If Quest can't work properly with known behavior of custom Managed Folders, then advertise that as a limitation and we can work around it. We're raising it as an issue now and they're saying "nope, designed behavior"
@HopelessN00b Yes, that would be great, if we weren't planning on moving the corporate office (the bulk of the users with large mailboxes and "exempt from retention" custom managed folders) tomorrow.
So, we're doing a big cross-forest Exchange (2010->2010) migration, using Quest. It is not working correctly for mailboxes that have custom Managed Folders, which my client uses instead of retention policies.
Quest will bring over the "Managed Folders" hierarchy to the target mailbox, but not as...
There are lots of fiddly details when running get-managedcontentsettings. I can certainly use a text editor to manually copy-and-paste, but in some cases I have to insert quotes, etc
Is there a reliable way to re-format a "get-" command into a "new-' command? I have piles of Exchange settings that I need to apply to a new Exchange environment
I've a dedicated problem..
When I make a load test with ~500 connections, CPU stay low (about 30%) but memory grow up fast ! And I have a 100% used RAM and 50% used SWAP..
An other dedicated with 2x lower configuration run easy 500 COs..
I don't know what I need to do..
Thanks for your help
@MichelZ That dude asked the same question yesterday, I answered it. Apparently he deleted and re-posted it. I also suggested that he was wrong about the IIS version but he insisted.
You stated in your comment that you only needed exchange and lync attributes. Using PES from ADMT for this seems like a bad idea; it's not what it was meant for.