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Aug 5, 2021 17:36
Is DevOps "the canonical" Stackexchange site to ask Docker related questions?
Sep 10, 2018 17:19
I think there is no such definitive list, because this is a matter of social situation and there a fluid boundaries, therefore the answer is opinion-based. Also the question itself is very "un-german". Using the words "unspeakable" and asking people to put the words in spoiler tags, imho comes across as childish and hysterical in the eyes of many Germans. These are just words after all and not a magical spell whose pronunciation will harm someone. So get ready to get dismissive answers or few answers at all, since this is a very "american" problem imho.

 The Awkward Silence

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Apr 6, 2018 01:33
Although I have to say that now half an hour later, I don't quite remember why my question was that bad. I could have narrowed it to this specific case that someone messaged me and now I felt bad for hurting by not answering and my goal is to not hurt the's kinda the same question but would probably comply to the sites rules.
Apr 6, 2018 01:32
@JesseBarnett I think you(?) commented on the question that it were off-topic, so I went to the help to confirm that. I am using other communities as well so this is not the first time I had to read up on what specifically is allowed and what not. Had to "check my ego", but I guess it increases the quality of the questions.
Apr 6, 2018 00:55
@Oleg After reading "what questions can you ask" I decided to delete it because it is not about etiquette either. I was mostly interested in not hurting other peoples emotions but I think this is not something that can be asked here.
Mar 9, 2018 10:15
This might be cultural problem but this is a site for adults. We are talking about the use of language in a factual manner. If you are suggesting a term then also write that term in its full version. It is what it is. You censoring it comes across like a six year old being afraid to say a bad word because his mummy will send him to timeout.
Jul 24, 2017 14:38
I feel that you push the burden of proof on the Germans. Having no regulation is the simpler, more natural state. Not wanting a speed limit is not religious it's just simplicity. You must first prove that introducing it would lead to e.g. less accidents. Afaik no study in Germany has been able to show that.
Jul 17, 2017 12:32
@Wrzlprmft: It may be worth adding that canteens (university, school or company) do not have any policy against bringing own drinks or even food and it is common to see some of the people eating their own food or drinking their own water.

 The Water Cooler

General chit-chat for Feel free t...
Jul 11, 2017 02:16
I would like a book/blog/website recommendation on the basics of project management. Currently I am trying to find out what two very low skilled members are capable of doing. Should I talk to them 1:1, should I try to give them several tasks? As usual the time is pressing and I can't read hundred of pages, but a summary of 20-30 would be great.
Jul 11, 2017 02:16
Hello everyone! Since we are not allowed to ask for book recommendations on the site I would like to ask here: I am currently working on a student project with very varying degrees of skill sets, some members do not even understand basic concepts required to understand the task. Because I am the most knowledgable and oldest member I have assumed the team lead and am organizing the the meetings and steering the project, etc..
Jun 30, 2017 10:45
The two mentioned very long German words are not special in any sense. In German you can concatenate almost all nouns to create a new longer noun. Therefore the maximum possible length of a noun is infinite, just as the number of words that you can come up with. An analogy would be the length of sentences in other languages. There is nothing to prevent you from creating sentences that span 100 pages, it is just not practical and really hard to understand. But sometimes in formal language that happens. The first word supposedly refers to a law (..gesetz) and is an example of an official use.
Jun 19, 2017 22:44
I am more interested in other patron's opinions because those are my "peers". I don't care about the staff. If other users (customers) would tell me that their poop does not create this problem(@RoboKaren hinted that in a comment) or that in their culture seeing their friends poop is not embarrassing, I would rate this as a good answer. This answer ignores my culture and talks about a group of people (staff) that was not mentioned and is not relevant to me.
Jun 19, 2017 22:44
@RoboKaren: I downvoted, because this does not solve or even alleviate the problem, unless housekeeping visits every 10 min.
Jun 8, 2017 19:52
I am sorry that you have to tolerate such bad conditions of your public transportation. Nevertheless I still feel that 0% attendance speaks quite clearly on an emotional level. As others have suggested: If failing public transportation is a regular problem, establish ways to communicate your delay to the lecturer. If you don't make this effort the lecturer can imo be rightfully offended.
Jun 8, 2017 19:52
@tjb1 I can't imagine a city having a subway not also having enough developed infrastructure to ensure safe travel even during bad weather. Therefore I interpret OP's bad weather rather as an inconvenience and not a situation that would force him to risk your life. I find your mentioning of this overly dramatic. Not all students live far away from university and I thus find it hard to believe that all of them were absent due to the bad weather.
Jun 7, 2017 22:15
@AnnGreene Can you please elaborate on how He completely refused to acknowledge the problem?

 Android Enthusiasts

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Sep 27, 2015 14:19
OK, found out that bootloader booting is the same as booting into fastboot
Sep 27, 2015 13:37
To clarify. I assumed "booting to bootloader" is the normal booting but fastboot offers a "reboot device into bootloader" and "reboot device normally" option so it can't be the same.
Sep 27, 2015 13:32
Hey can anyone tell me what the difference between booting into recovery mode and bootloader is? I have been googling for the past 10 minutes but all the result explain how to get into one of them but not what the difference is.