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Arqade ruins SE
The Bridge
General Arqade Chat. We tried to leave once, but the door lock...
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:16
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:16
I belong at work I'm supposed to have fixed our returnPage vulnerabilities ages ago
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:15
you can keep it
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:15
thats the attitude you want here
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:15
jumping on me cuz i made a typo
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:15
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:15
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:15
just my opinion, but you guys lost someone becuae of it
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:14
@most others, too quick on the "close quesiton" gun
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:14
@kalina you were alright too
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:14
@YiJiang'sEvilClone good luck in the military
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:13
sooo yeah, it was fun ya'll, i suppose
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:13
and I enjoy forums more
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:13
* thats right
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:13
@Ullallulloo acutally
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:12
I gave him my opinion as to why
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:12
and he said he was new
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:12
meh, he said he didn't understand why you guys are so upptiy about ITG
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:11
I dont have temper problems dude
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:11
because the OP came back and said "Ah yes, you are right, thats the game"
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:10
not true
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:09
it doesnt fit your faq
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:09
but whatever
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:09
and that benefits everyone
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:09
@Sconibulus because someone might be able to answer the question
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:08
that go to eta
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:08
becuase it's just the same people that close the quesitons in the first place
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:08
and dont tell em to go talk about it on the meta
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:08
Anyways, I am sincerely out. I've always had a problem with authority, and you guys just trigger-happy close anything that doesn't fit your precious FAQ, leaving no room for debate/change/ etc
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:05
you don't want to think
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:05
"The harm is that it's off-topic"
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:04
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:04
the guy had a screen. he had some (not much) research. What is the harm in letting people try to answer his question
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:03
@fbueckert you guys have a horde of followers that will just downvote the proposition
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:03
thought you had me ignored? ;) Either way, it wont get anywhere dude
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:02
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:02
there's moderation, and then there is just overt elitism
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:01
meh, I reached a tipping point
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:00
props on following me to fitness though guys, shows real class
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 16:00
@kalina yeppers! I can't even ragequit properly :(
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 15:57
Whats up?
Arqade ruins SE
May 9, 2013 15:57
Hey guys!
Marco Leblanc
May 9, 2013 14:25
for sure
Marco Leblanc
May 2, 2013 18:18
I'm going to go support that proposal now
Marco Leblanc
May 2, 2013 18:17
@OrigamiRobot you arent going to get anywhere just by blaming everyone else
Marco Leblanc
May 2, 2013 18:17
Probably because you aren't confident enough in something, either in your appearance or what you are going to say to them
Marco Leblanc
May 2, 2013 18:15
The average SE user could learn a bunch from an exchange like that
Marco Leblanc
May 2, 2013 18:14
@fbueckert OH NOES! I wouldnt want that!
Marco Leblanc
May 2, 2013 18:11
people will always shut down things they dont understand ....
Marco Leblanc
May 2, 2013 18:11
Hahaha I just saw what you are all up in arms about