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8:13 PM
@standback - Hello!
Wow, this is probably the biggest crowd I've seen here since I became a mod.
biggest i've ever seen since joining!
So what's everybody working on right now? Writing projects?
8:29 PM
used to be tumble weed city in here, haven't been in here for months, but i see it's being used a lot more these days
"Do we still need publishers?"
Yes, if you want a publicity budget. Some can self-publish and make a living from it, but most aren't very good at selling themselves.
If you're one of those self-published authors paying off their mortgage with their book income, I want to know you very well.
(general "you" there.)
Or get you as a client.
as for writing projects ... i have one project at the moment and that's called "first time fatherhood" ;)
Hey, mazel tov!
so no writing of late, alas
What have you worked on in the past, if I may ask?
8:34 PM
short stories
Just curious, not trying to grill anyone.
not published anywhere
just write for my own enjoyment really
8:34 PM
sci-fi mainly, some fantasy as well
(The smiley was not for "not published".)
I'm an editor, a freelancer.
Just finished a short fantasy novel, before that a historical fiction.
Looking for the next one right now.
(Well, not this second.)
8:36 PM
got a link to your work, or is it unpublished as yet?
This is the first book I was paid to edit.
ah, i see what you meant, you just finished editing a short fantasy novel ...
sorry, thought you meant you'd finished writing one
Oh, no, editing.
I worked on this one
And several others, most of which haven't come out yet.
I really should get a page up on my website with books I've worked on.
But I figure I'll do that when I have a ton of them.
Like this lady has done: deannahoak.com/home
(Scroll down a bit.)
oops, duty calls :)

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