Apr 30, 2016 05:45
Ok I'll find the book and reference it.
Apr 30, 2016 05:45
Huh? No. Do I have to?

 Root Access

For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right?
Feb 26, 2015 09:51
Hm, true...
Feb 26, 2015 09:50
oh, ook but thanks for inspirations anyway :)
Feb 26, 2015 09:49
So for $10000 daily loss you'd expect $10000 compensation from the ISP?
Feb 26, 2015 09:48
Hm...what would you expect as a reasonable penalty for breaking SLA?
Feb 26, 2015 09:47
We have an ISP with connection "for business" with 99,6% SLA which I was told is good enough...
Feb 26, 2015 09:47
but...uh, after quick googling it seems that configuring backups is nothing really hard...
Feb 26, 2015 09:46
well...damn, with all of this, I'm starting to favour Azure cloud again -.-
Feb 26, 2015 09:45
Feb 26, 2015 09:44
Well I'm planning to buy two more disks and implement 1+0 RAID because we're going have pretty much everything on it...Files, documents, also GIT repositories for application developement...
Feb 26, 2015 09:41
Bob: good question...
Feb 26, 2015 09:41
Decent enough for such small scale purpose...
Feb 26, 2015 09:41
Uh...this may be a country-wise price level difference? I dunno... to me, it seems to be decent enough...Intel Xeon, 4 GB Ram, 2TB HDD ...
Feb 26, 2015 09:38
well the server is actually $821 ... i miscalculated CZK to USD
Feb 26, 2015 09:34
Bob: ok, thanks for advice, that makes sense :)
Feb 26, 2015 09:31
It's really small scale...and it's a local pricing HP ProLiant with OEM Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundations
Feb 26, 2015 09:27
Oh...good point
Feb 26, 2015 09:26
It's stuff like financal services, insurance and financal B2B/B2C counseling...
Feb 26, 2015 09:24
That's the dilema I have... I need only DNS/DHCP/ActiveDirectory for now (company of 8 people) but company people tell me we want to grow big...
Feb 26, 2015 09:23
I know...but is it normal for companies to run absolutely everything on cloud?
Feb 26, 2015 09:22
I posted the question here superuser.com/questions/882829/… but it has been put to hold...so I'll try to reformulate it
Feb 26, 2015 09:21
Well my question is making a decision regarding the dilema between having On-Premise server or doing everything in Azure VM ...
Feb 26, 2015 09:20
hello...I was told I can have an opinion based question here :)

 Discussion between Motig and pat

Imported from a comment discussion on stats.stackexchange.com/...
Jan 25, 2013 23:35
It should be already scaled....well....but it gave me an idea. thank you
Jan 25, 2013 23:30
anyway, what is R ? Something similar to weka?
Jan 25, 2013 23:30
though it's 0:30 AM here and I'm starting to nod off...
Jan 25, 2013 23:29
Well I definitely appreciate your help, I upvoted your answer
Jan 25, 2013 23:26
thank you for your effort
Jan 25, 2013 23:25
huh. that's strange. That shouldn't be. Output should be definitely from -1 to 1 ... not from -.49 ... I'll remember to check that out.
Jan 25, 2013 23:11
Would you like to share the knowledge of how are you using weka on processing the data I sent you?
Jan 25, 2013 23:08
I assume you are using weka...I didn't know it has neural network in it.
Jan 25, 2013 22:58
Thank you
Jan 25, 2013 22:56
filedropper.com/trainingdata2 .... is this more readable?
Jan 25, 2013 22:51
no, that IS one target variable. It is the linear regression slope. #2 line is the first set of inputs and #3 line is the corresponding computed slope. #4 line is another set of inputs and #5 line is the corresponding computed slope etc.
Jan 25, 2013 22:47
i'm working on something more table-ish
Jan 25, 2013 22:47
no...no the format is even more weird. odd lines is the output, even lines is the input
Jan 25, 2013 22:44
sorry for that, this is the format of the FANN library though I can quickly code another output
Jan 25, 2013 22:42
I can try using the return....
Jan 25, 2013 22:39

I'm realizing the format is a bit weird though...even lines are inputs, odd lines are the output. Would you rather the comma separated table with the output as the last column? I can do that. I'm really desperate for any help.
Jan 25, 2013 22:39
This is the source data, unscaled filedropper.com/es1000ticktrain
Jan 25, 2013 22:39
And yes, the tanh function. The Sierra Chart is just a charting software, it does have nothing to do with the NN, I probably shouldn't have mentioned the program at all.
Jan 25, 2013 22:39
By default output... you mean the price? So the NN would try to predict the future price instead of the slope? Well, I might try that.
Jan 25, 2013 22:39
pat: OK, I can post the raw training data, just give me a moment.
Jan 25, 2013 22:39
Thank you for the answer. All of my inputs are scaled to the range -1 to 1 you mentioned since I'm using the bipolar sigmod which ranges from -1 to 1 ... if this was the case, the neural network would stick to either -1 or 1 but not 0. My inputs are scaled as are the outputs.
Jan 25, 2013 22:39
I was thinking that my problem is maybe probably even more amateurish...I'm using the slope of the linear regression curve as the output which is just a value oscilating around zero as the price rise or goes down. I thought that might have something to do with my issue.