so for T2, plan is to add more and more -- which is what I wanted to do for T1, but I was too new to game development 😂 was not structured great internally
that's okay :) tbh, I don't hear stories of gore-filled roguelike platformers failing lol. I mean I'm not making enough to establish a studio, rent some office space and start hiring employees, but it pays my own bills, and that's good enough for me
but even stuff like potentially breaking savefiles.... doing that to a "final" product is pretty risky. almost need to go through beta branches for customers willing to test
I'm 99% sure I'll do Steam Early Access, possibly even Google Play BETA in tandem. I expect lots of networking bugs lol. Also want to gradually add new items too... but really just want user feedback and be able to tweak stuff without annoying too many customers with the "you changed the final product! /rage" mentality
I was selling alpha versions on my own website throughout 2014, was on (now defuct) for a bit too, but then thought eh I'm done, let's just do Steam full release. This was back in the Greenlight days too, where not everyone could just publish on a whim, had to get approved first
exactly. there's too much technical knowledge to keep up to date with things to keep receiving income. And not quite at JK Rowling nor JRR Tolkien estate levels yet either when it comes to paying someone to administer and manage this stuff lol
someone in the know, eg an existing Unity developer, could probably figure it out though, but I would not expect it easy enough to write out every damn step for a non-Unity-based programmer
really like, in the land of needing to install new Unity versions when an OS update breaks stuff, let alone verifying email stuff, renewing contracts, sometimes manually writing out invoices to receive royalties, two-factor passwords requiring phone access...