Dec 31, 2021 14:15
"...preparation for any judicial or administrative proceeding pertaining to the enforcement of a specifically designated Federal criminal statute (not involving tax administration) to which the United States or such agency is or may be a party, or pertaining to the case of a missing or exploited child" (2/2)
Dec 31, 2021 14:15
In practice, the IRS might not proactively share information with the FBI. But the IRC does permit such sharing, if required by court order: "... any return or return information with respect to any specified taxable period or periods shall, pursuant to and upon the grant of an ex parte order by a Federal district court judge or magistrate judge under subparagraph (B), be open (but only to the extent necessary as provided in such order) to inspection by, or disclosure to, officers and employees of any Federal agency who are personally and directly engaged in..." (1/2)
Jul 18, 2019 00:19
Does the image of $\gamma$ lie in a two-dimensional subspace of $\mathbb{R}^4$?
Jul 18, 2019 00:19
$$\gamma(\theta) = \left[\begin{array}{c} a \cos \theta - b \sin\theta \\ a \sin \theta + b \cos \theta \\ c \cos \theta - d \sin \theta \\ c \sin \theta + d \cos \theta \end{array}\right].$$
Jul 18, 2019 00:12
@rschwieb here’s my attempt. Let $a,b,c,d$ be four given real numbers, and consider the curve $\gamma: S^1\to \mathbb{R}^4$ with
Aug 23, 2018 22:48
again, I don't have any problem with singular "they" and use it extensively myself. But editing a post for the sole purpose of switching pronouns around strikes me as so obviously likely to inflame tempers that it feels inherently troll-y
Aug 23, 2018 22:35
if you believe that using maximally-inclusive language on Math.SE is very important, the proper approach is to start a Meta topic about it, establish consensus that it's ok to edit all posts to use singular "they," and only then start editing people's posts
Aug 23, 2018 22:34
@XanderHenderson I would say the same thing if someone were to edit people's posts to change British to American spelling. They're not actually improving clarity or readability, or correcting an error: they have strong personal believes about writing style (which is fine), and imposing those beliefs on others in an aggressive way by editing posts without permission (which is not)
Aug 23, 2018 19:56
In fact I'd be inclined to interpret such edits as deliberate attempts to antagonize, or make a social statement, rather than honest attempts at improving mathematical communication.
Aug 23, 2018 19:55
I use singular "they" and its usage is so common these days that I'd recommend others do so as well. That said, editing people's posts to add or remove singular "they" seems totally unnecessary to me.

 Math Mods' Office

For informal chat with the site moderators about moderation, s...
Aug 7, 2018 22:01
@amWhy hrm, thanks. Though it's not clear to me why "a minor irregularity in the distant past" requires purging all votes.
Aug 7, 2018 21:50
FYI, it is my understanding that the moderators can use a special deletion method for very high-reputation users that does not unroll all of that user's votes (see Might have avoided…
Jul 16, 2018 22:03
On the other hand, I struggle to see the harm, and certainly there wasn’t much strong opposition to the idea in my meta thread.
Jul 16, 2018 22:01
As I mentioned in the other chat room, I don’t think translating the election timeline by two weeks is useful on its own unless there is also community notification
Jul 16, 2018 21:59
Fair enough, but “I’m not sure extending the deadline would help” != “I am opposed to changing the deadline”
Jul 16, 2018 21:48
@amWhy to be fair, neither you nor anyone else posted an answer or comment in response to my complaint saying, “actually, please dont change the election timeline! Here’s why: ...”
Jan 26, 2015 16:48
Yes, fair enough, that makes sense
Jan 26, 2015 07:08
@Fundamental @Fundamental Well one answer was "so that the question will be auto-deleted" which immediately leads to your questions. Also, there is quite a difference between deleting flagged off-topic comments, and locking all comments, which on meta more or less silences all discussion on a topic.
Jan 26, 2015 00:54
@ArthurFischer Well, I suppose I will object. Do you really think the status quo, with two camps taking turns deleting/undeleting questions, with no attempts at communication or building a site-wide consensus policy, is optimal and tenable in the long-term? If conversations about our deletion policy are not permitted on meta, where, precisely, are they supposed to take place? How will anything ever change?

 2018 Moderator Election Chatroom

This is where users and candidates can interact in a construct...
Aug 6, 2018 20:02
No last-second nominations, it seems
Aug 3, 2018 09:45
Did y’all ever figure out what happened with Zach? He was getting some pointed questions from the “will do your homework for you for 10 e-points” crowd, but I didn’t see anything too rude or aggressive...
Aug 2, 2018 21:18
@amWhy I assume "We have someone playing needless literal word games" refers to Arnaud D.'s comment.
Aug 2, 2018 21:18
@amWhy Sorry, I was replying to The Count
Aug 2, 2018 20:47
I dunno, Arnaud D.'s comment seems quite polite to me. It may or may not be "needless" but I don't see it doing any harm.
Aug 1, 2018 17:41
@AsafKaragila great, thanks
Aug 1, 2018 17:38
@quid moreover being a moderator is a huge time commitment and I suspect the pool of users with the time and interest to take the job is quite shallow
Aug 1, 2018 17:35
I know there is reluctance to speak in plain terms about the actions of past users, but if there’s concern about an under-informed electorate, full tranparency seems much preferable to “insider allusions”
Aug 1, 2018 17:32
From looking at the election history it seems the mod in question is Number/Bill Dubuque. Are there meta threads somewhere with more information such as: why he was removed shortly after the election? Why was he suspended?
Aug 1, 2018 16:37
Asaf, you said there was an instance where a moderator nominated themselves at the last minute, refused to answer question, and then did a poor job? Which election/candidate?
Jul 31, 2018 21:19
why is there a separate primary and final voting phase? Even if we end up with more than 10 candidates somehow, that seems unnecessarily convoluted. Why not just have a straight vote between all candidate?
Jul 30, 2018 20:55
oh I see. So it's not looking at flag or voting history, etc
Jul 30, 2018 20:44
Is there a post somewhere explaining the "candidate score" and how it is computed?


A room for users to discuss politics: historical devel...
Jul 18, 2018 23:49
I agree there's little point drawing out the question-gathering phase. My original suggestion was to dilate all the election phases.
Jul 18, 2018 23:47
@quid ok. These are interesting points, though I don't think I agree these are very significant risks. Is there any evidence of collusion or gaming of the system in past elections? I suppose it's possible someone would try to farm 1000 rep with a handful of accounts in order to stuff the ballot box, and I agree that this is easier to do in three weeks than one. Is there any evidence this has happened/is happening?
Jul 18, 2018 21:54
Certainly there is reason to delay if there is no benefit, but I still struggle to see the harm.
Jul 18, 2018 21:53
@quid could you please articulate these “significant risks”? I’m making a good-faith effort to understand, but the only harm that comes to mind is if someone (1) was aware of the original deadlines; (2) plan ed to run or vote; (3) cannot run or vote due to a real-world time conflict that did not exist for the original deadline.
Jul 17, 2018 01:15
My point is that, while one can craft theoretical reasons why the delay might be harmful, I’m not sure the actual harm is nearly at all as serious as you’re worried it might be
Jul 17, 2018 01:14
Do you know anybody who changed their mind about running because of the delay? I thought only Zachary had declared themselves interested in running?
Jul 16, 2018 21:34
@RobertFrost I thought CRUDE was just a place to request action from 10k users? What's the connection to supporting new users?
Jul 16, 2018 21:25
@mods I'm glad the election schedule was extended, but for the extension to be useful, the community needs to be aware of the new timeline. Is there any chance of posting a main-site notification about the upcoming election?
Nov 7, 2017 04:17
@PeteL.Clark That is a very thoughtful and reasoned response. I'm not completely sure I agree about "not an easy target," though; I'd think the hardest targets are those that keep maximal professional distance, with empathy exploitable as a vulnerability (NB that's not necessarily a good enough reason to eschew empathy.)
Nov 7, 2017 04:11
@PeteL.Clark "Regarding plagiarism: all I will say is that is a very inapt analogy." Strange you would say so. To be honest, I'm not seeing any aspect of the analogy that is not apt: we have unethical and unprofessional conduct (sexual harassing somebody/plagiarizing them). We have a low-probability but professionally devastating possibility of being falsely accused of that conduct. And a reasonable desire to learn best practices for avoiding such false accusations.
Nov 2, 2017 04:48
Imagine someone asking, "what steps should I take to protect myself against allegations of plagiarism from authors of concurrent work?" And someone answered, "most of all, being fearful of being falsely accused of plagiarism suggests a certain lack of empathy with victims of plagiarism..." Ridiculous.
Nov 2, 2017 04:38
"Most of all, being fearful of being falsely accused of sexual harassment suggests a certain lack of empathy with your female students." No, no, no. -1. It is never a bad idea to think carefully about your legal liabilities and how to best protect yourself from them. And suggesting that anything more than a cavalier attitude towards allegations of sexual harassment is unenlightened/sexist is extremely unhelpful.
Nov 3, 2017 22:04
@casey it’s an assertion that’s extremely easy to research for yourself:
Nov 3, 2017 22:04
@MartinBonner et al: I find it bizarre that people jump to the conclusion that this is a gender issue when there was nothing suggesting anything of the sort in the OP. Yes, it is inappropriate for the woman employee to be fetching the boss's coffee, but (1) where in the world do people see coffee in the OP(??) and (2) the OP never suggested anywhere in the question that she was being singled out for the admin work because of her gender.

 2017 Mathematics Moderator Election C

This is a place to ask questions of potential candidates, or t...
Oct 3, 2017 14:28
Oct 3, 2017 14:25
is there an explanation somewhere of how the "candidate score" is tabulated?

 The Blog Room

For discussions about our community blog:
Dec 17, 2014 03:33
noob question: how do I log in/comment on a blog post?
Dec 10, 2014 23:13
@Behaviour eh. I'll think about it in the unfortunate case that there still isn't a good selection of more qualified nominees in a few days.