your frame rate whilst doing "background work" on the main thread
11:11 AM
in short @Mutch95 threading is possible but you have to be "selective" about what is threaded
it requires some thought about your code design
I can tell
noone ever said game design was easy
you will need to know your C# very well to be able to get the most from unity
game design is hard
you want something easy? go code business applications for some bank
you want a challenge? write a game
in my case I wrote a task manager that worked in a similar way to .Net tasks that I could call up as I needed to
I don't want easy.
I was just replying lol :P
11:13 AM
I'm joking though -- my day job isn't easy, its just easier for people that know their shit
Best advice I can give you right now is to do a design excercise
figure out the load you want to manage
and then you can figure out how you want to manage it
there are certain rules you'll have to abide by ... physics will prevent you doing certain things and cpu power others, then unity will get in your way
you need to account for them all
Minimal physics would be used
just bounding boxes
what kind of game?
no i mean the laws of physics in the real world mean you can only shift so many electrons before you start hitting walls
you are gonna need some sort of spatial partioning
11:15 AM
the endless adventure game :p
Then you are gonna need some sort of data crawler
@Wardy Oh god do I seriously have to thinks about that lol?
Physics are the easy part
My mum wouldn't let me do physics.
@Mutch95 absolutely ... in my case when I have 1 billion voxels I want to crawl I have to consider how to do it when I know that the computer physically will not handle all that in a single frame
11:17 AM
now you want to do a never ending adventure game.. do you have any idea how long that is going to take?
an adventure game requires content
@Jon lol i do ;)
i also do, lol
i got pretty far
maybe i'll finish it one day
I just want to enjoy it myself
It's not for money.
as long as you have your goals set
My games don't make money
Because i cannot market
11:18 AM
hobbies aren't suppose to make money
for shit
I want to be a game developer
Money ? what's that ?
I used to have it before I bought a fish tank and a PC
now i'm just perma broke
one thing I can tell you is -- you will want people to play your game
at some point anyway
you are gonna want people to see what you made, and hell, maybe even enjoy it
they don't lol
I've tried
exactly, then you make it a goal to make something they will enjoy
11:20 AM
I want this game is purely for me and my gf entertainment
maybe just focus on one person
I did it for my son a few times
he friggen loves the games I make for him
did it for my g/f too
think small
but small is boring.
doesn't have to be :)
tends to be
what you are working on right now looks like awesome fun, keep at it
11:22 AM
the endless adventure game.
and your goal seems to just be to learn anyways
the scope of that game is just ridiculously big , just by looking at the name
I think you're expecting too much from it
Of course I am
you emphasise endless significantly
I dunno
endless is not that hard
minecraft is technically endless
even though it really does end
11:25 AM
It's not like you'd play it endlessly.
Anyway back to multithreading
endless is hard, anyways, back to work
I need to have a piece of code which generates the data on another thread correct?
if you want your application to support multi-threading, that is a good way to design it yes
Generator sits on a standalone thread. Also, you could make this generator the core of your multiplayer server.
and what this will do is keep performance whilst moving the character and other character things they do
So it is a good idea to decouple it from your game
11:27 AM
no no no
I want to generate the areas locally
as the other player (my gf) will be exploring elsewhere
@Mutch95 you probably want layered data
still a good idea to decouple your data generator
something that you can call up and give a point to
then it'll give you a lump of map data
Also, you will generate world data.. super -- what about items, enemies, quests, buildings, environmental hazards?
Well yes that's what I was thinking what you said to do
11:29 AM
What about rendering actual texture on those tiles.. have you thought about how you were going to do that?
they generate ontop of the chunk
What about lighting? have you considered how to do lighting in an infinite world?
Yes rendering I cannot do in the multithread
So I thought rendering a chunk into 1 mesh could be a good start
lighting isn't important it's top down?
i can show you how to do some cheap almost cpu free lighting
when you get to it
although unity does it all for you
and I could add simple effects when one is in a dungeon like write a shader which vertex light things then actually make some lighter gradient thing in the middle
but rendering new chunks at a constant FPS is my current goal
I'll need to learn how multithreading works
How to implement it into unity
11:32 AM
i had mine rendering in a single thread
and also how to receive data from it
high fps
whats your code like?
it's mobile :/
probably bad.
what is your data generator?
show me a chunk sample
brb gotta restart pc Unity really makes it mono slow when constantly playing scenes
11:34 AM
so you restart your pc every once in a while?
just stays on
oh back obviously
terrain gen code
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using LibNoise;

public class Chunk{

	public struct chunkSize{
		public int width, height;

		public chunkSize(int width, int height){
			this.width = width;
			this.height = height;
	public chunkSize size;

	/// <summary>
	/// The position of chunk in chunk grid
	/// </summary>
	public Vector2 position;

	public TerrainGenerator terrainGenerator;

	public int[,] chunkTiles;

	public GameObject parent;

	public Chunk(int width, int height, Vector2 position, TerrainGenerator terrainGenerator){
that generates one chunk
I originally generated 25 chunks as a view distance
but i move it down to 4
how big are the chunks?
now the generate is called more often than before
for now 50 by 50 tiles
so it'll render 2500 tiles
each tile is a game object.
the smaller the chunk, the faster the update pass
yeah? but that means I'd need to generate more chunks
11:41 AM
you could even try experimenting with 10x10 chunks -- and just call it more often, but optimize so each pass can be run on a cycle
yeah, what i'm saying is.. lets say you are walking left and hit a chunk that needs to load -- having to load 2500 gameobjects will make your game lag out
would converting the 2500 tiles into one mesh make a difference?
You are gonna have to Pool those objects, and restrict the number to something that is manageable, and capable of filling the screen
instead of creating a new object.. you would just move an existing one
and reset it
so the mesh idea wouldn't work?
are you doing it in 3d?
i have no idea how you have this designed, so i guess i should shut up
it's in 2d
could i convert an array of sprites into 1 mesh
@Jon or is this not possible?
11:52 AM
i don't know
is it possible to create meshes in runtime?
12:17 PM
Found a code which kinda does it, analysing it and creating my own
they create a new Texture2D and set its pixels based on the tiles locations
@Jon what would you think is faster and less memory intensive, load an array of sprites from a sprite sheet and get reference to their textures OR load an array of Texture2D's from a sprite sheet?
isn't that the same thing
12:33 PM
what do you mean?
1:01 PM
anyone here?
1:12 PM
Cannot convert method group combineTiles' to non-delegate type UnityEngine.Texture'. Consider using parentheses to invoke the method
What does that even mean?
1:35 PM
are you trying to invoke cthulhu?
what does that even mean lol?
doing this lol
the type is SpriteRenderer not Texture
probably is Cthulhu
but I guess I did something
chunks load but their texture doesnt
this could be why
The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!
is chunk a gameobject?
I reset mlnodevelop and the error dissapeared
I've totally screwed up
2:31 PM
they totally haven't made updating my calculator too easy
currently downloading a 35MB Zip file
aaand that wasnt the right one
4:21 PM
why can't i find an app that letls me draw to the calculator freehand
@Tyyppi_77 hit start and search for "math input panel". it doesn't calculate anything, but it generates an equation you can paste into word.
try using it for a couple minutes and you'll figure out why it never caught on. it doesn't work very well.
@IcyDefiance nonono i need an app that let's me doodle random stuff onto my calculator when im bored in class
i thought my friends had one on theirs
well atleast i got the periodic table onto it
i wonder if i could program one onto it myself
4:32 PM
@amitp, Are you the guy from the site?
@William yes
bows deep
I wrote you a while ago about pathfinding. You were really helpful. :P
like i get that it wont blend, but it has a touch screen, it should have a feature that lets you draw stuff freely. it only seems to have fixed geometry stuff...
Your site gets mentioned in here regularly.
4:42 PM
Tyyppi_77 makes me think of the "will it blend" commercials
@jpetrie Hey buddy can i get ur email address I am the guys from gamedev.stackexchange Need ur help
Extremely specific.
he's the guys
he's all the guys
maybe he's all of us, we're just his bots or alter egos
4:45 PM
Sounds plausible.
this is an evil plot to make you think there's other people too other than just you Josh
I mean, in the world
must be, he used the word guys in the title
"The Egg" is a good read galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html by the guy who wrote "The Martian"
5:21 PM
@Jon I got lucky. A flash game that I had been working on and off through highschool with an artist got sponsored for ~$5k right when I got out of highschool
@amitp it seems you have minor celeb status aha
yah well
i cant find a black WRX anywhere
i called every damn subaru dealership in the 300km radius
which was like, a larger amount of dealerships than I'd have expected
And no one has a black.. eveyrone has a white one though
white/red/blue ones everywhere
damn americans
@AttackingHobo what game?
5:40 PM
@Jon black cars are more likely to get in an accident.
i only buy black
It doesn't matter which color it is as long as it's black
Hello, ppl
Black cars can be much harder to see than other colors
5:43 PM
@AttackingHobo last time i heard it was red cars. Like, insurance is more expensive for red cars.
If you buy a red car you are more likely to be the kind that likes driving fast. That's how the rationale goes or something like that
Lots of people buy really fast red cars
When was the last time you saw a bright red minivan?
the color of the car affects the speed so much
I saw a red one today, but it wasn't bright
the blue one is decent -- but my friend has a blue wrz
and i wanna get the black one
it looks way better
@Lasse shh, it's psychological
5:45 PM
I knew a guy called Pat, he would tell people to call him PsychoPATh
Then people would say, but thats Path not Pat.. and he would freak out
saying it didn't matter
Interesting friends you have
He jumped in front of a bus at 18 or 19 and died
5:46 PM
Proved everyone wrong
Like, he proved that it did matter?
apparently he truly was a psychopath
well its official
unless I'm prepared to spend about £2,000 I have now lost about 20TB of data
5:51 PM
with the spend I may be able to recover "most of it"
how do you lose 20TB of data.
and why would you need 20TB?
2 new enterprise grade drives for my nas ordered
@Jon I run a media server for me and friends and family
the nas stores all the data behind it
sort our own private netflix
but it was also a store for my code and such
What code did you lose?
mostly from like 6 months ago and back right to the start of my career
Jesus says, make sure you have back-ups. Hallelujah!
5:54 PM
@Lasse make sure you have non local backups as well!
I thought i had cloud sync @Lasse
local isn't backup
I was getting daily emails from the nas telling me it had successfully synched
but I havent been checking
logged in to the cloud and found nothing there
where does one get 20TB backup cloud? that can't be cheap
lol you can sue if they sent the emails
unless the mistake was on your side
5:58 PM
@Lasse its doable but I wasn't backing it all up
or was the nas server yours?
the idea was to synch specific parts
just my code comes to about 1GB ish I think
which most cloud providers will give you free
@jrsala the nas is my local box
it has software on it to handle stuff like email notifications
and synch
I have made a daily cronjob backup script for our git repos at work, our 100gb backup space is running out fast. my boss does not want to invest in another server that just handles the backups :(
5:59 PM
I got a funny feeling it was synching the wrong folder or something

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