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9 hours later…
10:47 AM
I've been reading up on our answer rate and also about answers as comments. What should I do with with my comment here? stats.stackexchange.com/questions/153821/…
Assuming my comment is correct, should I leave it? make it an answer? flag question as duplicate?
2 hours later…
12:46 PM
@ssdecontrol: yes - but it works again, thanks
1 hour later…
1:54 PM
@Glen_b wow i'm gonna waste a lot of time going through that site...
1 hour later…
2:59 PM
@Glen_b That's priceless. The only surprise was the date--it seems to have been posted almost eight weeks late.
3:22 PM
@ssdecontrol Perfect circle here. It's me that's easily identifiable in that PNIS article on SO snark as supposedly especially snarky on Stack Overflow and single-handedly boosting the Stata average. It's intended as satire, so I let it go. The title of that journal is ruder than my postings.
1 hour later…
4:31 PM
@EricFarng I think the question is just unclear and I'd flag it for that reason.
3 hours later…
7:22 PM
The main point of that second article seems to be summed up in "you are about twice as likely to run into snark on SO than you are to be a victim of a crime in the United States"; it suggests that the main target of that article is people who go on about the little bit of snark (I've seen a number of discussions in the style of the opening paragraphs). The final paragraph seems to emphasize that point.
7:33 PM
The earlier mention of Nazis seems to be making the same point (i.e. the labelling of moderators as Nazis may actually be saying more about the people doing the labelling, even though at first glance the article seems to be making a point about SO). The actual target of the satire appears to be (as is often the case with the genre) elsewhere than it might seem at first glance.

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