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12:01 AM
$_ =~ m/.*-k(.) -t(\d{1,3}).*-o(\d{1,3}) -f(.*) -b(\d{1,5}).*/
can or will q:
That seems pretty straightforward .. what part is confusing you?
( ) for the capture groups
also what kyle said (:
\d for Digit
\d{1,5} repetitions of digits
@KyleBrandt oh i know was messing with the @RebeccaChernoff
12:03 AM
This is that humor thing people were talking about
well i don't know if most people call it humor but some geeks sure do
although rchern doesn't drink cofee or like scifi soo
i dunno
@KyleBrandt I'm not sure @Zypher trying to be funny is what I'd call humor. It can certainly be entertaining though...
@RebeccaChernoff: I'm sorry but that only makes it more confusing
12:07 AM
@Zypher, that sure looks like a command line options expression. shouldn't you be using getops or somethign similar?
@Zoredache oh it kinda is
but the command line options are out of a log file
parsing this:
E:\>"C:\Program Files (x86)\SQLIO\sqlio.exe" -kW -t2 -s60 -dE -o1 -frandom -b64 -BH -LS Testfile.dat
sqlio v1.5.SG
using system counter for latency timings, 3247138 counts per second
2 threads writing for 60 secs to file E:Testfile.dat
	using 64KB random IOs
	enabling multiple I/Os per thread with 1 outstanding
	buffering set to use hardware disk cache (but not file cache)
using current size: 24576 MB for file: E:Testfile.dat
initialization done
throughput metrics:
IOs/sec:  9337.00
Eww.. That doesn't look fun to parse.
12:21 AM
@Zypher Still around?
@WesleyDavid yessir
I'm trying to make a script to check each storage group on a mailbox server to see if circular logging is enabled.
So here's the weirdness I'm hitting
I just wanted to make sure I was getting the storage groups and cycling through each one properly:
$sg = get-storagegroup
foreach ($sg.count in $sg) {$sg.name}
Okay, with the above two-liner I get a list of all three storage groups
However, the weirdness that happens is that after I run it once, it only ever lists the last of the three storage groups again.
I have no idea if that made sense.
So output for running it once is :
OMEGA\First Storage Group.name
OMEGA\Second Storage Group.name
OMEGA\Journal Group.name
If I run it a second time:
OMEGA\Journal Group.name
So it's like it's overwriting the first two in the array? I dunno.
hmm, it's probably because the pointer is getting incremented
something with your count?
i'd probably do something like:
12:25 AM
So I can run this:
foreach ($sg.count in $sg) {$sg.circularloggingenabled}

and get

But if I run it a second time:
$sg = get-storagegroup
foreach ($group in $sg){group.name}
err - yea edit is right
Help a scripting noob out
What's $group?
What are you referencing? I should look for a different class to count?
I had my doubts about .count
so group is a new variable you are creating just for the loop
ah, okay
@Holocryptic According to my head measurement for fitted hats I need a S/M. The L is clearly too large. However the fitted L/XL is sized for the entire range of S-XL.
12:30 AM
basically what foreach is doing is looping through the collection ($sg) and setting $group to the individual objects in the collection
which you are then getting the name property from
@Zypher Oh interesting. PS is so loose that I have a hard time seeing what is being done with variables in loops like that.
@ScottPack stretchy band? I don't think "fitted" == "One size"
more like one size fits all
@Holocryptic In fact it doesn't. Fitted explicitly means "non-adjustable".
@WesleyDavid yep that behavior is the same as VBScript
@ScottPack Right...
12:33 AM
so if you knew that it helps :)
@Zypher Okay, cool, it's not smashing the variable up, so that's good. But... I'm still not sure 1) Why the first iteration chunked and 2) Why it now works. =)
@ScottPack doh, I was looking in the wrong spot
Time to go pester someone at PowerShell Community.com
i'm actually not quite sure why the first iteration worked :)
@Holocryptic Yeah, it makes no freaking sense. A fitted cap size that covers a 3 inch range?
12:34 AM
it was effectivly saying set the property $sg.count to the current object in the collection which shouldn't have been possibe
although it may have tried to be smart and just set $sg to something
and left it as just a plain object and not a collection on your last run
so if you looped it twice without doing get-storagegroup again it would only have that one object in it
Hmm, so in the foreach parenthesis, ($sg.count in $sg) - $sg.count is actually being modified, rather than just used as a number to count through?
@ScottPack Maybe find a brick and mortor sports store that sells it and try one. It does seem kind of self defeating though. I didn't realize that the tolerances between small head, normal head, and ginormous freaking head were so tight...
right, you don't need to count on a foreach
it will look through a collection/array till it hits the end
ginormous totally shows up as a correctly spelled word in the chat box....
I was thinking like C for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
12:37 AM
IIRC you can use for
but foreach is so much better
So foreach is it's own counter... okay, I see it now.
@Holocryptic This weekend I was going to hit up our sporting goods store and see what they had. If they don't have anything I like, I was then going to go ahead and order one online and see how she fits. Worst case, I have to ship it back.
So wait, then I don't need the in statement. Just foreach ($sg) {do something}
no, you need the $variable in $collection to have a variable in the {do something} section that is an object, not a counter
of course you could use this contruct too
12:41 AM
so .. the answer is ... maybe :)
So what you're saying is that my understanding of foreach is whack. =)
@ScottPack I'd probably go with the M to be on the "safe side". But yeah, I can see where their chart is completely screwed.
foreach ($sg) {$_.name}

Missing 'in' after variable in foreach loop.
oh right
Time to read some more about foreach. I thought I knew more than I do.
@Holocryptic The hat I want comes in the color I want at L/XL, or a color I can be ok with at S/M. Hard choice. Technically, they both "fit". But the S/M is the only one that makes sense to fit.
@ScottPack Yuck. Order both; send one back.
On a completely unrelated note, Blizzard has a sysadmin job opening. I could cry. Both SE and Blizz have open positions, and I'm an unqualified lout. sigh maybe in a couple years...
@Holocryptic I might end up doing that. Oh the magic of Amazon Prime. My trip to the sporting goods this weekend will be the decider.
@Zypher I thought I could get around it by > $sg=Get-StorageGroup | foreach {$_.name} but alas, I get no errors, but no output either. =/
12:58 AM
@Zypher Hmm, I think part of my confusion is that, in true MSFT obfuscation form, foreach the statement is different from foreach the cmdlet alias: poshoholic.com/2007/08/21/… poshoholic.com/2007/08/31/…
I did not know that differentiation.
So basically, for clarity, I'm thinking never use the foreach statement or alias. Use for or foreach-object.
hmm sure, although i'd say just use the foreach($item in $collection){} form
1:16 AM
Seriously though, get-member is my most used cmdlet EVAR =)
oh i think it's everyones!
Man, I'm such a scripting neophyte.
Seeing an attribute hung off a method freaks me out.
ha, we all where there at one point
1:52 AM
Move-Item : Source and destination path must have identical roots. Move will not work across volumes.
4 hours later…
6:02 AM
@Zypher Yay for write only code
7:05 AM
@Zoredache do you know what makes hostname report centos.lan rather than just centos for a machine called centos.lan ?
7:35 AM
@Chopper3: slowclap - That's a hell of a climb down on the licensing. Someone over there has some good sense, it seems.
just lots of client pressure, though I was on the call when a guy I've known for years at barcap suggested the single-VM cap
7:52 AM
I can't pretend it's not a huge relief, it's been pretty much all I've worked on since the launch, which isn't really my job but I was glad to help in whatever way - I think things are much more 'win-win' now
It's so dark and dank here it could almost be December :(
@Iain, perhaps the machines name is actually 'centos.lan'
Have you tried changing the name. Use hostname <name> to set it.
I don't know where centos stores the host name configuration. On Debian I would look at /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts.
Maybe just grep /etc for centos.lan?
8:30 AM
Well time to close down and hit the IDE - talk to you guys later.
9:00 AM
@Zoredache thanks /etc/sysconfig/network is relevant.
9:38 AM
@Iain: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 is useful, too. You can add a line: DHCP_HOSTNAME=<name> to make it register DNS names on DHCP (if you're using it).
@SmallClanger or DHCP_HOSTNAME=$(hostname)
Ooh, hadn't thought of that. (Been making my first foray into CentOS this week).
what have you used before that ?
I'm mostly Debian. Currently a mix of Lenny/Squeeze. I build them up from clean(ish) netinsts.
9:49 AM
the same but different springs to mind
Indeed. So far, CentOS is like London, to me. Lots of individual bits are familiar, but I still haven't joined them all up in my head, yet.
I like that analogy - I spent a long time with Solaris so Linux in general is like that.
1 hour later…
11:18 AM
I always miss the good days at work, apparently there's a standup argument going on just by my desk
And I'm at home
11:51 AM
Posted by Kyle Brandt on August 4th, 2011

This Saturday, August 7th starting at 3pm EDT we will be taking our sites offline for maintenance. We are aiming to keep the downtime to about thirty minutes to an hour. Should we need to extend this window I will post updates on this post.

During this window we are going to be patching our database servers. We are also migrating our servers to a new AD domain so we have everything under a consistent naming structure.

Kyle Brandt is a system administrator for Stack Exchanged based out of Boston and was hired from the Server Fault Community in June of 2010. Kyle enjoys trying to discover new idea …

sigh People really do this and wonder why it's so hard to go to someone else to get support for their systems. wj32.wordpress.com/2010/05/04/pae-patch-updated-for-windows-7
Found that on a question in SU.
12:09 PM
A third-party PAE hack for Win7. <blank face>That'll never cause any problems</blankface>
@SmallClanger <joke> Any more problem than having installed win 7?</joke>
@BartSilverstrim Worse Than Failure
12:29 PM
People wonder why I shy away from home support.
I don't even like small business support...
Go there and find something like "coupon clipper" or "daily deals" or Bonzi Buddy and you get rid of them or the anti-spyware stuff clips their wings and suddenly, "What happened to my coupon bar thingy?!"...It was spyware, I got rid of it. Next time they call, guess what they reinstalled...ugh.
1:02 PM
@BartSilverstrim I shy away from home support because it pays peanuts
What is the average home work rate there?
literally no idea
but fuck all I imagine
Home pay peanuts here... The main problem is that people don't want to pay anything at all. Getting $50 out of them is pretty good; and that might involve a few hours work. And as @BartSilverstrim pointed out, there's all kind of stupid to deal with.
Around here it's rural, but could charge anywhere from $50-$70 an hour for home systems, depending on if they deliver it to you to fix at your convenience or if it's a housecall. I don't know what groups like Geek Squad charge, these are just consulting rates.
Problem is that around here now you can get a crap Walmart combo for $400 that includes the works, so by the time a home user's system fries enough that they want it fixed it's usually cheaper to get a system that's faster for the combo deal than pay a couple hundred for someone to fix their system.
The only way to make a living at repairing is to run a shop that does contract service for small businesses; rent-an-admin type work.
The stress of dealing with each person's custom home system, complete with gameware and spyware that they may or may not think they need, is just too much to not burn out on.
Geek Squad charges very little; which is how they get you in the door. But your computer always needs a new Anti Virus Suite ($70/ea) and Service Packs ($19/ea) and probably new hardware too (all at retail prices). And if you're interested they off a warranty that isn't worth it's weight in toilet paper for an extra 15%.
I feel sorry for the sods that open computer repair stores (aimed at home users); though they're typically shady and deserve every bit of hell they get for their minimal pay.
1:08 PM
just buy a mac
PLUS you get the added bonus of calls AFTER the fact because yes, somehow eliminating your malware is the reason your hard drive started making clunk noises three weeks later and of course I would love to fix THAT for free since it was somehow my fault.
other than hardcore gamers I have no idea why people would run Windows at home
Not to mention everyone bringing every odd piece of hardware ever designed and sold into your store and expecting you to be able to make it work.
@Chopper3 Cheaper
Apple's repair policies are another reason I switched. I had a system go bad, think it was my wife's...drive or mobo issue on a MB...called it in under AppleCare. Had a box shipped to me the next day, shipped it out, it was back a couple days later, no problems and no hassle.
over the life of the machine?
1:10 PM
@Chopper3 I'd like to see you explain ROI and TCO to an average American. =]
I get the 'day-one cost' blindness, maybe chromeOS might help?
Machine was sold to my mother in law (that same one). Years later had a data problem on the drive, took it to an Apple Store. They decided to reinstall from scratch; wasn't sure what version of the OS was on it off the top of my head, so they just installed the newest version it supported. They did the work for free and sent us on our way.
@BartSilverstrim I've had the same experience with HP though... It's not Apple exclusive.. And any of the major companies could hire an idiot to work phone support......
@ChrisS: For home support I've not had that before.
And it tends to be roulette to find a decent company.
I've had decent business support from Dell.
But heard horror stories for home users.
And for home systems from hp/dell/etc. I end up having to spend more time wiping shit off the drive that they bundle. Ugh.
When I call if I think I've got a dim-bulb on the phone I just hang up and call back (or ask to be transferred). I'm not tolerant at all of the ones who only know what's on their screen.
1:13 PM
I'm not tolerant of having to play the phone-tech shuffle.
Last place I worked we had IBM (both an AS/400 type and a 386 something or other). Mainframe support was ungodly good; Intel system support is where all the rejects went.
I was also seeing the light in the hassles introduced when you have no such thing as a standard PC. My Macs are generally OS X with Apple hardware. Some people get a woody from the notion of hooking up their toasters and gadgets from a cereal box to their computer...I pretty much know when I deal with a Mac that the hardware in it is going to be what's on another Mac, and the software is generally the same as well.
@ChrisS: But how much were you paying for that support? :-)
@BartSilverstrim It was rolled into the cost of the hardware; which was nearly insane (but the ERP system only ran on OS/400, so no real alternative).
Here we generally need a straight Windows reinstall from scratch. Gets rid of a lot of the crap. Even then we ended up with drivers that introduced bugs...some Intel wireless controller driver was using an application that killed our wireless connection when it took away control of the wireless from Windows, but removing the app killed the driver.
If I remember correctly; the AS/400 was ~$65,000 for a somewhat basic model (1 proc board, 1 IO board, 4 HDs or something like that).
1:18 PM
The biggest problem I have with the Mac is that it is definitely not scaling in terms of management. Managing larger labs and deployments is a PITA compared to the remote options I have with Windows. For home and small deployments it's great, and Windows is a bigger PITA in that case.
couldn't agree more, the windows management stack is worth the pain for businesses
For that price, you got a free IBM tech to come in and swap the drives when one went bad while being forced to sing the Lollipop Kids song and being sprayed with silly string, right?
@BartSilverstrim Pretty much, yeah.
Apple could definitely do better with it, but it's not their business model. They are making digital media systems for personal use; trying to make their systems as single-user friendly as a cell phone an as personal as a cell phone. Letting users be managed is just not what they give a damn about.
There's no reason with OSX/BSD that remote tools couldn't be created to make remote management a helluva lot better, other than it's not their business focus.
Apple's already shown they can make front end tools for GPL/BSD licensed stuff that makes them actually usable to end users. But if it doesn't help iTunes or app store or iThings sales and use, they don't care.
I just had two Apple higher ed guys in yesterday. They're fucking assholes.
When I say that they do not have a true datacenter solution, don't tell me how power efficient a Mac Mini is. There's no LOM, no hotswap hardware, no redundant power supplies, etc.
The thing could consume .5W for all I care, I still wouldn't be interested.
1:23 PM
Why, yes, it is a good idea to pull all your GPO policies at the domain level and then use Security filtering to apply it to individual users and computers. Because that's totally scalable and secure.
@MarkM I'd be a bit surprised if they were trying to push their hardware as a server platform; for all the reasons you mentioned. That's one thing that we see all the time on SF, people using consumer hardware as servers, and they don't understand why "real" server hardware is so much more expensive.
The facepalm heard 'round the world...
@ChrisS They certainly are. They'll tell you how "cutting edge" a Mac Pro is as a server and how "efficient" a Mac Mini is.
I actually have this in writing in emails from them.
@Chopper3 hinted that iCloud doesn't run on Apple hardware (as much as his NDA would allow) so I politely asked them "How can you possibly run such an enormous service on OS X Server and Mac Minis and Pros? What hardware/OS Platform does it use, since Apple clearly is unique in their server offerings now?" Their response "There has been no public announcement about the back end for the iCloud platform."
and this is still the case zips mouth
1:33 PM
I can say that they've been writing some big external cheques and that the recipients of those a) are on 7 year NDAs and b) didn't have all the staff around to design every part of their parts of the solution
@MarkM I think most of us know already it's Azure and AWS powered...
stealing that for later
I have a question. Using this dos command

for %a in (MyFile.txt) do set FileDate=%~ta

Is there a way to have the full date from the day to the second?
I know I should ask the main site, but I'm not convince this is a real question.
sure sounds real to me :)
1:44 PM
Well, if you say so, then go to the main site!
@Holocryptic Sure, while you're at it, just turn off inheritance on the Domain Controller OU, this will block the Default Policy. You can manipulate the password policy setting using Local Policy on the DCs. This also makes for fantastic troubleshooting.
@jscott Indeed
@jscott so true!
@Holocryptic that's the "bang" I heard earlier!
@Anarko_Bizounours You know it
@Ward 'sup buddy?
1:59 PM
stupid question but.... What is the purpose of the Meta serverfault?
questions about the website
there are no stupid questions ...

it's to discuss matters about serverfault
e.g. "How can I increase my reputation score?" would be a questions asked on meta :=>
Didn't knew. I'm enlighted
2:00 PM
I'm getting crazy with trac subversion-.-
Iain, love your new gravatar xD!
Brings a whole new meaning to getting starred in the face.
hahaha. Had to refresh the page to see that. Nice one @Iain
@MichaelLowman remember this ? The OP just came back asking follow up questions :(
feel like a poltergesit picture....
2:05 PM
@Holocryptic @ScottPack Get with the programme
@Iain Kids today....
yeah, I know :( probably didn't even read the chat either
@Iain We'll see
Bah. Too many Choppertars. It's getting confusing.
I shall have to do my own.
2:33 PM
So... why the close votes? This is actually an important piece of information to get out there. Discuss :)
A: Who has my domain?

MikeyBThere exists a business model (I, among others, would call it very dodgy, just short of fraud) where registrars send out letters that look very much like renewal notices for domains that they do NOT handle. When you reply to these notices (which are confusingly similar to regular renewals if you...

@MikeyB I didn't vote, but I suspect they did on account of it sounding like a luser who didn't know what he was doing and the domain was validly transferred to the other registrar. As you pointed out this is unscrupulous at best, but likely legal.
@ChrisS We've had this happen to a number of our customers. Sometimes the 'renewals' were handled by people other than the IT staff, unfortunately.
2:49 PM
I've seen them before, but don't know anybody that got bit by them... Most domains are locked these days anyway.
Plus you have to have the transfer code for most TLDs too.
3:03 PM
posted on August 04, 2011 by Matt Simmons

Bob Plankers, over at the Lone Sysadmin, is reporting that VMware has changed limits for vSphere 5.x. This is good news, particularly because of this bit: Each VM will only count up to 96 GB of RAM towards the license. So a 1 TB VM will now cost $3,495, not $38,445. but definitely head over there [...]

If you've got a 1TB VM the VMWare license is probably spit in the ocean....
No-one will ever need more than 640kb...
3:16 PM
I'm genuinely very pleased with the whole vmware thing - though it's been a little exhausting
anyone else use RT with Postgres and notice that it leaves three metric asstonnes of open idle connections (not "idle in transaction", just idle, abandoned, doing nothing)
We don't use the metric system here, so I'm not sure
@Holocryptic On vacation in Yellowstone, limited connectivity.
@wfaulk 1 metric asstonne is just slightly less than an imperial asston, and just slightly more than a short asston
(In this case, one asston of postgres connections = 100, the default connection limit)
3:30 PM
Ah. Good to know.
An imperial asston of Postgres connections is, of course, 93.4 connections
is it caching connections?
@Ward LIMITED CONNECTIVITY? It's an outrage I say! They should install one of those natural-lookng cell towers IMMEDIATELY!
or does it just leak over time?
that's better than a lot I've seen
except they installed it in the middle of upstate New York.
ProTip: Our state parks department logo is based on the predominant type of tree in New York (Maples.)
Re: the connections, I'm not sure. I believe it caches them, but there's a leak somewhere because it isn't reclaiming/reusing them - it just keeps adding more.
The other problem with that tower (the one I'm thinking of anyway) is it's substantially taller than the surrounding trees. Like a good 150' or so taller.
3:39 PM
We just need to genetic engineer some grass to work as IP network nodes; a la Alpha Centuari or Avatar
at least it wasn't a palm tree
just moved over to one of those Cisco IP softphone things, the management interface is a web page that you log into with your 'employee number' and the same for the password - turns out lots of people don't choose to change this password as I've just set 'STI Clinic' as their #1 speed dial :)
Nevermind... Darn Brits always using different words....
@wfaulk please, DON'T encourage them.
I'm looking at installing ubuntu on a computer, but haven't played with the 11 series, is it reliable yet or are there serious issues? I've heard horror stories about it just being totally broken.
3:48 PM
@ChrisS Well I keep my money in the US one (stock result), therefore I judge the UK result useless.
they used to be called VDs then STDs, now STIs - which is weird as I used to have an STI Subaru
"VD" would have had me really lost... We still call them STDs.
@Chopper3 I can get a Subaru Impreza STI
@ChrisS I've heard VD a lot
STD is more common though
3:57 PM
@Jacob they're good fun for a while but very thirsty
@Chopper3 I was thinking about getting an outback.
@Jacob sensible
@Chopper3 Good Job on beating VMWare back into line :)
@Jacob I can only take so much credit - everyone was up-in-arms
@Chopper3 They tried to pull a Splunk, Sun, IBM Mainframe, ect and everyone said "Fuck That"
4:02 PM
I find splunk's pricing and licencing very very good, incredibly flexible
@Chopper3 Not for small business though
@Jacob The difference is that Splunk didn't go from affordable to small/mid-sized businesses to pricing themself out of it
@BartSilverstrim How's your S3 migration?
@MarkM that is true
@jacob Planning it out.
@BartSilverstrim What do you intend to move?
4:08 PM
Should be doing it soon, it's a third party thing, but I'm doing it off-work hours.
It's a website for someone that does a podcast.
@BartSilverstrim oh, for a friend?
Yup. Asked for assistance in moving it. I said I'll see what I can figure out.
Figured I could cry on SF if I ran into issues.
@BartSilverstrim you can also setup static HTML pages for people to stream from. The nice thing is it doesn't take power from your webserver.
I'm not entirely sure what they want help with.
Last message I got said they were putting their content into storage on Amazon, then create a user account for me to use on the S3 setup.
...sounds like that would be 90% of the work.
Once the buckets are created and the files copied, they would have to set up DNS CNAME records.
Unless something is goofy with their links such that they'd have to point to the right URL's, there shouldn't be much to actually change outside that.
At least that's what it looks like needs to be done.
@BartSilverstrim yeah, thats about it, though are you going to use 2 AV zones?
4:16 PM
Don't think it needs to be outside one region. Plan on using three buckets (website, a staging website, and a storage area shared between the two with the podcast mp3's)
Has anyone done an unattended install of CS 5.5 including Acrobat Pro X? I'm having a shit of a time suppressing the reboot.
@BartSilverstrim in 2011 he has an all static HTML site?
Guess it's the way their CMS was configured.
@BartSilverstrim strange
4:27 PM
@BartSilverstrim that they are running an all HTML site...
I don't know what exactly it involves.
I haven't seen the source.
@BartSilverstrim ah, ok
But then again, we don't all need humvees to get around town :-)
@BartSilverstrim but a all HTML site is like driving a 1903 model T still.
shrug didn't think a static site meant it was purely html.
Lots of sites are apparently using S3, from the looks of it.
4:32 PM
@BartSilverstrim EC2 or S3?
EC2 is a VM node
S3 is just HTTP storage
What, that other sites are using?
@BartSilverstrim yes
I'm looking info up now. Looks like it's usually a combination to do a lot of that without added tricks.
4:50 PM
canada.com/calgaryherald/news/calgarybusiness/… - search for the paragraph with the word 'hesitate' in
"We will be on the lookout for more properties and will not hesitate to bid if the price is right," said Bum Suk Poo The president of Waste Management
/me <snort>
@Chopper3: One for the B3ta newsletter, that one.
4:54 PM
@Jacob I am 5 years old
@Jacob Choppertars
@SmallClanger see what can be done
Cor, looks like the open rights group have infiltrated the house of lords: arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2011/08/…
@Iain Interesting
4:59 PM
@SmallClanger cool Choppertar
@Iain I think it does auto bumping of unanswered questions occasionally.
@Iain Don't you know, Community is actually a AI made by the US Government
@ITHedgeHog Read the link though, it's not a bump it's a full blown edit with comments
The Choppertar meme is growing!

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