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8:07 AM
I quite like blade servers for some scenarios but they certainly aren't always appropriate.
@RobM I do like how you can scale back power consumption easily..
A student just came up with a Chromebook that he wanted to use. We don't provide internet access for students currently. Does't that make the Chromebook useless?
@tombull89 has he got an Android with wifi hotspot?
@TomO'Connor Nope, iPhone
IMHO we should provide wireless for students. THe school is looking at BYOD at the moment as well.
@tombull89 It's probably not worth a full BYOD policy implementation, just give them a vlan, rate limit it down to 128k and proxyfilter it all to fuck.
also, a campus-wide wireless rollout is .. expensive.
or can be, at least.
if you want full coverage, and so on.
8:20 AM
@TomO'Connor I quite like the idea of providing a full virtual farm in a box, or for services that expand "outwards" over lots of boxes rather than "upwards" within just one box
Ah we've already got Meru site-wide. 72 APs capable of handling around 50 machine/point max.
@tombull89 we have student wireless here. We couldn't do without it, but its a pain
Trust me, Tom, you really don't want to go there :P the IT teams opnion doesn't count for much here.
@tombull89 Hmm?
8:31 AM
Since the move to the new school we've been blatantly ignored and over-ruled since day 1. As it's just a team and 2, me and my boss, we've just been unable to cope with the workload - things not right from day one. Instead of developing my skills I've been fixing vandalised laptops for the past three years.
We've got some top-notch kit here but because my manager is doing the stuff I can't there's no preventative maintance being done - a lot of stuff is out of date.
@TomO'Connor - education. In schools, a degree in teaching woodwork and a copy of the GCSE IT answer book outranks 15 years high level IT experience. Not merely in teaching, where that might arguably be fair enough, but in everything.
We luckily don't have that problem here in a college environment but we do have to correct the attitude of some new lecturers who used to teach in schools...
Anything that needs to get does gets dropped when some of the higher-ups have issues with their iPads. I know bugger all about iPads.
I used to enjoy it here...now not as much.
iPads have turned into the new toys. We're trying to put together a program to get tablets used properly here but people still get that googly eyed "ooh shiny!" look when they get a sniff of an ipad or nexus here.
So, after 123 years we have a king again.
Has anyone got a SSH server I can connect to with the port on 443 or 80?
I'm trapped behind a corporate firewall from hell.
although i'm not sure it'd help.
this is ridiculous.
8:47 AM
@TomO'Connor Talk to your sysadmin, we're not going to help you break your company's firewall policy. :P
@SmallClanger Go fuck yourself. That's the line for peons.
Tom, I'd rather not give you access to my server, but I could forward port 443 to port 22 on an IP of your choice. Got a spare /24 to use for that :)
I need that as a sign on my door. That'll help me stick to my "90% of queries dealt with inside 5 minutes" SLA.
Tom, what are you doing at this place? Apart from getting frustrated with Websense?
@DennisKaarsemaker Can you forward to port 222 on
I'll know in 5 minutes if it's worked.
@tombull89 Sysadmin stuff.
currently playing with samba and AD
and i want some scripts I've got on my server.
and I hate being restricted by any corporate policy.
Do you have any idea how much internet you can break by blocking URL shorteners?
8:56 AM
Hello everyone!
@TomO'Connor done. IP port 443
I opened my laptop and it started syncing automatically
Owncloud is lots of value
I know most people won't 'get' this, but after 8 years I've sold my campervan :(
Whaaat. Also that went quick...?
@tombull89 Less than 24 hours because it was cheap as fuck
9:08 AM
@Dan :( Why?
@DennisKaarsemaker Thanks, but it doesn't work. Connection just times out. I suspect that they're blocking anything outbound unless it's gone through the authenticated proxy.
What a ballache.
Must be a block on their end as it works for me
$ nc 443
SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5ubuntu1
you can make ssh use the proxy: ssh -o ProxyCommand='nc -x host:port' -p 443
authenticated proxy may need nc -P ...
@TomO'Connor Well, see, as it stood yesterday the Mrs and I owned 4 cars and a motorbike....
@dan oh no, I know it meant a lot to you
@Dan there's a film in there I'm sure
9:14 AM
@Dan What are the other 3?
@TomO'Connor Daily Driver Mondeo, Daily Driver Astra, 1968 Beetle :)
@RobM I sent a message to a mate and he phoned me up to say he felt strangely sad :D I think the problem is, there were a lot of people (and myself of course) who associate the van with some amazing times. But,we've all grown up and it started to become apparent that even if I restored it it still wouldn't get used how it deserves to be
But I'd recommend every 19 year old buy something stupid like that, because, damn, the stories...
   top - 10:16:53 up 10 min,  1 user,  load average: 86.53, 74.26, 40.91
Tasks: 171 total,   1 running, 170 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  1.0%us,  1.3%sy,  4.7%ni,  0.0%id, 92.9%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.1%st
Mem:   4039868k total,  4015440k used,    24428k free,    10488k buffers
Swap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,    76500k cached
@TomO'Connor forkbomb or I/O hanging?
@DennisKaarsemaker reddit.
A server I manage, from a friend's site, is currently on the frontpage.
someone needs to add caching
9:36 AM
@DennisKaarsemaker Someone needs to allocate a budget.
@dan I see that. Not something I've been into myself but I've got you and one other mate who are and yeah... End of an era eh?
@Dan I always wanted an old landrover.
@RobM Big style, but at least it'll rapidly replaced with the bike
@TomO'Connor Ooh, good choice. I love Defenders, so utilitarian
Well we all need our big boys toys after all.
We do, and fortunately, I'm lucky enough to have a wife-to-be who understands!
9:57 AM
Total DISK READ: 3.70 M/s | Total DISK WRITE: 37.28 K/s
I really must stop looking at the front page
Q: Outlook vs. Exchange

ArnoldDoes Microsoft Exchange and Outlook use the same PST file? I tried searching in google but could not find an exact answer. Need your idea guys. Thanks

Morning all
@TomO'Connor that i blimey! where did you see that?
10:15 AM
@ColdT A webserver that's on the frontpage of reddit.
2 hours later…
12:28 PM
I'm using explainxkcd.com a LOT more often. Does it mean I'm getting dumber?
Since when?
@MathiasR.Jessen Yesterday's chart wasn't super clear to me... and the time machine...
@ewwhite Yeah, I wouldn't have grasped the resolution scale from regular xkcd either...
xkcd was funnier when I felt smart :(
Yeah, that's how I feel... I went back to visit my university for the first time in 10 years this weekend. And seeing all of those young and hopeful people... learning everything I forgot...
I don't know how people stay sharp.
@ewwhite doThings()
12:35 PM
@Iain Like what?
I'm not challenged right now.
@ewwhite anything in your $field
I'm watching a devops client suffer because we don't have the right type of resources to help them.
I'm reading 30-odd resumes.
@ewwhite what resources do they need ?
@RobM giggling ?
@Iain EMC VNX storage expertise.
To help find out why their application is hammering it.
12:37 PM
@ewwhite and you can't find them a consultant ?
I think we designed the storage wrong... and they are misusing the resources. Really bad combination in an IaaS/private Cloud setup.
@Iain I don't think we do that.
@ewwhite that doesn't sound challenging... horrible, sure, but not challenging
I have my own projects and such... I mean, I know some things.
I've contemplated taking an evening class of some kind to address the "stay sharp" paradox... Just something I haven't dug into since I left school
Like, taking all the math classes I loved but I no longer remember anything from
But much like the XKCD: Is it worth the time?, I prefer to defer to experts when dealing with tough production issues.
12:41 PM
Challenging yourself is always worth the time ;)
Sometimes I'm the expert... but with stuff like SAN storage, nope.
@MathiasR.Jessen If you saw what was happening, and how much we're paid to maintain this, you wouldn't want to be learning on the fly.
@ewwhite Oh, no, I wasn't talking about your current EMC situation, I wouldn't put to much time into that :-D It was more generally speaking... For potential challenges that you have identified as being beneficial to you
@iain at some of them, yes
@RobM I assume they all lie on their resumes... how much fiction have you encountered so far?
1:07 PM
had a resume once, had so many certs on the resume, we thought great! When we interviewed him, it turned out the guy wanted to gain these certs he placed on his resume rather then already attained!!!
@ColdT lol
Not too bad so far, the usual exaggeration than outright lies I think
I'd recently interviewed a guy with a recently-completed CS degree who couldn't do FizzBuzz even in pseudocode, and he had been working as a developer for several years (he claimed)
FizzBuzz is my favorite interview question.
ah trivial game
"For 1 through 100, if the number is divisible by 3, print 'Fizz', if the number is divisible by 5, print 'Buzz'. If the number is divisible by both, print 'FizzBuzz'. Otherwise, print the number."
It's a trivial programming problem, but it illustrates a lot of concepts
1:12 PM
it's just a loop with an if/elsif/elsif/else...
Q: Cisco SFP for single-strand single mode connection over 10km

SimonIs it possible using only Cisco equipment to link two sites approximately 15km apart using only one single mode fiber strand.

homework question?
10 PRINT 1
20 PRINT 2
40 PRINT 4
I've done fizzbuzz as a test before when interviewing candidates for developer jobs

hint: If you're a dev going for a dev position and I can code rings around you when I'm a sysadmin, then you're either here for a trainee post or you're wasting my time.
It illustrates looping (and shows that they know the difference between the different looping constructs), modulus math, logic structures, etc
@gWaldo I'm still not seeing the requirement for any looping, or even logic, in the FizzBuzz test. :)
1:15 PM
@RobM Agreed on both counts; he was a developer candidate, and had done reasonably well up to there.
@jscott Then you fail...
It's surprising how often they do
@jscott then you get asked to optimize it
@Iain Ah-ha! Now that would be interesting to see in an interview!
Actually, I do ask about different optimizations / alternatives and their relative tradeoffs.
@jscott you can certainly write it without. We let people code it in any language they like in any way they like. They simply have to defend their design to me afterwards... and the ones that get sniffy about having to defend their code to "just a sysadmin" (it has happened) get told on the way out of the door that I was offered and turned down the head developer role because I'd rather be head sysadmin
1:17 PM
My boss asked me if I wanted a job as a programmer. I told him that if we weren't a .NET shop, I might
@gWaldo most people go for %3 && %5 when %15 is 'better'
See, I would fail the FizzBuzz...
With my computer science degree...
I can... well "used to" might be a better phrase these days, program. I'd just rather do sysadmin/network engineer stuffs
scary, right?
haven't even heard FizzBuzz before but then again didn't do CS
1:18 PM
@ewwhite not so much because you're not claiming to be a dev, right?
@Iain So what happens if I change fizz and buzz to 4 and 6? What do you test for then?
i probably could work out a pseudo program though, so long someone explained how the game worked
My favorite FizzBuzz example is this:
@gWaldo 24
@Iain Nope. Think it through
1:19 PM
@gWaldo NAO. That's LOLCode. LOLCode can die in a fire.
I encountered it once in a sysadmin interview...
@RobM I think the defense, or optimization, answers would be more interesting than catching any syntax/logic errors in their initial code. Getting to see people "catch" their own mistakes shows them in a rare light.
I didn't walk out, but I made some excuses and tried to play to my perceived strengths at the time.
but again, I don't think everyone has the ability to be a developer.
@tombull89 Has anyone tried to seriously use it to accomplish anything?
Yayyy! A department just bought two kindles and want them on the wireless! Yay...wait, Kindles don't have proxy support? sad trombone.
1:20 PM
@jscott yeah, we asked people to do it on paper and made it quite clear that we were after design/structure rather than the right number of brackets on the page.
@tombull89 gotta laugh eh
Yea, ours was Whiteboard
@gWaldo :( it should be LCM(a,b) so 12
@gWaldo I used it as an introduction to programming for my 14yo sister ... it worked, she's coding away
@Iain Yup! Don't feel bad; that gets almost everyone. (Which is why I ask!)
there is a Fizz Buzz Woof version?!!
1:22 PM
@gWaldo I don't :)
@MathiasR.Jessen Nice!
@Iain yaaay!
@gWaldo do you go on to ask them to code LCM(...) ? or is that getting too nasty ?
@Iain No, I don't ask for that. After they complete the FizzBuzz, I just ask them what they would change if the parameters were different (4 and 6)
but if they did lcm() I'd be super-impressed
I know SE asked zypher fizzbuzz and then how to determine if a point is inside a shape (the shape being a rectangle)
That's interesting! I'll have to use that
1:25 PM
@ColdT We had a guy who applied for a sysadmin job who took it even further and invented new Microsoft certifications. As if we wouldn't check up on a title or Cert ID that we didn't recognize... Needless to say he didn't make it very far in the recruitment process
He didn't initially say the shape was a rectangle and when I looked up how to do it with an arbitrary shape I was super impressed till he said only a rectangle
a thorough understanding of ranges and multi-dimensional arrays!
So... we've come to this.
@gWaldo seems complicated
@Iain That would be pretty hard if it wasn't a rectangle. A rectangle is probably enough for an interview test.
1:29 PM
@gWaldo it's insanely hard for an arbitrary shape
And, assuming that the rectangle is parallel to the X and Y axes!
I'm actually loving this as an interview question
(for developers)
@gWaldo if it's not then it's a rhomboid and all bets are off
well, the object could still be a rectangle (90-deg angles), but not necessarily parallel/perpendicular to the graph
If an arbitrary shape, or an off-kilter rectangle, you would have to do real math to determine where exactly the line passes through the next axis. Possible, but tricky
just checking a rectangle is a rhomboid too (parallel side unequal length) so go back to your original
@gWaldo have you looked it up or are you just thinking about it ?
But in a rhomboid, the angles are oblique and the adjacent sides are unequal.
@Iain I was just thinking about it
That's more work than I'm willing to do on a lark, and I think it's further than I'm willing to put an interview candidate through.
1:36 PM
In computational geometry, the point-in-polygon (PIP) problem asks whether a given point in the plane lies inside, outside, or on the boundary of a polygon. It is a special case of point location problems and finds applications in areas that deal with processing geometrical data, such as computer graphics, computer vision, geographical information systems (GIS), motion planning, and CAD. An early description of the problem in computer graphics shows two common approaches (ray casting and angle summation) in use as early as 1974. An attempt of computer graphics veterans to trace the histo...
But I will do a rectangle that is aligned with the grid
@gWaldo that's fairly straightforward
@Iain well, no shit!
In that case, there are probably python/perl/ruby modules to make it easier
er... solve it more efficiently
@gWaldo there are questions on SO about it, the answers to which make my brain leak from my ears
Brain leakage due to ugliness of answers, or complexity?
1:41 PM
@gWaldo the latter - I don't think people who can answer that question would have ugly answers :)
yea, it gets complex easily
@gWaldo take a look at projecteuler.net
some of the puzzles there would be good programmer questions
Anyone know if there's a way to LEGALLY get a full retail ISO image or DVD of OSX Mountain Lion? I want to run it in VMware Wks and find many torrents, etc. of it but want a legal copy since this is for work. I looked on Apple's site and it looks like it is only "upgrades" through the mac store....le sigh, it's like they don't want me to be legal...anyone?
That's pretty awesome! 425 math/programming problems!
@gWaldo I've done a bunch (winter project couple of years ago) I don't have the math skills for many of them
1:44 PM
@TheCleaner You can extract the .iso from the Apple Store download, but IIRC, the license requires that you run on Mac Hardware
@Iain Very cool. I'm going to take note (knowing full-well that I'll probably never get to it...)
@gWaldo - I don't see anywhere on the Apple store to buy it though
@gWaldo I found it (temporarily) more interesting than gaming
@TheCleaner The Mac App Store
@TheCleaner Oh man yes it's a pain in the ass. If I want to learn something I want to download an ISO, be it a trial or full version, and install it on a VM or some spare hardware. I don't want to be bitched at.
@TheCleaner i could sworn they have gone 'online only' approach?
Even with the new iMacs you don't get the media
1:46 PM
@Iain My friend, we need to get you some better games...
So basically I have to already have a Mac running OSX in order to download OSX through their "Mac App Store"app running on a Mac? apple.com/osx/how-to-upgrade
@TheCleaner Yup.
What kind of BS is this...I might as well download the torrent iso and clip a $20 check written out to Apple to the burned DVD in case they ever come and try to claim I pirated it.
@TheCleaner I know at one point the only legal way to run the Mac OS was if the underlying hardware was finally a Mac.
@TheCleaner you have to go through the process, and then there are ways to burn to a DVD
1:48 PM
@TheCleaner I googled for "extract mountin lion iso" and got plenty of hits
but you can't buy the media, just a digital download only form
just as @gWaldo mentioned - lifehacker.com/5928780/…
actually, you can do the same with a .dmg, too. (It doesn't need to be an .iso)
You'll have issues burning a .dmg on a windows machine though.
yeah @gWaldo - I know there are tons of "pirated" links...I wanted to stay 100% legal...without having to buy a Mac. But if the only legal way to run it is on mac hardware...well then...grrr....I needed it to be able to help support a few mac users but it would be rare and I didn't feel like buying a mac just for that purpose.
@TheCleaner That was my issue as well, I wanted to run OSX Server as part of my lab at home, but forking out cash for hardware because it's "not compatible" with my other hardware is not really fair.
1:52 PM
@ColdT - yeah, but I need a Mac first in order to even buy it. I could hit up one of the mac users but they are in a different part of the country.
In the end I borrowed a mac from work, dual-booted it with Windows and installed OSX Server in a VM.
@TheCleaner You can extract the Mountain Lion Installer legally, but the license restricts you to running it on Mac hardware (last I knew)
So it looks like my only legal recourse is to 1) get mac user to log into Mac store and buy it 2) use @ColdT 's link to burn to physical media 3) use one of the other links to extract the ISO and load it up in vmware. (course if it is illegal to run it in vmware under PC hardware I guess I'm screwed regardless)
@TheCleaner Is it more trouble than it's worth to buy a Mac Mini for like $500?
@gWaldo - there's always this: macincloud.com :)
1:57 PM
Da, that works
looks like my only option if they aren't willing to spring for a separate mac mini...thanks all.
okay, so I have a storage server being shipped...
and the vendor ignored my shipping instructions to go to my data center...
but rather sent a rather large package on a pallet to MY HOUSE
good afternoon tagnuts
@Chopper3 has my SAAP license!
ah - forgot about that, let me look now - edit - *sound of lenovo that's not been on for 6 months starting up *
2:04 PM
@ewwhite get them to reimburse you for wasting time!
@ColdT I just paid $11k for this thing
so it's a waste of my time... client's time...
FedEx has to move this to a new facility...
it's unprofessional, etc, etc.
Hey @Chopper3.
how'd they get your home address?
@TheCleaner billing
(credit card)
Although @TheCleaner this narked me off a bit, talk about hypocritical much...
Jun 28 '12 at 19:05, by Chopper3
@Zoredache It'd be terrible if it became public knowledge that Apple run OSX Server on top of ESXi 5.1 on HP and IBM blades wouldn't it...
2:08 PM
:) nice of you to front the client like that...
@TheCleaner hmm?
Oh, client prepaid.
@tombull89 - yeah...it wouldn't surprise me though
@ewwhite - shipping address clearly spelled out to vendor? make them pay Fedex to ship from your house to DC
@tombull89 hi
@Chopper3 Saw Iron Man 3 on sunday, quite enjoyed it. Thought it was better than 2.
@tombull89 it was alright, even though as an actor she's a beanburger-munching hippy as Pepper Potts I'd RUIN GwynnieP - she's never walk right
2:13 PM
@TheCleaner I couldn't accept the shipment.
No loading dock.
I almost drowned on my swig of water. Thanks for that.
@Chopper3 You'd go in a like a dawn police raid?
I'm going to see it Friday courtesy of Dell.
strugging to find that SAAP licence, give me a second
2:30 PM
mornin' Gents.
@ewwhite really struggling to find it sorry, bit out of practice, particularly in searching in Outlook - asked one of my guys to dig it out so will let you have it later ok
sup @Adrian
@Chopper3 Oh, I'd definitely appreciate!
The day someone really does work out how to see "Who has viewed your Facebook" profile I'm in soo much trouble!
2:41 PM
LinkedIn practically turned that into their business model!
@Dan haha - luckily FB won't allow it. It's an easy facebook spam/scam trap.
Also last night someones compramised account posted on my status. This morning someone else posted the same link to my status and a picture as well...guess they got caught by wanting to see the spammy link (which promised a Nicki Minaj sex tape of all things...)
@gWaldo Yeah, but stalking people on LinkedIn is dull as fuck and you can have good reason for doing so. I've got no good excuse to be perusing the pictures of previous, well, you can work out the rest
@Cole Me, oddly. I think I've finally slept enough to make up for the past 3 months of sleep deprivation.
@Adrian awesome :)
I had to bring my cat to the vet today, so I slept till 8AM - it was awesome.
@Cole Going to adopt a kitten in a few weeks here to keep the Crotchety Old Man company. He's 16 but still plays like he's less than half that , and could use the company.
2:51 PM
aw :)
I love my cat
the cutest.
3:04 PM
I know this isn't slickdeals, but I had to share...getting a Sears 100ft all rubber hose for $20 is a steal. If you are interested, here's the link: http://www.sears.com/craftsman-5-8-in-x-100-ft-all-rubber/p-07169605000P?sid=IAx20050830x000545&PID=1225267&AID=11042411&aff=Y&PDP_REDIRECT=false&s_tnt=39869:4:0 (you'll need to sign up for Craftsman Club and wait about an hour to get your $10 off $25 coupon in your email)
Picking mine up at lunch.
@TheCleaner I don't need a rubber hose.
A: PuTTY Fatal Error dialog - Can it be suppressed?

Michael HamptonI would log out before going home in the evening, rather than the next morning.

@MichaelHampton I'd write an app which sits in the system tray and automatically closes the windows
@Dan - those are also referred to as "first world" problems on other sites...good stuff though.
3:06 PM
@TheCleaner Yeah, the "First Wold Problems" is somewhat of a meme on the Internet, though not a bad one really
@ewwhite being dim but I can't find a SAAP licence key but I do have various iLO ones - does it get included in that?
@ewwhite - got it! I'd put a space inbetween SA and AP - doh - you ready for it?
7 9er
@Chopper3 yep
@ewwhite ok, cut'n'paste ready? it'll be up for 20 secs max ok
3:14 PM
* and it's gone *
got it
@Chopper3 You'll need to delete the message, because we can still see the history.
@ewwhite You owe me a good rimming for that ok? :)
@tombull89 I'll live
@Chopper3 Thank you... it's my specialty.
3:18 PM
Who here always says everything is terrible?
Is it @voretaq7 ?
HopelessNoob? Although he's not been seen for quite some time...
Ugh... So frustrating:
Me: I see you're not doing $BEST_PRACTICES, you should reconsider.
B: I have a Select_Excuse_From(Budget, Entitlement, Crappy Boss) and don't have that luxury.
Me: This is why you have problems... To get rid of problems, get rid of excuse.
@ChrisS where ?
@ChrisS Pretty much. Not much fun being Mr. B either though.
3:25 PM
So what did happen to Mr N00b?
I know he got into some bother on the main site (?)
@Iain Everyday... CPanel question today.
@ChrisS Yeah, I've had bosses who've insisted on things like that. That any management interface be simple enough that the boss can understand it. Boss took the better part of 3 years to figure out that it was best left to the technical people. Especially since the boss wouldn't use the change management protocol when he put changes in.
@Adrian Very true, I've been there, working with a budget too small for the expected results, or whatever. I guess it's something you learn to communicate to the stakeholder; that or you whine about it on SF.
@ewwhite terribull
@ewwhite let me know if that works or doesn't ok
3:29 PM
@ChrisS I try to avoid doing the latter until I've exhausted efforts on the former. $job[-2] had a 1.9% IT budget, of which 94% was salaries. Wouldn't spend money on anything if hiring another warm body could conceivably get the same result in some possible universe. Very annoying.
@Dan Funny; I asked this same thing yesterday!
@gWaldo Conspiracy
@Dan Looks like he hasn't been around for over a week.
And management that believed that "sunk costs" was justification for astonishing amounts of time wasting. My staff had to hand-track power strips and network cables because they were worried about mis-application of that $3 cable and justified the stupidity by claiming our salaries were already paid and therefore there was no reason to find a better way. As if the 130 tickets in the queue weren't a solid reminder that we were already over-tasked.
3:32 PM
But I don't work there anymore. And they hired someone to manage it who's going to keep on doing it the same way it's always done instead of hiring me, so I wash my hands of them
Some people are destined to sink the ship; might as well bail so you've got a good viewpoint to watch from.
haha wow, Unix guy just didn't show up for work. No email, call or scheduled time off.
@ChrisS Nah, just a lot of Dunning-Kruger there. They pay is so low that they end up with a lot of those folks.
user image
This is what happens when you allow a single person to know how to do a large chunk of your environment. They do shit like this, and you can't fire them because nothing is documented and your whole SAP environment will fall to pieces crippling your business.
3:35 PM
@Cole Bad management. Which you already knew from other interactions, eh?
@Adrian oh yeah, of course.
I'm supposed to be the back up Unix/Linux guy - but that's kind of hard when you're the Lead Windows/Active Directory guy
and your VMware guy needs you to fix his vSphere 5.1 upgrade that he botched -_-
and the only one who can script.
At least I have a job, but things like this I just have to laugh at.....otherwise I'll cry.
I wish I could permadelete my own answers when I realise I've completely misinterpreted the question :(
@Cole And you can only do so much at once. And it's your boss' job to communicate what the overall priorities are so that you can manage & prioritize the daily tasks in an appropriate manner.
@Adrian funny you say that. A coworker who is buried in Lotus Domino/Connections/Sametime shit was like "<Manager>, well which one is a priority? I have all these things you want now." my manager responded with "They're all a priority"
@Dan lol, i did that earlier!
3:43 PM
@Cole Sometimes you have to work around the boss' inabilities and make it more explicit and literal, like a 3 year old. Tell him flat out which one he wants first if he's unwilling/unable to handle it in a more sophisticated fashion.
@ColdT I fear all the 10kers are laughing at us
Ooh. Fun. Jane's Addiction covering Sympathy.
@Adrian I think the problem is, this is the only job he's ever had. Well, he started in help desk here but has only worked for this company.
Home time
I have to say, at least with me - he does respect my opinion and I generally receive no push back/questioning of what I decide is the right course of action.
The other guys? Super micro-managed.
3:46 PM
Wow. How backward. I have to complete weekly timesheets. Despite being a full-time salaried employee.
Hey Cole <3
@TomO'Connor Budget tracking or Billing?
Whenever a problem happens, he goes to his computer and immediately starts Googling and spamming everyone with links to fix the problem.
Hey Tom <3
job[-1] required that for billing customers.
@Adrian Ass-to-face compatibility, i assume.
@Cole That sounds like my manager from the old $SHITJOB
3:50 PM
What sucks is, I really want this job to work. I want longevity somewhere, and it's a 15 minute commute from home. It's very convenient.
@TomO'Connor $job[-2] had no such excuses. And the timesheet was ON PAPER for all 540 staff and required the payroll person to transcribe the contents into various and sundry spreadsheets and payroll entry apps.
But I've been first on call for a month straight, and have another 2 months of first on call to complete the "training period"
@Cole I do think you need to keep looking for another job though. Any company that tolerates that kind of policy in one of their departments has rot behind the walls and under the floors regardless of how great the rest of the company might be.
@Adrian I have been, but striking out. I'm just getting frustrated.
I would need to take a $10-$15K pay cut
@Cole Keep working at it. It's a marathon, not a sprint. I've taken pay cuts before and come out better in the end.
3:53 PM
@Adrian I took a pay cut to come here.
Well, I was doing W2 contracting but still I went from making a week almost what I make in two weeks here.
I took a pay cut at my last gig, but it was a better job than what I'd had before. This job pays more than what I'd walked away from at $job[-2]
Issue is, taking a pay cut + having to commute would equal a $20k+ pay cut
I just drank a double mocha for the first time... I feel like I might die... I have a job interview in a few hours. This sucks.
@Cole I try not to equate the two. And I also try not to consider any more than 60% of contracting income as my pay. Contracting is too sketchy in this town with Washington's 12-month perma-temp rules requiring most places to offer you a permanent slot or cut you loose.
I spend ~$150 in gas a month
Commuting to Boston or north of Boston would be $300 - $400/month
plus wear and tear on my car
3:56 PM
@Cole No trains in that area, eh?
I could move closer to Boston, but then I'm looking at doubling my rent
@Adrian Commuter rail, but that's also $300 a month
What I'm trying to do is stick it out till I pay off my CC debt
@Cole Ah. But wear & tear really racks up fast when you figure you're paying that much again for car payments.
Yeah and I just bought my car last year
@Cole There's that. That's part of why I took the contracting gig.
@Adrian Which is what I'm trying to do, find a 6 -12 month contracting gig with a high rate
blow through all the debt stuff quickly
and then find something I really want to do
My surgery cost total with airfare, hotel, surgery, medications, food, etc was about $8500ish
3:59 PM
I <3 when the "biz folks" discuss technical strategy and configuration amongst themselves (loudly), without bringing anyone with a clue in... Le sigh

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