Game Development

Game development and other polite discussion. Game development...
Aug 5, 2018 12:08
It's really the same thing as several raycasts, just a lot easier to calculate.
Aug 5, 2018 12:08
The kind I described above, with a mapping to a radial map and then a flood to figure out what's blocked.
Aug 5, 2018 12:07
The propagation seems like it could be hard to do, though
Aug 5, 2018 12:01
The issue then is a moving lightsource.
Aug 5, 2018 12:01
You might also be able to do a mostly baked lighting- cache it and only update if a tile has been changed.
Aug 5, 2018 11:55
I see. Can you increase the brightness of a tile to turn it into a lamp of sorts?
Aug 5, 2018 11:43
When it hits something that filters the light, continue flooding with that filter to the rest of the column
Aug 5, 2018 11:42
Then, fill from the top
Aug 5, 2018 11:42
(so that the top is the closest to the light source)
Aug 5, 2018 11:42
Then, map that from Cartesian to Polar coordinates
Aug 5, 2018 11:42
For each lightsource, render everything it might hit to an occlusion map
Aug 5, 2018 11:41
So you might be able to do that with what I had in mind
Aug 5, 2018 11:40
At some point I might come back to the 2D lighting engine I was trying to make.
Aug 5, 2018 11:38
(assuming you're using OpenGL)
Aug 5, 2018 11:38
@WilliamMariager This might help:
Aug 5, 2018 11:36
I seem to recall the ability to set two channels each for RGBA in OpenGL but I'd have to find where I saw that.
Aug 5, 2018 11:34
I think there are more available, yes.
Aug 5, 2018 11:26
Too often I see bloated structures where everything relates to everything else in this giant tree of inheritance.
Aug 5, 2018 11:25
I find that ECS itself is often not the right thing, but the reason for it over OOP is very valid. Subdividing classes into more modular components is important.
Aug 5, 2018 11:08
There have been times when I've had the drive to do /something/, but without a target for that.
Aug 5, 2018 11:08
I know that feeling
Aug 5, 2018 08:34
I'm stuck in a loop of "this is definitely the project I'm going to be able to focus on for a long time and maybe even finish at some point" and "ooh, this would be a cool idea for a new project!"
Aug 5, 2018 08:33
I know that feeling.
Aug 3, 2018 14:13
To parse what he said: you go 'join my server' but don't actually tell us anything about that server.
Aug 3, 2018 14:06
Same. I don't use Discord normally.
Aug 3, 2018 14:03
It's another to show the player "this is the sort of change increasing your strength will have" by demonstrating a high strength vs. a low strength.
Aug 3, 2018 14:01
It's one thing to say "Strength makes you do more damage".
Aug 3, 2018 14:01
Something I just thought of about character generation in RPGs: Presenting players with skills without demonstrating what those skills do is pretty bad design.
Aug 3, 2018 07:57
But Unity doesn't play nice with that in the inspector.
Aug 3, 2018 07:56
The easy way to do this would seem to be a dictionary with strings as the keys and GameObjects as the values.
Aug 3, 2018 07:56
And also not have it be as bad as doing an instantiation from a non-loaded prefab (one that's not referenced in any script).
Aug 3, 2018 07:55
I want to be able to instantiate prefabs via a lookup from a string.
Aug 3, 2018 07:55
I'm having a bit of a conundrum:
Aug 2, 2018 15:21
So everything has a "use with" function, but only the Key will check if the target is a door and if it is, will open the door.
Aug 2, 2018 15:20
I feel like your best bet would be interfaces rather than classes. You can mix those, but the key here is ensuring that your components have a definition for things even if that definition is defined as "do nothing".
Aug 2, 2018 15:19
@Jimmy What you'd probably then want is an "on hit" object that is called whenever the weapon deals damage. Most might have an empty class for that but the ones that set things on fire have an object that applies the "on fire" status to what was hit.
Aug 2, 2018 15:17
Or, you use a long list of flags a given item has.
Aug 2, 2018 15:17
@genaray Then at the very least you'll need a different class for each.
Aug 2, 2018 15:16
If the only difference between skeleton and stronger skeleton is the values of their stats, why not just have different values for stats?
Aug 2, 2018 15:13
@genaray How are you going to make different functionalities without different classes?
Aug 2, 2018 14:40
@doppelgreener -_-
Aug 2, 2018 14:37
Good. It's been way too humid.
Aug 1, 2018 16:35
Hey, I too am lazy and wanted a fast solution.
Aug 1, 2018 16:28
Aug 1, 2018 16:26
Is this server-client based or peer-to-peer (I don't know but this will help find one)
Aug 1, 2018 13:17
Aug 1, 2018 13:17
Aug 1, 2018 13:17
Aug 1, 2018 12:03
There's something to be said for knowing EXACTLY what your language will and won't do. So you know that if you're shooting yourself in the foot, you know exactly how and why.
Aug 1, 2018 12:01
*would be relevant to me