Igor Kotelnikov

Feb 22, 2023 05:06
I've sent you a message on ResearchGate with my email.
Feb 22, 2023 04:46
Great! This is what I wanted to ask you about. Keep me informed.
Feb 21, 2023 18:28
Thid id correct plot.
Feb 21, 2023 18:28
Feb 21, 2023 18:06
There is a high probability that one day I will write an article about solving this equation in WM, because the resulting solution refutes some well-established stereotypes in plasma physics. Are you interested in participating in such a publication?
Feb 21, 2023 18:02
The figure shows the oscillations on a large scale. Their strange shape practically does not depend on the density of the mesh. I have no understanding why they arise.
Feb 21, 2023 17:59
Feb 21, 2023 17:57
Another way to treat the problem is to substitute the function fv instead of substituting the function fs:
Derivative[1, 0][FF][u0^2, \[Xi]]/.FF->fv
Feb 21, 2023 17:53
The oscillations on the flow charts disappear if the definition of the fs function is slightly supplemented:
fsD1[w_, \[Xi]_] /; w < wmax = Derivative[1, 0][fv][w, \[Xi]];
fsD1[w_, \[Xi]_] /; w >= wmax = 0;
Derivative[1, 0][fs][w_, \[Xi]_] = fsD1[w, \[Xi]];
Feb 21, 2023 17:51
@AlexTrounev. 2023-02-22.
good news! Today I found out that our solution has been quite accurate for a long time, and the oscillation near zero velocity occurred only on flux graphs due to the not quite expected operation of the construction of the type of Derivative[1, 0][FF][u0^2, \[Xi]]/.FF->fs. Let me remind you that the function fs was defined through the solution of the fv equation as follows: fs[w_, \[Xi]_] /; w < wmax = fv[w, \[Xi]];
fs[w_, \[Xi]_] /; w >= wmax = 0;
Feb 17, 2023 17:26
Converting the 2nd-order PDE to a 1st-order PDE system has yielded encouraging results. But it's too late. I'm going to bed.
Feb 17, 2023 07:22
Is it possible to set the second boundary condition $\partial_{\xi}FF[min,\xi]==0$ for $w==wmin$? Maybe it will help somehow? I'll think about the integral equation.
Feb 17, 2023 07:22
Alex, Alex, let's think together. The coefficients $D_{ww}$, $A_{w}$ of the equation at FF and derivatives for $w$ are regular at zero and even equal to zero. The coefficients $D_{\xi\xi}$ are singular in proportion to $1/w$. Apparently, this should mean that $(1-\xi^2)\partial_{\xi}FF=0$ for $w=0$, otherwise the term that describes the angle scattering has nothing to balance.
Feb 17, 2023 04:08
Q: Is there any other ways to supress the instablity?
Feb 17, 2023 04:08
12. Replacing the Neumann boundary condition at all boundaries where this condition was used made it possible to suppress the oscillation. However, replacing the boundary condition at $\xi=0$ led to an incorrect physical result, as mentioned above. On the other hand, replacing the boundary condition only at w=wmin did not solve the problem of suppressing instability.
Feb 17, 2023 03:55
11. Initially, Alexander Trutnev proposed to regularize the solution by replacing all zero Neumann boundary conditions with non-zero ones, for example, NeumannValue[FF[w, [Xi]]/umin, (0 <= [Xi] <= 1) && (w==wmin)]. In this way, it was possible to destroy the oscillator on the Flux_{ww} chart. However, the distribution function has acquired incorrect features. In particular, in the limit w->0, it did not approach isotropic.
Feb 17, 2023 03:46
eqn40w = {(eqnw[
w, \[Xi], {\[Mu], \[Eta], S0, \[Tau]c, M,
u0, \[CapitalDelta]u, \[Xi]0, \[CapitalDelta]\[Xi]}](*/.{Exp[
x_]->iExp[x]}*)) ==
0 + NeumannValue[
0, (\[Xi] == 0 || \[Xi] == 1) && (wmin <= w <= wmax)] +
NeumannValue[FF[w, \[Xi]]/umin, (0 <= \[Xi] <= 1) && (w == wmin)]
, DirichletCondition[FF[w, \[Xi]] == 0.,
w == wmax && 0 <= \[Xi] <= 1]
Feb 17, 2023 03:46
10. Sorry, I just have noted that in fact the above pictures were drawn for the case where zero NeumannValue BC at w=wmin was subsitituted with the BC proposed by Alex Trounev, i.e.
Feb 17, 2023 03:20
Feb 17, 2023 03:19
9. Reducing the lifetime of the particle $\tau_c$ in the loss cone by 10 times, from $\tau_c=0.01$ to $\tau_c=0.001$ practically did not change the graph of the radial projection of the flow, but reduced the peak amplitude on the distribution function $f_{max}$ from 9 to 3.4, which is already enough close to the value of 0.65 in the empty loss cone model.
Feb 17, 2023 03:05
Feb 17, 2023 03:04
Feb 17, 2023 03:04
Computation and drawing of all plots took less than 5 minutes. Next 2 pictures show radial flux profile along the angle of particles injection. We see no oscillations of the plot for the model of empty loss-cone and see such oscillations of the same plot for the model of partially filled LC\
Feb 17, 2023 02:51
8. To generate an uneven grid, the getMesh function was used, which is defined above. The following command
mesh = getMesh[{wmin, wmax, 1000, 1./100}, {0, 1., 50}];
generated a grid with 50,000 nodes.
Feb 17, 2023 02:46
getMesh[{wMin_, wMax_, wCount_,
wMinimal_}, {\[Xi]Min_, \[Xi]Max_, \[Xi]Count_}] :=
Module[{mesh, mesh, mesh},
mesh =
Line[{{wMin}, {wMax}}], <|"Alignment" -> "Left",
"ElementCount" -> count, "MinimalDistance" -> minimal(*,
meshY =
Line[{{\[Xi]Min}, {\[Xi]Max}}], <|"Alignment" -> "Uniform",
"ElementCount" -> \[Xi]Count(*,"GradingRatio"\[Rule]1.5*)|>];

mesh = ElementMeshRegionProduct[meshX, meshY]
Feb 17, 2023 02:37
6. The use of a smaller grid only slightly reduced the width of the unstable zone and also slightly increased the wavelength of the oscillations. At the maximum, I used 800,000 nodes of a rectangular uneven grid.
Feb 17, 2023 02:29
5. However, on the graph of the radial component of the Flux_{ww} flow, an oscillation was observed in the area of approximately $u\lesssim 0.5$. It indicates the instability of the solution near zero energy.
Feb 17, 2023 02:26
4. According to the type of solution graphs (that is, according to the FF distribution function), the solution found meets all expectations, but suspicion was aroused by the fact that it has a giant peak near zero in energy. No known publication has reported such a peak, however, there are almost no publications with a model of a partially filled cone of losses.
Feb 17, 2023 02:20
3. In the model of a partially filled cone of losses in such Cartesian coordinates, we see that the radial flux of particles Flux_w = D_{ww} \partial_w FF +A_w FF to zero in energy w monotonically decreases from the maximum at the ejection energy w=wmax to almost zero at w=wmin. This means that the boundary conditions are set correctly, namely: FF=0 at w=wmax, and zero Newman at w=wmin, $\xi=0$, $\xi=1$.
Feb 17, 2023 02:11
Let's summarize the (interim) results.

1. The best results of solving the equation are obtained after the transition from the spherical coordinate system {u,\theta,\alpha} to the Cartesian {w=u^2, \xi=\cos\theta} (the solution does not depend on \alpha).

2. In these variables, `NDSolve` gives the correct solution for the empty loss cone model. At the same time, my initial boundary conditions were used: FF=0 at w=wmax, FF=0 at \xi=sqrt{1-1/M} (at the boundary of the loss cone) and the null Neumann condition Flux_w=0 at w=-wmin, and you can even take wmin=0. The solution found in this way h
Feb 16, 2023 14:59
I don't know amplitude of FF at w=0. Above, I took FF[0,[\Xi]]==1. More over I assume that there might be slight variation on $\xi$ even ar w=0.
Feb 16, 2023 14:41
F4w[w, \[Xi], {\[Mu], \[Eta]}][[1]]==0, i.e.
DSolve[{%, \!\(
\*SubscriptBox[\(\[PartialD]\), \(\[Xi]\)]\(FF[w, \[Xi]]\)\) == 0,
FF[0, \[Xi]] == 1}, FF, {w, \[Xi]}]

{{FF -> Function[{w, \[Xi]},
E^(-((3^(2/3) (\[Pi]/2)^(1/3) w)/(2 \[Mu]^(1/3))))]}}
Feb 16, 2023 14:34
No, I expect $c e^{-u^2/(2 a^2)}$, that is the soluttion of
Feb 16, 2023 14:25
Alex, I mean that FF is peaked at $\xi=0$ for $u\lesssim 1$. Here DF approaches isotropic Maxwellian, at least for partially filled Loss Cone.
Feb 16, 2023 14:25
No, I am insisting, Distribution function is not zero at $\xi=0$, there is not a leak of particles here except for point $u=\xi=0$. Loss cone is located at $\xi>\sqrt{1-1/M}$.
Feb 16, 2023 14:25
Sorry, Alex. I'm quite sure that the solution is wrong near $v_z=0$, i.e. at $\xi=0$. This is a plane of symmetry; it is entirely located inside the particle confinement region. At a low transverse velocity,$v_{\perp}$ there should be a maximum of the distribution function along the chord $v_{\perp}=const$. Compare my and your DensityPlot. Please, try to restore the Neumann zero condition on the boundaries of the solution area by the angle, at $\xi=0$ and $\xi=1$.
Feb 16, 2023 14:25
What confuses me most about your solution is that the regularization led to a decrease in the maximum of the distribution function by hundreds of times compared to the solution without regularization. Similarly, I was previously confused by that the addition of the second derivative with respect to v caused this maximum to be increased hundreds of times. This is critically important for the stability criterion with respect to DСLС, one of the two main kinetic instabilities in an anisotropic plasma. Maybe we will continue chatting, otherwise I'm afraid that we will be sent there forcibly?
Feb 16, 2023 14:25
Thanks, Alex. I have a few days to review your solution before the bounty expires. In the past, I had to deal with Tikhonov regularization and SVD. Since then, I have been left with the feeling that regularization is more of an art than a science. Could you explain the choice of regularizing functions? Have you tried other options? Why, for example, did you modify the BC and not the diffusion coefficients? Do you think your method will work when passing to a non-stationary problem? Why did you regularize the BC for chi=0 and chi=1? After all, this didn't seem to be a problem, did it?
Feb 15, 2023 12:10
Feb 15, 2023 12:09
mesh = getMesh[{wmin, wmax, 2000, 1/4000}, {0, 1, 100}];
produces a mesh with 200 000 elements but makes no significant improvement .I will try to upload a picture.
Feb 15, 2023 12:01
getMesh[{wMin_, wMax_, wCount_,
wMinimal_}, {\[Xi]Min_, \[Xi]Max_, \[Xi]Count_}] :=
Module[{meshX, meshY, mesh},
meshX =
Line[{{wMin}, {wMax}}], <|"Alignment" -> "Left",
"ElementCount" -> wCount, "MinimalDistance" -> wMinimal(*,
meshY =
Line[{{\[Xi]Min}, {\[Xi]Max}}], <|"Alignment" -> "Uniform",
"ElementCount" -> \[Xi]Count(*,"GradingRatio"\[Rule]1.5*)|>];

mesh = ElementMeshRegionProduct[meshX, meshY]
Feb 15, 2023 12:00
I implemented non-uniform mesh:
Feb 15, 2023 10:20
@user21 I am trying to invoke ToGradedMesh function introduced in v.13.
Feb 15, 2023 10:20
@user21. Yes. here are mesh for some of recent runs: NDSolveFEMQuadElement[<3611>] NDSolveFEMQuadElement[<18515>] NDSolveFEMElementMesh[{{4.*10^-6,36.},{0.,1.}},{NDSolveFEMQu‌​adElement[<18515>]}] Perhaps, it is worth to refine mesh locally near u=0? but I don't find how to do that,
Feb 15, 2023 10:20
I plotted the radial flow versus speed at a fixed angle equal to the angle of the source. It can be seen from the graph that the flux decreases linearly from the maximum at the source to zero at zero velocity. However, near zero velocity, a numerical instability appears in the form of an oscillator. The amplitude and frequency of oscillations decreased after changing the variable u -> w=u^2. Thus, the question of how to correctly set the BC must be recognized as obsolete. The boundary condition works as expected. But the question arises how to prevent instability.
Feb 15, 2023 10:20
@user21: I expect that radial flux near zero velocity, at u -> umin tends to zero. From physics of the problem this would mean that the solution tends to Maxwellian distribution function. I expected that boundary condition NeumannValue[0, (0 <= \[Xi] <= 1) && (u == umin)] provides zeroing of the redial flux. But this is not the case. Best of all it is seen from the right picture in the last row. This picture shows that solution is isotropic in the vicinity of u=umin as expected [we see no dependence on [Xi]]. However it shows thar radial flux does not tend to zero.
Feb 15, 2023 10:20
@AlexTrounev: Done, Note that PlotRange was changed to Automatic.
Feb 15, 2023 10:20
@AlexTrounev. I removed Chop@ but didn't notice any difference. Then I added "MaxRecursion->4" and again I didn't notice any change. The updated row 3 is now under the old row 3. Please note that radial flux oscillates around 0 near zero of velosity u.
Feb 15, 2023 10:36
Please, try again: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/FzwUfQGIwnDQLw
Windows Defender didn't find any threats. I give you a link to the file in the Yandex Cloud. In theory, they should also check the files. I deleted all the output and history from the notebook.