The Side Channel

Mostly randomly generated noise. –
Oct 18, 2013 02:58
*DDH problem OR CDH problem
Oct 18, 2013 02:57
Given a Diffie-Helman type identification scheme, can Verifier compute secret key a of prover if the protocol works this way: Alice has a public key v = g^a and a private key a. Say g is a primitive element in a Zp* where p is prime. Bob chooses a random b, computes w = g^b, and sends w to Alice. Alice computes K = w^a and sends it to Bob. Bob accepts if and only if K = v^b. Can Bob compute a, private key of Alice just by receiving v^b. I know the answer is NO. But I am not able to convince myself as it is neither a DDH problem of CDH problem.


Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Oct 18, 2013 02:31
Can someone explain whether all numbers can be summed u to be in Zp* or not.. The exact query is what if we chose a random number, r and raised it to say a. Can we calculate what that number was after taking mod p of answer.

r^a (mod p) = x. Can x be used to tell what a was....r is random number not a number from Zp*
Oct 18, 2013 02:28
Heyy everyone, I stumbled upon a thought regarding calculating discrete logarithm problem and now I am super confused...