Homotopy Theory

A room for anyone interested in homotopy theory, or any nearby...
Mar 16, 2021 17:06
it's great that you're writing that, @AaronMazel-Gee , thanks!
Mar 16, 2021 11:17
That question is 5+ years old now. I guess several people now have experience teaching higher algebra graduate courses. I think it'd be great to hear about that (and to share resources, perhaps)
Mar 16, 2021 11:16
Q: teaching higher algebra

pro Has anyone ever (successfully or unsuccessfully) taught a course in higher algebra (in the $\infty$-categorical sense)? I'm asking out of curiosity (and also hoping for more resources). The kind of course I had in mind would be a class for graduate students, with background in standard top...

Mar 10, 2021 12:19
thanks for the suggestions!
Mar 10, 2021 10:58
do you guys have some easy or intuitive way to explain to people not used to infinity-categories why, if X is a space, then the colimit of {*}:X\to Spaces is equivalent to X?
Dec 1, 2020 11:02
oh, it seems this is in 4.8.4 of Higher Algebra, I hadn't seen it cause "Eilenberg-Watts" is not mentioned. anyway, any other references are still appreciated
Dec 1, 2020 10:57
I read here mathoverflow.net/questions/159735/… that the Eilenberg-Watts theorem in $\infty$-categories has been discussed by some people. Have their conclusions appeared in print? Or perhaps one of you has these WCATSS13 notes David mentions there?
Nov 23, 2020 12:39
the proof I know of this statement doesn't immediately generalize
Nov 23, 2020 12:38
has anybody seen an infty-categorical adaptation of the following 1-categorical fact? Let C be a monoidal category with a free-forgetful adjunction (F,U), where U:C\to Set is faithful, and moreover F(*) =1, the monoidal unit of C. Then End_C(1) \cong Nat(id_C,id_C)
Nov 10, 2020 13:06
thanks, yeah, that reference was brought up by Cisinski himself in the comments. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing any subtleties or something.
Nov 10, 2020 13:00
sanity check: the colimit formula for Kan extensions (in quasicategories) always holds, right? not only when you're extending along a subcategory. this was brought up here mathoverflow.net/a/337428/6249 but there's a comment by @AdrianClough that went unanswered.
Nov 3, 2020 11:43
hmm, a reference to the literature would still be nice
Nov 3, 2020 11:22
thanks Rune!
Nov 3, 2020 10:08
reference request: where can I find a quasicategorical version of: "to compute a colimit in pointed spaces, you compute it in spaces and collapse the basepoints to a point"?
Oct 29, 2020 10:40
is there anything that might sensibly be called a homotopy-theoretical analog of an algebraically closed field?
Oct 13, 2020 13:23
However, one doesn't need the full structure of a model category to present an infinity-category, it suffices to have a relative category, and (cdgas, quasi-isos) surely is one. So what can we say about the infty-category it presents? What's the precise relation to E_infty-algebras?
Oct 13, 2020 13:23
It's often said that cdgas are "bad" in characteristic p. One way I've heard this justified is that they don't even have a reasonable model structure. More precisely, for example, here mathoverflow.net/a/23885 Tyler showed that they don't have a model structure with weak equivalences=quasi-isos and fibrations=levelwise surjections.
Oct 5, 2020 11:21
Thank you all for the personal reflections that have been posted here in the past months. I've read them (with some time delay) and they have been food for thought. I thought of many things to say, but the non-anonymity mixed with the fact that the chat keeps a log here forever, prevent me from taking the step and sharing them. This is just a statement of fact, luckily I don't currently feel the necessity to speak out, so all's well, in a sense.

At any rate, I'll take the opportunity to thank @JonathanBeardsley for opening up this chat years ago (and congratulations on that position!). It
Sep 14, 2020 09:44
oh, hmm. I wasn't expecting that. thanks for the reference!
Sep 14, 2020 09:27
does somebody have an $\infty$-categorical reference for the fact that the projection of an undercategory $C_{c/}\to C$ creates connected colimits?
Apr 28, 2020 13:19
(the reason for my feeling uneasy is because I feel I get too close to foundational, model-dependent stuff, which always makes me uncomfortable!)
Apr 28, 2020 13:19
what's the deeper reason, quasicategorically? in complete segal spaces, I get it that they're a localization of simplicial spaces, so that explains why limits are easy
Apr 28, 2020 13:17
limits of quasicategories make me nervous
Apr 28, 2020 13:17
thanks. that's what I was thinking of but was afraid I might be ignoring some subtlety...
Apr 28, 2020 13:04
let C be a quasicategory given as a limit of a diagram of quasicategories (I care about the sequential case). what's the easiest way of seeing that the mapping spaces in C are limits of the mapping spaces in the components of the diagram?
Apr 14, 2020 10:55
@S.carmeli perhaps I should have said: how can one do so much homotopically flavored stuff with SCRs when additively they're homotopically so easy
Apr 14, 2020 09:30
wrt to the original question, I'm not sure E_n-ring spaces (in the GGN sense) are really what fits in the analogy: shouldn't it rather be spaces which have a strict addition and an E_n multiplication?
Apr 14, 2020 09:24
here's a vague question. how can one do so much with simplicial commutative rings when the underlying simplicial abelian groups are just generalized Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces? seems awfully restrictive
Apr 14, 2020 09:20
that one's about different degrees of associativity vs. different degrees of commutativity, though
Apr 14, 2020 09:18
I mean the one in page 41 here arxiv.org/pdf/1302.5756.pdf
Apr 14, 2020 09:17
I idly wondered about that as well. it's a similar question to what's going on in that big diagram in Barwick's operator categories paper, if I remember correctly
Apr 14, 2020 09:09
that's reassuring
Apr 14, 2020 09:03
more classical definitions can be found in this paper by May arxiv.org/abs/0903.2813
Apr 14, 2020 09:02
with the monoidal structure which corresponds to the smash product of connective spectra, if I'm not reading it wrong
Apr 14, 2020 09:01
one definition (the one in GGN, the reference above) is that it is an E_\infty-algebra in E_\infty-groups
Apr 14, 2020 08:17
Also, this is perhaps naive, but... since E_infty-groups are connective spectra, why aren't E_n-ring spaces (in the sense of GGN) just connective E_n-ring spectra?
Apr 14, 2020 08:17
@TylerLawson In Gepner-Groth-Nikolaus' Universality of multiplicative infinite loop spaces machines, Example 7.2.(ii), they give a definition of E_n-ring space. Would that be it? What are the tricky things about E_\infty-ring spaces you're alluding to? I just don't really know that theory.
Apr 13, 2020 16:22
in the E_infty case, what I'm talking about would be: E_infty-ring spectra / cdgas / simplicial commutative rings. if I replace E_infty-ring spectra by E_n-ring spectra, I know what fits in the dg world, but not really what fits in the place of SCRs
Apr 13, 2020 16:14
hmm. I think I rather meant something like E_n ring space
Apr 13, 2020 16:11
phrasing it like that already answered it I guess :) thanks
Apr 13, 2020 16:10
Apr 13, 2020 16:09
Apr 13, 2020 15:06
there's E_n-algebras in the dg and in the spectral worlds. Out of curiosity, has somebody worked with the simplicial analog?
Mar 30, 2020 17:46
@WilliamBalderrama: that was very useful. thanks
Mar 30, 2020 15:20
in a form as simple as $Uf\simeq Ug$ implies $f\simeq g$ where U denotes the forgetful functor
Mar 30, 2020 15:15
not conservativity
Mar 30, 2020 15:15
yeah... I actually want something rather like faithfulness
Mar 30, 2020 15:08
The forgetful functor for algebras over a monad is faithful. Is there an analogous statement in the world of quasicategories?
Mar 22, 2020 12:08
@EdoardoLanari an unstraightened version is corollary 2.3 in Gepner-Kock arxiv.org/pdf/1208.1749.pdf
Mar 19, 2020 16:12
that you get the full adjunction data / coherences