
Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Apr 7, 2014 20:20
Will Gaussian Mixture models still work if the number of components is greater than the number of datapoints?
Apr 7, 2014 20:19
I have a question about Gaussian Mixture Models
Nov 1, 2013 12:58
(for minimizing / maximizing a function subject to constraints)
Nov 1, 2013 12:58
Can anyone tell me the difference between interior point methods and gradient descent?
Oct 29, 2013 15:42
Why does differentiating a vector give a diagonal matrix?
Oct 29, 2013 15:41
Oct 28, 2013 15:41
Oct 27, 2013 19:56
but any hint on how to do this?
Oct 27, 2013 19:56
I understand how to compute the dual in a setting where there are constraints
Oct 27, 2013 19:56
Oct 27, 2013 19:55
Can anyone help me find the dual of this optimization problem? $min_x 1/2 ||y-x||_2^2 + \lambda||x||_1 $
Oct 27, 2013 17:37
HOw is the double dual the original norm?
Oct 27, 2013 17:31
but I'm stuck
Oct 27, 2013 17:31
I've actually been trying to do this for sometime now
Oct 27, 2013 16:46
Can someone help me prove how the dual of the dual norm is the original norm?