Nicolas Boerger

 Homotopy Theory

A room for anyone interested in homotopy theory, or any nearby...
Feb 26, 2021 19:44
Hello. I'm trying to use Hood Chatham's spectralsequences v.1.2.2 package for spectral sequences. Has anybody overcome the incompatibility with newer versions of TikZ? Even the last code from Github produces the following error Message Package spectralsequences Warning: Internal error: Failed to patch fit.
(spectralsequences) \circleclasses won't work. Your copy of
(spectralsequences) tikz is newer than the version
(spectralsequences) spectralsequences was designed for and
Jan 10, 2017 23:31
Does anybody know the relationship between reduced and unreduced parametrized homology theories in the parametrized setting à la May-Sigurdsson with maps to a reference space $B$? Is it just a copy of the "ordinary cohomology theory" on the reference space $B$. How do you go between reduced and unreduced theories using the base chanage functors?