The curator's assistant recommends to come on any day but Tuesday (the one day in the week the museum is officially open) as there is a “danger of visitors being present” when you come during the museums opening hours. Instead, send them an email and agree on coming some other day.
I wrote both and compared them in a microbenchmark. The branchless variant is significantly slower, by like 10%. This is because swapping the various registers using conditional move instructions turns out to be a lot slower than one would naively believe.
Google paid for a student to port my work to AArch64. He's great and we'll do a joint talk at EuroBSDcon 2024 on our work. Another student attempted a port to RISC-V, but he only managed to complete 6 functions.
I don't really care about AI, so I didn't even think of mentioning it. The talk was a bit of a mess as I didn't spend enough time preparing for it. Got drunk the night before and then forgot that a time zone change stole another hour of preparation time from me.