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@LucasKauffman Yay i'll be there for the next one.
So i'll be joining 2 CTFs in a span of 5 days. Interesting.
4 hours later…
@RoryAlsop Are these as awesome as they sound?
A Scotch egg consists of a hard-boiled egg wrapped in sausage meat, coated in breadcrumbs and deep-fried. Origin The London department store Fortnum & Mason claims to have invented Scotch eggs in 1738, but they may have been inspired by the Moghul dish nargisi kofta ("Narcissus meatballs"). The earliest printed recipe is the 1809 edition of Mrs. Rundell's A New System of Domestic Cookery. Mrs. Rundell—and later 19th-century authors—served them hot, with gravy. Serving Scotch eggs are usually a picnic food and home-made. In the UK, pre-packed, plastic-wrapped Scotch eggs are commonly...
@Iszi That sounds delicious. :O
@TerryChia Hence my inquiry to the Scotsman.
1 hour later…
I love those, been a while since Ibate one
2 hours later…
I can't believe this damn thing just became a repevator...
Q: Does disabling right click has any impact on security?

18bytesOn a banking website I see that they have disabled right-click. Does that make the site any more secure? Is it a good general practice?

@JeffFerland It's always the stupid ones.
Is it a dupe though? I seem to recall something similar, but not the exact question.
I didn't find anything, and it's now a popular .SE question so fuck it all
superuser doesn't allow the word "problem" in titles?
well, definitely bedtime
@JeffFerland I didnt want to upvote any answer on that type of question, but your tacit condoning of cast iron hairstyling has required my approval.
@RoryMcCune guessing they had so many 'problem' titles that it got banned
sorry I don't have an answer - will be interesting to find out if that info is logged
@M'vy mornin
yeah it's been a weird issue (TBH I think I'm just going to solve it by running Linux as the primary OS and using windows 8 in a VM). Was also very aggravating when it happened as I was standing in a datacentre looking to scan some systems (luckily it's a local place so I got quickly nip home and fix it!)
@RoryAlsop BTW when you starting at the new place?
Q: Houston, we have a porblem

slhckSince it's forbidden to use the word "problem" in titles, and there's not even a way for experienced users to add it (or mods) we all know users just get around that filter by typing various permutations of the word "problem". The filter has scientifically™ been proven effective. The bottom line...

@RoryMcCune not till 25th of next month. So I finish up on 5 March - off to drink with @AviD and go to conf for a week, then a week off, pottering, trying to do the things I would have done, had I been given gardening leave
@Ninefingers heh yeah I just changed it to a synonym "issue" so really it doesn't help much...
@RoryAlsop shame you didn't get gardening leave :( have they managed to line up anyone to fill your role for a hand-over?
@RoryMcCune no, but they have interviewed a few names you would know:-)
@RoryAlsop heh well I guess it's a small world up here :)
I hate that moment when you have to explain your code to a new dev, suddenly you become aware of how bad your code is.
@Adnan why dont you just write good code?
@Adnan Shame on you!
@AviD Because I wouldn't get to whine about, would I?!
@TerryChia Well shame on all of us.
@Adnan then you would get to whine about other people's code.
"Good code" is a magical concept, that only exists in the minds of people who don't have jobs or don't have tasks in their current job. It's just not real. Unlike, of course, pownies and security-aware bears.
I think some of the best lessons in coding I've had have been when integrating libraries. Some are great, some are terrible.
It makes the whole 'minimum viable interface' thing really hit home.
@Adnan Have a look at Adobe Photoshop 1.0.1's code. It's apparently very good. theverge.com/2013/2/14/3990378/…
probably one of the worst was rackspace's cloudfiles php library. I ended up writing my own based on curl.
@Adnan you know the only real measurement of good code is, right?
Seems interesting.
@lynks, Injecting code, eh?
@TerryChia so does your mom
@AviD how do you know?
@Adnan perils of a tiled window manager, sometime i lose track of where the focus is :P
@lynks speaking of which, did you see the cool libcurl vulnerability from earlier on this month.. blog.volema.com/curl-rce.html
@AviD Ouch, that hurts. So very much.
@lynks which window manager?
@Adnan i use i3
and put the mouse reallllyy far away on the desk to discourage using it completely
@lynks Damn hipsters!
@AviD I always thought that particular comic was from XKCD. Seems like I was wrong.
@Adnan i3 is flawless victory if you use more than one monitor.
@Adnan mouse usage is hipster
@lynks What's the mainstream these days then?
@Adnan Butterflies.
watched a documentary on The Pirate Bay last night (its on iplayer for you uk folks), and was very pleased to see they all used vim
@lynks Notepad++ ftw!
Great! One more reason for people to hate me!
@Adnan I actually used to use notepad++, switched from that to JEdit because I mostly write Java, eventually found my way to vim and have found my home :P
@lynks I watched the Anonymous documentary - it too will be on iPlayer (was BBC4)
was pretty good
@RoryAlsop how did this one slip me?!
@lynks I was a vi fan many many years ago, but now use notepad++ or ultraedit
@Adnan I lucked upon it while avoiding the Brits
@RoryAlsop vi is annoying. vim is sooooo much better.
@RoryAlsop so what made you switch away from vi to a heavier gui with less customisability? (serious question)
@lynks I'm guessing age. ;)
@lynks ease of use. Plain and simple.
I got annoyed at having to remember key combinations in vi
(probably age, as @Terry said - the memory just isn't that good)
I think that vi is good if you use it a lot. I know the absolute basics in it, so yeah I end up with notepad++ or gedit a lot
@RoryAlsop my muscle memory is getting reasonably good, i'm rarely aware of what keys i'm actually pressing.
somehow, code appears.
and the vim + i3 combination is wonderful
@lynks magic happens
@lynks I think if I had a job that needed day-in-day-out text editing I might make the effort to learn vi but heck given my time split I'm probably better in MS Word than vi :)
@lynks like a monkey.
@RoryMcCune I think that's the clincher for me. I use vim 9-5 non stop, and then when i get home i have the exact same config. so for me it was worth learning.
@AviD I would hope that I converge on correct code slightly faster than a random character generator.
although admittedly, I will never be as fast as the best-case random generation.
A: is 1024 bit rsa secure

PZX42When a locksmith sells you a lock, he doesn't tell you that you just need to know how to pick a lock to open the door... When Security companies sell you a security algorithm, they do not tell you that you just need an honest science PhD to break the code. C. Shannon, a famous WWII mathematicia...

oh the conspiracy
Q: Does disabling right click have any impact on security?

18bytesOn a banking website I see that they have disabled right-click. Does that make the site any more secure? Is it a good general practice?

I think this should be protected.
@RoryAlsop @AviD.
@TerryChia agreed
client side security is the only true security
never trust the server
@CodesInChaos I'm trying to come up with something smart & funny as a reply.. can't think of anything
@CodesInChaos Oh god I wish I had enough rep on StackOverflow to downvote.
1: Assume your adversary has more computing power than available under our current understanding of physics
2: Look, our cryptosystem is broken! All of them!
I'm going to derp off to lunch with a vague anger at someone on the internet being wrong.
Not the one time pad. It's the one true cipher
It seems like today is XKCD day around here eh?
@TerryChia Everyday could be XKCD day on SE chat
@LucasKauffman I can't do the CTF on the eve of the 1st March cause I'm off out that evening, but I can do Sat the 2nd if that's OK, bearing in mind I'm on GMT therefore that should hopefully mean it's still running, right?
@Adnan I'm actually serious. I want an end-to-end encrypted internet that does trust servers as little as possible. Host proof file hosting, encrypted messaging,... It just doesn't really fit his question, since the bank is the other end.
(Though you can argue that you should need to trust a bank to transfer money)
@CodesInChaos That's a nice, but dreamy vision. Much as that Venus Project
How would you rate the severity of the following security issue:
Leaving .bak files of configuration files that contain database server credentials. Note that the database server cannot be accessed from the internet.
Hgih? Moderate? Low?
@CodesInChaos not if your bank is bitcoin
@Adnan moderate. there is real chance for damage, but only by an insider.
actually, that depends on your trust model - while insiders should never be automatically "trusted", it still depends on how much you do trust them.
@AviD That's what I was alluding to with that sentence. But I'm not in the mood to argue about the advantages and disadvantages of decentralized money transfer.
@Adnan I'd agree with @AviD medium, bad for insiders or if other vulnerabilities come up which expose the database server..
@AviD & @RoryMcCune, yup, tought so. Thank you guys.
It seems there is a "space problem". We need moar spaces.
Some body hacked Thomas' account!!
@Adnan check his stats, he clearly just spams the 'accept' button, the dirty bear.
@lynks High rep & good answers != permission to screw with the system
is this it? time for the revolution? down with the bears!
@Adnan The system bends over backwards to accommodate The Bear.
One more question related to the previous one. Do you know of any CWE entry regarding the backup files security issue?
No need to, found it
@Adnan Guess he mixed up the sides
@CodesInChaos Yup, he took the enemy's side.
@Iszi Oh, so you've noticed that Netflix uses Silverlight? Welcome to the World of Streaming!
@ScottPack that upsets me deeply, i have to boot my laptop into windows to use netflix :(
@lynks I set up one of my media centers as Windows for that purpose. Then we used it twice and dropped the streaming package.
That was back when they split it off to its own package. I should probably look at that setup again.
Ive only ever really used it for breaking bad and extreme boredom.
So you guys don't use alternative TV watching methods?
@Adnan such as?
Alternative TV watching methods?
@lynks borrowing the episodes from people on the internet pieces by piece, for example.
TV Watching?
@Tinned_Tuna Anything interesting you wanna share?
@Adnan ahh yeah sometimes, but mostly for an old film that i have a hankering for. i used to torrent all sorts, but frankly, streaming is cheap, high-res, reliable etc. finally the industry is catching up.
chat.SE should use SSL
At least for the DMZ
Feel free to go hang yourself up for flaying at meta.SO.
@ScottPack Jesus! I just had one look at a couple of posts there! Horror, I tell you, horror!
@Adnan I think the kindest word I've heard to describe the culture at mSO was "dismissive".
@ScottPack I remember one time I talked about how the new review system is being abused by unnecessary upvotes, edits, and comments. I suggested creating the "Seems okay" or "No action needed" for First Post & Late Answers.
I was instantly hammered by a moderator there who turned the situation into a personal matter, suggesting that the problem was in me for not skipping and not in the review system.
Yup, here it is
Q: "Late Answers" and "First Posts" encouraging unnecessary actions

AdnanI've come across many posts that can only be described as okay (see examples below). They're not good enough to deserve an Upvote and not bad enough to deserve a Downvote, there's no point in editing them except maybe to correct one letter, there's no need for a comment and they don't have spam o...

Yeah, reading through Servy's commends. Nice.
is SO the defacto 'stack exchange' hub for things like that? i mean that meta question refers to the whole of SE really.
meta.stackoverflow is both meta.stackoverflow and meta.stackexchange
Now you hear the guys on the podcast complain about the review queueue system because at the beginning they had people just hammering the buttons for no reason other than to rack up more reviews.
Damn.. I wish I took a screenshot of the mod's answer. He deleted it
Probably shog. It looks like he later recanted.
@Adnan I barely watch any TV, only when I visit my parent's house do I watch TV... I have books!
Yeah it's him, but in a previous indecent there was a big fuss about naming mods when complaining about a mod's action
Ever since that, I stopped mentioning their names.
@Adnan Incident you mean?
heh indecent.
@TerryChia oh damn! Yes exactly
I'm not all keen on assigning blame when it's not needed, but I also am all for calling a spade a spade.
Luckily I mostly hang out on Sec.SE. Mostly sensible people here.
@Tinned_Tuna Well, you're smart and you read books and stuff. But us, the normal folks who watch TV, our knowledge comes from TV and other mainstream mediums.
Except for that jerkface @AviD.
@ScottPack Well yeah. I thought that goes without saying. He dislikes vim!
@ScottPack that's racist.
@TerryChia like you said, sensible people.
Which reminds me, I have to go continue watching Meet the Admins on the IT Channel
@AviD You're one to talk.
Since we're all sensible grownups. May I sense you?
At night
In the ass
with a cactus
Feb 13 at 15:56, by AviD
> DAFUQ: Disturbing Anomalous Freakishly Unbelievable Quote
im going to star 'in the ass' just so polynomial has something to WTF about when he gets here.
That sounds rather uncomfortable.
speaking of which, i havent seen poly in ages. and did the securitay videos go up?
@TerryChia woo thanks :)
@lynks he must be busy with his cactus.
@Adnan actually, it's the opposite, I find it too much effort to watch TV.
@Adnan and too costly.
@RoryAlsop No comment on Scotch eggs? @RoryMcCune?
Client: Why is this issue chargable?
Us: Because you are the one who caused it.
Hmm, I just found a flash drive I lost about 2 months ago.
Should I add more 'help' this answer? I could baby-step him through it, but I don't see the point in going much further; security.stackexchange.com/a/31274/9377
I can't believe this is getting upvoted
A: Does disabling right click have any impact on security?

daramarakI actually think it might compromise security by a fraction. The one who are prevented by the disabling of the button would never be able to compromise the security at all. But disabling the right click might annoy someone who can get past it to do exactly that, and by doing that breaking down a ...

Can someone please check the up/down count?
@lynks I think it's a good start.
I haven't actually looked at the binary, but couldn't he just edit the binary to jump to whatever memory address the login() function is at?
@Adnan Of the answer? +9/-1 Of the question, +29/-1
@TerryChia yeah absolutely, but I think theres a bit more to be learnt by figuring out what the thing does, and subverting a specific behaviour
@lynks Good answer that points him in the right direction nonetheless. Got my upvote. :)
@lynks wow.. a really good answer. I like that you didn't give the thing away.
@Adnan That's usually the result of a crappy question getting on the supercollider..
@Adnan thanks :) although now i have the post-answer-doubts. I only gave the exe a cursory glance in IDA, but it seemed simple enough.
I want IDA. :(
@TerryChia IDA free :P
Ahhh. Heh. Nah, i'll stick to gdb.
@TerryChia i love gdb, but can you use it for exe files? through some cygwin magic if some kind?
@TerryChia What's that?
@lynks Ahh, that I'm not too sure. Haven really touched on reverse engineering much.
@Adnan The GNU Debugger.
@Adnan its the gnu debugger, the standard-issue linux binary debugger, which is very awesome.
Olly works well enough on windows.
Although the interface is god awful.
Well, now I'm confused
I've used something called gdb before
is it, like, part of IDA?
@Adnan No, it's a standard linux utility.
gdb is an open source debugger produced by the GNU project.
IDA is another software altogether.
Ahaaa.. Okay okay.. now I get it
In a security audit report, should I mention things like the password policy? (note: the audit task specifically says "Code security analysis"
I'm auditing the source code of a web application
@Adnan Is the policy due to lack of an organizational policy? Should the code have been expected to enforce the policy, or is it handled by an external source?
@Iszi That's why I'm conflicted on this one. There doesn't seem to be an enforced password policy in the organization in general
But still, I think it's a weakness in the application.
But then again, shouldn't the application adhere to the company's policy?
@Adnan Sounds like a question you might want to ask before presenting it as a finding within the scope of your report. Do they allow for "Informational" findings?
@Iszi I wasn't told not to include informational findings
I've checked a previous report they had, it contained findings with severity "None".
Those were general security practices and recommendations
Up to you if you want to rate it that way, but that might be the way to get it into the report if the organization lacks a current policy.
I don't do code analysis myself, but I personally wouldn't expect the code to be responsible for enforcing a security policy the organization does not themselves have in place. Still, I would want some way to make note of it as a shortcoming.
@Iszi Yup, that's what I thought. I'll send this up and inform my supervisor and he'll find a way to pass it to the client
@Adnan Sounds like the right track to me.
@JeffFerland Good answer to a stupid question that everybody feels entitled to have an opinion on. How could it not become a rep train ?
"Phenethylamines i Have Known and Loved"
Sounds like something form 50 Shades of Grey
@TerryChia You don't mess with the Bear. For this specific case, I just am quite fond of bold characters and italics to emphasize parts of a sentence.
@ThomasPornin Duly noted. Will keep that in mind for my next suggested edit
@Adnan ... as long as you keep it tasteful, of course.
@ThomasPornin is it ok if i write a script to edit all of your posts with 'You don't mess with the Bear.' appended?
@lynks That's OK with me.
Oddly enough, when I read @ThomasPornin's posts, I read the bold bits, then the italics completely out of context, then I read the whole answer.
I like the moment of "Ahh, that's what that fragment was all abouit"
people were asking about scotch eggs? i eat them probably 3 times a week, whadyawannaknow?
@iszi - sorry, was at the gym and am in the middle of getting a tattoo so hadn't logged in. To answer your question, for me scotch eggs are meh...
@RoryAlsop you're on the DMZ whilst getting a tattoo?
What're you getting & where?
@RoryAlsop what he said .
@Tinned_Tuna Probably a Metaltech logo somewhere you don't need to be concerned with. Either that, or just the words "All Aboard".
@RoryMcCune while you're there you should totally get a septum piercing, or maybe a nipple piercing. I hear tell they're not at all painful.
@Tinned_Tuna lol other @Rory I'm not tattooed at all!
@RoryAlsop here's a tattoo idea for you... imgur.com/fFluPeb
Oops, sorry @RoryMcCune, too many Rories
@Tinned_Tuna Blasphemy! you can't have too many Rories! :op
That would take an age to synthesize, I reckon...
+1 Rory
I'm slightly tempted to make a user just called "YetAnotherRory"
But that seems a little silly :-p
@Tinned_Tuna you could abbreviate it to YAR, and then use it on International Talk like a Pirate day!
You can never be "just another" Rory!
In here, so I've noticed, you either ARE Rory, or you're not. I'm the latter LOL
I think we should have another tag "More Rory than is technically safe"
@Tinned_Tuna You could just change your username to Tinned_Rory. Check out the Memes thread on Meta. We've been through this before. I was "Iszi Rory or Isznti" and @ScottPack was "Rory Pack".
A: The Memes of IT Security

IsziRory As you've already mentioned, Rory has become a bit of a meme within the IT Security StackExchange community. Usage of this meme often takes the form of word substitution a-la "smurf". Usage Examples: Jeff Ferland: It's a quite a rory of a problem, really Ninefingers: At a g...

I think Rory_Tuna would be better, because then you get 3 options when you try to tab-complete Ror-
yep when I first started hanging out in the DMZ the theme was Rory Rory Rory Rory, it was a touch confusing at first!
'A Touch Confusing' could be a good name for a Jimmy Savile biography...BaDumTiss
@lynks Don't know who that is - guessing it has something to do with child molestation?
And Wiki says yes, yes it is.
@Iszi yeah you got it in one. he was a childrens tv personality right through the 60s-70s, turns out he was a pedo.
I've actually been to Savile Park in Leeds ...
@Tinned_Tuna do you want to talk about it?
The DMZ is here for you.
"DMZ'll Fix It!" ROFLMAO
It was just odd. It was after he died and all the stuff came out about him. I just kinda stood there and thought "Well, i guess they can tear a head stone down, but replacing signs on a kid's park, well that's a whole different matter."
@Tinned_Tuna heh yeah.
anyways, that's my savile story! He posthumously creeped me out and destroyed a little of my faith in humanity.
Also, it was in Leeds, so it was pretty bad already.
Could someone please help this chap here (security.stackexchange.com/questions/31249/is-this-a-dns-attack) with forming a proper question or dismiss it? I can clearly see it being yet another question that's going to be constantly updated and leaving us have a stub in the dark at it at best. Cheers!
right, off to prague, bye folks!
@lynks Cheers @lynks, steady on the Lager! :)
@lynks Ooh, Praha!
Morning everyone
Alex Miller on February 21, 2013

Welcome to Stack Exchange Podcast #43 with Joel Spolsky, Jay Hanlon, David Fullerton, and special guest Alexis Ohanian, calling in from the Tutorspree office. Alexis is the co-founder of Reddit and an investor in Hipmunk. He’s a strong advocate against SOPA and PIPA, and knows how to dress well while doing so, thanks to Joel. (Listen on to figure out what we’re talking about here.)

Talking about subreddits: Alexis wanted tags to categorize content coming into Reddit, but his co-founder Steve Huffman pushed for subreddits. Alexis tells us why and how it works as well as it does. (Joel has his own subreddit! And it was the first one ever!) …

@David LOL that's a late morning even in Cali terms :D
@TildalWave 11am, good enough
@David well i guess alarm clocks are rather pointless for people used to the whole ground moving even when they're not having sex :D
@TildalWave wait, what?
@David NVM, i'm sure i've hidden a subtext compliment somewhere there, but good morning to you too! :)
Your profile says you're somewhere along the San Andreas Fault, no?
not really
google says it runs mostly along the west edge of CA, i'm further east
1 hour later…
I've been on Security.SE for almost two years. I'm an elected moderator. I'm the number 5 user by reputation. My best answer by votes? That disabling right-click via javascript doesn't make a website more secure. I am disappoint.
Oh bless.
@JeffFerland What is this world coming to?
@JeffFerland At least, with 78 upvotes within the first 24 hours, chances are high that you will get a gold badge out of it. Gold badges are shiny.
@ThomasPornin So's Patrick Stewart's forehead - what's your point?
@JeffFerland Third-highest is about hijacking satellites.
@Iszi That one I'm proud of
@Iszi My daughter seems to have a crush on Captain Picard.
@ScottPack I think you've mentioned that.
Maybe. We just realized it a couple of days ago.
@JeffFerland A high SE rep does not mean that you consistently write good answers, but that you understood how the game is played.
Being elected as moderator gives about the same signal.
@JeffFerland Can't see that from here (I don't youtube over 3G)
Omar Devone Little is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, portrayed by Michael K. Williams. Omar is a renowned stick-up man who robs drug dealers. He lives by a strict moral code and never deviates from his rules, foremost of which is that he never robs or menaces people who are not involved in "the game". Omar, who is gay, has had three partners on the show. Omar makes a point of disliking profanity; he disapproves when his partners curse, and rarely does so himself. Omar is based on Baltimore area robber and hitman Donnie Andrews. Biography Omar was orphaned at a young age...
Turns out the 4G connection in the tattoo studio is a bit flaky so I lost signal a bit. Because this tatt is on my back it's very easy to do stuff on my mobile while the ink is going in.
@rorym that is a cool tattoo
@RoryAlsop Upper or lower?
@ScottPack Ah, a Metaltech tramp stamp? Yeah, that'd be hawt.
@JeffFerland I just gave you +1 tonight on that answer,... now you complain about it! I hope I'm not adding to your 'being a disappointment' LOL :P
@JeffFerland This sentence sold it to me: This is an ache that the Internet has had to suffer from the height of GeoCities fame when folks didn't want you to "steal" their very poorly composed photos of dandelions and family pets.
@TildalWave I understand that it comes down to more informative answers being answers to more obscure topics and thus having less eyes to understand or upvote them. Like wishing politicians didn't lie, I want a pony.
@JeffFerland True that, but it's only disappointing if all you're after would be rep. And you can't be, no rep to be gained in DMZ... Pony you want you say? If you're Brit chances are you already had some in your burger or lasagna LOL
@TildalWave Ha! Nice. I'm here for community and providing good answers, but since I decided to not close the easy question because I couldn't find a duplicate and I felt it fit in our scope, I might as well answer it.
I guess another way to put it: I do want recognition for good answers, in great part for professional reference. I'm not after rep for the sake of rep, but rep as a marker of being a good contributor.
I wanted to review this similar question but am getting ready to hit the pillow: security.stackexchange.com/questions/31238/…
or this one: security.stackexchange.com/questions/15005/… where the top answer is rather misleading with the second part, where it fails to mention it might not be a security risk, if properly implemented, and is generally a bit off IMO
they're both one of those questions I guess many will be looking for answers to, and even though they might seem trivial to us, that actually makes them so much harder to answer
But as I said I'm signing off for the day and am off to Narnia... I do wish I had more time to have a stab at answering a few more questions, though... and as usual got stuck with 'not-really-a-question' questions. Oh well :( better luck tomorrow, huh?
@ScottPack All of my back, pretty much :-)
@Iszi Heh - well, once I get a Mayan Metaltech glyph done to top it off, I will no longer be the only member of the band without a Metaltech tattoo. What's weirder is having fans wanting tattoos of us....

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