Feb 21, 2018 23:31
@Nico, not if you use the passing lane.
Jan 30, 2018 19:57
But your statement, "..or something else mechanically that prevents a creature from getting the condition", seems to specifically imply snakes.
Dec 17, 2017 03:47
Type in any arbitrary string that is not a command. What do you get?
Aug 30, 2017 23:38
Who is paying the fine? That's usually a pretty good indication to me that it's not worth doing it again.
Aug 5, 2017 18:21
So, you're visiting Germany. Where do you live and do your usual shopping, that they don't charge a bottle deposit?
May 16, 2017 16:27
Rank has nothing to do with this. Her manager was 100% out of line and needs to be called out. The OP underreacted if anything!
Apr 28, 2017 13:03
The base frequency certainly isn't the dominant frequency. The most basic sound that comes from the vocal cords is a slightly rounded version of a pulse wave, but many things flavor it so a voice can sound "breathy" or "bright", for example., this is before it even reaches the throat and mouth which act as resonating chambers. The explanation here is rather elementary and naive at best.
Apr 28, 2017 13:03
Except the waveshape at the base frquency is not a sine wave. It is basically just a pulsing square wave. It has many higher harmonics it would definitely be audible to us. The vowel formants would be much more important and you haven't even discussed those.
Mar 3, 2017 02:44
Do you mean the day is 9 earth years long or that one rotation occurs in the same amount of time as nine revolutions about its star?
Mar 1, 2017 03:56
Here's an actual picture of a supermarine
Jan 28, 2017 16:11
of what use is money to a machine?
Jan 24, 2017 18:43
Maybe the zones to the west don't recognize the event for another hour or two (or three).
Sep 15, 2016 18:11
I have often entertained the idea that this is indeed where Earth's biosphere originated. Regarding the statement, " We've obviously populated Mars with micro-organisms from Earth already.", in fact great measures were taken to ensure that Mars bound vehicles were sterilized.
Mar 5, 2016 16:48
@Henning Makholm, "Are you somehow getting less value for that money", if new customers get the same value for less money, then yes the OP is naturally getting less value per dollar.
Feb 12, 2016 04:10
@james large, I feel the ISS is a poor example in this case as it's purpose is completely peaceful and there are no enemies to keep it from.
Dec 3, 2015 22:41
From headlines of the past few years, one might be persuaded to believe that point 2 only applies to white American males.
Nov 8, 2015 05:06
I'm not convinced. All of your examples can be lifted tomorrow.
Nov 8, 2015 05:06
Google "define ban." Also none of the first three links provide definitions that include any sense of permanency. Besides, the onus is really on you to provide a definition that states that it is permanent.
Nov 8, 2015 05:06
Being for an indefinite period of time is not part of the definition of the word ban. It is defined as a verb, that means to officially or legally prohibit. One example usage I found from an authoritative source (Google) is, "he was banned from driving for a year." And in fact, it is quite common for bans to be lifted.
Nov 1, 2015 15:05
Access to people's passwords also grants you the ability to impersonate them and process activities or transactions against their wishes. The existing database is not the only thing the will have access to.
Oct 25, 2015 12:40
The world can be any way you perceive it to be. The choice is yours.
Feb 6, 2015 03:56
What if the basic life elements were created and introduced to our planet by some external force and then left to evolve through the processes of natural selection? Would both positions then be true? Creationism doesn't have to agree with the bible (does it?), which seems to be a common opinion held throughout this page.