Trevor Boyd Smith

Oct 28, 2021 01:37
@AccidentalBismuthTransform you have lots  of rep. any chance you could edit the answer to include that little bit about 'if you do not have a heat pump then efficient light bulbs are not needed. If you do have a heat pump then you should buy efficient light bulbs.'
Aug 18, 2021 03:28
many free lunches i have had after an interview are just an extension of the interview. where they are testing people skills (even tho i was a software engineer). but also they ask other questions because in a less formal setting the interviewee may have his guard down or answer more candidly for whatever reason.
Jul 27, 2020 14:10
the scifi book demonstrates in a realistic/entertaining way >90% of what is stated in the 3 current top answers. specifically it shows how fragile humanity would be in a space-station environment ... even with relatively few failures. it also shows how a harsh planet can benefit humanity.
Apr 21, 2020 12:17
there's also the whole API issue. if you provide direct SQL access. the database format becomes the API... but as your product goes forward you are forced to change database format every so often. providing direct access means you can' go forward with that database change. providing a high level access would make the change to the database seemless without issue.
Feb 26, 2019 11:13
Been a while since I took Reasoning and Argumentation class but you can expand "if a then b" and then cancel terms. But I guess that requires formal training and maybe just muddies the water.
Oct 14, 2018 23:43
From the high-level description, the situations sounds bad. The "good" news is that it sounds like you found out quickly that the situation is bad. ||| If you choose to leave after only 1-6 months on the job, you can easily explain to future employers "this job was not a good fit". The phrase "not a good fit" can mean anything and that is where you create a compelling persuasive story that comes out naturally/easily/and-is-concise.
Sep 27, 2018 08:17
@DavidMuler's answer talks about the high cost of highways... which are not profitable at all but very prevalent. "Road travel is massively subsidised in the sense that the negative externalities of travelling by car, including the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, are not fully offset, and most major highways—which cost tens of billions to maintain"
Sep 24, 2018 19:38
i would definitely recommend trying to recover those "old" accounts to delete the content... or at least change the name that the content was posted under.
Sep 24, 2018 19:38
re 'create new content to push down the old content': i agree and here's a short story to demonstrate why. ||| years ago i posted some comments that I found mildly embarrassing on the one of the top U.S. news websites... then i found these comments were at the top of google. i emailed to have them removed but the terms were such that i had no recourse to have them removed. i started creating content online for Stackexchange... and years later... the "mildly embarrassing" comments are not on the google page or even the first 5 google pages.
Jun 11, 2018 20:19
@AdamHaun I wonder what the other "Why am I not dead?" questions are on the other stackexchange websites are...
Jun 8, 2018 13:26
@Pere The answers are different because the question is different. If you scan both for 10 seconds... they would seem like duplicates but IMO they are not duplicates. One high level difference I think is that this question is more interested in getting a job and the other linked question is written by someone who is more experienced/senior and so his question is more: how to get a job AND with the constraint on not using MS word.