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1:43 PM
good morning
2:02 PM
good afternoon, @Matt
I forgot how long it took to make screenshots for a simple answer
how so? PrntScr and paste in Ps?
I do Mac shortcut screenshot
but taken a screenshot on EVERY process tends to become long winded
just use as little of them as possible.
but then I feel like Im not giving a quality answer ;)
so how are you! you got great plans for the weekend?
2:18 PM
bit desperate. I'm trying to get my drop-down menus to work on touchscreens, but the solution @Zach gave me ruins my styling, and the plug-in I found doesn't work on iOS.
what ya got?
can you do a fiddle or send me the link?
the second link in the main contains a dropdown, but on touch I can't get it to work so the dropdown shows on the first tap, and only follows the link (the top link is actually a link) on the second
it's driving me nuts
guess Im gonna bust out Firefox
of course -- it's a touch problem :)
which dropdown?
2:27 PM
in the main menu at the top, 'over VJR'
it runs smoothly for me on my S4
the only issue I see is that there appears to be a CSS issue in regards to the site scrolling to the right
are you trying to make the navigation collapse?
ah of course, I still have the plugin installed that does the trick for Android, but not iOS
lol... that might be an issue
you doing this in WP?
2:29 PM
the plugin actively shits itself down on iOS, because 'iOS5 and higher should handle the tap behaviour by itself' (dixit the creator)
yeah. this site's been eating me a LOT
I'm about to give up on webdesign if this keeps up :/
thats one reason why I go for a framework
how are you?
good. chillin today
I'm starting to see the advantages
ya a lot of people gripe on too many styles applied but for turnaround time and execution I cant complain
2:47 PM
got plans for thanksgiving already. That's next week, right?
ya taking off.. or should say will remote from home
hey you need web help let me know ;) I love extra freelance work
hehe... I'm trying to find things out myself first, but I'll keep it in mind :)
sup fellas
hey John
how you doing up north man?
2:54 PM
you get any of that 8' snow?
haha no just a dusting last week
It's my GD.SE birthday today, what did you all get me???
I am ready to receive my presents
Ill get you the same thing you got me!!
yours is January 18, my calendar is marked
congrats :D
or I should say...
2:59 PM
hieperdepiep, hoera!
something like that. :)
John got any plans next week?
nothing spectacular, dinner at my Dad's
I avoid black friday stuff but I know you don't, got any deals lined up?
bought two new vehicles so I'll make sure to swing by and by a few for people.
3:04 PM
other than that I'll buy online
need to set what my kid wants from the jolly fat man so I can make sure not to disappoint
but I think for fun Ill get her a lava lamp for her room
I got one for Christmas once. I was really impatient waiting for it to heat up and it ruined it by vigorously shaking it
ha ha..
spencers has them online but I dont really understand how the different colors will range in 30 dollar price difference
happy friday all
hey @Ryan
3:14 PM
I'm looking at Palm Springs California on Google Streetview. Place is ridiculous
3:28 PM
@Ryan for xmas?
@Matt huh? What for xmas?
your comment of palm springs.. didnt know if you were looking at it to go there for xmas
no no. Doing work. We're setting our 2015 marketing budget next week so exploring potential markets
so a justified trip is in order ;)
hah we're not that wealthy of a company
and I don't think I'd fit in there. I mean RIDICULOUS!
3:32 PM
I think my biggest pet peeve with sales people is when they call.. demand/bug for a meeting. sit down with them and they begin to NOT ask what I need but TELL me what I need...
@Ryan remember the css issue you had the other week, and Zach and I ended up being able to help you out?
@Vincent yes. What about it?
I know how you felt now :/
so I apologise if I was in any way pedantic, arrogant or just made fun of you :)
@Matt I went looking at couches in Macy's the other day and was about to punch out the sales guy. Annoyed me to no end
3:46 PM
@JohnB done any screen printing lately?
been turning down jobs unfortunately, not enough time
oh wow.. thought you were going to hire someone else?
soon, the gears are in motion
so much effort to actually find someone :P
Anyone heard of ExhibitorLive before?
@Vincent sorry mate :/
3:54 PM
@ZachSaucier oh that's okay :) It just emphasises that I really need to start following some courses
self-taught is fine and all, but it comes with its share of setbacks
I'm 100% self taught
yeah, but you're a tad bit younger, and probably pick up things faster than I
I'm curious to see science behind that
like how much it actually changes over age
hm. So am I. It might just be an excuse for older people
hmm I'm actually thinking about receiving a free magazine. Debating on work or home. And questioning why on earth I would want to when I know free will quickly mean junk mail, junk mail, and more junk mail.
3:58 PM
and I actually feel bad for using it :)
hah! this magazine isn't free... its $78... but wait its on sale for $18. Talk about struggling
but still, I haven't been self-teaching in any orderly manner. It's just take some patch for the problem I need, stumble around till it works and hopefully learn something from it
what magazine is that @Ryan?
@Vincent wait, there's another way?!? ;)
@Vincent EXHIBITOR - exhibitoronline.com/magazine
@Vincent I thought you were on Lynda?
4:06 PM
@Matt yes, that's where I'm going to get a lot more stuff from in the next few weeks
@Ryan looks useful enough. You can always quit the subscription, right?
HAH! Quit a subscription. You don't quit a subscription, not in America.
@Ryan ah ok.
Once you subscribe, you're listed for life. Shit gets sold, shared, stolen, or in @Matt case "scraped" :P Once one company has your info, a hundred others will.
was a joke. Cause you're scraping data from the web :P I know you're not spamming people, or hope not.
4:12 PM
no I wouldnt
oh and before I forget I made a tutorial I'll find time to send to you in regards to using iconMoon
oh cool. I'm okay with Font-Awesome but I'll check it out, never know
4:51 PM
@Matt a Quark fan? Those still exist!? :O
I removed it.. some dude posting spam I assume
@Vincent why are you going to school then?
@Matt with 'courses' I was referring to Lynda :)
but I've been procrastinating starting to learn php, js / jq etc. from there for a while
little disappointed in the WP videos
but I've been postponing starting to learn php, js / jq etc. from there for a while
ive spent awhile looking to learn how some hosts are hiding there content folders
4:58 PM
you mean for the exercise files?
well in regards to Lynda I get annoyed when they go over great code then introduce a plugin.. defeats the purpose of paying them to learn
eh, I get that
and treehouse isnt worth it.. I thought about "blogging" about it, lol... (2015 goal)
'bloggin' flat is one of my goals for 2015
Imma scram. Have a nice weekend, gents!
you too!

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