'Switch hitter' concepts are specifically those built up & dedicated to a combination of ranged and melee weapon attacks and are notably different from just having a backup ranged or melee weapon in that resources are invested in both.
I'm trying to look into the origin of the concept of a 'switch hitter' as it applies to D20 and its legacy systems, and particularly how it became prevalent in the Pathfinder community. I am not attempting to ask for value judgements or advice on how to create one
(This incidentally is the crux of the "this is bad for Hell" plot hook; Athasians that survive long enough to be adults have the psionic acumen and combat experience to throw down with Outsiders)
One of these days I'ma run the home campaign I've always wanted to run, where a portal to the Nine Hells opens on Athas and this turns out to be a serious problem...for Hell.
@BESW I don't suppose you have such a thing as a page reference for the flagrant river & horses 'cause the guy I'm talkin' with seems to think it's a hidden underground stream treated as the wonder it ought to be
Unfortunately while I can give you reading feedback on ya game my complete lack of a vehicle and thus access to players means that if I do play it it's because I'm drunk enough that the slowly-swelling collection of stuffed dolls in my home has started to talk to me.
I have begun the ritual Extended Scream of Soul-Shredding Terror which is the right and proper reaction of all authors to the public exposure of their work
What is the name of the Dark Sun adventure in 4e that was clearly written by someone with no idea about Dark Sun? It featured a river, horses, and other blatant gaps in the implementation of the setting. You have spoken of it before
@nitsua60 there's also the related but separate case of wanting to do something in a system or game, but having no idea how or where to start. One of my higher-rated questions - How Can I Play An Artificer Predictively? - is like that