Constructive Feedback

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Jan 1, 2019 23:51
@Shaun I finally figured out why the solution was not converging. It turned out to be one of my hunches - the precision is not sufficient. Though the paper mentions that they use double precision, perhaps the method that Eigen library uses to solve a system of linear equations does not result in double precision when dealing with matrices of the double data-type. I ended up using an arbitrary precision data type and the solutions converge in a few steps!
Dec 23, 2018 22:42
@Shaun Thanks. What is MO?
Dec 21, 2018 23:54
Howdy, I am implementing a boundary value problem solver in C++ called the initial value adjusting method. Although I have followed the algorithm correctly, the solution does not converge. I'd appreciate if someone can help me. I can share the files with you. The paper is: Asking a question on the forum may not be a good idea as it involves considerable exchange of ideas


Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Dec 22, 2018 00:37
@JasperLoy Both :)
Dec 22, 2018 00:01
You'll figure out when you actually do research. Shadow someone who does research :D
Dec 21, 2018 23:53
Howdy, I am implementing a boundary value problem solver in C++ called the initial value adjusting method. Although I have followed the algorithm correctly, the solution does not converge. I'd appreciate if someone can help me. I can share the files with you. The paper is: Asking a question on the forum may not be a good idea as it involves considerable exchange of ideas

 Calculus and analysis

For questions about calculus, real analysis, functional analys...
Dec 21, 2018 23:56
Howdy, I am implementing a boundary value problem solver in C++ called the initial value adjusting method. Although I have followed the algorithm correctly, the solution does not converge. I'd appreciate if someone can help me. I can share the files with you. The paper is: Asking a question on the forum may not be a good idea as it involves considerable exchange of ideas

 Wolfram Mathematica

Welcome! This is the main Mathematica chat room for mathematic...
Jul 14, 2016 18:37… is the question which needs attention.
Jul 14, 2016 18:33
@JasonB The second question uses a theta of 85 degrees and that has a non-zero volume of intersection. I will delete the first one.
Jul 14, 2016 18:21
@JasonB @JasonB What do you suggest?
Jul 14, 2016 18:05
Nobody is answering my question:… :(
Jul 14, 2016 16:24
Jul 14, 2016 16:24
Jul 14, 2016 16:24
Hi People. This is my first time on chat