I've just arrived now at $(\frac{1}{\sqrt{4\pi t}}\int|\partial_x^n e^{-x^2}|^2)^{1/2}$ which is almost $||\partial_x^n(x)\phi_{1/4}||$, but I don't get how $C^{n+1}$ appears
Take a look at my update, I don't know what you said about canceling for every $n$ but if I do the rule $\int_{\mathbb R} f(\lambda x)^2 dx = \frac1\lambda \int_{\mathbb R} f^2(y) dy$ I get $\phi_{1/4}$
I arrived at $\|\partial^n_x\phi_t\|_{L^2} = \|\partial_x^n \phi_{1/4}\|_{L^2}$ does that mean I can simply say this is less than $C^{n+1}\|\partial_x^n \phi_{1/4}\|_{L^2}$ for some $C^{n+1}$ greater than $1$?
How does $\pi$ appears? I think I understood it terribly wrong, because the first derivative with respect to $x$ is $-\frac{2x}{4t}e^{-\frac{x^2}{4t}}$
I finally understood all norms, but how did you do that Chain Rule? I can't reproduce here where the $\sqrt{}$ appears and where $\phi_{1/4}$ appears (I know what $\phi$ is)
Can you be more specific in the norm of the derivative of a convolution and Cauchy Schwarz being applied to it? I don't understand how these $L^2$ norms appear, I think I don't have background on these things
@DanielFischer thanks! Steinitz exchange lemma says: "If {v1, ..., vm} is a set of m linearly independent vectors in a vector space V, and {w1, ..., wn} span V then m ≤ n and, possibly after reordering the wi, the set {v1, ..., vm, wm + 1, ..., wn} spans V."
Please, somebody knows what is the name of the theorem that allows you to complete a set of linearly independent vectors into a basis? I only know its name in portuguese. Need a wikipedia page for it.