
Aug 16, 2018 22:53
if you have a software system project and you want a list of all the software you use to build it, does that list have some kind of common documentation name for it?

 Electrical Engineering

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Aug 16, 2018 22:53
@ThePhoton thanks lol
Aug 16, 2018 22:13
if you have a software system project and you want a list of all the software you use to build it, does that list have some kind of common documentation name for it?
May 29, 2018 22:36
@Shalvenay only word is summed but that is confusing
May 29, 2018 22:07
Is there a good verb to replace ANDed when we say signals are ANDed together?
Jan 18, 2018 21:12
@JonRB that't it thanks!
Jan 18, 2018 21:07
takes me an hour to create a variable after dictionary/english scouring
Jan 18, 2018 21:07
i'm a bad programmer cause I get hung up on naming my variables things like this
Jan 18, 2018 21:06
@NickAlexeev do u know is there a general term for a relative factor of 1000
Jan 18, 2018 20:51
what is the best word to describe factors of 1000 in unit systems with prefix like milli, kilo?
Dec 12, 2017 21:50
"Floating point because of diodes in circuit design" sounds like something that would drive a spec for a project at my work -__-
Dec 8, 2017 22:24
Not trying to overwrite other advice but is the QFN soldering for prototype? I would focus on heating the board so hot you can't touch it with the solder melting on the pads and then when it is heated up, quickly hold the IC with tweezers and shortly preheat the bottom of its pins with the heat gun for 5-10 seconds and then quickly but stably drop it with the gun not on it momentarily (so it don't blow away) and then press it down in place with tweezers and then blow on it longer
Dec 8, 2017 18:57
Did he ever come in this chat?
Dec 8, 2017 18:56
It's been so long since I remember him being a controversy now. It's weird how many years have gone by on this thing.
Dec 8, 2017 18:54
It says he's top 0.26% this year
Dec 8, 2017 18:53
Do you think his trolling is unintentional or just sort of a natural side effect of his eccentric personality?
Dec 8, 2017 18:51
Did TS turn a new leaf?
Nov 29, 2017 18:02
ignore that lol
Sep 20, 2017 21:04
:40121628 I thought the terminal was transmitting the ASCII combinations of windows to represent mouse clicks
Sep 20, 2017 21:00
That's a big relief and makes me feel silly lol
Sep 20, 2017 20:59
thank you
Sep 20, 2017 20:59
yes that was it haha
Sep 20, 2017 20:53
not sure how it could get into the printf buffer either
Sep 20, 2017 20:53
I also connected the USB code to the stdio printf
Sep 20, 2017 20:50
I'm confused how this could even exist in the code and how it is transmitted in plain text to my terminal. Only thing I can guess is that somehow the compiler didn't compile the function but instead packed it into the machine code as plain text. Anyone ever see this before?
Sep 20, 2017 20:50
I'm confused. I programmed a microconroller to communicate over USB as a CDC device and then am listening to it on a hyper terminal. The code is not able to handle inputs yet, so if I right click into the terminal with my mouse, my CDC device will receive the click codes and decide to transmit an entire function from my code in plain text, even formatted in my style from the programming IDE.
Sep 19, 2017 20:44
I know to change the clock control registers you need to write to the configuration change protection register for the next instruction to go through
Sep 19, 2017 20:40
Your code watches out for CCP registers Giskard42?
Sep 19, 2017 19:11
Well it's interesting. I had no idea there's stuff like that out there.
Sep 19, 2017 19:08
Looks like I'd have to run their SDK instead of an OS
Sep 19, 2017 19:06
Why is that? Software reasons? It looks nice for hardware.
Sep 19, 2017 18:58
rPis are definitely a contender for this application though
Sep 19, 2017 18:56
Yeah, I'm not going to pretend I'm a better engineer than the people who make those things, but at the same time they don't worry about a lot of stuff I might need to be worrying about like EMC
Sep 19, 2017 18:54
maybe I'm a snob to hobby parts, but it seems like a bad idea to rely on them for design work other than prototyping
Sep 19, 2017 18:53
I already had to squash peoples dreams for wanting to use an arduino in a finished design
Sep 19, 2017 18:53
@Giskard42 ew that's the stuff I don't like about using these hobby parts
Sep 19, 2017 18:51
@Giskard42 Yes, anything in radiation would probably be with an FPGA not running software
Sep 19, 2017 18:50
@Giskard42 No, they will be remote from the detectors
Sep 19, 2017 18:49
@Giskard42 That's pretty funny. I wonder if they would complain if it was an Arduino board?
Sep 19, 2017 18:48
@Giskard42 It seems so simple. I thought I would need to have a vxworks real time system or a national instruments compactRIO to meet reliability "requirements' although none exist formally.
Sep 19, 2017 18:38
One of these would operate like a multi channel scalar if you heard of those. You could have 20 detectors putting out pulses and then every second, an array of 20 buckets is created with a time stamp, so even less than half a kb /sec even.
Sep 19, 2017 18:36
at least initially but it would be nice once this system is on a network that hardware status and stuff could be exchanged in addition to the data
Sep 19, 2017 18:35
They're meant to monitor radiation levels in real time, so it would be time stamped pulse quantities
Sep 19, 2017 18:34
constant data collection and storage
Sep 19, 2017 18:34
that's also why I like redundant Rpis
Sep 19, 2017 18:33
@Giskard42 Hopefully I won't have to worry about that part. The real problem in hardware I worry about is that the reliability requirement (constant up time and data integrity) is very high, without any consideration of malicious attacks.
Sep 19, 2017 18:28
@Giskard42 That would make things easy at least for a first shot. I'll have to buy a rpi and learn this stuff.
Sep 19, 2017 18:24
I like that idea too :D
Sep 19, 2017 18:24
@Giskard42 So the second is off the network all together?
Sep 19, 2017 18:20
@Giskard42 Good point. I haven't considered what the server/database should be but I think that thing can be handed over to security experts. I am looking at raspberry pis as cheap data collection nodes and so I am worried about the security and reliability on those for now. I might even use redundant computers at these locations.