Mar 9, 2018 18:27
@Kilisi I think it really depends on what is going on. Normal style bad days are things a professional should be able to handle, but if there is something worse going on, it may be beyond normal coping skills. If that is the case, OP needs to see a professional to determine what is going on.
Jan 31, 2018 22:30
To overcome barriers, you could also add in something like a Guild that ran them, charging local merchants to use them, while not charging rulers in return for the rulers protecting them (or have some sort of arrangement worked out).
Jan 31, 2018 22:30
There is also the possibility that different countries could maintain their semaphores and use them together because they both would benefit by communicating with each other. This would breakdown during times of war, but would also explain some redundancies in a system that crossed a continent.
Jan 31, 2018 22:30
A king would only need to act if the threat in any area was bigger than what the duke could handle, or if the duke was failing to act (and often that would be by getting the duke to handle it, or replacing them).
Jan 31, 2018 22:30
A simplified example would be a empire with multiple kingdoms, with each king loyal to the emperor. Each kingdom would have multiple duchies, with each duke loyal to their king. The king would be responsible for all the semaphores in their kingdom, but would mostly delegate the operations to dukes who are each responsible for the semaphores in their own duchies, and so on.
Jan 31, 2018 22:30
Would not their be local government of some form? In the past, given the length of time to communicate, you really had a far more decentralized government model than we have with current civilizations. You would have an empire, but it could have multiple sub countries in it. These would in turn be broken down into smaller jurisdictions. The different rulers would be different classes of nobility, with each having certain duties at their level and expected to serve those above them.
Sep 17, 2017 16:35
"It is clear that these aren't ideas Marx holds" That doesn't seem clear to me. It appears he is writing about slavery, posing a question and then attempting to answer how Mr Proudhon would have answered. "After these reflections on slavery, what will the good Mr Proudhon do?" is when Mr Proudhon's dialetics is being applied.
Aug 17, 2017 01:00
Back when I was on an interviewing panel, awareness and use of Stack Overflow was considered a positive by every developer on the panel. Just for a different perspective.
Sep 22, 2016 19:58
@ShadowKras Does the pet mouse have a stat block? The Fireball spell treats things without stat blocks differently than things with stat blocks. Per my memory of RAW, if you are in a fireball spell you do not calculate the damage done to every single item the player has on them, even if some would be destroyed if you did (say parchment stuck in the backpack).
May 24, 2016 23:07
If this algorithm becomes well adopted, you end up creating one of the, if not the, most valuable databases in the world. Now you are going to have to protect it from everyone. We are talking on the level that there are groups, government and otherwise, who will threaten the NGOs employees and families to get a copy of that database. This weakens security by creating a single target where resources will be focused.
May 23, 2016 13:42
Imagine if an employee fired anyone who didn't put a given message on their vehicle, especially a politically charged that targets certain groups that are highly associated, but not directly tied, to protected classes. For example, firing anyone who doesn't put an anti-Feminist, anti-BLM, or anti-GLBT (not currently a federally protected class, so limit this to states where they are not considered a protected class).
Apr 20, 2016 23:56
@Kilisi Would you fire a programmer who was performing above average for taking too many breaks? You remove people for failing to perform, not for the ways in which they achieve acceptable levels of performance.
Nov 5, 2015 15:49
Perhaps the biggest issue with this is that it is a case of 'If you want to use my ball, let me put this little device in your kitchen', but the device allows it to view into your shower, though it does say this in a 200 page document that you agree to abide by when you install it. Which is to say, most people know the negatives of installing a camera into their bathroom but most people do not understand the negatives of putting someone else's cert as a trusted root.
May 14, 2015 03:07
Even asking for user/pass when leaving the company is unacceptable. If there is need to access the system, have the IT person modify the password table to replace the hash with a known one (it is a hash, right). If using an outside system you don't control the log in to, you are very likely to be violating the ToS of the system which could cause a host of other issues. In such a case, management should work with the service provider if access to the account is needed.
Feb 12, 2015 08:39
@JohnLawler The problem occurs when it becomes 'equality of women with men in areas X, Y, and Z'. When someone comes along and says 'equality of men and women also require equality in area W', then it becomes subjective question as to if the group fighting for equality in areas X, Y, and Z is fighting for equality.