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1:22 PM
TIL that if you open MS Paint and keep the mouse cursor on it, you can move the cursor with the arrow keys. and if you hold Space, it paints like etch a sketch
1:45 PM
Question... is there a name for Android's intentionally convoluted flow for granting an app full location access? I get how a direct link to the app's permissions could be exploited in a social-engineering attack, but is this practice referred to by anything specific in the security world?
Does the Android CDD specify this?
@bwDraco [clarification needed]
I'm honestly not happy that Android now increasingly mandates that users cannot be able to do certain things, like allow apps to access files in certain locations.
But then again, the average user is not security-conscious and sacrifices must be made that may adverse impact power users to protect the 90%+ of the user base who may not understand the security implications of, say, granting an arbitrary app full read-write access to the Downloads folder.
@ThoriumBR An app asks for location access. When I tap on the prompt, I'm taken to a general menu listing which apps have location access, rather than just given a dialog saying "allow this app to access your location?"
That's more the ROM behavior than an Android mandated policy
I have some ROMs that do that, others just grant access straight from the prompt
2:03 PM
@ThoriumBR Hmm... yeah. For example, when an app wants to connect to a specific Wi-Fi AP (to, say, transfer files from a Wi-Fi-enabled camera), some versions of Samsung software will prompt the user for permission first before allowing it.
(and you can tell it's Samsung-specific because it uses their "four dots" throbber)
I usually swapped the stock Samsung ROMs for customs... but now I don't have any Samsung around anymore

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