Charles Hoskinson

 The DMZ

A serious place where infosec is discussed PS we don't do hard...
Aug 11, 2013 06:20
I'm looking for a good threefish c++ library
Aug 11, 2013 06:19
I have a threefish question
Jul 2, 2013 05:27
Thanks, you have been very helpful
Jul 2, 2013 05:26
been a long day
Jul 2, 2013 05:25
My apologies
Jul 2, 2013 05:24
I was hoping for a plugin or some sort of script that compares the plaintext with the ciphertext
Jul 2, 2013 05:24
No, but that doesn't mean its a proper openVPN implementation
Jul 2, 2013 05:22
But how would I verify that the implementation is properly encrypting the packets?
Jul 2, 2013 05:14
Use a packet sniffer like Wireshark?
Jul 2, 2013 05:13
How can I verify that the packets I'm sending to my VPN are being encrypted?
Jul 2, 2013 05:13
I have a quick question
Jul 2, 2013 05:12
Ciao Ciao


A place to chat about the Bitcoin Stackexchange, Bitcoin in ge...
Apr 20, 2013 19:19
They are a startup and thus haven't sorted out all the bugs in their site
Apr 20, 2013 19:18
Udemy may have some issues with Chromium. Try using firefox
Apr 20, 2013 19:11
Of course and let me know what you think. My goal is to create the best intro to bitcoins ever
Apr 20, 2013 18:19
@Faheem Mitha I've been building a comprehensive introductory Bitcoin course. You can take it for free. Use the coupon code free200…
Apr 20, 2013 18:18
Any news on BFL's asics? I placed an order about a month ago for a 5 G/hash ASIC. I figured I'd chalk it up as an experiment in internet faith