Maciej Gurban

 The DMZ

A serious place where infosec is discussed PS we don't do hard...
May 21, 2014 11:21
@Adnan Just passing by
May 19, 2014 13:37
May 19, 2014 12:21
May 19, 2014 12:21
Boot in 8s, Photoshop opens in 3, 5 secs if it's a huge file, and because I have SSD my vagrant boxes are fasting as a mother lover
May 19, 2014 12:20
It's my main dev machine, and I love it
May 19, 2014 12:20
It's way more powerful (SSD, 16GB RAM etc.) for price lower than MBP, but it's a box, so unless you pack your monitor into your bag every time you want to code on a train or somewhere, I'd suggest MacMini only for home/office stationary usage
May 19, 2014 12:19
Btw, I used to work on a MBP Retina, but currently I'm on MacMini
May 19, 2014 12:18
Plus, everything is so beautifully crisp
May 19, 2014 12:18
It is, but if you're going to work on responsive designs, having a retina screen will give you a similar experience as the one you have on your phone's or tablets screen
May 19, 2014 12:17
I would advise so
May 19, 2014 12:17
Oh yes, there are plenty of examples. Apps that are specifically designed for Macs
May 19, 2014 12:16
But that was mostly because I was not accustomed to the interface. The more time I spent on it, the more tools I've found are pretty nearly designed. I also noticed that it seems to be currently THE platform for developers, (looking at Github editor, LiveReload, GhostLab etc. etc.)
May 19, 2014 12:13
As for using Macs perhaps I can share my own experiences. I've been working on Windows my entire life, until I started working at a company at which everybody was using one. After a while I tried transitioning into it. Gotta admit, the beginnings were tough. I didn't even know where to change my resolution.
May 19, 2014 12:13
Well hello